#include "StdAfx.h" #include "General.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Patterns.h" #include "Common.h" #include "Common_ddraw.h" #include <memory> struct PsGlobalType { HWND window; DWORD instance; DWORD fullscreen; DWORD lastMousePos_X; DWORD lastMousePos_Y; DWORD unk; DWORD diInterface; DWORD diMouse; void* diDevice1; void* diDevice2; }; struct RsGlobalType { const char* AppName; unsigned int unkWidth, unkHeight; signed int MaximumWidth; signed int MaximumHeight; unsigned int frameLimit; BOOL quit; PsGlobalType* ps; void* keyboard; void* mouse; void* pad; }; struct RwV2d { float x; /**< X value*/ float y; /**< Y value */ }; static void (*DrawRect)(const CRect&,const CRGBA&); static void (*SetScale)(float,float); static int* InstantHitsFiredByPlayer; static const void* HeadlightsFix_JumpBack; void (__stdcall *AudioResetTimers)(unsigned int); static void (*PrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*); static bool* bWantsToDrawHud; static bool* bCamCheck; static RsGlobalType* RsGlobal; static const void* SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack; inline float GetWidthMult() { static const float& ResolutionWidthMult = **AddressByVersion<float**>(0x57E956, 0x57ECA6, 0x57EBA6); return ResolutionWidthMult; } inline float GetHeightMult() { static const float& ResolutionHeightMult = **AddressByVersion<float**>(0x57E940, 0x57EC90, 0x57EB90); return ResolutionHeightMult; } void ShowRadarTrace(float fX, float fY, unsigned int nScale, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b, BYTE a) { if ( *bWantsToDrawHud == true && !*bCamCheck ) { float fWidthMult = GetWidthMult(); float fHeightMult = GetHeightMult(); DrawRect(CRect( fX - ((nScale+1.0f) * fWidthMult * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth), fY + ((nScale+1.0f) * fHeightMult * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight), fX + ((nScale+1.0f) * fWidthMult * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth), fY - ((nScale+1.0f) * fHeightMult * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight)), CRGBA(0, 0, 0, a)); DrawRect(CRect( fX - (nScale * fWidthMult * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth), fY + (nScale * fHeightMult * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight), fX + (nScale * fWidthMult * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth), fY - (nScale * fHeightMult * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight)), CRGBA(r, g, b, a)); } } void SetScaleProperly(float fX, float fY) { SetScale(fX * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth, fY * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight); } class CGang { public: int32_t m_vehicleModel; int8_t m_gangModelOverride; int32_t m_gangWeapons[2]; }; static_assert(sizeof(CGang) == 0x10, "Wrong size: CGang"); static CGang* const Gangs = *hook::get_pattern<CGang*>( "0F BF 4C 24 04 8B 44 24 08 C1 E1 04 89 81", -0x60 + 2 ); void PurpleNinesGlitchFix() { for ( size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i ) Gangs[i].m_gangModelOverride = -1; } static bool bGameInFocus = true; static LRESULT (CALLBACK **OldWndProc)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); LRESULT CALLBACK CustomWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch ( uMsg ) { case WM_KILLFOCUS: bGameInFocus = false; break; case WM_SETFOCUS: bGameInFocus = true; break; } return (*OldWndProc)(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } static auto* const pCustomWndProc = CustomWndProc; static void (* const RsMouseSetPos)(RwV2d*) = AddressByVersion<void(*)(RwV2d*)>(0x580D20, 0x581070, 0x580F70); static void (*orgConstructRenderList)(); void