mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 05:59:38 +05:00
Fixed mirrors crash
Mirrors depth fix & bumped quality Fixed MSAA options Fixed car collisions Lens flare for other EXEs
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 356 additions and 12 deletions
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ static void* varRtPNGImageRead = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7CF9B0, 0x7D02B0, 0x8
WRAPPER RwImage* RtPNGImageRead(const RwChar* imageName) { WRAPARG(imageName); VARJMP(varRtPNGImageRead); }
static void* varRwTextureCreate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F37C0, 0x7F40C0, 0x82D780);
WRAPPER RwTexture* RwTextureCreate(RwRaster* raster) { WRAPARG(raster); VARJMP(varRwTextureCreate); }
static void* varRwRasterCreate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FB230, 0x7FBB30, 0x8351F0);
static void* varRwRasterCreate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FB230, 0x7FBB30, 0x8351F0, 0x82FA80, 0x82F950);
WRAPPER RwRaster* RwRasterCreate(RwInt32 width, RwInt32 height, RwInt32 depth, RwInt32 flags) { WRAPARG(width); WRAPARG(height); WRAPARG(depth); WRAPARG(flags); VARJMP(varRwRasterCreate); }
static void* varRwImageDestroy = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x802740, 0x803040, 0x83C700);
WRAPPER RwBool RwImageDestroy(RwImage* image) { WRAPARG(image); VARJMP(varRwImageDestroy); }
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ static void (*sub_5DA6A0)(void*, void*, void*, void*);
// SA variables
void** rwengine = *AddressByVersion<void***>(0x58FFC0, 0x53F032, 0x48C194);
void** rwengine = *AddressByVersion<void***>(0x58FFC0, 0x53F032, 0x48C194, 0x48B167, 0x48B167);
RwInt32& ms_extraVertColourPluginOffset = **AddressByVersion<int**>(0x5D6362, 0x5D6B42, 0x5F2B65);
unsigned char& nGameClockDays = **AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x4E841D, 0x4E886D, 0x4F3871);
@ -733,20 +733,80 @@ int Int32Rand()
return generator() & 0x7FFFFFFF;
void (*FlushSpriteBuffer)() = AddressByVersion<void(*)()>(0x70CF20, 0, 0);
void (*FlushSpriteBuffer)() = AddressByVersion<void(*)()>(0x70CF20, 0x70D750, 0x7591E0, 0x753AE0, 0x753A00);
void FlushLensSwitchZ( RwRenderState rwa, void* rwb )
RwRenderStateSet( rwa, rwb );
void (*InitSpriteBuffer2D)() = AddressByVersion<void(*)()>(0x70CFD0, 0, 0);
void (*InitSpriteBuffer2D)() = AddressByVersion<void(*)()>(0x70CFD0, 0x70D800, 0x759290, 0x753B90, 0x753AB0);
void InitBufferSwitchZ( RwRenderState rwa, void* rwb )
RwRenderStateSet( rwa, rwb );
static void* const g_fx = *AddressByVersion<void**>(0x4A9649, 0x4AA4EF, 0x4B2BB9, 0x4B0BE4, 0x4B0BC4);
DWORD* msaaValues = *AddressByVersion<DWORD**>(0x4CCBC5, 0x4CCDB5, 0x4D7462, 0x4D6CE5, 0x4D6CB5);
RwRaster*& pMirrorBuffer = **AddressByVersion<RwRaster***>(0x723001, 0x723831, 0x754971, 0x74F3E1, 0x74F311);
RwRaster*& pMirrorZBuffer = **AddressByVersion<RwRaster***>(0x72301C, 0x72384C, 0x75498C, 0x74F3FC, 0x74F32C);
void CreateMirrorBuffers()
if ( pMirrorBuffer == nullptr )
DWORD oldMsaa[2] = { msaaValues[0], msaaValues[1] };
msaaValues[0] = msaaValues[1] = 0;
DWORD quality = *(DWORD*)((BYTE*)g_fx + 0x54);
if ( quality >= 3 ) // Very High
pMirrorBuffer = RwRasterCreate( 2048, 1024, 0, rwRASTERTYPECAMERATEXTURE );
pMirrorZBuffer = RwRasterCreate( 2048, 1024, 0, rwRASTERTYPEZBUFFER );
else if ( quality >= 1 ) // Medium
pMirrorBuffer = RwRasterCreate( 1024, 512, 0, rwRASTERTYPECAMERATEXTURE );
pMirrorZBuffer = RwRasterCreate( 1024, 512, 0, rwRASTERTYPEZBUFFER );
pMirrorBuffer = RwRasterCreate( 512, 256, 0, rwRASTERTYPECAMERATEXTURE );
pMirrorZBuffer = RwRasterCreate( 512, 256, 0, rwRASTERTYPEZBUFFER );
