mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 21:49:39 +05:00
1.01 support - more
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 686 additions and 95 deletions
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
// { EAXJMP(0x4DC340); }
bool CAEDataStream::m_bUseNewStruct;
static void* CAEDataStream__Initialise = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4DC2B0, 0x4DC7A0, 0x4E7550);
WRAPPER bool CAEDataStream::Initialise() { VARJMP(CAEDataStream__Initialise); }
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ static unsigned int nLastMallocSize = 0;
static unsigned int nSamplesLeftToProcess = 0;
unsigned int CAEDataStream::Seek(long nToSeek, int nPoint)
unsigned int CAEDataStreamOld::Seek(long nToSeek, int nPoint)
switch ( nPoint )
@ -34,7 +36,33 @@ unsigned int CAEDataStream::Seek(long nToSeek, int nPoint)
return dwCurrentPosition - dwStartPosition;
unsigned int CAEDataStream::FillBuffer(void* pBuf, unsigned long nLen)
unsigned int CAEDataStreamOld::FillBuffer(void* pBuf, unsigned long nLen)
ReadFile(hHandle, pBuf, nLen, &nLen, nullptr);
dwCurrentPosition += nLen;
return nLen;
unsigned int CAEDataStreamNew::Seek(long nToSeek, int nPoint)
switch ( nPoint )
nToSeek = nToSeek + dwStartPosition;
case FILE_END:
nPoint = FILE_BEGIN;
nToSeek = dwStartPosition + dwLength - nToSeek;
dwCurrentPosition = SetFilePointer(hHandle, nToSeek, nullptr, nPoint);
return dwCurrentPosition - dwStartPosition;
unsigned int CAEDataStreamNew::FillBuffer(void* pBuf, unsigned long nLen)
ReadFile(hHandle, pBuf, nLen, &nLen, nullptr);
@ -44,7 +72,10 @@ unsigned int CAEDataStream::FillBuffer(void* pBuf, unsigned long nLen)
if ( CAEDataStream::IsNew() )
delete reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamNew*>(pStream);
delete reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamOld*>(pStream);
pStream = nullptr;
if ( --nMallocRefCount == 0 )
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ enum eDecoderType
class NOVMT CAEDataStream : public IStream
// 1.0/Steam structure
class NOVMT CAEDataStreamOld : public IStream
HANDLE hHandle;
@ -41,12 +42,12 @@ public:
CAEDataStream(DWORD index, char* pName, int startPos, int len, bool encrypted)
CAEDataStreamOld(DWORD index, char* pName, int startPos, int len, bool encrypted)
: pFilename(pName), bOpened(false), dwCurrentPosition(0), dwStartPosition(startPos),
dwLength(len), dwID(index), bEncrypted(encrypted), nRefCount(1)
if ( bOpened )
@ -88,7 +89,122 @@ public:
unsigned int FillBuffer(void* pBuf, unsigned long nLen);
unsigned int GetCurrentPosition()
{ return SetFilePointer(hHandle, 0, nullptr, FILE_CURRENT) - dwStartPosition; }
// 1.01 structure
class NOVMT CAEDataStreamNew : public IStream
void* pUselessMalloc;
HANDLE hHandle;
char* pFilename;
bool bOpened;
DWORD dwCurrentPosition, dwStartPosition;
DWORD dwLength;
bool bEncrypted;
LONG nRefCount;
void operator delete(void* data)
// Call SA operator delete
CAEDataStreamNew(DWORD index, char* pName, int startPos, int len, bool encrypted)
: pFilename(pName), bOpened(false), dwCurrentPosition(0), dwStartPosition(startPos),
dwLength(len), dwID(index), bEncrypted(encrypted), nRefCount(1)
if ( bOpened )
bOpened = false;
inline DWORD GetID()
{ return dwID; }
inline HANDLE GetFile()
{ return hHandle; }
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject);
virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void);
// ISequentialStream Interface
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Read(void* pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbRead);
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Write(void const* pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbWritten);
// IStream Interface
// Custom methods
unsigned int Seek(long nToSeek, int nPoint);
unsigned int FillBuffer(void* pBuf, unsigned long nLen);
unsigned int GetCurrentPosition()
{ return SetFilePointer(hHandle, 0, nullptr, FILE_CURRENT) - dwStartPosition; }
class CAEDataStream
static bool m_bUseNewStruct;
// Make sure we never destruct/construct this
static void SetStructType(bool bNew)
{ m_bUseNewStruct = bNew; }
static bool IsNew()
{ return m_bUseNewStruct; }
// This is handled by GTA so we can leave it that way
bool Initialise();
unsigned int Seek(long nToSeek, int nPoint)
{ if ( m_bUseNewStruct )
return reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamNew*>(this)->Seek(nToSeek, nPoint);
return reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamOld*>(this)->Seek(nToSeek, nPoint); }
unsigned int FillBuffer(void* pBuf, unsigned long nLen)
{ if ( m_bUseNewStruct )
return reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamNew*>(this)->FillBuffer(pBuf, nLen);
return reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamOld*>(this)->FillBuffer(pBuf, nLen); }
unsigned int GetCurrentPosition()
{ if ( m_bUseNewStruct )
return reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamNew*>(this)->GetCurrentPosition();
return reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamOld*>(this)->GetCurrentPosition(); }
inline DWORD GetID()
{ if ( m_bUseNewStruct )
return reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamNew*>(this)->GetID();
return reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamOld*>(this)->GetID(); }
inline HANDLE GetFile()
{ if ( m_bUseNewStruct )
return reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamNew*>(this)->GetFile();
return reinterpret_cast<CAEDataStreamOld*>(this)->GetFile(); }
@ -10,41 +10,41 @@