ResetMousePos() { if ( bGameInFocus ) { RwV2d vecPos = { RsGlobal->MaximumWidth * 0.5f, RsGlobal->MaximumHeight * 0.5f }; RsMouseSetPos(&vecPos); } orgConstructRenderList(); } void __declspec(naked) M16StatsFix() { _asm { add eax, 34h add ebx, 34h mov ecx, [InstantHitsFiredByPlayer] inc [ecx] retn } } void __declspec(naked) HeadlightsFix() { static const float fMinusOne = -1.0f; _asm { fld [esp+708h-690h] fcomp fMinusOne fnstsw ax and ah, 5 cmp ah, 1 jnz HeadlightsFix_DontLimit fld fMinusOne fstp [esp+708h-690h] HeadlightsFix_DontLimit: fld [esp+708h-690h] fabs fld st jmp [HeadlightsFix_JumpBack] } } static float fShadowXSize, fShadowYSize; void __stdcall Recalculate(signed int nShadow) { fShadowXSize = nShadow * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth; fShadowYSize = nShadow * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight; } static void AlteredPrintString_Internal(float fX, float fY, float fMarginX, float fMarginY, const wchar_t* pText) { PrintString(fX - fMarginX + (fMarginX * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth), fY - fMarginY + (fMarginY * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight), pText); } template<uintptr_t pFltX, uintptr_t pFltY> void AlteredPrintString(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText) { const float fMarginX = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltX); const float fMarginY = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltY); AlteredPrintString_Internal(fX, fY, fMarginX, fMarginY, pText); } template<uintptr_t pFltX, uintptr_t pFltY> void AlteredPrintStringMinus(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText) { const float fMarginX = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltX); const float fMarginY = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltY); AlteredPrintString_Internal(fX, fY, -fMarginX, -fMarginY, pText); } template<uintptr_t pFltX> void AlteredPrintStringXOnly(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText) { const float fMarginX = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltX); AlteredPrintString_Internal(fX, fY, fMarginX, 0.0f, pText); } template<uintptr_t pFltY> void AlteredPrintStringYOnly(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText) { const float fMarginY = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltY); AlteredPrintString_Internal(fX, fY, 0.0f, fMarginY, pText); } float FixedRefValue() { return 1.0f; } void __declspec(naked) SubtitlesShadowFix() { _asm { push eax call Recalculate fadd [esp+50h+8] fadd [fShadowYSize] jmp SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack } } void __declspec(naked) III_SensResetFix() { _asm { mov ecx, 3A76h mov edi, ebp fld dword ptr [ebp+194h] fld dword ptr [ebp+198h] rep stosd fstp dword ptr [ebp+198h] fstp dword ptr [ebp+194h] retn } } static void* RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4A55B8, 0x4A56A8, 0x4A5638); static void* RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip_Count = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4A55AF, 0x4A569F, 0x4A562F); void __declspec(naked) RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip() { _asm { mov edx, dword ptr [RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip_Count] cmp cl, byte ptr [edx] jnb OutOfBounds mov edx, ecx mov eax, [esp+4] jmp RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip_JumpBack OutOfBounds: or eax, -1 fcompp retn } } static void* RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4A565E, 0x4A574E, 0x4A56DE); void __declspec(naked) RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip() { _asm { mov edx, dword ptr [RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip_Count] cmp cl, byte ptr [edx] jnb OutOfBounds mov edx, ecx mov eax, [esp+4] jmp RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip_JumpBack OutOfBounds: or eax, -1 retn } } extern char** ppUserFilesDir = AddressByVersion<char**>(0x580C16, 0x580F66, 0x580E66); static LARGE_INTEGER FrameTime; int32_t GetTimeSinceLastFrame() { LARGE_INTEGER curTime; QueryPerformanceCounter(&curTime); return int32_t(curTime.QuadPart - FrameTime.QuadPart); } static int (*RsEventHandler)(int, void*); int NewFrameRender(int nEvent, void* pParam) { QueryPerformanceCounter(&FrameTime); return RsEventHandler(nEvent, pParam); } static signed int& LastTimeFireTruckCreated = **(int**)0x41D2E5; static signed int& LastTimeAmbulanceCreated = **(int**)0x41D2F9; static void (*orgCarCtrlReInit)(); void CarCtrlReInit_SilentPatch() { orgCarCtrlReInit(); LastTimeFireTruckCreated = 0; LastTimeAmbulanceCreated = 0; } static void (*orgPickNextNodeToChaseCar)(void*, float, float, void*); static float PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ = 0.0f; static void PickNextNodeToChaseCarXYZ( void* vehicle, const CVector& vec, void* chaseTarget ) { PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ = vec.z; orgPickNextNodeToChaseCar( vehicle, vec.x, vec.y, chaseTarget ); PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ = 0.0f; } static char aNoDesktopMode[64]; unsigned int __cdecl AutoPilotTimerCalculation_III(unsigned int nTimer, int nScaleFactor, float fScaleCoef) { return nTimer - static_cast<unsigned int>(nScaleFactor * fScaleCoef); } void __declspec(naked) AutoPilotTimerFix_III() { _asm { push dword ptr[esp + 0x4] push dword ptr[ebx + 0x10] push eax call AutoPilotTimerCalculation_III add esp, 0xC mov [ebx + 0xC], eax add esp, 0x28 pop ebp pop esi pop ebx retn 4 } } static void (__thiscall *orgGiveWeapon)( void* ped, unsigned int weapon, unsigned int ammo ); static void __fastcall GiveWeapon_SP( void* ped, void*, unsigned int weapon, unsigned int ammo ) { if ( ammo == 0 ) ammo = 1; orgGiveWeapon( ped, weapon, ammo ); } void Patch_III_10(const RECT& desktop) { using namespace Memory; DrawRect = (void(*)(const CRect&,const CRGBA&))0x51F970; SetScale = (void(*)(float,float))0x501B80; AudioResetTimers = (void(__stdcall*)(unsigned int))0x57CCD0; PrintString = (void(*)(float,float,const wchar_t*))0x500F50; InstantHitsFiredByPlayer = *(int**)0x482C8F; bWantsToDrawHud = *(bool**)0x4A5877; bCamCheck = *(bool**)0x4A588C; RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)0x584C42; HeadlightsFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x5382F2; SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x500D32; Patch<BYTE>(0x490F83, 1); Patch<BYTE>(0x43177D, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x431DBB, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x432083, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x432303, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x479C9A, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x4FAD35, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x544AA4, 127); Patch<WORD>(0x5382BF, 0x0EEB); InjectHook(0x5382EC, HeadlightsFix, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4A5870, ShowRadarTrace, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4209A7, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x420A1F, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x420AC1, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x420D9E, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x426342, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x4326B8, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x4F9E4D, FixedRefValue); InjectHook(0x500D27, SubtitlesShadowFix, PATCH_JUMP); Patch<WORD>(0x500D4C, 