mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 05:59:38 +05:00

Gives each hook intercepting functions its own thunk function, so if another modification intercepts only one of X functions patched by SilentPatch, this will now be preserved. Also makes GTA SA's stored car bomb ownership fix work with the Hoodlum EXE.
1296 lines
41 KiB
1296 lines
41 KiB
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Maths.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "Common_ddraw.h"
#include "Desktop.h"
#include "VehicleIII.h"
#include "ModelInfoIII.h"
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#include "Utils/Patterns.h"
#include "Utils/ScopedUnprotect.hpp"
#include "debugmenu_public.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib")
struct PsGlobalType
HWND window;
DWORD instance;
DWORD fullscreen;
DWORD lastMousePos_X;
DWORD lastMousePos_Y;
DWORD unk;
DWORD diInterface;
DWORD diMouse;
void* diDevice1;
void* diDevice2;
struct RsGlobalType
const char* AppName;
unsigned int unkWidth, unkHeight;
signed int MaximumWidth;
signed int MaximumHeight;
unsigned int frameLimit;
BOOL quit;
PsGlobalType* ps;
void* keyboard;
void* mouse;
void* pad;
DebugMenuAPI gDebugMenuAPI;
static HMODULE hDLLModule;
static void (*DrawRect)(const CRect&,const CRGBA&);
static void (*SetScale)(float,float);
static int* InstantHitsFiredByPlayer;
static const void* HeadlightsFix_JumpBack;
void (__stdcall *AudioResetTimers)(unsigned int);
static void (*PrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
static bool* bWantsToDrawHud;
static bool* bCamCheck;
static RsGlobalType* RsGlobal;
static const void* SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack;
inline float GetWidthMult()
static const float& ResolutionWidthMult = **AddressByVersion<float**>(0x57E956, 0x57ECA6, 0x57EBA6);
return ResolutionWidthMult;
inline float GetHeightMult()
static const float& ResolutionHeightMult = **AddressByVersion<float**>(0x57E940, 0x57EC90, 0x57EB90);
return ResolutionHeightMult;
void ShowRadarTrace(float fX, float fY, unsigned int nScale, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b, BYTE a)
if ( *bWantsToDrawHud == true && !*bCamCheck )
float fWidthMult = GetWidthMult();
float fHeightMult = GetHeightMult();
DrawRect(CRect( fX - ((nScale+1.0f) * fWidthMult * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth),
fY + ((nScale+1.0f) * fHeightMult * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight),
fX + ((nScale+1.0f) * fWidthMult * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth),
fY - ((nScale+1.0f) * fHeightMult * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight)),
CRGBA(0, 0, 0, a));
DrawRect(CRect( fX - (nScale * fWidthMult * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth),
fY + (nScale * fHeightMult * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight),
fX + (nScale * fWidthMult * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth),
fY - (nScale * fHeightMult * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight)),
CRGBA(r, g, b, a));
void SetScaleProperly(float fX, float fY)
SetScale(fX * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth, fY * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight);
class CGang
int32_t m_vehicleModel;
int8_t m_gangModelOverride;
int32_t m_gangWeapons[2];
static_assert(sizeof(CGang) == 0x10, "Wrong size: CGang");
static CGang* const Gangs = *hook::get_pattern<CGang*>( "0F BF 4C 24 04 8B 44 24 08 C1 E1 04 89 81", -0x60 + 2 );
void PurpleNinesGlitchFix()
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i )
Gangs[i].m_gangModelOverride = -1;
static bool bGameInFocus = true;
LRESULT CALLBACK CustomWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch ( uMsg )
bGameInFocus = false;
bGameInFocus = true;
return (*OldWndProc)(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
static auto* const pCustomWndProc = CustomWndProc;
static void (* const RsMouseSetPos)(RwV2d*) = AddressByVersion<void(*)(RwV2d*)>(0x580D20, 0x581070, 0x580F70);
static void (*orgConstructRenderList)();
void ResetMousePos()
if ( bGameInFocus )