#include "PNGFile.h"
// RW wrappers
static void* varAtomicDefaultRenderCallBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7491C0, 0, 0x783180);
static void* varAtomicDefaultRenderCallBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7491C0, 0x749AD0, 0x783180);
WRAPPER RpAtomic* AtomicDefaultRenderCallBack(RpAtomic* atomic) { WRAPARG(atomic); VARJMP(varAtomicDefaultRenderCallBack); }
static void* varRtPNGImageRead = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7CF9B0, 0, 0x809970);
static void* varRtPNGImageRead = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7CF9B0, 0x7D02B0, 0x809970);
WRAPPER RwImage* RtPNGImageRead(const RwChar* imageName) { WRAPARG(imageName); VARJMP(varRtPNGImageRead); }
static void* varRwTextureCreate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F37C0, 0, 0x82D780);
static void* varRwTextureCreate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F37C0, 0x7F40C0, 0x82D780);
WRAPPER RwTexture* RwTextureCreate(RwRaster* raster) { WRAPARG(raster); VARJMP(varRwTextureCreate); }
static void* varRwRasterCreate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FB230, 0, 0x8351F0);
static void* varRwRasterCreate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FB230, 0x7FBB30, 0x8351F0);
WRAPPER RwRaster* RwRasterCreate(RwInt32 width, RwInt32 height, RwInt32 depth, RwInt32 flags) { WRAPARG(width); WRAPARG(height); WRAPARG(depth); WRAPARG(flags); VARJMP(varRwRasterCreate); }
static void* varRwImageDestroy = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x802740, 0, 0x83C700);
static void* varRwImageDestroy = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x802740, 0x803040, 0x83C700);
WRAPPER RwBool RwImageDestroy(RwImage* image) { WRAPARG(image); VARJMP(varRwImageDestroy); }
static void* varRpMaterialSetTexture = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x74DBC0, 0, 0x787B80);
WRAPPER RpMaterial *RpMaterialSetTexture(RpMaterial *material, RwTexture *texture) { VARJMP(varRpMaterialSetTexture); }
static void* varRwFrameGetLTM = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F0990, 0, 0x82A950);
static void* varRpMaterialSetTexture = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x74DBC0, 0x74E4D0, 0x787B80);
WRAPPER RpMaterial* RpMaterialSetTexture(RpMaterial* material, RwTexture* texture) { VARJMP(varRpMaterialSetTexture); }
static void* varRwFrameGetLTM = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F0990, 0x7F1290, 0x82A950);
WRAPPER RwMatrix* RwFrameGetLTM(RwFrame* frame) { VARJMP(varRwFrameGetLTM); }
static void* varRwMatrixTranslate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F2450, 0, 0x82C410);
static void* varRwMatrixTranslate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F2450, 0x7F2D50, 0x82C410);
WRAPPER RwMatrix* RwMatrixTranslate(RwMatrix* matrix, const RwV3d* translation, RwOpCombineType combineOp) { WRAPARG(matrix); WRAPARG(translation); WRAPARG(combineOp); VARJMP(varRwMatrixTranslate); }
static void* varRwMatrixRotate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F1FD0, 0, 0x82BF90);
static void* varRwMatrixRotate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F1FD0, 0x7F28D0, 0x82BF90);
WRAPPER RwMatrix* RwMatrixRotate(RwMatrix* matrix, const RwV3d* axis, RwReal angle, RwOpCombineType combineOp) { WRAPARG(matrix); WRAPARG(axis); WRAPARG(angle); WRAPARG(combineOp); VARJMP(varRwMatrixRotate); }
static void* varRwD3D9SetRenderState = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FC2D0, 0, 0x836290);
static void* varRwD3D9SetRenderState = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FC2D0, 0x7FCBD0, 0x836290);
WRAPPER void RwD3D9SetRenderState(RwUInt32 state, RwUInt32 value) { WRAPARG(state); WRAPARG(value); VARJMP(varRwD3D9SetRenderState); }
static void* var_rwD3D9SetVertexShader = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F9FB0, 0, 0x833F70);
static void* var_rwD3D9SetVertexShader = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F9FB0, 0x7FA8B0, 0x833F70);
WRAPPER void _rwD3D9SetVertexShader(void *shader) { VARJMP(var_rwD3D9SetVertexShader); }
static void* varRwD3D9CreateVertexShader = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FAC60, 0, 0x834C20);
static void* varRwD3D9CreateVertexShader = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FAC60, 0x7FB560, 0x834C20);
WRAPPER RwBool RwD3D9CreateVertexShader(const RwUInt32 *function, void **shader) { VARJMP(varRwD3D9CreateVertexShader); }
static void* varRwD3D9DeleteVertexShader = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FAC90, 0, 0x834C50);
static void* varRwD3D9DeleteVertexShader = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FAC90, 0x7FB590, 0x834C50);
WRAPPER void RwD3D9DeleteVertexShader(void *shader) { VARJMP(varRwD3D9DeleteVertexShader); }
static void* var_rwD3D9VSGetComposedTransformMatrix = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7646E0, 0, 0x79E6A0);
static void* var_rwD3D9VSGetComposedTransformMatrix = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7646E0, 0x764FF0, 0x79E6A0);
WRAPPER void _rwD3D9VSGetComposedTransformMatrix(void *transformMatrix) { VARJMP(var_rwD3D9VSGetComposedTransformMatrix); }
static void* var_rwD3D9VSSetActiveWorldMatrix = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x764650, 0, 0x79E610);
static void* var_rwD3D9VSSetActiveWorldMatrix = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x764650, 0x764F60, 0x79E610);