0x05D8); Patch<WORD>(0x500D5F, 0x05D9); Patch<WORD>(0x500D6E, 0x05D9); Patch<void*>(0x500D4E, &fShadowXSize); Patch<void*>(0x500D70, &fShadowXSize); Patch<void*>(0x500D61, &fShadowYSize); Patch<DWORD>(0x500D53, 0x0000441F); Patch<BYTE>(0x500D52, 0x0F); Patch<BYTE>(0x500D65, 0x90); Patch<BYTE>(0x500D6D, 0x50); Patch<WORD>(0x500D74, 0x9066); Patch<BYTE>(0x5623B5, 0x90); InjectHook(0x5623B6, M16StatsFix, PATCH_CALL); InjectHook(0x505F82, AlteredPrintString<0x505F7B,0x505F50>); InjectHook(0x5065DA, AlteredPrintString<0x5065D3,0x5065A8>); InjectHook(0x50669B, AlteredPrintString<0x50668E,0x506670>); InjectHook(0x50694B, AlteredPrintString<0x506944,0x506919>); InjectHook(0x506A0C, AlteredPrintString<0x5069FF,0x5069E1>); InjectHook(0x506C37, AlteredPrintString<0x506C2B,0x506C22>); InjectHook(0x5070FA, AlteredPrintString<0x5070F3,0x5070C8>); InjectHook(0x507598, AlteredPrintString<0x507591,0x507566>); InjectHook(0x507754, AlteredPrintString<0x50774D,0x507722>); InjectHook(0x507944, AlteredPrintString<0x50793D,0x507912>); InjectHook(0x507AC8, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x507A8B>); InjectHook(0x507CF0, AlteredPrintString<0x507CE9,0x507CBE>); InjectHook(0x507FF1, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x507FB4>); InjectHook(0x508C6E, AlteredPrintString<0x508C67,0x508C46>); InjectHook(0x508F09, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x508F02>); InjectHook(0x426446, AlteredPrintString<0x42643F,0x426418>); InjectHook(0x426584, AlteredPrintString<0x42657D,0x426556>); InjectHook(0x42665F, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x426658,0x426637>); InjectHook(0x5098D6, AlteredPrintString<0x509A5E,0x509A3D>); InjectHook(0x509A65, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x509A5E,0x509A3D>); InjectHook(0x50A142, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x50A139>); InjectHook(0x57E9F5, AlteredPrintString<0x57E9EE,0x57E9CD>); // RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix) ReadCall( 0x48E539, orgConstructRenderList ); InjectHook(0x48E539, ResetMousePos); // New wndproc OldWndProc = *(LRESULT (CALLBACK***)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM))0x581C74; Patch(0x581C74, &pCustomWndProc); // Armour cheat as TORTOISE - like in 1.1 and Steam Patch<const char*>(0x4925FB, "ESIOTROT"); // BOOOOORING fixed Patch<BYTE>(0x4925D7, 10); // 1.1 mouse sensitivity not resetting fix Patch<WORD>(0x46BE81, 0x12EB); Nop(0x46BAD6, 4); InjectHook(0x46BADA, III_SensResetFix, PATCH_CALL); // (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter ReadCall( 0x582EFD, RsEventHandler ); InjectHook(0x582EFD, NewFrameRender); InjectHook(0x582EA4, GetTimeSinceLastFrame); // Reinit CCarCtrl fields (firetruck and ambulance generation) ReadCall( 0x48C4FB, orgCarCtrlReInit ); InjectHook(0x48C4FB, CarCtrlReInit_SilentPatch); // Reinit free resprays flag // add esp, 38h // mov CGarages::RespraysAreFree, 0 // retn bool* pFreeResprays = *(bool**)0x4224A4; Patch<BYTE>(0x421E06, 0x38); Patch<WORD>(0x421E07, 0x05C6); Patch<const void*>(0x421E09, pFreeResprays); Patch<BYTE>(0x421E0E, 0xC3); // Radar blips bounds check InjectHook(0x4A55B2, RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4A5658, RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip, PATCH_JUMP); // No-CD fix (from CLEO) Patch<DWORD>(0x566A15, 0); Nop(0x566A56, 6); Nop(0x581C44, 2); Nop(0x581C52, 6); Patch<const char*>(0x566A3D, ""); // Fixed crash related to autopilot timing calculations InjectHook(0x4139B2, AutoPilotTimerFix_III, PATCH_JUMP); // Adblocker #if