const mongoose = require("mongoose"),
	Schema = mongoose.Schema,
	config = require("../config.js"),
	languages = require("../languages/language-meta.json");

module.exports = mongoose.model("Guild", new Schema({
	id: { type: String }, // Discord ID of the guild

	membersData: { type: Object, default: {} }, // Members data of the guild
	members: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Member" }],

	language: { type: String, default: languages.find((l) => l.default).name }, // Language of the guild
	prefix: { type: String, default: config.prefix }, // Default or custom prefix of the guild
	plugins: { type: Object, default: { // Plugins data
		// Welcome messages
		welcome: {
			enabled: false, // Whether the welcome messages are enabled
			message: null, // The welcome message
			channel: null, // The channel to send the welcome messages
			withImage: null // Whether the welcome images are enabled
		// Goodbye messages
		goodbye: {
			enabled: false, // Whether the goodbye messages are enabled
			message: null, // The goodbye message
			channel: null, // The channel to send the goodbye messages
			withImage: null // Whether the goodbye images are enabled
		// Autorole
		autorole: {
			enabled: false, // Whether the autorole is enabled
			role: null // The role to add when a member join the server
		// Auto moderation
		automod: {
			enabled: false, // Whether the auto moderation is enabled
			ignored: [] // The channels in which the auto moderation is disabled
		// Auto sanctions
		warnsSanctions: {
			kick: false, // The number of warns required to kick the user
			ban: false // The number of warns required to ban the user
		// Tickets
		tickets: {
			enabled: false, // Whether the tickets system is enabled
			category: null // The category for the tickets system
		suggestions: false, // the channel in which the suggestions will be sent
		modlogs: false, // the channel in which the moderation logs (mute, kick, ban, etc...) will be sent
		reports: false, // the channel in which the reports will be sent
		fortniteshop: false, // the channel in which the fortnite shop image will be sent at 2.05am
		logs: false // the channel in which the logs (message deleted, etc...) will be sent
	slowmode: { type: Object, default: { // Servers slowmode
		users: [],
		channels: []
	casesCount: { type: Number, default: 0 },
	ignoredChannels: { type: Array, default: [] }, // Channels ignored by the bot
	customCommands: { type: Array, default: [] }, // Custom commands of the guild
	commands: { type: Array, default: [] }, // Commands logs
	autoDeleteModCommands: { type: Boolean, default: false }, // Whether to auto delete moderation commands
	disabledCategories: { type: Array, default: [] } // Disabled categories