WRAPPER void _rwD3D9VSSetActiveWorldMatrix(const RwMatrix *worldMatrix) { VARJMP(var_rwD3D9VSSetActiveWorldMatrix); }
static void* var_rwD3D9SetVertexShaderConstant = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FACA0, 0, 0x834C60);
static void* var_rwD3D9SetVertexShaderConstant = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FACA0, 0x7FB5A0, 0x834C60);
WRAPPER void _rwD3D9SetVertexShaderConstant(RwUInt32 registerAddress,
const void *constantData,
RwUInt32 constantCount) { VARJMP(var_rwD3D9SetVertexShaderConstant); }
static void* var_rpD3D9VertexDeclarationInstColor = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x754AE0, 0, 0x78EAA0);
static void* var_rpD3D9VertexDeclarationInstColor = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x754AE0, 0x7553F0, 0x78EAA0);
WRAPPER RwBool _rpD3D9VertexDeclarationInstColor(RwUInt8 *mem,
const RwRGBA *color,
RwInt32 numVerts,
@ -182,15 +182,15 @@ RwMatrix* RpHAnimHierarchyGetMatrixArray(RpHAnimHierarchy* hierarchy)
// Other wrappers
void (*GTAdelete)(void*) = AddressByVersion<void(*)(void*)>(0x82413F, 0, 0x85E58C);
const char* (*GetFrameNodeName)(RwFrame*) = AddressByVersion<const char*(*)(RwFrame*)>(0x72FB30, 0, 0x769C20);
RpHAnimHierarchy* (*GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump)(RpClump*) = AddressByVersion<RpHAnimHierarchy*(*)(RpClump*)>(0x734A40, 0, 0x7671B0);
auto SetVolume = AddressByVersion<void(__thiscall*)(void*,float)>(0x4D7C60, 0, 0x4E2750);
auto InitializeUtrax = AddressByVersion<void(__thiscall*)(void*)>(0x4F35B0, 0, 0x4FFA80);
auto CanSeeOutSideFromCurrArea = AddressByVersion<bool(*)()>(0x53C4A0, 0, 0x54E440);
void (*GTAdelete)(void*) = AddressByVersion<void(*)(void*)>(0x82413F, 0x824EFF, 0x85E58C);
const char* (*GetFrameNodeName)(RwFrame*) = AddressByVersion<const char*(*)(RwFrame*)>(0x72FB30, 0x730360, 0x769C20);
RpHAnimHierarchy* (*GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump)(RpClump*) = AddressByVersion<RpHAnimHierarchy*(*)(RpClump*)>(0x734A40, 0x735270, 0x7671B0);
auto SetVolume = AddressByVersion<void(__thiscall*)(void*,float)>(0x4D7C60, 0x4D7E60, 0x4E2750);
auto InitializeUtrax = AddressByVersion<void(__thiscall*)(void*)>(0x4F35B0, 0x4F3A10, 0x4FFA80);
auto CanSeeOutSideFromCurrArea = AddressByVersion<bool(*)()>(0x53C4A0, 0x53C940, 0x54E440);
auto __rwD3D9TextureHasAlpha = AddressByVersion<BOOL(*)(RwTexture*)>(0x4C9EA0, 0, 0x4D47E0);
auto RenderOneXLUSprite = AddressByVersion<void(*)(float, float, float, float, float, int, int, int, int, float, char, char, char)>(0x70D000, 0, 0x7592C0);
auto __rwD3D9TextureHasAlpha = AddressByVersion<BOOL(*)(RwTexture*)>(0x4C9EA0, 0x4CA090, 0x4D47E0);
auto RenderOneXLUSprite = AddressByVersion<void(*)(float, float, float, float, float, int, int, int, int, float, char, char, char)>(0x70D000, 0x70D830, 0x7592C0);
static BOOL (*IsAlreadyRunning)();
static void (*TheScriptsLoad)();
@ -202,29 +202,29 @@ static void (*sub_5DA6A0)(void*, void*, void*, void*);
// SA variables
void** rwengine = *AddressByVersion<void***>(0x58FFC0, 0, 0x48C194);
signed int& ms_extraVertColourPluginOffset = **AddressByVersion<int**>(0x5D6362, 0, 0x5F2B65);
void** rwengine = *AddressByVersion<void***>(0x58FFC0, 0x53F032, 0x48C194);
signed int& ms_extraVertColourPluginOffset = **AddressByVersion<int**>(0x5D6362, 0x5D6B42, 0x5F2B65);
unsigned char& nGameClockDays = **AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x4E841D, 0, 0x4F3871);
unsigned char& nGameClockMonths = **AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x4E842D, 0, 0x4F3861);
void*& pUserTracksStuff = **AddressByVersion<void***>(0x4D9B7B, 0, 0x4E4A43);
bool& CCutsceneMgr__ms_running = **AddressByVersion<bool**>(0x53F92D, 0, 0x422061);
unsigned char* ScriptSpace = *AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x5D5380, 0, 0x450E34);
int* ScriptParams = *AddressByVersion<int**>(0x48995B, 0, 0x46979A);
unsigned char& nGameClockDays = **AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x4E841D, 0x4E886D, 0x4F3871);
unsigned char& nGameClockMonths = **AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x4E842D, 0x4E887D, 0x4F3861);
void*& pUserTracksStuff = **AddressByVersion<void***>(0x4D9B7B, 0x4DA06C, 0x4E4A43);
bool& CCutsceneMgr__ms_running = **AddressByVersion<bool**>(0x53F92D, 0x434241, 0x422061);
unsigned char* ScriptSpace = *AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x5D5380, 0x5D5B60, 0x450E34);
int* ScriptParams = *AddressByVersion<int**>(0x48995B, 0x46410A, 0x46979A);
float& fFarClipZ = **AddressByVersion<float**>(0x70D21F, 0, 0x421AB2);
RwTexture** const gpCoronaTexture = *AddressByVersion<RwTexture***>(0x6FAA8C, 0, 0x5480BF);
int& MoonSize = **AddressByVersion<int**>(0x713B0C, 0, 0x72F0AB);
float& fFarClipZ = **AddressByVersion<float**>(0x70D21F, 0x70DA4F, 0x421AB2);
RwTexture** const gpCoronaTexture = *AddressByVersion<RwTexture***>(0x6FAA8C, 0x6FB2BC, 0x5480BF);
int& MoonSize = **AddressByVersion<int**>(0x713B0C, 0x71433C, 0x72F0AB);
CZoneInfo*& pCurrZoneInfo = **AddressByVersion<CZoneInfo***>(0x58ADB1, 0, 0x407F93);
CRGBA* HudColour = *AddressByVersion<CRGBA**>(0x58ADF6, 0, 0x440648);
unsigned char* ZonesVisited = *AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x57216A, 0, 0x5870E8) - 9;
CZoneInfo*& pCurrZoneInfo = **AddressByVersion<CZoneInfo***>(0x58ADB1, 0x58B581, 0x407F93);
CRGBA* HudColour = *AddressByVersion<CRGBA**>(0x58ADF6, 0x58B5C6, 0x440648);
unsigned char* ZonesVisited = *AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x57216A, 0, 0x5870E8) - 9; // 1.01 fixed it!