DISABLE_FLA_DONATION_WINDOW if ( *(DWORD*)0x582749 != 0x006A026A ) { Patch<DWORD>(0x582749, 0x006A026A); Patch<WORD>(0x58274D, 0x006A); } #endif Common::Patches::DDraw_III_10( desktop, aNoDesktopMode ); } void Patch_III_11(const RECT& desktop) { using namespace Memory; DrawRect = (void(*)(const CRect&,const CRGBA&))0x51FBA0; SetScale = (void(*)(float,float))0x501C60; AudioResetTimers = (void(__stdcall*)(unsigned int))0x57CCC0; PrintString = (void(*)(float,float,const wchar_t*))0x501030; InstantHitsFiredByPlayer = *(int**)0x482D5F; bWantsToDrawHud = *(bool**)0x4A5967; bCamCheck = *(bool**)0x4A597C; RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)0x584F82; HeadlightsFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x538532; SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x500E12; Patch<BYTE>(0x491043, 1); Patch<BYTE>(0x43177D, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x431DBB, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x432083, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x432303, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x479C9A, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x4FAE15, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x544CE4, 127); Patch<WORD>(0x5384FF, 0x0EEB); InjectHook(0x53852C, HeadlightsFix, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4A5960, ShowRadarTrace, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4209A7, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x420A1F, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x420AC1, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x420D9E, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x426342, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x4326B8, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x4F9F2D, FixedRefValue); InjectHook(0x500E07, SubtitlesShadowFix, PATCH_JUMP); Patch<WORD>(0x500E2C, 0x05D8); Patch<WORD>(0x500E3F, 0x05D9); Patch<WORD>(0x500E4E, 0x05D9); Patch<void*>(0x500E2E, &fShadowXSize); Patch<void*>(0x500E50, &fShadowXSize); Patch<void*>(0x500E41, &fShadowYSize); Patch<DWORD>(0x500E33, 0x0000441F); Patch<BYTE>(0x500E32, 0x0F); Patch<BYTE>(0x500E45, 0x90); Patch<BYTE>(0x500E4D, 0x50); Patch<WORD>(0x500E54, 0x9066); Patch<BYTE>(0x5624E5, 0x90); InjectHook(0x5624E6, M16StatsFix, PATCH_CALL); InjectHook(0x506062, AlteredPrintString<0x50605B,0x506030>); InjectHook(0x5066BA, AlteredPrintString<0x5066B3,0x506688>); InjectHook(0x50677B, AlteredPrintString<0x50676E,0x506750>); InjectHook(0x506A2B, AlteredPrintString<0x506A24,0x5069F9>); InjectHook(0x506AEC, AlteredPrintString<0x506ADF,0x506AC1>); InjectHook(0x506D17, AlteredPrintString<0x506D0B,0x506D02>); InjectHook(0x5071DA, AlteredPrintString<0x5071D3,0x5071A8>); InjectHook(0x507678, AlteredPrintString<0x507671,0x507646>); InjectHook(0x507834, AlteredPrintString<0x50782D,0x507802>); InjectHook(0x507A24, AlteredPrintString<0x507A1D,0x5079F2>); InjectHook(0x507BA8, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x507B6B>); InjectHook(0x507DD0, AlteredPrintString<0x507DC9,0x507D9E>); InjectHook(0x5080D1, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x508094>); InjectHook(0x508D4E, AlteredPrintString<0x508D47,0x508D26>); InjectHook(0x508FE9, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x508FE2>); InjectHook(0x426446, AlteredPrintString<0x42643F,0x426418>); InjectHook(0x426584, AlteredPrintString<0x42657D,0x426556>); InjectHook(0x42665F, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x426658,0x426637>); InjectHook(0x5099B6, AlteredPrintString<0x509B3E,0x509B1D>); InjectHook(0x509B45, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x509B3E,0x509B1D>); InjectHook(0x50A222, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x50A219>); InjectHook(0x57ED45, AlteredPrintString<0x57ED3E,0x57ED1D>); // RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix) ReadCall( 