RwV2d vecPos = { RsGlobal->MaximumWidth * 0.5f, RsGlobal->MaximumHeight * 0.5f };
void __declspec(naked) M16StatsFix()
add eax, 34h
add ebx, 34h
mov ecx, [InstantHitsFiredByPlayer]
inc [ecx]
void __declspec(naked) HeadlightsFix()
static const float fMinusOne = -1.0f;
fld [esp+708h-690h]
fcomp fMinusOne
fnstsw ax
and ah, 5
cmp ah, 1
jnz HeadlightsFix_DontLimit
fld fMinusOne
fstp [esp+708h-690h]
fld [esp+708h-690h]
fld st
jmp [HeadlightsFix_JumpBack]
static float fShadowXSize, fShadowYSize;
void __stdcall Recalculate(signed int nShadow)
fShadowXSize = nShadow * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth;
fShadowYSize = nShadow * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight;
static void AlteredPrintString_Internal(float fX, float fY, float fMarginX, float fMarginY, const wchar_t* pText)
PrintString(fX - fMarginX + (fMarginX * GetWidthMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth), fY - fMarginY + (fMarginY * GetHeightMult() * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight), pText);
template<uintptr_t pFltX, uintptr_t pFltY>
void AlteredPrintString(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
const float fMarginX = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltX);
const float fMarginY = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltY);
AlteredPrintString_Internal(fX, fY, fMarginX, fMarginY, pText);
template<uintptr_t pFltX, uintptr_t pFltY>
void AlteredPrintStringMinus(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
const float fMarginX = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltX);
const float fMarginY = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltY);
AlteredPrintString_Internal(fX, fY, -fMarginX, -fMarginY, pText);
template<uintptr_t pFltX>
void AlteredPrintStringXOnly(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
const float fMarginX = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltX);
AlteredPrintString_Internal(fX, fY, fMarginX, 0.0f, pText);
template<uintptr_t pFltY>
void AlteredPrintStringYOnly(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
const float fMarginY = **reinterpret_cast<float**>(pFltY);
AlteredPrintString_Internal(fX, fY, 0.0f, fMarginY, pText);
float FixedRefValue()
return 1.0f;
void __declspec(naked) SubtitlesShadowFix()
push eax
call Recalculate
fadd [esp+50h+8]
fadd [fShadowYSize]
jmp SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack
void __declspec(naked) III_SensResetFix()
mov ecx, 3A76h
mov edi, ebp
fld dword ptr [ebp+194h]
fld dword ptr [ebp+198h]
rep stosd
fstp dword ptr [ebp+198h]
fstp dword ptr [ebp+194h]
static void* RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4A55B8, 0x4A56A8, 0x4A5638);
static void* RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip_Count = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4A55AF, 0x4A569F, 0x4A562F);
void __declspec(naked) RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip()
mov edx, dword ptr [RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip_Count]
cmp cl, byte ptr [edx]
jnb OutOfBounds
mov edx, ecx
mov eax, [esp+4]
jmp RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip_JumpBack
or eax, -1
static void* RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4A565E, 0x4A574E, 0x4A56DE);
void __declspec(naked) RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip()
mov edx, dword ptr [RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip_Count]
cmp cl, byte ptr [edx]
jnb OutOfBounds
mov edx, ecx
mov eax, [esp+4]
jmp RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip_JumpBack
or eax, -1
extern char** ppUserFilesDir = AddressByVersion<char**>(0x580C16, 0x580F66, 0x580E66);
static LARGE_INTEGER FrameTime;
__declspec(safebuffers) int32_t GetTimeSinceLastFrame()
return int32_t(curTime.QuadPart - FrameTime.QuadPart);
static int (*RsEventHandler)(int, void*);
int NewFrameRender(int nEvent, void* pParam)
return RsEventHandler(nEvent, pParam);
static signed int& LastTimeFireTruckCreated = **(int**)0x41D2E5;
static signed int& LastTimeAmbulanceCreated = **(int**)0x41D2F9;
static void (*orgCarCtrlReInit)();