float& m_fDNBalanceParam = **AddressByVersion<float**>(0x4A9062, 0, 0x4B2512);
RpLight*& pAmbient = **AddressByVersion<RpLight***>(0x5BA53A, 0, 0x5D90F0);
float& m_fDNBalanceParam = **AddressByVersion<float**>(0x4A9062, 0x4A90F2, 0x4B2512);
RpLight*& pAmbient = **AddressByVersion<RpLight***>(0x5BA53A, 0x735D11, 0x5D90F0);
CLinkListSA<CPed*>& ms_weaponPedsForPC = **AddressByVersion<CLinkListSA<CPed*>**>(0x53EACA, 0, 0x551101);
CLinkListSA<AlphaObjectInfo>& m_alphaList = **AddressByVersion<CLinkListSA<AlphaObjectInfo>**>(0x733A4D, 0, 0x76DCA3);
CLinkListSA<CPed*>& ms_weaponPedsForPC = **AddressByVersion<CLinkListSA<CPed*>**>(0x53EACA, 0x53EF6A, 0x551101);
CLinkListSA<AlphaObjectInfo>& m_alphaList = **AddressByVersion<CLinkListSA<AlphaObjectInfo>**>(0x733A4D, 0x73427D, 0x76DCA3);
// Custom variables
@ -586,6 +586,7 @@ void StartNewMission_BasketballFix()
BasketballFix(ScriptSpace+200000, 69000);
// 1.01 kinda fixed it
bool GetCurrentZoneLockedOrUnlocked(float fPosX, float fPosY)
int Xindex = (fPosX+3000.0f) * (1.0f/600.0f);
@ -683,6 +684,15 @@ void ShaderDetach()
// Function for 1.01
BOOL Initialise3D(void* pParam)
RwBool (*RsRwInitialize)(void*) = (RwBool(*)(void*))(*(int*)0x5BFB93 + 0x5BFB92 + 5);
if ( RsRwInitialize(pParam) )
return ShaderAttach();
return false;
void SetShader(RxD3D9InstanceData* pInstData)
if ( bRenderNVC )
@ -711,7 +721,7 @@ void SetShader(RxD3D9InstanceData* pInstData)
static void* HijackAtomic_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D6480, 0, 0x5F2C80);
static void* HijackAtomic_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D6480, 0x5D6C60, 0x5F2C80);
void __declspec(naked) HijackAtomic()
@ -739,8 +749,8 @@ void __declspec(naked) SetShader2()
static void* pJackedEsi;
static void* PassDayColoursToShader_NextIt = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D6382, 0, 0x5F2B81);
static void* PassDayColoursToShader_Return = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D63BD, 0, 0x5F2BB4);
static void* PassDayColoursToShader_NextIt = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D6382, 0x5D6B62, 0x5F2B81);
static void* PassDayColoursToShader_Return = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D63BD, 0x5D6B9D, 0x5F2BB4);
void __declspec(naked) HijackEsi()
@ -911,13 +921,27 @@ void __declspec(naked) UserTracksFix()
push [esp+4]
call SetVolume
mov ecx, [pUserTracksStuff]
mov byte ptr [ecx+0Dh], 1
call InitializeUtrax
retn 4
void __declspec(naked) UserTracksFix_Steam()
push [esp+4]
call SetVolume
mov ecx, [pUserTracksStuff]
mov byte ptr [ecx+5], 1
call InitializeUtrax
retn 4
// Unused on Steam EXE
static void* UsageIndex1_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D611B, 0, 1);
static void* UsageIndex1_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5D611B, 0x5D68FB, 1);
void __declspec(naked) UsageIndex1()
@ -965,9 +989,9 @@ void __declspec(naked) ResetAlphaFuncRefAfterRender_Steam()
static void* PlaneAtomicRendererSetup_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C7986, 0, 0x4D2275);
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB_BigVehicle = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x734370, 0, 0x76E400);
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailCB_BigVehicle = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x733420, 0, 0x76D6C0);
static void* PlaneAtomicRendererSetup_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C7986, 0x4C7A06, 0x4D2275);
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB_BigVehicle = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x734370, 0x734BA0, 0x76E400);
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailCB_BigVehicle = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x733420, 0x733C50, 0x76D6C0);
void __declspec(naked) PlaneAtomicRendererSetup()
static const char aStaticProp[] = "static_prop";
@ -1008,11 +1032,11 @@ PlaneAtomicRendererSetup_Return:
static unsigned int nCachedCRC;
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x733240, 0, 0x76D4C0);
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x733F80, 0, 0x76DFE0);
static void* RenderHeliRotorAlphaCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7340B0, 0, 0x76E110);
static void* RenderHeliTailRotorAlphaCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x734170, 0, 0x76E1E0);
static void* HunterTest_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C7914, 0, 0x4D2203);
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x733240, 0x733A70, 0x76D4C0);
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x733F80, 0x7347B0, 0x76DFE0);
static void* RenderHeliRotorAlphaCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7340B0, 0x7348E0, 0x76E110);
static void* RenderHeliTailRotorAlphaCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x734170, 0x7349A0, 0x76E1E0);