0x48E5F9, orgConstructRenderList ); InjectHook(0x48E5F9, ResetMousePos); // New wndproc OldWndProc = *(LRESULT (CALLBACK***)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM))0x581FB4; Patch(0x581FB4, &pCustomWndProc); // (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter ReadCall( 0x58323D, RsEventHandler ); InjectHook(0x58323D, NewFrameRender); InjectHook(0x5831E4, GetTimeSinceLastFrame); // Reinit CCarCtrl fields (firetruck and ambulance generation) ReadCall( 0x48C5FB, orgCarCtrlReInit ); InjectHook(0x48C5FB, CarCtrlReInit_SilentPatch); // Reinit free resprays flag // add esp, 38h // mov CGarages::RespraysAreFree, 0 // retn bool* pFreeResprays = *(bool**)0x4224A4; Patch<BYTE>(0x421E06, 0x38); Patch<WORD>(0x421E07, 0x05C6); Patch<const void*>(0x421E09, pFreeResprays); Patch<BYTE>(0x421E0E, 0xC3); // Radar blips bounds check InjectHook(0x4A56A2, RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4A5748, RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip, PATCH_JUMP); // No-CD fix (from CLEO) Patch<DWORD>(0x566B55, 0); Nop(0x566B96, 6); Nop(0x581F84, 2); Nop(0x581F92, 6); Patch<const char*>(0x566B7D, ""); // Fixed crash related to autopilot timing calculations InjectHook(0x4139B2, AutoPilotTimerFix_III, PATCH_JUMP); Common::Patches::DDraw_III_11( desktop, aNoDesktopMode ); } void Patch_III_Steam(const RECT& desktop) { using namespace Memory; DrawRect = (void(*)(const CRect&,const CRGBA&))0x51FB30; SetScale = (void(*)(float,float))0x501BF0; AudioResetTimers = (void(__stdcall*)(unsigned int))0x57CF20; PrintString = (void(*)(float,float,const wchar_t*))0x500FC0; InstantHitsFiredByPlayer = *(int**)0x482D5F; bWantsToDrawHud = *(bool**)0x4A58F7; bCamCheck = *(bool**)0x4A590C; RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)0x584E72; SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x500DA2; Patch<BYTE>(0x490FD3, 1); Patch<BYTE>(0x43177D, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x431DBB, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x432083, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x432303, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x479C9A, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x4FADA5, 16); Patch<BYTE>(0x544C94, 127); InjectHook(0x4A58F0, ShowRadarTrace, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4209A7, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x420A1F, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x420AC1, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x420D9E, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x426342, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x4326B8, SetScaleProperly); InjectHook(0x4F9EBD, FixedRefValue); InjectHook(0x500D97, SubtitlesShadowFix, PATCH_JUMP); Patch<WORD>(0x500DBC, 0x05D8); Patch<WORD>(0x500DCF, 0x05D9); Patch<WORD>(0x500DDE, 0x05D9); Patch<void*>(0x500DBE, &fShadowXSize); Patch<void*>(0x500DE0, &fShadowXSize); Patch<void*>(0x500DD1, &fShadowYSize); Patch<DWORD>(0x500DC3, 0x0000441F); Patch<BYTE>(0x500DC2, 0x0F); Patch<BYTE>(0x500DD5, 0x90); Patch<BYTE>(0x500DDD, 0x50); Patch<WORD>(0x500DE4, 0x9066); Patch<BYTE>(0x562495, 