void CarCtrlReInit_SilentPatch()
LastTimeFireTruckCreated = 0;
LastTimeAmbulanceCreated = 0;
static void (*orgPickNextNodeToChaseCar)(void*, float, float, void*);
static float PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ = 0.0f;
static void PickNextNodeToChaseCarXYZ( void* vehicle, const CVector& vec, void* chaseTarget )
PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ = vec.z;
orgPickNextNodeToChaseCar( vehicle, vec.x, vec.y, chaseTarget );
PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ = 0.0f;
static char aNoDesktopMode[64];
unsigned int __cdecl AutoPilotTimerCalculation_III(unsigned int nTimer, int nScaleFactor, float fScaleCoef)
return nTimer - static_cast<unsigned int>(nScaleFactor * fScaleCoef);
void __declspec(naked) AutoPilotTimerFix_III()
_asm {
push dword ptr[esp + 0x4]
push dword ptr[ebx + 0x10]
push eax
call AutoPilotTimerCalculation_III
add esp, 0xC
mov [ebx + 0xC], eax
add esp, 0x28
pop ebp
pop esi
pop ebx
retn 4
namespace ZeroAmmoFix
template<std::size_t Index>
static void (__fastcall *orgGiveWeapon)(void* ped, void*, unsigned int weapon, unsigned int ammo);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void __fastcall GiveWeapon_SP(void* ped, void*, unsigned int weapon, unsigned int ammo)
orgGiveWeapon<Index>(ped, nullptr, weapon, std::max(1u, ammo));
HOOK_EACH_FUNC(GiveWeapon, orgGiveWeapon, GiveWeapon_SP);
// ============= Credits! =============
namespace Credits
static void (*PrintCreditText)(float scaleX, float scaleY, const wchar_t* text, unsigned int& pos, float timeOffset);
static void (*PrintCreditText_Hooked)(float scaleX, float scaleY, const wchar_t* text, unsigned int& pos, float timeOffset);
static void PrintCreditSpace( float scale, unsigned int& pos )
pos += static_cast<unsigned int>( scale * 25.0f );
constexpr wchar_t xvChar(const wchar_t ch)
constexpr uint8_t xv = SILENTPATCH_REVISION_ID;
return ch ^ xv;
constexpr wchar_t operator "" _xv(const char ch)
return xvChar(ch);
static void PrintSPCredits( float scaleX, float scaleY, const wchar_t* text, unsigned int& pos, float timeOffset )
// Original text we intercepted
PrintCreditText_Hooked( scaleX, scaleY, text, pos, timeOffset );
PrintCreditSpace( 2.0f, pos );
wchar_t spText[] = { 'A'_xv, 'N'_xv, 'D'_xv, '\0'_xv };
for ( auto& ch : spText ) ch = xvChar(ch);
PrintCreditText( 1.7f, 1.0f, spText, pos, timeOffset );
PrintCreditSpace( 2.0f, pos );
wchar_t spText[] = { 'A'_xv, 'D'_xv, 'R'_xv, 'I'_xv, 'A'_xv, 'N'_xv, ' '_xv, '\''_xv, 'S'_xv, 'I'_xv, 'L'_xv, 'E'_xv, 'N'_xv, 'T'_xv, '\''_xv, ' '_xv,
'Z'_xv, 'D'_xv, 'A'_xv, 'N'_xv, 'O'_xv, 'W'_xv, 'I'_xv, 'C'_xv, 'Z'_xv, '\0'_xv };
for ( auto& ch : spText ) ch = xvChar(ch);
PrintCreditText( 1.7f, 1.7f, spText, pos, timeOffset );
// ============= Keyboard latency input fix =============
namespace KeyboardInputFix
static void* NewKeyState;
static void* OldKeyState;
static void* TempKeyState;
static constexpr size_t objSize = 0x270;
static void (__fastcall *orgClearSimButtonPressCheckers)(void*);
void __fastcall ClearSimButtonPressCheckers(void* pThis)
memcpy( OldKeyState, NewKeyState, objSize );
memcpy( NewKeyState, TempKeyState, objSize );
namespace Localization
static int8_t forcedUnits = -1; // 0 - metric, 1 - imperial
bool IsMetric_LocaleBased()
if ( forcedUnits != -1 ) return forcedUnits == 0;
unsigned int LCData;
if ( GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IMEASURE|LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(&LCData), sizeof(LCData) / sizeof(TCHAR) ) != 0 )
return LCData == 0;
// If fails, default to metric. Hopefully never fails though
return true;
static void (__thiscall* orgUpdateCompareFlag_IsMetric)(void* pThis, uint8_t flag);
void __fastcall UpdateCompareFlag_IsMetric(void* pThis, void*, uint8_t)
std::invoke( orgUpdateCompareFlag_IsMetric, pThis, IsMetric_LocaleBased() );
uint32_t PrefsLanguage_IsMetric()
return IsMetric_LocaleBased();
// ============= Call cDMAudio::IsAudioInitialised before adding one shot sounds, like in VC =============
namespace AudioInitializedFix