msaaValues[0] = oldMsaa[0];
msaaValues[1] = oldMsaa[1];
RwUInt32 (*orgGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels)();
RwUInt32 GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels()
RwUInt32 maxSamples = orgGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels();
RwUInt32 option;
_BitScanForward( (DWORD*)&option, maxSamples );
return option + 1;
static void (*orgChangeMultiSamplingLevels)(RwUInt32);
void ChangeMultiSamplingLevels( RwUInt32 level )
orgChangeMultiSamplingLevels( 1 << (level - 1) );
static void (*orgSetMultiSamplingLevels)(RwUInt32);
void SetMultiSamplingLevels( RwUInt32 level )
orgSetMultiSamplingLevels( 1 << (level - 1) );
void MSAAText( char* buffer, const char*, DWORD level )
sprintf( buffer, "%ux", 1 << level );
#include <xnamath.h>
@ -1698,7 +1758,6 @@ NoFPSLimit_Skip:
static void* const g_fx = *AddressByVersion<void**>(0x4A9649, 0x4AA4EF, 0x4B2BB9);
void __declspec(naked) GetMaxExtraDirectionals()
@ -1720,6 +1779,63 @@ GetMaxExtraDirectionals_Six:
void _declspec(naked) FixedCarDamage()
fcomp [esp+20h+10h]
fnstsw ax
test ah, 5
jp FixedCarDamage_Negative
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+21h]
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+24h]
void _declspec(naked) FixedCarDamage_Steam()
fcomp [esp+20h+10h]
fnstsw ax
test ah, 5
jp FixedCarDamage_Negative
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+21h]
test ecx, ecx
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+24h]
test ecx, ecx
void _declspec(naked) FixedCarDamage_Newsteam()
mov edi, [ebp+10h]
fcomp [ebp+14h]
fnstsw ax
test ah, 5
jp FixedCarDamage_Negative
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+21h]
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+24h]
static const float fSteamSubtitleSizeX = 0.45f;
static const float fSteamSubtitleSizeY = 0.9f;
@ -2650,7 +2766,6 @@ void Patch_SA_10()
Patch(0x6FB478, &FlushLensSwitchZ);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FB480, 0xD1FF);
Nop(0x6FB482, 1);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FB621, 0xC3);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FAF28, 0xB990);
Patch(0x6FAF2A, &InitBufferSwitchZ);
@ -2671,6 +2786,42 @@ void Patch_SA_10()
Patch<WORD>(0x510512, 0xE990);
InjectHook(0x524071, 0x524139, PATCH_JUMP);
// Fixed mirrors crash
Patch<uint64_t>(0x7271CB, 0xC604C4833474C085);
// Mirrors depth fix & bumped quality
InjectHook(0x72701D, CreateMirrorBuffers);
// Fixed MSAA options
Patch<BYTE>(0x57D126, 0xEB);
Nop(0x57D0E8, 2);
Patch<BYTE>(AddressByRegion_10<BYTE*>(0x7F6C9B), 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(AddressByRegion_10<BYTE*>(0x7F60C6), 0xEB);
Patch<WORD>(AddressByRegion_10<BYTE*>(0x7F6683), 0xE990);
int pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels = 0x57D136;
orgGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels = (RwUInt32(*)())(*(int*)(pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x57D136, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x57D0EA, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
int pChangeMultiSamplingLevels = 0x5744FD;
orgChangeMultiSamplingLevels = (void(*)(RwUInt32))(*(int*)(pChangeMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pChangeMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x5744FD, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x57D162, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x57D2A6, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
int pSetMultiSamplingLevels = 0x746350;