0x90); InjectHook(0x562496, M16StatsFix, PATCH_CALL); InjectHook(0x505FF2, AlteredPrintString<0x505FEB,0x505FC0>); InjectHook(0x50664A, AlteredPrintString<0x506643,0x506618>); InjectHook(0x50670B, AlteredPrintString<0x5066FE,0x5066E0>); InjectHook(0x5069BB, AlteredPrintString<0x5069B4,0x506989>); InjectHook(0x506A7C, AlteredPrintString<0x506A6F,0x506A51>); InjectHook(0x506CA7, AlteredPrintString<0x506C9B,0x506C92>); InjectHook(0x50716A, AlteredPrintString<0x507163,0x507138>); InjectHook(0x507608, AlteredPrintString<0x507601,0x5075D6>); InjectHook(0x5077C4, AlteredPrintString<0x5077BD,0x507792>); InjectHook(0x5079B4, AlteredPrintString<0x5079AD,0x507982>); InjectHook(0x507B38, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x507AFB>); InjectHook(0x507D60, AlteredPrintString<0x507D59,0x507D2E>); InjectHook(0x508061, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x508024>); InjectHook(0x508CDE, AlteredPrintString<0x508CD7,0x508CB6>); InjectHook(0x508F79, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x508F72>); InjectHook(0x426446, AlteredPrintString<0x42643F,0x426418>); InjectHook(0x426584, AlteredPrintString<0x42657D,0x426556>); InjectHook(0x42665F, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x426658,0x426637>); InjectHook(0x509946, AlteredPrintString<0x509ACE,0x509AAD>); InjectHook(0x509AD5, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x509ACE,0x509AAD>); InjectHook(0x50A1B2, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x50A1A9>); InjectHook(0x57EC45, AlteredPrintString<0x57EC3E,0x57EC1D>); // RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix) ReadCall( 0x48E589, orgConstructRenderList ); InjectHook(0x48E589, ResetMousePos); // New wndproc OldWndProc = *(LRESULT (CALLBACK***)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM))0x581EA4; Patch(0x581EA4, &pCustomWndProc); // (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter ReadCall( 0x58312D, RsEventHandler ); InjectHook(0x58312D, NewFrameRender); InjectHook(0x5830D4, GetTimeSinceLastFrame); // Reinit CCarCtrl fields (firetruck and ambulance generation) ReadCall( 0x48C58B, orgCarCtrlReInit ); InjectHook(0x48C58B, CarCtrlReInit_SilentPatch); // Reinit free resprays flag // add esp, 38h // mov CGarages::RespraysAreFree, 0 // retn bool* pFreeResprays = *(bool**)0x4224A4; Patch<BYTE>(0x421E06, 0x38); Patch<WORD>(0x421E07, 0x05C6); Patch<const void*>(0x421E09, pFreeResprays); Patch<BYTE>(0x421E0E, 0xC3); // Radar blips bounds check InjectHook(0x4A5632, RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4A56D8, RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip, PATCH_JUMP); // Fixed crash related to autopilot timing calculations InjectHook(0x4139B2, AutoPilotTimerFix_III, PATCH_JUMP); Common::Patches::DDraw_III_Steam( desktop, aNoDesktopMode ); } void Patch_III_Common() { using namespace Memory; using namespace hook; // Purple Nines Glitch fix { auto addr = get_pattern( "0F BF 4C 24 04 8B 44 24 08 C1 E1 04 89 81", -0xC ); InjectHook( addr, PurpleNinesGlitchFix, PATCH_JUMP ); } // New timers fix { auto hookPoint = pattern( "83 E4 F8 89 44 24 08 C7 44 24 0C 00 00 00 00 DF 6C 24 08" ).get_one(); auto jmpPoint = get_pattern( "DD D8 E9 37 FF FF FF DD D8" ); InjectHook( hookPoint.get<void>( 0x21 ), CTimer::Update_SilentPatch, PATCH_CALL ); InjectHook( hookPoint.get<void>( 0x21 + 5 ), jmpPoint, PATCH_JUMP ); } // Alt+F4 { auto addr = pattern( "59 59 31 C0 83 C4 48 5D 5F 5E 5B C2 10 00" ).count(2); auto dest = get_pattern( "53 55 56 FF 74 24 68 FF 15" ); addr.for_each_result( [&]( pattern_match match ) { InjectHook( match.get<void>( 2 ), dest, PATCH_JUMP ); }); } // Proper panels damage { auto addr = pattern( "C6 43 09 03 C6 43 0A 03 C6 43 0B 03" ).get_one(); Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x1A + 1 ), 5 ); Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x23 + 1 ), 6 ); Nop( addr.get<void>( 0x3F ), 7 ); } // Proper metric-imperial conversion constants { static const float METERS_TO_MILES = 0.0006213711922f; static const float METERS_TO_FEET = 3.280839895f; auto addr = pattern( "D8 0D ? ? ? ? 