mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 10:42:17 +05:00
Steam support - more
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 253 additions and 29 deletions
@ -272,6 +272,9 @@ public:
inline const char* GetCustomCarPlateText()
{ return m_plateText[0] ? m_plateText : nullptr; }
inline void Shutdown_Stub()
{ CVehicleModelInfo::Shutdown(); }
virtual void Shutdown() override;
void FindEditableMaterialList();
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ static void* varRwD3D9CreateVertexShader = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FAC60, 0,
WRAPPER RwBool RwD3D9CreateVertexShader(const RwUInt32 *function, void **shader) { VARJMP(varRwD3D9CreateVertexShader); }
static void* varRwD3D9DeleteVertexShader = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FAC90, 0, 0x834C50);
WRAPPER void RwD3D9DeleteVertexShader(void *shader) { VARJMP(varRwD3D9DeleteVertexShader); }
static void* var_rwD3D9VSGetComposedTransformMatrix = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7646E0, 0, 0);
static void* var_rwD3D9VSGetComposedTransformMatrix = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7646E0, 0, 0x79E6A0);
WRAPPER void _rwD3D9VSGetComposedTransformMatrix(void *transformMatrix) { VARJMP(var_rwD3D9VSGetComposedTransformMatrix); }
static void* var_rwD3D9VSSetActiveWorldMatrix = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x764650, 0, 0);
static void* var_rwD3D9VSSetActiveWorldMatrix = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x764650, 0, 0x79E610);
WRAPPER void _rwD3D9VSSetActiveWorldMatrix(const RwMatrix *worldMatrix) { VARJMP(var_rwD3D9VSSetActiveWorldMatrix); }
static void* var_rwD3D9SetVertexShaderConstant = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FACA0, 0, 0x834C60);
WRAPPER void _rwD3D9SetVertexShaderConstant(RwUInt32 registerAddress,
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ void SetShader(RxD3D9InstanceData* pInstData)
static void* HijackAtomic_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D6480, 0, 0x5F6020);
static void* HijackAtomic_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D6480, 0, 0x5F2C80);
void __declspec(naked) HijackAtomic()
@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ void __declspec(naked) SetShader2()
static void* pJackedEsi;
static void* PassDayColoursToShader_NextIt = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D6382, 0, 0x5F2B81);
static void* PassDayColoursToShader_Return = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D63BD, 0, 0x5F2BB8);
static void* PassDayColoursToShader_Return = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D63BD, 0, 0x5F2BB4);
void __declspec(naked) HijackEsi()
@ -815,6 +815,74 @@ PassDayColoursToShader_Iterate:
void __declspec(naked) PassDayColoursToShader_Steam()
dec ebx
jz PassDayColoursToShader_FindDayColours
jmp PassDayColoursToShader_NextIt
xor eax, eax
cmp byte ptr [esp+eax*8+48h-28h+6], D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR
jnz PassDayColoursToShader_FindDayColours_Next
cmp byte ptr [esp+eax*8+48h-28h+7], 1
jz PassDayColoursToShader_DoDayColours
inc eax
jmp PassDayColoursToShader_FindDayColours_Loop
mov esi, pJackedEsi
mov edx, [ms_extraVertColourPluginOffset]
mov edx, dword ptr [edx]
mov edx, dword ptr [edx+esi+4]
mov edi, dword ptr [ebp+18h]
mov [esp+48h+0Ch], edx
mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+4]
lea eax, [esp+eax*8+48h-26h]
mov [esp+48h-2Ch], eax
lea esi, [ebp+44h]
mov edx, dword ptr [esi+14h]
mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
push edi
push edx
mov edx, dword ptr [esp+50h+0Ch]
lea edx, [edx+eax*4]
imul eax, edi
push edx
mov edx, dword ptr [esp+54h-2Ch]
add eax, dword ptr [esp+54h-34h]
movzx edx, word ptr [edx]
add edx, eax
push edx
call _rpD3D9VertexDeclarationInstColor
mov [esi+8], eax
add esp, 10h
add esi, 24h
dec ebx
jnz PassDayColoursToShader_Iterate
