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synced 2025-03-03 21:49:39 +05:00
Misc fixes
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 62 additions and 53 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#ifndef __GENERAL
#define __GENERAL
#include <stdint.h>
class CSimpleTransform
@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ public:
class CRGBA
BYTE r, g, b, a;
uint8_t r, g, b, a;
inline CRGBA() {}
@ -19,33 +21,31 @@ public:
: r(in.r), g(in.g), b(in.b), a(in.a)
inline CRGBA(const CRGBA& in, BYTE alpha)
inline CRGBA(const CRGBA& in, uint8_t alpha)
: r(in.r), g(in.g), b(in.b), a(alpha)
inline CRGBA(BYTE red, BYTE green, BYTE blue, BYTE alpha = 255)
inline CRGBA(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t alpha = 255)
: r(red), g(green), b(blue), a(alpha)
template <typename T>
friend CRGBA Blend(const CRGBA& One, T OneStrength, const CRGBA& Two, T TwoStrength)
{ T TotalStrength = OneStrength + TwoStrength;
return CRGBA( ((One.r * OneStrength) + (Two.r * TwoStrength))/TotalStrength,
((One.g * OneStrength) + (Two.g * TwoStrength))/TotalStrength,
((One.b * OneStrength) + (Two.b * TwoStrength))/TotalStrength,
((One.a * OneStrength) + (Two.a * TwoStrength))/TotalStrength); }
friend CRGBA Blend(const CRGBA& From, const CRGBA& To, double BlendVal)
{ double InvBlendVal = 1.0 - BlendVal;
return CRGBA( To.r * BlendVal + From.r * InvBlendVal,
To.g * BlendVal + From.g * InvBlendVal,
To.b * BlendVal + From.b * InvBlendVal,
To.a * BlendVal + From.a * InvBlendVal); }
template <typename T>
friend CRGBA Blend(const CRGBA& One, T OneStrength, const CRGBA& Two, T TwoStrength, const CRGBA& Three, T ThreeStrength)
{ T TotalStrength = OneStrength + TwoStrength + ThreeStrength;
return CRGBA( ((One.r * OneStrength) + (Two.r * TwoStrength) + (Three.r * ThreeStrength))/TotalStrength,
((One.g * OneStrength) + (Two.g * TwoStrength) + (Three.g * ThreeStrength))/TotalStrength,
((One.b * OneStrength) + (Two.b * TwoStrength) + (Three.b * ThreeStrength))/TotalStrength,
((One.a * OneStrength) + (Two.a * TwoStrength) + (Three.a * ThreeStrength))/TotalStrength); }
friend CRGBA BlendSqr(const CRGBA& From, const CRGBA& To, double BlendVal)
{ double InvBlendVal = 1.0 - BlendVal;
return CRGBA( sqrt((To.r * To.r) * BlendVal + (From.r * From.r) * InvBlendVal),
sqrt((To.g * To.g) * BlendVal + (From.g * From.g) * InvBlendVal),
sqrt((To.b * To.b) * BlendVal + (From.b * From.b) * InvBlendVal),
sqrt((To.a * To.a) * BlendVal + (From.a * From.a) * InvBlendVal)); }
// SilentPatch
CRGBA* BlendGangColour(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a);
CRGBA* BlendGangColour(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a);
class CRect
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "StdAfxSA.h"
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include "ScriptSA.h"
#include "GeneralSA.h"
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ RwFrame* RwFrameForAllChildren(RwFrame* frame, RwFrameCallBack callBack, void* d
for ( RwFrame* curFrame = frame->child; curFrame != nullptr; curFrame = curFrame->next )
if ( !callBack(curFrame, data) )
if ( callBack(curFrame, data) == NULL )
return frame;
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ RwFrame* RwFrameForAllObjects(RwFrame* frame, RwObjectCallBack callBack, void* d
for ( RwLLLink* link = rwLinkListGetFirstLLLink(&frame->objectList); link != rwLinkListGetTerminator(&frame->objectList); link = rwLLLinkGetNext(link) )
if ( !callBack(&rwLLLinkGetData(link, RwObjectHasFrame, lFrame)->object, data) )
if ( callBack(&rwLLLinkGetData(link, RwObjectHasFrame, lFrame)->object, data) == NULL )
@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ RpClump* RpClumpForAllAtomics(RpClump* clump, RpAtomicCallBack callback, void* p