6A 00 6A 01 D9 9C 24" ).count(4); Patch<const void*>( addr.get(0).get<void>( 2 ), &METERS_TO_MILES ); Patch<const void*>( addr.get(1).get<void>( 2 ), &METERS_TO_MILES ); Patch<const void*>( addr.get(2).get<void>( 2 ), &METERS_TO_FEET ); Patch<const void*>( addr.get(3).get<void>( 2 ), &METERS_TO_FEET ); } // Improved pathfinding in PickNextNodeAccordingStrategy - PickNextNodeToChaseCar with XYZ coords { auto addr = pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 50 8D 44 24 10 50 E8" ).get_one(); ReadCall( addr.get<void>( 0x25 ), orgPickNextNodeToChaseCar ); const uintptr_t funcAddr = (uintptr_t)get_pattern( "8B AC 24 94 00 00 00 8B 85 2C 01 00 00", -0x7 ); // push PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ instead of 0.0f Patch( funcAddr + 0x1C9, { 0xFF, 0x35 } ); Patch<const void*>( funcAddr + 0x1C9 + 2, &PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ ); Nop( funcAddr + 0x1C9 + 6, 1 ); // lea eax, [esp+1Ch+var_C] // push eax // nop... Patch( addr.get<void>( 0x10 ), { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04, 0x8D, 0x44, 0x24, 0x10, 0x50, 0xEB, 0x0A } ); InjectHook( addr.get<void>( 0x25 ), PickNextNodeToChaseCarXYZ ); Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x2A + 2 ), 0xC ); // push ecx // nop... Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x3E ), 0x59 ); Nop( addr.get<void>( 0x3E + 1 ), 6 ); InjectHook( addr.get<void>( 0x46 ), PickNextNodeToChaseCarXYZ ); Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x4B + 2 ), 0xC ); // For NICK007J // Uncomment this to get rid of "treadable hack" in CCarCtrl::PickNextNodeToChaseCar (to mirror VC behaviour) InjectHook( funcAddr + 0x2A, funcAddr + 0x182, PATCH_JUMP ); } // No censorships { auto addr = get_pattern( "8B 15 ? ? ? ? C6 05 ? ? ? ? 00 89 D0" ); Patch( addr, { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x08, 0xC3 } ); // add esp, 8 \ retn } // 014C cargen counter fix (by spaceeinstein) { auto do_processing = pattern( "0F B7 45 28 83 F8 FF 7D 04 66 FF 4D 28" ).get_one(); Patch<uint8_t>( do_processing.get<uint8_t*>(1), 0xBF ); // movzx eax, word ptr [ebx+28h] -> movsx eax, word ptr [ebx+28h] Patch<uint8_t>( do_processing.get<uint8_t*>(7), 0x74 ); // jge -> jz } // Fixed ammo from SCM { auto give_weapon = get_pattern( "6B C0 4F 51 8B 34", 0x13 ); ReadCall( give_weapon, orgGiveWeapon ); InjectHook( give_weapon, GiveWeapon_SP ); give_weapon = get_pattern( "89 C7 A1 ? ? ? ? 55 89 F9 50", 11 ); InjectHook( give_weapon, GiveWeapon_SP ); } } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hinstDLL); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpvReserved); if ( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ) { RECT desktop; GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &desktop); sprintf_s(aNoDesktopMode, "Cannot find %dx%dx32 video mode", desktop.right, desktop.bottom); // This scope is mandatory so Protect goes out of scope before rwcseg gets fixed { std::unique_ptr<ScopedUnprotect::Unprotect> Protect = ScopedUnprotect::UnprotectSectionOrFullModule( GetModuleHandle( nullptr ), ".text" ); const int8_t version = Memory::GetVersion().version; if ( version == 0 ) Patch_III_10(desktop); else if ( version == 1 ) Patch_III_11(desktop); else if ( version == 2 ) Patch_III_Steam(desktop); Patch_III_Common(); Common::Patches::III_VC_Common(); Common::Patches::DDraw_Common(); } Common::Patches::FixRwcseg_Patterns(); HMODULE hDummyHandle; GetModuleHandleExW(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS, (LPCWSTR)&DllMain, &hDummyHandle); } return TRUE; }