const { Client, Collection, SlashCommandBuilder, ContextMenuCommandBuilder } = require("discord.js"), { Player } = require("discord-player"), { GiveawaysManager } = require("discord-giveaways"), { REST } = require("@discordjs/rest"), { Routes } = require("discord-api-types/v10"); const BaseEvent = require("./BaseEvent.js"), BaseCommand = require("./BaseCommand.js"), path = require("path"), fs = require("fs").promises, mongoose = require("mongoose"); class JaBa extends Client { constructor(options) { super(options); this.config = require("../config"); this.customEmojis = require("../emojis"); this.languages = require("../languages/language-meta"); this.commands = new Collection(); this.logger = require("../helpers/logger"); this.wait = require("node:timers/promises").setTimeout; this.functions = require("../helpers/functions"); this.guildsData = require("../base/Guild"); this.usersData = require("../base/User"); this.membersData = require("../base/Member"); this.dashboard = require("../dashboard/dashboard"); this.states = {}; this.knownGuilds = []; this.databaseCache = {}; this.databaseCache.users = new Collection(); this.databaseCache.guilds = new Collection(); this.databaseCache.members = new Collection(); this.databaseCache.usersReminds = new Collection(); this.player = new Player(this); this.player.extractors.loadDefault();"playerStart", async (queue, track) => { const m = (await{ content: this.translate("music/play:NOW_PLAYING", { songName: track.title },, })).id; if (track.durationMS > 1) setTimeout(() => { const message =; if (message.deletable) message.delete(); }, track.durationMS); else setTimeout(() => { const message =; if (message.deletable) message.delete(); }, 5 * 60 * 1000); // m * s * ms });"emptyQueue", queue =>"music/play:QUEUE_ENDED", null,;"emptyChannel", queue =>"music/play:STOP_EMPTY", null,;"playerError", (queue, e) => {{ content: this.translate("music/play:ERR_OCCURRED", { error: e.message }, }); console.log(e); });"error", (queue, e) => {{ content: this.translate("music/play:ERR_OCCURRED", { error: e.message }, }); console.log(e); }); this.giveawaysManager = new GiveawaysManager(this, { storage: "./giveaways.json", default: { botsCanWin: false, embedColor: this.config.embed.color, embedColorEnd: "#FF0000", reaction: "🎉", }, }); } /** * Login into account and connect to DB */ async init() { this.login(this.config.token); mongoose .connect(this.config.mongoDB) .then(() => { this.logger.log("Connected to the Mongodb database.", "log"); }) .catch(err => { this.logger.log(`Unable to connect to the Mongodb database.\nError: ${err}`, "error"); }); await this.player.extractors.loadDefault(); // const autoUpdateDocs = require("../helpers/autoUpdateDocs"); // autoUpdateDocs.update(this); } /** * Loads commands from directory * @param {String} dir Directory where's all commands located * @returns */ async loadCommands(dir) { const rest = new REST().setToken(this.config.token), filePath = path.join(__dirname, dir), folders = (await fs.readdir(filePath)).map(file => path.join(filePath, file)).filter(async path => (await fs.lstat(path)).isDirectory()); const commands = []; for (let index = 0; index < folders.length; index++) { const folder = folders[index]; if (folder.endsWith("!DISABLED")) continue; const files = await fs.readdir(folder); for (let index = 0; index < files.length; index++) { const file = files[index]; if (file.endsWith(".js")) { const Command = require(path.join(folder, file)); if (Command.prototype instanceof BaseCommand) { const command = new Command(this); this.commands.set(, command); const aliases = []; if (command.aliases && Array.isArray(command.aliases) && command.aliases.length > 0) command.aliases.forEach(alias => { const command_alias = command.command instanceof SlashCommandBuilder || command.command instanceof ContextMenuCommandBuilder ? { ...command.command.toJSON() } : { ...command.command }; = alias; aliases.push(command_alias); this.commands.set(alias, command); }); commands.push(command.command instanceof SlashCommandBuilder || command.command instanceof ContextMenuCommandBuilder ? command.command.toJSON() : command.command, ...aliases); if (command.onLoad || typeof command.onLoad === "function") await command.onLoad(this); this.logger.log(`Successfully loaded "${file}" command file. (Command: ${})`); } } } } try { if (this.config.production) await rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(this.config.userId), { body: commands, }); else await rest.put(Routes.applicationGuildCommands(this.config.userId,, { body: commands, }); this.logger.log("Successfully registered application commands."); } catch (err) { this.logger.log("Cannot load commands: " + err.message, "error"); } } /** * Loads single command in directory * @param {String} dir Directory where command is * @param {String} file Filename of the command */ async loadCommand(dir, file) { const Command = require(path.join(dir, `${file}.js`)); if (Command.prototype instanceof BaseCommand) { const command = new Command(this); this.commands.set(, command); const aliases = []; if (command.aliases && Array.isArray(command.aliases) && command.aliases.length > 0) command.aliases.forEach(alias => { const command_alias = command.command instanceof SlashCommandBuilder ? { ...command.command.toJSON() } : { ...command.command }; = alias; aliases.push(command_alias); this.commands.set(alias, command); }); if (command.onLoad || typeof command.onLoad === "function") await command.onLoad(this); this.logger.log(`Successfully loaded "${file}" command file. (Command: ${})`); return; } } /** * Unloads command from cache * @param {String} dir Directory of the command * @param {String} name Name of the command */ async unloadCommand(dir, name) { delete require.cache[require.resolve(`${dir}${path.sep}${name}.js`)]; return; } /** * Loads events from directory * @param {String} dir Directory where's all events located * @returns */ async loadEvents(dir) { const filePath = path.join(__dirname, dir); const files = await fs.readdir(filePath); for (let index = 0; index < files.length; index++) { const file = files[index]; const stat = await fs.lstat(path.join(filePath, file)); if (stat.isDirectory()) this.loadEvents(path.join(dir, file)); if (file.endsWith(".js")) { const Event = require(path.join(filePath, file)); if (Event.prototype instanceof BaseEvent) { const event = new Event(); if (! || ! return console.error(`Cannot load "${file}" event file: Event name is not set!`); if (event.once) this.once(, event.execute.bind(event, this)); else this.on(, event.execute.bind(event, this)); this.logger.log(`Successfully loaded "${file}" event file. (Event: ${})`); } } } } /** * @returns {String} Bot's default language */ get defaultLanguage() { return this.languages.find(language => language.default).name; } /** * Translates from a key to language * @param {String} key Key * @param {Array} args Arguments for translation * @param {String} locale Language */ translate(key, args, locale = this.defaultLanguage) { const lang = this.translations.get(locale); return lang(key, args); } /** * Finds or creates user in DB * @param {String} userID User ID * @returns {import("./User")} Mongoose model */ async findOrCreateUser(userID) { if (this.databaseCache.users.get(userID)) return this.databaseCache.users.get(userID); else { let userData = await this.usersData.findOne({ id: userID }); if (userData) { this.databaseCache.users.set(userID, userData); return userData; } else { userData = new this.usersData({ id: userID }); await; this.databaseCache.users.set(userID, userData); return userData; } } } /** * Finds or creates member in DB * @param {Array} { id: Member ID, Guild ID } * @returns {import("./Member")} Mongoose model */ async findOrCreateMember({ id: memberID, guildId }) { let memberData = await this.membersData.findOne({ guildID: guildId, id: memberID }); if (memberData) { this.databaseCache.members.set(`${memberID}${guildId}`, memberData); return memberData; } else { memberData = new this.membersData({ id: memberID, guildID: guildId }); await; const guildData = await this.findOrCreateGuild(guildId); if (guildData) { guildData.members.push(memberData._id); await; } this.databaseCache.members.set(`${memberID}${guildId}`, memberData); return memberData; } } /** * Finds or creates guild in DB * @param {String} guildId Guild ID * @returns {import("./Guild")} Mongoose model */ async findOrCreateGuild(guildId) { let guildData = await this.guildsData.findOne({ id: guildId }).populate("members"); if (guildData) { this.databaseCache.guilds.set(guildId, guildData); return guildData; } else { guildData = new this.guildsData({ id: guildId }); await; this.databaseCache.guilds.set(guildId, guildData); return guildData; } } } module.exports = JaBa;