static void* HunterTest_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C7914, 0x4C7994, 0x4D2203);
void __declspec(naked) HunterTest()
static const char aDoorDummy[] = "door_lf_ok";
@ -1081,7 +1105,7 @@ HunterTest_StaticRotor2AlphaSet:
static void* CacheCRC32_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C7B10, 0, 0x4D2400);
static void* CacheCRC32_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C7B10, 0x4C7B90, 0x4D2400);
void __declspec(naked) CacheCRC32()
@ -1092,7 +1116,7 @@ void __declspec(naked) CacheCRC32()
static void* LoadFLAC_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4F3743, 0, 0x4FFC3F);
static void* LoadFLAC_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4F3743, *(BYTE*)0x4F3A50 == 0x6A ? 0x4F3BA3 : 0x5B6B81, 0x4FFC3F);
void __declspec(naked) LoadFLAC()
@ -1114,7 +1138,7 @@ LoadFLAC_Success:
mov ecx, esi
call CAEDataStream::~CAEDataStream
call CAEDataStreamOld::~CAEDataStreamOld
push esi
call GTAdelete
add esp, 4
@ -1132,6 +1156,47 @@ LoadFLAC_Return_NoDelete:
// 1.01 securom butchered this func, might not be reliable
void __declspec(naked) LoadFLAC_11()
jz LoadFLAC_WindowsMedia
sub ebp, 2
jnz LoadFLAC_Return
push esi
call DecoderCtor
jmp LoadFLAC_Success
jmp LoadFLAC_JumpBack
test eax, eax
mov [esp+20h+4], eax
jnz LoadFLAC_Return_NoDelete
mov ecx, esi
call CAEDataStreamNew::~CAEDataStreamNew
push esi
call GTAdelete
add esp, 4
mov eax, [esp+20h+4]
mov ecx, [esp+20h-0Ch]
pop esi
pop ebp
pop edi
pop ebx
mov fs:0, ecx
add esp, 10h
retn 4
void __declspec(naked) LoadFLAC_Steam()
@ -1153,7 +1218,7 @@ LoadFLAC_Success:
mov ecx, esi
call CAEDataStream::~CAEDataStream
call CAEDataStreamOld::~CAEDataStreamOld
push esi
call GTAdelete
add esp, 4
@ -1175,14 +1240,8 @@ void __declspec(naked) FLACInit()
mov al, 1
mov [esi+0Dh], al
pop esi
jnz FLACInit_DontFallBack
mov UserTrackExtensions+12.Codec, DECODER_WINDOWSMEDIA
mov byte ptr [ecx+0Dh], 1
jmp InitializeUtrax
@ -1190,19 +1249,14 @@ void __declspec(naked) FLACInit_Steam()
mov al, 1
mov [esi+5], al
pop esi
jnz FLACInit_DontFallBack
mov UserTrackExtensions+12.Codec, DECODER_WINDOWSMEDIA
mov byte ptr [ecx+5], 1
jmp InitializeUtrax
// Only 1.0/1.01
static void* HandleMoonStuffStub_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x713D24, 0, 0x72F17F);
static void* HandleMoonStuffStub_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x713D24, 0x714554, 0x72F17F);
void __declspec(naked) HandleMoonStuffStub()
@ -1255,7 +1309,7 @@ void __declspec(naked) HandleMoonStuffStub_Steam()
static bool bDarkVehicleThing;
static RpLight*& pDirect = **(RpLight***)0x5BA573;
static void* DarkVehiclesFix1_JumpBack = *GetEuropean() == true ? (void*)0x756DE0 : (void*)0x756D90;
static void* DarkVehiclesFix1_JumpBack = AddressByRegion_10<void*>(0x756D90);//*GetEuropean() == true ? (void*)0x756DE0 : (void*)0x756D90;
void __declspec(naked) DarkVehiclesFix1()
@ -1522,6 +1576,192 @@ BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_10()
return TRUE;
BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_11()
if ( !IsAlreadyRunning() )
using namespace MemoryVP;
// Obtain a path to the ASI
wchar_t wcModulePath[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameW(hDLLModule, wcModulePath, MAX_PATH);
wchar_t* pSlash = wcsrchr(wcModulePath, '\\');
if ( pSlash )
*pSlash = '\0';
PathAppendW(wcModulePath, L"SilentPatchSA.ini");
// Should never happen - if it does, something's fucking up
return TRUE;
bool bHasImVehFt = GetModuleHandle("ImVehFt.asi") != nullptr;
bool bSAMP = GetModuleHandle("samp") != nullptr;
// PS2 sun - more
DoSunAndMoon = (void(*)())(*(int*)0x53C5D7 + 0x53C5D6 + 5);
InjectHook(0x53C5D6, SunAndMoonFarClip);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"TwoPassRendering", FALSE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
InjectHook(0x4C449F, SetRendererForAtomic<TwoPassAlphaRender>, PATCH_CALL);
// Twopass for peds
InjectHook(0x733E44, RenderPedCB);
InjectHook(0x4C449F, SetRendererForAtomic<OnePassAlphaRender>, PATCH_CALL);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"EnableScriptFixes", TRUE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
// Gym glitch fix
Patch<WORD>(0x470B83, 0xCD8B);
Patch<DWORD>(0x470B8A, 0x8B04508B);
Patch<WORD>(0x470B8E, 0x9000);
Nop(0x470B90, 1);
InjectHook(0x470B85, &CRunningScript::GetDay_GymGlitch, PATCH_CALL);
// Basketball fix
WipeLocalVariableMemoryForMissionScript = (void(*)())(*(int*)0x489AF1 + 0x489AF0 + 5);
TheScriptsLoad = (void(*)())(*(int*)0x5D20D1 + 0x5D20D0 + 5);
InjectHook(0x5D20D0, TheScriptsLoad_BasketballFix);
// Fixed for Hoodlum
InjectHook(0x489A70, StartNewMission_BasketballFix);
InjectHook(0x489AF0, StartNewMission_BasketballFix);
if ( !bSAMP && GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"NVCShader", FALSE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
// Shaders!