orgSetMultiSamplingLevels = (void(*)(RwUInt32))(*(int*)(pSetMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pSetMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x746350, SetMultiSamplingLevels);
Nop(0x57A0FC, 1);
InjectHook(0x57A0FD, MSAAText, PATCH_CALL);
// Fixed car collisions - car you're hitting gets proper damage now
InjectHook(0x5428EA, FixedCarDamage, PATCH_CALL);
// Fixed police scanner names
char* pScannerNames = *(char**)0x4E72D4;
strcpy(pScannerNames + (8*113), "WESTP");
@ -2758,9 +2909,6 @@ void Patch_SA_11()
// PS2 SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
static const float fSunMult = (1050.0f * 0.95f) / 1500.0f;
Nop(0x6FBB46, 3);
Nop(0x6FBCB0, 3);
Nop(0x6FB9AC, 3);
Patch<const void*>(0x6FCDE0, &fSunMult);
@ -2936,6 +3084,23 @@ void Patch_SA_11()
// Game seems to assume they can show together
Nop(0x58C25F, 6);
// Fixed lens flare
Patch<DWORD>(0x70FC8A, 0);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FBE51, 0xC3);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FBE30, 0x21);
InjectHook(0x6FBE52, 0x70D750, PATCH_CALL);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FBE57, 0xDCEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FBCA6, 0xB990);
Patch(0x6FBCA8, &FlushLensSwitchZ);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FBCB0, 0xD1FF);
Nop(0x6FBCB2, 1);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FB758, 0xB990);
Patch(0x6FB75A, &InitBufferSwitchZ);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FB762, 0xD1FF);
Nop(0x6FB764, 1);
// Y axis sensitivity fix
float* sens = *(float**)0x50F4DC;
Patch<const void*>(0x50F4E6 + 0x2, sens);
@ -2949,6 +3114,41 @@ void Patch_SA_11()
Patch<WORD>(0x5109B2, 0xE990);
InjectHook(0x524511, 0x5245D9, PATCH_JUMP);
// Fixed mirrors crash
Patch<uint64_t>(0x7279FB, 0xC604C4833474C085);
// Mirrors depth fix & bumped quality
InjectHook(0x72784D, CreateMirrorBuffers);
// Fixed MSAA options
Patch<BYTE>(0x57D906, 0xEB);
Nop(0x57D8C8, 2);
Patch<BYTE>(AddressByRegion_11<BYTE*>(0x7F759B), 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(AddressByRegion_11<BYTE*>(0x7F69C6), 0xEB);
Patch<WORD>(AddressByRegion_11<BYTE*>(0x7F6F83), 0xE990);
int pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels = 0x57D916;
orgGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels = (RwUInt32(*)())(*(int*)(pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x57D916, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x57D8CA, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
int pChangeMultiSamplingLevels = 0x574A6D;
orgChangeMultiSamplingLevels = (void(*)(RwUInt32))(*(int*)(pChangeMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pChangeMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x574A6D, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x57D942, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x57DA86, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
int pSetMultiSamplingLevels = 0x746BD0;
orgSetMultiSamplingLevels = (void(*)(RwUInt32))(*(int*)(pSetMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pSetMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x746BD0, SetMultiSamplingLevels);
Nop(0x57A66C, 1);
InjectHook(0x57A66D, MSAAText, PATCH_CALL);
// Fixed car collisions - car you're hitting gets proper damage now
InjectHook(0x542D8A, FixedCarDamage, PATCH_CALL);
// Fixed police scanner names
char* pScannerNames = *(char**)0x4E7714;
strcpy(pScannerNames + (8*113), "WESTP");
@ -3046,9 +3246,6 @@ void Patch_SA_Steam()
// PS2 SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
static const double dSunMult = (1050.0 * 0.95) / 1500.0;
Nop(0x73387E, 2);
Nop(0x733A67, 2);
Nop(0x73362F, 2);
