2023-06-06 22:48:46 +05:00

35 lines
1.4 KiB

"AUTOROLE_CONF": "🎖️ Autorole Configuration",
"BASIC_CONF": "📝 Basic Settings",
"BIRTHDAYS": "Birthday Greetings",
"CAN_USE": "Can use",
"CHANNELS_CONF": "🌀 Special Channels",
"COOLDOWNS": "Cooldowns",
"ERR_OCCURRED": "Oops! Something went wrong.",
"ERR_OCCURRED_CONTENT": "I will try to fix it as soon as possible (you can report the issue to the owner). In the meantime, you can go back to the control panel.",
"FIRST_LOGIN": "{{user}} has logged into the control panel for the first time! :tada:",
"GOODBYE_CONF": "😢 Goodbye Message",
"GOODBYE_IMG": "😢 Include Card",
"MANAGE": "Manage",
"MODLOGS": "Moderation Logs",
"NEWS": "Bot News",
"NOT_FOUND": "Oops! Page not found.",
"NOT_FOUND_CONTENT": "I couldn't find what you were looking for. In the meantime, you can go back to the control panel.",
"NO_CHANNEL": "No channel selected",
"NO_DEFENCE": "You are defenseless",
"NO_SERVER": "Server not found",
"NO_SERVER_CONTENT": "Nothing to display. Make sure you are logged in with the correct account and try again.",
"REP": "Rep Command",
"REPORTS": "Reports",
"ROB": "Rob Protection",
"SEARCH": "Search across servers...",
"SELECTOR": "Server Selector",
"SERVERS_LIST": "Server List",
"SERVERS_MANAGEMENT": "Server Management",
"SUGGESTIONS": "Suggestions",
"TOP_CREDITS": "Top Credits",
"TOP_LEVEL": "Top Level",
"WELCOME_CONF": "👋 Welcome Message",
"WELCOME_IMG": "👋 Include Card",
"WORK": "Work Salary"