auto IsAudioInitialised = static_cast<bool(*)()>(Memory::ReadCallFrom( hook::get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 74 ? 0F B7 47 10" ) ));
void* (*operatorNew)(size_t size);
void* operatorNew_InitializedCheck( size_t size )
return IsAudioInitialised() ? operatorNew( size ) : nullptr;
void (*orgLoadAllAudioScriptObjects)(uint8_t*, uint32_t);
void LoadAllAudioScriptObjects_InitializedCheck( uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t a2 )
if ( IsAudioInitialised() )
orgLoadAllAudioScriptObjects( buffer, a2 );
// ============= Corrected FBI Car secondary siren sound =============
namespace SirenSwitchingFix
static bool (__thiscall *orgUsesSirenSwitching)(void* pThis, unsigned int index);
static bool __fastcall UsesSirenSwitching_FbiCar( void* pThis, void*, unsigned int index )
// index 17 = FBICAR
return index == 17 || orgUsesSirenSwitching( pThis, index );
void InjectDelayedPatches_III_Common( bool bHasDebugMenu, const wchar_t* wcModulePath )
using namespace Memory;
using namespace hook;
// Locale based metric/imperial system INI/debug menu
using namespace Localization;
forcedUnits = static_cast<int8_t>(GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"Units", -1, wcModulePath));
if ( bHasDebugMenu )
static const char * const str[] = { "Default", "Metric", "Imperial" };
DebugMenuEntry *e = DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Forced units", &forcedUnits, nullptr, 1, -1, 1, str );
DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true);
// Make crane be unable to lift Coach instead of Blista
// There is a possible incompatibility with limit adjusters, so patch it in a delayed hook point and gracefully handle failure
auto canPickBlista = pattern( "83 FA 66 74" ).count_hint(1);
if ( canPickBlista.size() == 1 )
Patch<int8_t>( canPickBlista.get_first<void>( 2 ), 127 ); // coach
// Corrected siren corona placement for emergency vehicles
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"EnableVehicleCoronaFixes", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
// Other mods might be touching it, so only patch specific vehicles if their code has not been touched at all
auto firetruckX1 = pattern( "C7 84 24 9C 05 00 00 CD CC 8C 3F" );
auto firetruckY1 = pattern( "C7 84 24 A4 05 00 00 9A 99 D9 3F" );
auto firetruckZ1 = pattern( "C7 84 24 A8 05 00 00 00 00 00 40" );
auto firetruckX2 = pattern( "C7 84 24 A8 05 00 00 CD CC 8C BF" );
auto firetruckY2 = pattern( "C7 84 24 B0 05 00 00 9A 99 D9 3F" );
auto firetruckZ2 = pattern( "C7 84 24 B4 05 00 00 00 00 00 40" );
if ( firetruckX1.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && firetruckY1.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && firetruckZ1.count_hint(1).size() == 1 &&
firetruckX2.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && firetruckY2.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && firetruckZ2.count_hint(1).size() == 1 )
constexpr CVector FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS(0.95f, 3.2f, 1.4f);
Patch<float>( firetruckX1.get_first( 7 ), FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.x );
Patch<float>( firetruckY1.get_first( 7 ), FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch<float>( firetruckZ1.get_first( 7 ), FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch<float>( firetruckX2.get_first( 7 ), -FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.x );
Patch<float>( firetruckY2.get_first( 7 ), FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch<float>( firetruckZ2.get_first( 7 ), FIRETRUCK_SIREN_POS.z );
auto ambulanceX1 = pattern( "C7 84 24 84 05 00 00 CD CC 8C 3F" );
auto ambulanceY1 = pattern( "C7 84 24 8C 05 00 00 66 66 66 3F" );
auto ambulanceZ1 = pattern( "C7 84 24 90 05 00 00 CD CC CC 3F" );
auto ambulanceX2 = pattern( "C7 84 24 90 05 00 00 CD CC 8C BF" );
auto ambulanceY2 = pattern( "C7 84 24 98 05 00 00 66 66 66 3F" );
auto ambulanceZ2 = pattern( "C7 84 24 9C 05 00 00 CD CC CC 3F" );
if ( ambulanceX1.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && ambulanceY1.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && ambulanceZ1.count_hint(1).size() == 1 &&