// plugin-sdk compatibility
// 1.01 needs to reverse Initialise3D
InitialiseRenderWare = (bool(*)())(*(int*)0x5BFB9F + 0x5BFB9E + 5);
ShutdownRenderWare = (void(*)())(*(int*)0x53DDB1 + 0x53DDB0 + 5);
sub_5DA6A0 = (void(*)(void*,void*,void*,void*))(*(int*)0x5D6ED2 + 0x5D6ED1 + 5);
InjectHook(0x5BFB70, Initialise3D, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x5D6ED1, SetShader2);
InjectHook(0x5D68F6, UsageIndex1, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x5D6B97, PassDayColoursToShader, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x5D6B5B, HijackEsi, PATCH_JUMP);
//InjectHook(0x5BF3A1, ShaderAttach);
InjectHook(0x53DDB0, ShaderDetach);
Patch<const void*>(0x5D6FD4, HijackAtomic);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5D79E0, 0xC3);
Patch<WORD>(0x5D6F9B, 0x6890);
Patch<WORD>(0x5D6FB7, 0x6890);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D6F9D, 0x5D67C0);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D6FB9, 0x5D67C0);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5D68AF, sizeof(D3DCOLOR));
Patch<BYTE>(0x5D68CA, sizeof(D3DCOLOR));
Patch<BYTE>(0x5D68A2, 0x13);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5D6AD0, 0xEB);
if ( *(DWORD*)0x5DAEC0 == 0x0C2444F6 )
InjectHook(0x5DAEC0 + 0xA3, SetShader);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5DAEC0 + 0x9F, 0x90909056);
// securom'd EXE
if ( *(DWORD*)0x14D0882 == 0x51104E8B )
InjectHook(0x14D088B, SetShader, PATCH_JUMP);
Patch<DWORD>(0x14D0882, 0x90909056);
// PostFX fix
Patch<float>(*(float**)0x703CF0, 0.0);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SkipIntroSplashes", TRUE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
// Skip the damn intro splash
Patch<WORD>(AddressByRegion_11<DWORD>(0x749388), 0x62EB);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SmallSteamTexts", TRUE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
// We're on 1.01 - make texts smaller
Patch<const void*>(0x58CB57, &fSteamSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58CBDF, &fSteamSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58CC9E, &fSteamSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58CB6D, &fSteamSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x58CBF5, &fSteamSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x58CCB4, &fSteamSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x4EA428, &fSteamRadioNamePosY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4EA372, &fSteamRadioNameSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4EA388, &fSteamRadioNameSizeX);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"ColouredZoneNames", FALSE, wcModulePath) != FALSE )
// Coloured zone names
Patch<WORD>(0x58B58E, 0x0E75);
Patch<WORD>(0x58B595, 0x0775);
InjectHook(0x58B5B4, &CRGBA::BlendGangColour);
Patch<BYTE>(0x58B57E, 0xEB);
// ImVehFt conflicts
if ( !bHasImVehFt )
// Lights
InjectHook(0x4C838C, LightMaterialsFix, PATCH_CALL);
// Flying components
InjectHook(0x59F950, &CObject::Render_Stub, PATCH_JUMP);
if ( !bHasImVehFt && !bSAMP )
// Properly random numberplates
DWORD* pVMT = *(DWORD**)0x4C767C;
Patch(&pVMT[7], &CVehicleModelInfo::Shutdown_Stub);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6D1663, 0xEB);
InjectHook(0x4C984D, &CVehicleModelInfo::SetCarCustomPlate);
InjectHook(0x6D7288, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_TextureCreate);
InjectHook(0x6D6D4C, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_BeforeRenderingStart);
InjectHook(0x6FE810, CCustomCarPlateMgr::SetupClumpAfterVehicleUpgrade, PATCH_JUMP);
Nop(0x6D6D47, 2);
// SSE conflicts
if ( GetModuleHandle("shadows.asi") == nullptr )
Patch<DWORD>(0x706E8C, 0x52909090);
InjectHook(0x706E92, &CShadowCamera::Update);
// Bigger streamed entity linked lists
// Increase only if they're not increased already
if ( *(DWORD*)0x5B9635 == 12000 )
Patch<DWORD>(0x5B9635, 15000);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5B9690, 15000);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_Steam()
if ( !IsAlreadyRunning() )
@ -1704,6 +1944,9 @@ __forceinline void Patch_SA_10()
IsAlreadyRunning = (BOOL(*)())(*(int*)(pIsAlreadyRunning+1) + pIsAlreadyRunning + 5);
InjectHook(pIsAlreadyRunning, InjectDelayedPatches_10);
// Set CAEDataStream to use an old structure
//Patch<BYTE>(0x5D7265, 0xEB);
@ -1742,6 +1985,7 @@ __forceinline void Patch_SA_10()
// No framedelay
Patch<WORD>(0x53E923, 0x43EB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x53E99F, 0x10);
Nop(0x53E9A5, 1);
// Disable re-initialization of DirectInput mouse device by the game
@ -1851,14 +2095,14 @@ __forceinline void Patch_SA_10()
// FLAC support
InjectHook(0x4F373D, LoadFLAC, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x4F35E0, FLACInit, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x57BEFE, FLACInit);
InjectHook(0x4F3787, CAEWaveDecoderInit);
Patch<WORD>(0x4F376A, 0x18EB);
//Patch<BYTE>(0x4F378F, sizeof(CAEWaveDecoder));