jmp PassDayColoursToShader_Return
void __declspec(naked) ChangeEdi_Steam()
mov edi, SIZE D3DCOLOR
cmp byte ptr [esp+4Ch-35h], 0
// Hooks
void __declspec(naked) LightMaterialsFix()
@ -848,7 +916,8 @@ void __declspec(naked) UserTracksFix()
static void* UsageIndex1_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D611B, 0, 0x5F28D4);
// Unused on Steam EXE
static void* UsageIndex1_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D611B, 0, 1);
void __declspec(naked) UsageIndex1()
@ -1133,7 +1202,7 @@ FLACInit_DontFallBack:
// Only 1.0/1.01
static void* HandleMoonStuffStub_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x713D24, 0, 0);
static void* HandleMoonStuffStub_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x713D24, 0, 0x72F17F);
void __declspec(naked) HandleMoonStuffStub()
@ -1162,24 +1231,23 @@ void __declspec(naked) HandleMoonStuffStub_Steam()
mov eax, [esp + 70h - 58h] // screen x size
mov ecx, [esp + 70h - 5Ch] // screen y size
mov eax, [esp + 70h - 58h] // screen x size
mov ecx, [esp + 70h - 5Ch] // screen y size
push ecx
push eax
push ecx
push eax
lea ecx, [esp + 78h - 48h] // screen coord vector
lea ecx, [esp + 78h - 48h] // screen coord vector
push ecx
push ecx
push esi
push esi
call DrawMoonWithPhases
call DrawMoonWithPhases
add esp, 10h
add esp, 10h
push 72F17Fh
jmp HandleMoonStuffStub_JumpBack
@ -1269,6 +1337,13 @@ static const float fSteamRadioNamePosY = 33.0f;
static const float fSteamRadioNameSizeX = 0.4f;
static const float fSteamRadioNameSizeY = 0.6f;
static const double dRetailSubtitleSizeX = 0.58;
static const double dRetailSubtitleSizeY = 1.2;
static const double dRetailSubtitleSizeY2 = 1.22;
static const double dRetailRadioNamePosY = 22.0;
static const double dRetailRadioNameSizeX = 0.6;
static const double dRetailRadioNameSizeY = 0.9;
BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_10()
if ( !IsAlreadyRunning() )
@ -1328,7 +1403,7 @@ BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_10()
InjectHook(0x4899F0, StartNewMission_BasketballFix);
if ( !bSAMP && GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"NVCShader", TRUE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
if ( !bSAMP && GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"NVCShader", FALSE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
// Shaders!
// plugin-sdk compatibility
@ -1417,13 +1492,7 @@ BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_10()
// Properly random numberplates
DWORD* pVMT = *(DWORD**)0x4C75FC;
void* pFunc;
mov eax, offset CVehicleModelInfo::Shutdown
mov [pFunc], eax
Patch<const void*>(&pVMT[7], pFunc);
Patch(&pVMT[7], &CVehicleModelInfo::Shutdown_Stub);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6D0E43, 0xEB);
InjectHook(0x4C9660, &CVehicleModelInfo::SetCarCustomPlate);
InjectHook(0x6D6A58, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_TextureCreate);
@ -1494,6 +1563,133 @@ BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_Steam()
InjectHook(0x4CEBF4, SetRendererForAtomic<OnePassAlphaRender>, PATCH_CALL);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"EnableScriptFixes", TRUE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
// Gym glitch fix
Patch<WORD>(0x476C2A, 0xCD8B);
Patch<DWORD>(0x476C31, 0x408B088B);
Patch<WORD>(0x476C35, 0x9004);
Nop(0x476C37, 1);
InjectHook(0x476C2C, &CRunningScript::GetDay_GymGlitch, PATCH_CALL);
// Basketball fix
WipeLocalVariableMemoryForMissionScript = (void(*)())(*(int*)0x4907AF + 0x4907AE + 5);
TheScriptsLoad = (void(*)())(*(int*)0x5EE018 + 0x5EE017 + 5);
InjectHook(0x5EE017, TheScriptsLoad_BasketballFix);
// Fixed for Hoodlum
InjectHook(0x4907AE, StartNewMission_BasketballFix);
InjectHook(0x49072E, StartNewMission_BasketballFix);
if ( !bSAMP && GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"NVCShader", FALSE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
// Shaders!