ambulanceX2.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && ambulanceY2.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && ambulanceZ2.count_hint(1).size() == 1 )
constexpr CVector AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS(0.7f, 0.65f, 1.55f);
Patch<float>( ambulanceX1.get_first( 7 ), AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.x );
Patch<float>( ambulanceY1.get_first( 7 ), AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch<float>( ambulanceZ1.get_first( 7 ), AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch<float>( ambulanceX2.get_first( 7 ), -AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.x );
Patch<float>( ambulanceY2.get_first( 7 ), AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch<float>( ambulanceZ2.get_first( 7 ), AMBULANCE_SIREN_POS.z );
auto enforcerX1 = pattern( "C7 84 24 6C 05 00 00 CD CC 8C 3F" );
auto enforcerY1 = pattern( "C7 84 24 74 05 00 00 CD CC 4C 3F" );
auto enforcerZ1 = pattern( "C7 84 24 78 05 00 00 9A 99 99 3F" );
auto enforcerX2 = pattern( "C7 84 24 78 05 00 00 CD CC 8C BF" );
auto enforcerY2 = pattern( "C7 84 24 80 05 00 00 CD CC 4C 3F" );
auto enforcerZ2 = pattern( "C7 84 24 84 05 00 00 9A 99 99 3F" );
if ( enforcerX1.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && enforcerY1.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && enforcerZ1.count_hint(1).size() == 1 &&
enforcerX2.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && enforcerY2.count_hint(1).size() == 1 && enforcerZ2.count_hint(1).size() == 1 )
constexpr CVector ENFORCER_SIREN_POS(0.6f, 1.05f, 1.4f);
Patch<float>( enforcerX1.get_first( 7 ), ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.x );
Patch<float>( enforcerY1.get_first( 7 ), ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch<float>( enforcerZ1.get_first( 7 ), ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.z );
Patch<float>( enforcerX2.get_first( 7 ), -ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.x );
Patch<float>( enforcerY2.get_first( 7 ), ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.y );
Patch<float>( enforcerZ2.get_first( 7 ), ENFORCER_SIREN_POS.z );
auto chopper1 = pattern( "C7 44 24 44 00 00 E0 40 50 C7 44 24 4C 00 00 00 00" ); // Front light
if ( chopper1.count_hint(1).size() == 1 )
constexpr CVector CHOPPER_SEARCH_LIGHT_POS(0.0f, 3.0f, -1.25f);
auto match = chopper1.get_one();
Patch( match.get<float>( 4 ), CHOPPER_SEARCH_LIGHT_POS.y );
Patch( match.get<float>( 9 + 4 ), CHOPPER_SEARCH_LIGHT_POS.z );
// Corrected FBI Car secondary siren sound
using namespace SirenSwitchingFix;
// Other mods might be touching it, so only patch specific vehicles if their code has not been touched at all
auto usesSirenSwitching = pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 74 12 83 C4 08" ).count_hint(1);
if ( usesSirenSwitching.size() == 1 )
auto match = usesSirenSwitching.get_one();
ReadCall( match.get<void>(), orgUsesSirenSwitching );
InjectHook( match.get<void>(), UsesSirenSwitching_FbiCar );
// Corrected CSimpleModelInfo::SetupBigBuilding minimum draw distance for big buildings without a matching model
// Fixes cranes in Portland and bright windows in the city
// By aap
auto setupMinDist = pattern( "C7 43 44 00 00 C8 42" ).count_hint(1);
if ( setupMinDist.size() == 1 ) // In case of another mod or second instance of SP changing it
auto match = setupMinDist.get_one();
// mov ecx, ebx
// call CSimpleModelInfo::SetNearDistanceForLOD
Patch( match.get<void>(), { 0x89, 0xD9 } );
InjectHook( match.get<void>( 2 ), &CSimpleModelInfo::SetNearDistanceForLOD_SilentPatch, HookType::Call );
void InjectDelayedPatches_III_Common()
std::unique_ptr<ScopedUnprotect::Unprotect> Protect = ScopedUnprotect::UnprotectSectionOrFullModule( GetModuleHandle( nullptr ), ".text" );
// Obtain a path to the ASI
wchar_t wcModulePath[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameW(hDLLModule, wcModulePath, _countof(wcModulePath) - 3); // Minus max required space for extension
PathRenameExtensionW(wcModulePath, L".ini");
const bool hasDebugMenu = DebugMenuLoad();
InjectDelayedPatches_III_Common( hasDebugMenu, wcModulePath );