Patch<const void*>(0x4F3210, UserTrackExtensions);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F3241, &UserTrackExtensions->Codec);
//Patch<const void*>(0x4F35E7, &UserTrackExtensions[1].Codec);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F35E7, &UserTrackExtensions[1].Codec);
Patch<BYTE>(0x4F322D, sizeof(UserTrackExtensions));
// Impound garages working correctly
@ -1898,12 +2142,14 @@ __forceinline void Patch_SA_10()
Nop(0x58EAE1, 3);
// Zones fix
// Only 1.0 and Steam
InjectHook(0x572130, GetCurrentZoneLockedOrUnlocked, PATCH_JUMP);
// CGarages::RespraysAreFree resetting on new game
Patch<WORD>(0x448BD8, 0x0D88);
Patch<bool*>(0x448BDA, *(bool**)0x44AC98);
Patch<BYTE>(0x448BDE, 0xC3);
Patch<WORD>(0x448BD8, 0x8966);
Patch<BYTE>(0x448BDA, 0x0D);
Patch<bool*>(0x448BDB, *(bool**)0x44AC98);
Patch<BYTE>(0x448BDF, 0xC3);
// Fixed police scanner names
char* pScannerNames = *(char**)0x4E72D4;
@ -1915,6 +2161,199 @@ __forceinline void Patch_SA_11()
using namespace MemoryVP;
// IsAlreadyRunning needs to be read relatively late - the later, the better
int pIsAlreadyRunning = AddressByRegion_11<int>(0x749000);
IsAlreadyRunning = (BOOL(*)())(*(int*)(pIsAlreadyRunning+1) + pIsAlreadyRunning + 5);
InjectHook(pIsAlreadyRunning, InjectDelayedPatches_11);
// Set CAEDataStream to use a NEW structure
// Heli rotors
InjectHook(0x6CB390, &CPlane::Render_Stub, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x6C4C20, &CHeli::Render_Stub, PATCH_JUMP);
Patch<const void*>(0x734A09, TwoPassAlphaRender);
Patch<const void*>(0x734957, TwoPassAlphaRender);
Patch<const void*>(0x734C8E, RenderBigVehicleActomic);
// RefFix
static const float fRefZVal = 1.0f;
static const float* const pRefFal = &fRefZVal;
Patch<const void*>(0x6FC1AA, &pRefFal);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FC1D0, 0);
// Plane rotors
InjectHook(0x4C7A01, PlaneAtomicRendererSetup, PATCH_JUMP);
Patch<WORD>(0x4C9490, 0xE281);
// No framedelay
Patch<WORD>(0x53EDC3, 0x43EB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x53EE3F, 0x10);
Nop(0x53EE45, 1);
// Disable re-initialization of DirectInput mouse device by the game
Patch<BYTE>(0x57723C, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x57742A, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5774FA, 0xEB);
// Make sure DirectInput mouse device is set non-exclusive (may not be needed?)
Patch<DWORD>(AddressByRegion_11<DWORD>(0x747270), 0x9090C030);
// Weapons rendering
InjectHook(0x5E8079, RenderWeapon);
InjectHook(0x733760, RenderWeaponPedsForPC, PATCH_JUMP);
// Hunter interior & static_rotor for helis
InjectHook(0x4C7972, HunterTest, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x4C9818, CacheCRC32);
// Moonphases
InjectHook(0x7142FB, HandleMoonStuffStub, PATCH_JUMP);
// Twopass rendering (experimental)
Patch<BYTE>(0x4C449E, 0x57);
Patch<DWORD>(0x4C44A4, 0x5F04C483);
Patch<DWORD>(0x4C44A8, 0x0004C25E);
// Lightbeam fix
Patch<WORD>(0x6A36A8, 0x0EEB);
Nop(0x6A36BC, 3);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E1793, 0x0AEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E17AC, 0x0BEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E17C5, 0x0BEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E17DF, 0x1AEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E1C05, 0x09EB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E1C1D, 0x17EB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E1C4F, 0x0AEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6E1810, 0x28);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6E1C5D, 0x18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6E180B, 0xC8-0x7C);
InjectHook(0x6A3717, ResetAlphaFuncRefAfterRender, PATCH_JUMP);
// PS2 SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
static const float fSunMult = (1050.0f * 0.95f) / 1500.0f;
Nop(0x6FB9AC, 3);
Patch<const void*>(0x6FCDE0, &fSunMult);
Patch<const void*>(0x6FCDDA, &fSunFarClip);
// Unlocked widescreen resolutions
Patch<DWORD>(0x74619C, 0x9090127D);
Nop(0x7461A0, 2);
Nop(0x746222, 2);
if ( *(BYTE*)0x746333 == 0xE9 )
// securom'd EXE
// I better check if it's an address I want to patch, I don't want to break the game
if ( *(DWORD*)0x14E7387 == 0x00E48C0F )
Patch<DWORD>(0x14E7387, 0x90905D7D);
Nop(0x14E738B, 2);
// Sadly, this func is different in 1.01 - so I don't know the original offset
// Heap corruption fix
Patch<BYTE>(0x4A9D50, 0xC3);
// User Tracks fix
InjectHook(0x4DA057, UserTracksFix);
InjectHook(0x4DA0A5, 0x4F3430);
// FLAC support
InjectHook(0x57C566, FLACInit);
if ( *(BYTE*)0x4F3A50 == 0x6A )
InjectHook(0x4F3A50 + 0x14D, LoadFLAC_11, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x4F3A50 + 0x197, CAEWaveDecoderInit);
Patch<WORD>(0x4F3A50 + 0x17A, 0x18EB);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F3650 + 0x20, UserTrackExtensions);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F3650 + 0x51, &UserTrackExtensions->Codec);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F3A10 + 0x37, &UserTrackExtensions[1].Codec);