for ( RwLLLink* link = rwLinkListGetFirstLLLink(&clump->atomicList); link != rwLinkListGetTerminator(&clump->atomicList); link = rwLLLinkGetNext(link) )
if ( !callback(rwLLLinkGetData(link, RpAtomic, inClumpLink), pData) )
if ( callback(rwLLLinkGetData(link, RpAtomic, inClumpLink), pData) == NULL )
return clump;
@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ RpClump* RpClumpRender(RpClump* clump)
// Not sure why they need this
if ( !RpAtomicRender(curAtomic) )
if ( RpAtomicRender(curAtomic) == NULL )
retClump = NULL;
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ RpGeometry* RpGeometryForAllMaterials(RpGeometry* geometry, RpMaterialCallBack f
for ( RwInt32 i = 0, j = geometry->matList.numMaterials; i < j; i++ )
if ( !fpCallBack(geometry->matList.materials[i], pData) )
if ( fpCallBack(geometry->matList.materials[i], pData) == NULL )
return geometry;
@ -306,13 +307,13 @@ RpAtomic* TwoPassAlphaRender_aap(RpAtomic* atomic)
atomic = AtomicDefaultRenderCallBack(atomic);
if ( atomic )
if ( atomic != nullptr )
// 2nd pass
atomic = AtomicDefaultRenderCallBack(atomic);
RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEALPHATESTFUNCTIONREF, reinterpret_cast<void*>(nPushedAlpha));
@ -345,14 +346,14 @@ RpAtomic* TwoPassAlphaRender_Silent(RpAtomic* atomic)
atomic = AtomicDefaultRenderCallBack(atomic);
if ( atomic )
if ( atomic != nullptr )
// 2nd pass
RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE, reinterpret_cast<void*>(TRUE));
atomic = AtomicDefaultRenderCallBack(atomic);
RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEALPHATESTFUNCTIONREF, reinterpret_cast<void*>(nPushedAlpha));
@ -630,9 +631,8 @@ bool GetCurrentZoneLockedOrUnlocked(float fPosX, float fPosY)
// By NTAuthority
void DrawMoonWithPhases(int moonColor, float* screenPos, float sizeX, float sizeY)
if ( !gpMoonMask )
if ( gpMoonMask == nullptr )
if ( GetFileAttributes("lunar.png") != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES )
// load from file
@ -692,9 +692,10 @@ void DrawMoonWithPhases(int moonColor, float* screenPos, float sizeX, float size
CRGBA* CRGBA::BlendGangColour(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
CRGBA* CRGBA::BlendGangColour(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
*this = Blend(CRGBA(r, g, b), pCurrZoneInfo->ZoneColour.a, HudColour[3], static_cast<BYTE>(255-pCurrZoneInfo->ZoneColour.a));
double colourIntensity = static_cast<double>(pCurrZoneInfo->ZoneColour.a) / 255.0;
*this = BlendSqr(CRGBA(r, g, b), HudColour[3], colourIntensity);
this->a = a;
return this;
@ -702,7 +703,7 @@ CRGBA* CRGBA::BlendGangColour(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b,
void SunAndMoonFarClip()
fSunFarClip = min(1500.0f, fFarClipZ);
fSunFarClip = std::min(1500.0f, fFarClipZ);
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#define NOMINMAX
#define WINVER 0x0502
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0502
@ -50,12 +51,6 @@ extern RpHAnimHierarchy* (*GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump)(RpClump*);
extern unsigned char& nGameClockDays;
extern unsigned char& nGameClockMonths;
template<typename T>
inline T random(T a, T b)
return a + static_cast<T>(rand() * (1.0f/(RAND_MAX+1)) * (b - a));
@ -1,16 +1,27 @@
#include "StdAfxSA.h"
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "VehicleSA.h"
#include "TimerSA.h"
std::set<unsigned int> vecRotorExceptions;
std::vector<unsigned int> vecRotorExceptions;
static bool ShouldIgnoreRotor( unsigned int id )
return std::find( vecRotorExceptions.begin(), vecRotorExceptions.end(), id ) != vecRotorExceptions.end();
static void* varVehicleRender = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x6D0E60, 0x6D1680, 0x70C0B0);