Common::Patches::III_VC_DelayedCommon( hasDebugMenu, wcModulePath );
void Patch_III_10(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
using namespace Memory;
DrawRect = (void(*)(const CRect&,const CRGBA&))0x51F970;
SetScale = (void(*)(float,float))0x501B80;
AudioResetTimers = (void(__stdcall*)(unsigned int))0x57CCD0;
PrintString = (void(*)(float,float,const wchar_t*))0x500F50;
InstantHitsFiredByPlayer = *(int**)0x482C8F;
bWantsToDrawHud = *(bool**)0x4A5877;
bCamCheck = *(bool**)0x4A588C;
RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)0x584C42;
HeadlightsFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x5382F2;
SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x500D32;
Patch<BYTE>(0x490F83, 1);
Patch<WORD>(0x5382BF, 0x0EEB);
InjectHook(0x5382EC, HeadlightsFix, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4A5870, ShowRadarTrace, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4209A7, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x420A1F, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x420AC1, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x420D9E, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x426342, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x4326B8, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x4F9E4D, FixedRefValue);
InjectHook(0x500D27, SubtitlesShadowFix, HookType::Jump);
Patch<WORD>(0x500D4C, 0x05D8);
Patch<WORD>(0x500D5F, 0x05D9);
Patch<WORD>(0x500D6E, 0x05D9);
Patch<void*>(0x500D4E, &fShadowXSize);
Patch<void*>(0x500D70, &fShadowXSize);
Patch<void*>(0x500D61, &fShadowYSize);
Patch<DWORD>(0x500D53, 0x0000441F);
Patch<BYTE>(0x500D52, 0x0F);
Patch<BYTE>(0x500D65, 0x90);
Patch<BYTE>(0x500D6D, 0x50);
Patch<WORD>(0x500D74, 0x9066);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5623B5, 0x90);
InjectHook(0x5623B6, M16StatsFix, HookType::Call);
InjectHook(0x505F82, AlteredPrintString<0x505F7B,0x505F50>);
InjectHook(0x5065DA, AlteredPrintString<0x5065D3,0x5065A8>);
InjectHook(0x50669B, AlteredPrintString<0x50668E,0x506670>);
InjectHook(0x50694B, AlteredPrintString<0x506944,0x506919>);
InjectHook(0x506A0C, AlteredPrintString<0x5069FF,0x5069E1>);
InjectHook(0x506C37, AlteredPrintString<0x506C2B,0x506C22>);
InjectHook(0x5070FA, AlteredPrintString<0x5070F3,0x5070C8>);
InjectHook(0x507598, AlteredPrintString<0x507591,0x507566>);
InjectHook(0x507754, AlteredPrintString<0x50774D,0x507722>);
InjectHook(0x507944, AlteredPrintString<0x50793D,0x507912>);
InjectHook(0x507AC8, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x507A8B>);
InjectHook(0x507CF0, AlteredPrintString<0x507CE9,0x507CBE>);
InjectHook(0x507FF1, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x507FB4>);
InjectHook(0x508C6E, AlteredPrintString<0x508C67,0x508C46>);
InjectHook(0x508F09, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x508F02>);
InjectHook(0x426446, AlteredPrintString<0x42643F,0x426418>);
InjectHook(0x426584, AlteredPrintString<0x42657D,0x426556>);
InjectHook(0x42665F, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x426658,0x426637>);
InjectHook(0x5098D6, AlteredPrintString<0x509A5E,0x509A3D>);
InjectHook(0x509A65, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x509A5E,0x509A3D>);
InjectHook(0x50A142, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x50A139>);
InjectHook(0x57E9F5, AlteredPrintString<0x57E9EE,0x57E9CD>);
// RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix)
ReadCall( 0x48E539, orgConstructRenderList );
InjectHook(0x48E539, ResetMousePos);
// New wndproc
Patch(0x581C74, &pCustomWndProc);
// Armour cheat as TORTOISE - like in 1.1 and Steam
Patch<const char*>(0x4925FB, "ESIOTROT");
Patch<BYTE>(0x4925D7, 10);
// 1.1 mouse sensitivity not resetting fix
Patch<WORD>(0x46BE81, 0x12EB);
Nop(0x46BAD6, 4);
InjectHook(0x46BADA, III_SensResetFix, HookType::Call);
// (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter
ReadCall( 0x582EFD, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook(0x582EFD, NewFrameRender);
InjectHook(0x582EA4, GetTimeSinceLastFrame);
// Reinit CCarCtrl fields (firetruck and ambulance generation)