Patch<BYTE>(0x4F3650 + 0x3D, sizeof(UserTrackExtensions));
// securom'd EXE
InjectHook(0x5B6B7B, LoadFLAC_11, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x5B6BFB, CAEWaveDecoderInit, PATCH_JUMP);
Patch<WORD>(0x5B6BCB, 0x26EB);
if ( *(DWORD*)0x14E4954 == 0x05C70A75 )
Patch<const void*>(0x14E4958, &UserTrackExtensions[1].Codec);
// Deobfuscating an opcode
Patch<BYTE>(0x4EBD25, 0xBF);
Patch<const void*>(0x4EBD26, UserTrackExtensions);
Patch<const void*>(0x4EBDD4, &UserTrackExtensions->Codec);
Patch<WORD>(0x4EBD2A, 0x72EB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x4EBDC0, sizeof(UserTrackExtensions));
// Impound garages working correctly
InjectHook(0x4251F9, 0x448A10);
InjectHook(0x4253E9, 0x448A10);
InjectHook(0x425491, 0x448A10);
// Impounding after busted works
Nop(0x443312, 5);
// Mouse rotates an airbone car only with Steer with Mouse option enabled
bool* bEnableMouseSteering = *(bool**)0x6ADFCD; // CVehicle::m_bEnableMouseSteering
Patch<bool*>(0x6B56E0, bEnableMouseSteering);
Patch<bool*>(0x6CF047, bEnableMouseSteering);
// Patched CAutomobile::Fix
// misc_x parts don't get reset (Bandito fix), Towtruck's bouncing panel is not reset
Patch<WORD>(0x6A3CE9, 0x5EEB);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3D75, 0x5E5FCF8B);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3D79, 0x448B5B5D);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3D7D, 0x89644824);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3D81, 5);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3D85, 0x54C48300);
InjectHook(0x6A3D89, &CAutomobile::Fix_SilentPatch, PATCH_JUMP);
// Patched CPlane::Fix
// Doors don't get reset (they can't get damaged anyway), bouncing panels DO reset
// but not on Vortex
Patch<BYTE>(0x6CB3F0, 0xEB);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6CB425, 0x5E5FCF8B);
InjectHook(0x6CB429, &CPlane::Fix_SilentPatch, PATCH_JUMP);
// Weapon icon fix (crosshairs mess up rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE)
// Only 1.0 and 1.01, Steam somehow fixed it (not the same way though)
Nop(0x58E9E0, 3);
Nop(0x58F287, 3);
Nop(0x58F2B1, 3);
// CGarages::RespraysAreFree resetting on new game
Patch<WORD>(0x448C58, 0x8966);
Patch<BYTE>(0x448C5A, 0x0D);
Patch<bool*>(0x448C5B, *(bool**)0x44AD18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x448C5F, 0xC3);
// Fixed police scanner names
char* pScannerNames = *(char**)0x4E7714;
strncpy(pScannerNames + (8*113), "WESTP", 8);
strncpy(pScannerNames + (8*134), "????", 8);
// 1.01 ONLY
// I'm not sure what was this new audio code supposed to do, but it leaks memory
// and due to this I have to make extra effort if I want FLAC to work on 1.01
Patch<DWORD>(0x4E124C, 0x4DEBC78B);
__forceinline void Patch_SA_Steam()
@ -1925,6 +2364,8 @@ __forceinline void Patch_SA_Steam()
IsAlreadyRunning = (BOOL(*)())(*(int*)(0x7826ED+1) + 0x7826ED + 5);
InjectHook(0x7826ED, InjectDelayedPatches_Steam);
// Set CAEDataStream to use an old structure
// Heli rotors
InjectHook(0x700620, &CPlane::Render_Stub, PATCH_JUMP);
@ -1949,6 +2390,7 @@ __forceinline void Patch_SA_Steam()
// No framedelay
Patch<WORD>(0x551113, 0x46EB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551195, 0xC);
Nop(0x551197, 1);
// Disable re-initialization of DirectInput mouse device by the game
@ -2016,17 +2458,18 @@ __forceinline void Patch_SA_Steam()
// User Tracks fix
Patch<BYTE>(0x4E4A28, 0xBA);
Patch<const void*>(0x4E4A29, UserTracksFix);
Patch<const void*>(0x4E4A29, UserTracksFix_Steam);
InjectHook(0x4E4A8B, 0x4FF2B0);
// FLAC support
InjectHook(0x4FFC39, LoadFLAC_Steam, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x4FFAAF, FLACInit_Steam, PATCH_JUMP);
InjectHook(0x591814, FLACInit_Steam);
InjectHook(0x4FFC83, CAEWaveDecoderInit);
Patch<WORD>(0x4FFC66, 0x18EB);
Patch<const void*>(0x4FF4F0, UserTrackExtensions);
Patch<const void*>(0x4FF523, &UserTrackExtensions->Codec);
Patch<const void*>(0x4FFAB6, &UserTrackExtensions[1].Codec);
Patch<BYTE>(0x4FF50F, sizeof(UserTrackExtensions));
// Impound garages working correctly
@ -2063,9 +2506,10 @@ __forceinline void Patch_SA_Steam()
InjectHook(0x587080, GetCurrentZoneLockedOrUnlocked, PATCH_JUMP);
// CGarages::RespraysAreFree resetting on new game
Patch<WORD>(0x44CB55, 0x0D88);
Patch<bool*>(0x44CB57, *(bool**)0x44EEBA);
Nop(0x44CB5B, 3);
Patch<WORD>(0x44CB55, 0xC766);
Patch<BYTE>(0x44CB57, 0x05);
Patch<bool*>(0x44CB58, *(bool**)0x44EEBA);
Patch<WORD>(0x44CB5C, 0x0000);
// Fixed police scanner names
char* pScannerNames = *(char**)0x4F2B83;
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ inline T AddressByVersion(DWORD address10, DWORD address11, DWORD addressSteam)
switch ( *bVer )
case 1:
// Safety measures - if null, return dummy var pointer to prevent a crash
if ( !address11 )
Reference in a new issue