#include "StdAfx.h" #include "ModelInfoIII.h" #include "Common.h" #include "RWUtils.hpp" RpAtomic* (*CVehicleModelInfo::SetEnvironmentMapCB)(RpAtomic* atomic, void* data) = hook::get_pattern<RpAtomic*(RpAtomic*, void*)>("8B 5C 24 14 C6 44 24", -5); // This is actually CBaseModelInfo, but we currently don't have it defined CVehicleModelInfo**& ms_modelInfoPtrs = *hook::get_pattern<CVehicleModelInfo**>("8B 2C 85 ? ? ? ? 89 E9", 3); int32_t& numModelInfos = *hook::get_pattern<int32_t>("81 FD ? ? ? ? 7C B7 31 C0", 2); static void RemoveSpecularityFromAtomic(RpAtomic* atomic) { RpGeometry* geometry = RpAtomicGetGeometry(atomic); if (geometry != nullptr) { RpGeometryForAllMaterials(geometry, [](RpMaterial* material) { bool bRemoveSpecularity = false; // Only remove specularity from the body materials, keep glass intact. // This is only done on a best-effort basis, as mods can fine-tune it better // and just remove the model from the exceptions list RwTexture* texture = RpMaterialGetTexture(material); if (texture != nullptr) { if (strstr(RwTextureGetName(texture), "glass") == nullptr && strstr(RwTextureGetMaskName(texture), "glass") == nullptr) { bRemoveSpecularity = true; } } if (bRemoveSpecularity) { RpMaterialGetSurfaceProperties(material)->specular = 0.0f; } return material; }); } } void CSimpleModelInfo::SetNearDistanceForLOD_SilentPatch() { // 100.0f for real LOD's, 0.0f otherwise m_lodDistances[2] = _strnicmp( m_name, "lod", 3 ) == 0 ? 100.0f : 0.0f; } void CVehicleModelInfo::SetEnvironmentMap_ExtraComps() { std::invoke(orgSetEnvironmentMap, this); const int32_t modelID = std::distance(ms_modelInfoPtrs, std::find(ms_modelInfoPtrs, ms_modelInfoPtrs+numModelInfos, this)); const bool bRemoveSpecularity = ExtraCompSpecularity::SpecularityExcluded(modelID); for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_numComps; i++) { if (bRemoveSpecularity) { RemoveSpecularityFromAtomic(m_comps[i]); } SetEnvironmentMapCB(m_comps[i], m_envMap); AttachCarPipeToRwObject(reinterpret_cast<RwObject*>(m_comps[i])); } }