ReadCall( 0x48C4FB, orgCarCtrlReInit );
InjectHook(0x48C4FB, CarCtrlReInit_SilentPatch);
// Reinit free resprays flag
// add esp, 38h
// mov CGarages::RespraysAreFree, 0
// retn
bool* pFreeResprays = *(bool**)0x4224A4;
Patch<BYTE>(0x421E06, 0x38);
Patch<WORD>(0x421E07, 0x05C6);
Patch<const void*>(0x421E09, pFreeResprays);
Patch<BYTE>(0x421E0E, 0xC3);
// Radar blips bounds check
InjectHook(0x4A55B2, RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4A5658, RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip, HookType::Jump);
// No-CD fix (from CLEO)
Patch<DWORD>(0x566A15, 0);
Nop(0x566A56, 6);
Nop(0x581C44, 2);
Nop(0x581C52, 2);
Patch<const char*>(0x566A3D, "");
// Fixed crash related to autopilot timing calculations
InjectHook(0x4139B2, AutoPilotTimerFix_III, HookType::Jump);
// Adblocker
if ( *(DWORD*)0x582749 != 0x006A026A )
Patch<DWORD>(0x582749, 0x006A026A);
Patch<WORD>(0x58274D, 0x006A);
Common::Patches::DDraw_III_10( width, height, aNoDesktopMode );
void Patch_III_11(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
using namespace Memory;
DrawRect = (void(*)(const CRect&,const CRGBA&))0x51FBA0;
SetScale = (void(*)(float,float))0x501C60;
AudioResetTimers = (void(__stdcall*)(unsigned int))0x57CCC0;
PrintString = (void(*)(float,float,const wchar_t*))0x501030;
InstantHitsFiredByPlayer = *(int**)0x482D5F;
bWantsToDrawHud = *(bool**)0x4A5967;
bCamCheck = *(bool**)0x4A597C;
RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)0x584F82;
HeadlightsFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x538532;
SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x500E12;
Patch<BYTE>(0x491043, 1);
Patch<WORD>(0x5384FF, 0x0EEB);
InjectHook(0x53852C, HeadlightsFix, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4A5960, ShowRadarTrace, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4209A7, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x420A1F, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x420AC1, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x420D9E, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x426342, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x4326B8, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x4F9F2D, FixedRefValue);
InjectHook(0x500E07, SubtitlesShadowFix, HookType::Jump);
Patch<WORD>(0x500E2C, 0x05D8);
Patch<WORD>(0x500E3F, 0x05D9);
Patch<WORD>(0x500E4E, 0x05D9);
Patch<void*>(0x500E2E, &fShadowXSize);
Patch<void*>(0x500E50, &fShadowXSize);
Patch<void*>(0x500E41, &fShadowYSize);
Patch<DWORD>(0x500E33, 0x0000441F);
Patch<BYTE>(0x500E32, 0x0F);
Patch<BYTE>(0x500E45, 0x90);
Patch<BYTE>(0x500E4D, 0x50);
Patch<WORD>(0x500E54, 0x9066);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5624E5, 0x90);
InjectHook(0x5624E6, M16StatsFix, HookType::Call);
InjectHook(0x506062, AlteredPrintString<0x50605B,0x506030>);
InjectHook(0x5066BA, AlteredPrintString<0x5066B3,0x506688>);
InjectHook(0x50677B, AlteredPrintString<0x50676E,0x506750>);
InjectHook(0x506A2B, AlteredPrintString<0x506A24,0x5069F9>);
InjectHook(0x506AEC, AlteredPrintString<0x506ADF,0x506AC1>);
InjectHook(0x506D17, AlteredPrintString<0x506D0B,0x506D02>);
InjectHook(0x5071DA, AlteredPrintString<0x5071D3,0x5071A8>);
InjectHook(0x507678, AlteredPrintString<0x507671,0x507646>);
InjectHook(0x507834, AlteredPrintString<0x50782D,0x507802>);
InjectHook(0x507A24, AlteredPrintString<0x507A1D,0x5079F2>);
InjectHook(0x507BA8, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x507B6B>);
InjectHook(0x507DD0, AlteredPrintString<0x507DC9,0x507D9E>);
InjectHook(0x5080D1, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x508094>);
InjectHook(0x508D4E, AlteredPrintString<0x508D47,0x508D26>);
InjectHook(0x508FE9, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x508FE2>);
InjectHook(0x426446, AlteredPrintString<0x42643F,0x426418>);
InjectHook(0x426584, AlteredPrintString<0x42657D,0x426556>);
InjectHook(0x42665F, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x426658,0x426637>);
InjectHook(0x5099B6, AlteredPrintString<0x509B3E,0x509B1D>);
InjectHook(0x509B45, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x509B3E,0x509B1D>);