Patch<const void*>(0x734DF0, &dSunMult);
@ -3193,6 +3390,19 @@ void Patch_SA_Steam()
// Game seems to assume they can show together
Nop(0x599CD3, 6);
// Fixed lens flare
Nop(0x733C65, 5);
Patch<BYTE>(0x733C4E, 0x26);
InjectHook(0x733C75, 0x7591E0, PATCH_CALL);
Patch<WORD>(0x733C7A, 0xDBEB);
Nop(0x733A5A, 4);
Patch<BYTE>(0x733A5E, 0xB8);
Patch(0x733A5F, &FlushLensSwitchZ);
Patch<DWORD>(0x7333B0, 0xB9909090);
Patch(0x7333B4, &InitBufferSwitchZ);
// Y axis sensitivity fix
float* sens = *(float**)0x51D4FA;
Patch<const void*>(0x51D508 + 0x2, sens);
@ -3206,6 +3416,42 @@ void Patch_SA_Steam()
Patch<WORD>(0x51ED38, 0xE990);
InjectHook(0x534D3E, 0x534DF7, PATCH_JUMP);
// Fixed mirrors crash
Patch<uint64_t>(0x75903A, 0xC604C4833474C085);
// Mirrors depth fix & bumped quality
InjectHook(0x758E91, CreateMirrorBuffers);
// Fixed MSAA options
Patch<BYTE>(0x592BBB, 0xEB);
Nop(0x592B7F, 2);
Patch<BYTE>(0x830C5B, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x830086, 0xEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x830643, 0xE990);
int pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels = 0x592BCF;
orgGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels = (RwUInt32(*)())(*(int*)(pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x592BCF, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x592B81, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
int pChangeMultiSamplingLevels = 0x5897CD;
orgChangeMultiSamplingLevels = (void(*)(RwUInt32))(*(int*)(pChangeMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pChangeMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x5897CD, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x592BFB, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x592D2E, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
int pSetMultiSamplingLevels = 0x780206;
orgSetMultiSamplingLevels = (void(*)(RwUInt32))(*(int*)(pSetMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pSetMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x780206, SetMultiSamplingLevels);
Patch<WORD>(0x58F88C, 0xBA90);
Patch(0x58F88E, MSAAText);
// Fixed car collisions - car you're hitting gets proper damage now
Nop(0x555AB8, 2);
InjectHook(0x555AC0, FixedCarDamage_Steam, PATCH_CALL);
// Fixed police scanner names
char* pScannerNames = *(char**)0x4F2B83;
strcpy(pScannerNames + (8*113), "WESTP");
@ -3376,6 +3622,19 @@ void Patch_SA_NewSteam_r2()
// Game seems to assume they can show together
Nop(0x597EEA, 6);
// Fixed lens flare
Nop(0x7300F8, 5);
Patch<BYTE>(0x7300E3, 0x20);
InjectHook(0x730104, DynBaseAddress(0x753AE0), PATCH_CALL);
Patch<WORD>(0x730109, 0xE1EB);
Nop(0x72FF17, 4);
Patch<BYTE>(0x72FF1B, 0xB8);
Patch(0x72FF1C, &FlushLensSwitchZ);
Patch<DWORD>(0x72F91D, 0xB9909090);
Patch(0x72F921, &InitBufferSwitchZ);
// Y axis sensitivity fix
float* sens = *(float**)DynBaseAddress(0x51B987);
Patch<const void*>(0x51B993 + 0x2, sens);
@ -3389,6 +3648,42 @@ void Patch_SA_NewSteam_r2()
Patch<WORD>(0x51D053, 0xE990);
InjectHook(0x531BBE, DynBaseAddress(0x531C6F), PATCH_JUMP);
// Fixed mirrors crash
Patch<uint64_t>(0x753941, 0xC604C4832F74C085);
// Mirrors depth fix & bumped quality
InjectHook(0x7537A0, CreateMirrorBuffers);
// Fixed MSAA options
Patch<BYTE>(0x590F77, 0xEB);
Nop(0x590F34, 2);
Patch<BYTE>(0x82B4EB, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x82A916, 0xEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x82AED3, 0xE990);
int pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels = DynBaseAddress(0x590F8B);
orgGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels = (RwUInt32(*)())(*(int*)(pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x590F8B, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x590F36, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
int pChangeMultiSamplingLevels = DynBaseAddress(0x5881C0);
orgChangeMultiSamplingLevels = (void(*)(RwUInt32))(*(int*)(pChangeMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pChangeMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x5881C0, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x590FBB, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x591111, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
int pSetMultiSamplingLevels = DynBaseAddress(0x77A40D);
orgSetMultiSamplingLevels = (void(*)(RwUInt32))(*(int*)(pSetMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pSetMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x77A40D, SetMultiSamplingLevels);
Patch<WORD>(0x58DDEF, 0xBA90);
Patch(0x58DDF1, MSAAText);
// Fixed car collisions - car you're hitting gets proper damage now
Nop(0x5538D0, 2);
InjectHook(0x5538D2, FixedCarDamage_Newsteam, PATCH_CALL);
// Proper aspect ratios
static const float f43 = 4.0f/3.0f, f54 = 5.0f/4.0f, f169 = 16.0f/9.0f;
Patch<const void*>(0x73424B, &f169);
@ -3464,6 +3759,19 @@ void Patch_SA_NewSteam_r2_lv()
// Game seems to assume they can show together
Nop(0x597E3A, 6);
// Fixed lens flare
Nop(0x72FFF8, 5);
Patch<BYTE>(0x72FFE3, 0x20);
InjectHook(0x730004, DynBaseAddress(0x753A00), PATCH_CALL);
Patch<WORD>(0x730009, 0xE1EB);
Nop(0x72FE17, 4);
Patch<BYTE>(0x72FE1B, 0xB8);
Patch(0x72FE1C, &FlushLensSwitchZ);
Patch<DWORD>(0x72F81D, 0xB9909090);
Patch(0x72F821, &InitBufferSwitchZ);
// Y axis sensitivity fix
float* sens = *(float**)DynBaseAddress(0x51B8D7);
Patch<const void*>(0x51B8E3 + 0x2, sens);
@ -3477,6 +3785,42 @@ void Patch_SA_NewSteam_r2_lv()
Patch<WORD>(0x51CFA3, 0xE990);
InjectHook(0x531B1E, DynBaseAddress(0x531BCF), PATCH_JUMP);
// Fixed mirrors crash
Patch<uint64_t>(0x753861, 0xC604C4832F74C085);
// Mirrors depth fix & bumped quality
InjectHook(0x7536C0, CreateMirrorBuffers);
// Fixed MSAA options
Patch<BYTE>(0x590EB7, 0xEB);
Nop(0x590E74, 2);
Patch<BYTE>(0x82B3BB, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x82A7E6, 0xEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x82ADA3, 0xE990);
int pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels = DynBaseAddress(0x590ECB);
orgGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels = (RwUInt32(*)())(*(int*)(pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x590ECB, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x590E76, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
int pChangeMultiSamplingLevels = DynBaseAddress(0x588100);
orgChangeMultiSamplingLevels = (void(*)(RwUInt32))(*(int*)(pChangeMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pChangeMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x588100, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x590EFB, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
InjectHook(0x591051, ChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
int pSetMultiSamplingLevels = DynBaseAddress(0x77A2FD);
orgSetMultiSamplingLevels = (void(*)(RwUInt32))(*(int*)(pSetMultiSamplingLevels+1) + pSetMultiSamplingLevels + 5);
InjectHook(0x77A2FD, SetMultiSamplingLevels);
Patch<WORD>(0x58DD2F, 0xBA90);
Patch(0x58DD31, MSAAText);
// Fixed car collisions - car you're hitting gets proper damage now
Nop(0x553800, 2);
InjectHook(0x553802, FixedCarDamage_Newsteam, PATCH_CALL);
// Proper aspect ratios
static const float f43 = 4.0f/3.0f, f54 = 5.0f/4.0f, f169 = 16.0f/9.0f;
Patch<const void*>(0x73414B, &f169);
Reference in a new issue