// plugin-sdk compatibility
InitialiseRenderWare = (bool(*)())(*(int*)0x5DE5A2 + 0x5DE5A1 + 5);
ShutdownRenderWare = (void(*)())(*(int*)0x550071 + 0x550070 + 5);
sub_5DA6A0 = (void(*)(void*,void*,void*,void*))(*(int*)0x5F663F + 0x5F663E + 5);
InjectHook(0x5F6EB3, SetShader);
InjectHook(0x5F2F02, SetShader2);
//InjectHook(0x5F292C, UsageIndex1, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x5F2BAF, PassDayColoursToShader_Steam, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x5F2B7A, HijackEsi, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x5DE5A1, ShaderAttach);
InjectHook(0x550070, ShaderDetach);
Patch<const void*>(0x5F3004, HijackAtomic);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5F3760, 0xC3);
Patch<WORD>(0x5F2FCB, 0x6890);
Patch<WORD>(0x5F2FE7, 0x6890);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5F2FCD, 0x5F27C0);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5F2FE9, 0x5F27C0);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5F6EAF, 0x90909056);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5F28D0, 1);
//Patch<BYTE>(0x5D60CF, sizeof(D3DCOLOR));
//Patch<BYTE>(0x5D60EA, sizeof(D3DCOLOR));
InjectHook(0x5F28A7, ChangeEdi_Steam, PATCH_CALL);
//Patch<BYTE>(0x5D60C2, 0x13);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5F2AE7, 0xEB);
// PostFX fix
Patch<float>(*(float**)0x746E57, 0.0);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SmallSteamTexts", TRUE, wcModulePath) == FALSE )
// We're on Steam - make texts bigger
Patch<const void*>(0x59A719, &dRetailSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x59A7B7, &dRetailSubtitleSizeY2);
Patch<const void*>(0x59A8A1, &dRetailSubtitleSizeY2);
Patch<const void*>(0x59A737, &dRetailSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x59A7D5, &dRetailSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x59A8BF, &dRetailSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F5A71, &dRetailRadioNamePosY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F59A1, &dRetailRadioNameSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F59BF, &dRetailRadioNameSizeX);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"ColouredZoneNames", FALSE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
// Coloured zone names
Patch<WORD>(0x598F65, 0x0C75);
Patch<WORD>(0x598F6B, 0x0675);
InjectHook(0x598F87, &CRGBA::BlendGangColour);
Patch<BYTE>(0x598F56, 0xEB);
// ImVehFt conflicts
if ( !bHasImVehFt )
// Lights
InjectHook(0x4D2C06, LightMaterialsFix, PATCH_CALL);
// Flying components
InjectHook(0x5B80E0, &CObject::Render_Stub, PATCH_JUMP);
// Cars getting dirty
// Only 1.0 and Steam
InjectHook(0x4D3F4D, &CVehicleModelInfo::FindEditableMaterialList, PATCH_CALL);
Patch<DWORD>(0x4D3F52, 0x0FEBCE8B);
if ( !bHasImVehFt && !bSAMP )
// Properly random numberplates
DWORD* pVMT = *(DWORD**)0x4D1E9A;
Patch(&pVMT[7], &CVehicleModelInfo::Shutdown_Stub);
Patch<BYTE>(0x70C094, 0xEB);
InjectHook(0x4D3F65, &CVehicleModelInfo::SetCarCustomPlate);
InjectHook(0x711F28, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_TextureCreate);
InjectHook(0x71194D, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_BeforeRenderingStart);
InjectHook(0x736BD0, CCustomCarPlateMgr::SetupClumpAfterVehicleUpgrade, PATCH_JUMP);
//InjectMethodVP(0x6D0E53, CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_AfterRenderingStop, PATCH_NOTHING);
Nop(0x711948, 2);
// SSE conflicts
if ( GetModuleHandle("shadows.asi") == nullptr )
Patch<DWORD>(0x74A864, 0x52909090);
InjectHook(0x74A86A, &CShadowCamera::Update);
// Bigger streamed entity linked lists
// Increase only if they're not increased already
if ( *(DWORD*)0x5D5780 == 12000 )
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D5720, 1250);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D5780, 15000);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
@ -1840,7 +2036,35 @@ __forceinline void Patch_SA_Steam()
Patch<bool*>(0x6E3199, bEnableMouseSteering);
Patch<bool*>(0x7046AB, bEnableMouseSteering);
// Patched CAutomobile::Fix
// misc_x parts don't get reset (Bandito fix), Towtruck's bouncing panel is not reset
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D05B3, 0x6BEBED31);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D0649, 0x5E5FCF8B);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D064D, 0x448B5B5D);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D0651, 0x89644824);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D0655, 5);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D0659, 0x54C48300);
InjectHook(0x6D065D, &CAutomobile::Fix_SilentPatch, PATCH_JUMP);
// Patched CPlane::Fix
// Doors don't get reset (they can't get damaged anyway), bouncing panels DO reset
// but not on Vortex
Patch<BYTE>(0x700681, 0xEB);
Patch<DWORD>(0x7006B6, 0x5E5FCF8B);
InjectHook(0x7006BA, &CPlane::Fix_SilentPatch, PATCH_JUMP);
// Zones fix
InjectHook(0x587080, GetCurrentZoneLockedOrUnlocked, PATCH_JUMP);
// CGarages::RespraysAreFree resetting on new game
Patch<WORD>(0x44CB55, 0x0D88);
Patch<bool*>(0x44CB57, *(bool**)0x44EEBA);
Nop(0x44CB5B, 3);
// Fixed police scanner names
char* pScannerNames = *(char**)0x4F2B83;
strncpy(pScannerNames + (8*113), "WESTP", 8);
strncpy(pScannerNames + (8*134), "????", 8);
// Proper aspect ratios - why Rockstar, why?
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
#include <cassert>*/
#define RwEngineInstance (*rwengine)
#include <rwcore.h>
#include <rpworld.h>
@ -64,6 +63,4 @@ inline T random(T a, T b)
//#define SA_STEAM_TEST
Reference in a new issue