WRAPPER void CVehicle::Render() { VARJMP(varVehicleRender); }
static void* varIsLawEnforcementVehicle = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x6D2370, 0x6D2BA0, 0x70D8C0);
WRAPPER bool CVehicle::IsLawEnforcementVehicle() { VARJMP(varIsLawEnforcementVehicle); }
static int32_t random(int32_t from, int32_t to)
return from + ( rand() % (to-from) );
static RwObject* GetCurrentAtomicObjectCB(RwObject* pObject, void* data)
if ( RpAtomicGetFlags(pObject) & rpATOMICRENDER )
@ -62,7 +73,7 @@ void ReadRotorFixExceptions(const wchar_t* pPath)
unsigned int toList = _wtoi( fileID );
if ( toList != 0 )
vecRotorExceptions.insert( toList );
vecRotorExceptions.push_back( toList );
delete[] buf;
@ -93,7 +104,7 @@ bool CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_TextureCreate(CVehicleModelInfo* pModelInfo)
else if ( IsLawEnforcementVehicle() )
PlateDesign = CCustomCarPlateMgr::GetMapRegionPlateDesign();
PlateDesign = random(0, 20) == 0 ? random<signed char>(0, 3) : CCustomCarPlateMgr::GetMapRegionPlateDesign();
PlateDesign = random(0, 20) == 0 ? random(0, 3) : CCustomCarPlateMgr::GetMapRegionPlateDesign();
assert(PlateDesign >= 0 && PlateDesign < 3);
@ -154,13 +165,14 @@ void CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_BeforeRenderingStart(CVehicleModelInfo* pModelInfo
void CHeli::Render()
double dRotorsSpeed, dMovingRotorSpeed;
bool bHasMovingRotor = m_pCarNode[13] != nullptr && vecRotorExceptions.count(m_nModelIndex) == 0;
bool bHasMovingRotor2 = m_pCarNode[15] != nullptr && vecRotorExceptions.count(m_nModelIndex) == 0;;
bool bDisplayRotors = !ShouldIgnoreRotor( m_nModelIndex );
bool bHasMovingRotor = m_pCarNode[13] != nullptr && bDisplayRotors;
bool bHasMovingRotor2 = m_pCarNode[15] != nullptr && bDisplayRotors;
m_nTimeTillWeNeedThisCar = CTimer::m_snTimeInMilliseconds + 3000;
if ( m_fRotorSpeed > 0.0 )
dRotorsSpeed = min(1.7 * (1.0/0.22) * m_fRotorSpeed, 1.5);
dRotorsSpeed = std::min(1.7 * (1.0/0.22) * m_fRotorSpeed, 1.5);
dRotorsSpeed = 0.0;
@ -168,8 +180,8 @@ void CHeli::Render()
if ( dMovingRotorSpeed < 0.0 )
dMovingRotorSpeed = 0.0;
int nStaticRotorAlpha = static_cast<int>(min((1.5-dRotorsSpeed) * 255.0, 255));
int nMovingRotorAlpha = static_cast<int>(min(dMovingRotorSpeed * 175.0, 175));
int nStaticRotorAlpha = static_cast<int>(std::min((1.5-dRotorsSpeed) * 255.0, 255.0));
int nMovingRotorAlpha = static_cast<int>(std::min(dMovingRotorSpeed * 175.0, 175.0));
if ( m_pCarNode[12] )
@ -209,13 +221,14 @@ void CHeli::Render()
void CPlane::Render()
double dRotorsSpeed, dMovingRotorSpeed;
bool bHasMovingProp = m_pCarNode[13] != nullptr && vecRotorExceptions.count(m_nModelIndex) == 0;
bool bHasMovingProp2 = m_pCarNode[15] != nullptr && vecRotorExceptions.count(m_nModelIndex) == 0;
bool bDisplayRotors = !ShouldIgnoreRotor( m_nModelIndex );
bool bHasMovingProp = m_pCarNode[13] != nullptr && bDisplayRotors;
bool bHasMovingProp2 = m_pCarNode[15] != nullptr && bDisplayRotors;
m_nTimeTillWeNeedThisCar = CTimer::m_snTimeInMilliseconds + 3000;
if ( m_fPropellerSpeed > 0.0 )
dRotorsSpeed = min(1.7 * (1.0/0.31) * m_fPropellerSpeed, 1.5);
dRotorsSpeed = std::min(1.7 * (1.0/0.31) * m_fPropellerSpeed, 1.5);
dRotorsSpeed = 0.0;
@ -223,8 +236,8 @@ void CPlane::Render()
if ( dMovingRotorSpeed < 0.0 )
dMovingRotorSpeed = 0.0;
int nStaticRotorAlpha = static_cast<int>(min((1.5-dRotorsSpeed) * 255.0, 255));
int nMovingRotorAlpha = static_cast<int>(min(dMovingRotorSpeed * 175.0, 175));
int nStaticRotorAlpha = static_cast<int>(std::min((1.5-dRotorsSpeed) * 255.0, 255.0));
int nMovingRotorAlpha = static_cast<int>(std::min(dMovingRotorSpeed * 175.0, 175.0));
if ( m_pCarNode[12] )
Reference in a new issue