{ "DESCRIPTION": "Attempts to rob a user", "USAGE": "[@user] [amount]", "EXAMPLES": "rob user:@jonny_bro amount:100", "BOT_USER": "You cannot rob a bot", "YOURSELF": "You cannot rob yourself", "NOT_ENOUGH_AUTHOR": "You must have at least {{moneyMin}} to rob this user (you currently have {{moneyCurrent}})", "NOT_ENOUGH_MEMBER": "You cannot rob {{user}} because they don't have that many credits", "COOLDOWN": "🕵️ {{user}} is under protection... Try again later", "ROB_WON_1": "🎉 | Congratulations! The police couldn't stop you, so you successfully stole {{money}} from {{user}}", "ROB_WON_2": "🎉 | You have robbed {{user}} of {{money}}", "ROB_LOSE_1": "🚔 | The police caught you. Now you have to pay a fine of {{fine}}. {{offset}} will be paid to {{user}}", "ROB_LOSE_2": "🚓 | Bad news... {{user}} called the police in time. You have to pay a fine of {{fine}} and {{offset}} will be paid to {{user}}" }