InjectHook(0x50A222, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x50A219>);
InjectHook(0x57ED45, AlteredPrintString<0x57ED3E,0x57ED1D>);
// RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix)
ReadCall( 0x48E5F9, orgConstructRenderList );
InjectHook(0x48E5F9, ResetMousePos);
// New wndproc
Patch(0x581FB4, &pCustomWndProc);
// (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter
ReadCall( 0x58323D, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook(0x58323D, NewFrameRender);
InjectHook(0x5831E4, GetTimeSinceLastFrame);
// Reinit CCarCtrl fields (firetruck and ambulance generation)
ReadCall( 0x48C5FB, orgCarCtrlReInit );
InjectHook(0x48C5FB, CarCtrlReInit_SilentPatch);
// Reinit free resprays flag
// add esp, 38h
// mov CGarages::RespraysAreFree, 0
// retn
bool* pFreeResprays = *(bool**)0x4224A4;
Patch<BYTE>(0x421E06, 0x38);
Patch<WORD>(0x421E07, 0x05C6);
Patch<const void*>(0x421E09, pFreeResprays);
Patch<BYTE>(0x421E0E, 0xC3);
// Radar blips bounds check
InjectHook(0x4A56A2, RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4A5748, RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip, HookType::Jump);
// No-CD fix (from CLEO)
Patch<DWORD>(0x566B55, 0);
Nop(0x566B96, 6);
Nop(0x581F84, 2);
Nop(0x581F92, 2);
Patch<const char*>(0x566B7D, "");
// Fixed crash related to autopilot timing calculations
InjectHook(0x4139B2, AutoPilotTimerFix_III, HookType::Jump);
Common::Patches::DDraw_III_11( width, height, aNoDesktopMode );
void Patch_III_Steam(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
using namespace Memory;
DrawRect = (void(*)(const CRect&,const CRGBA&))0x51FB30;
SetScale = (void(*)(float,float))0x501BF0;
AudioResetTimers = (void(__stdcall*)(unsigned int))0x57CF20;
PrintString = (void(*)(float,float,const wchar_t*))0x500FC0;
InstantHitsFiredByPlayer = *(int**)0x482D5F;
bWantsToDrawHud = *(bool**)0x4A58F7;
bCamCheck = *(bool**)0x4A590C;
RsGlobal = *(RsGlobalType**)0x584E72;
SubtitlesShadowFix_JumpBack = (void*)0x500DA2;
Patch<BYTE>(0x490FD3, 1);
InjectHook(0x4A58F0, ShowRadarTrace, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4209A7, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x420A1F, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x420AC1, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x420D9E, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x426342, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x4326B8, SetScaleProperly);
InjectHook(0x4F9EBD, FixedRefValue);
InjectHook(0x500D97, SubtitlesShadowFix, HookType::Jump);
Patch<WORD>(0x500DBC, 0x05D8);
Patch<WORD>(0x500DCF, 0x05D9);
Patch<WORD>(0x500DDE, 0x05D9);
Patch<void*>(0x500DBE, &fShadowXSize);
Patch<void*>(0x500DE0, &fShadowXSize);
Patch<void*>(0x500DD1, &fShadowYSize);
Patch<DWORD>(0x500DC3, 0x0000441F);
Patch<BYTE>(0x500DC2, 0x0F);
Patch<BYTE>(0x500DD5, 0x90);
Patch<BYTE>(0x500DDD, 0x50);
Patch<WORD>(0x500DE4, 0x9066);
Patch<BYTE>(0x562495, 0x90);
InjectHook(0x562496, M16StatsFix, HookType::Call);
InjectHook(0x505FF2, AlteredPrintString<0x505FEB,0x505FC0>);
InjectHook(0x50664A, AlteredPrintString<0x506643,0x506618>);
InjectHook(0x50670B, AlteredPrintString<0x5066FE,0x5066E0>);
InjectHook(0x5069BB, AlteredPrintString<0x5069B4,0x506989>);
InjectHook(0x506A7C, AlteredPrintString<0x506A6F,0x506A51>);
InjectHook(0x506CA7, AlteredPrintString<0x506C9B,0x506C92>);
InjectHook(0x50716A, AlteredPrintString<0x507163,0x507138>);
InjectHook(0x507608, AlteredPrintString<0x507601,0x5075D6>);
InjectHook(0x5077C4, AlteredPrintString<0x5077BD,0x507792>);
InjectHook(0x5079B4, AlteredPrintString<0x5079AD,0x507982>);
InjectHook(0x507B38, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x507AFB>);
InjectHook(0x507D60, AlteredPrintString<0x507D59,0x507D2E>);
InjectHook(0x508061, AlteredPrintStringYOnly<0x508024>);
InjectHook(0x508CDE, AlteredPrintString<0x508CD7,0x508CB6>);
InjectHook(0x508F79, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x508F72>);
InjectHook(0x426446, AlteredPrintString<0x42643F,0x426418>);
InjectHook(0x426584, AlteredPrintString<0x42657D,0x426556>);
InjectHook(0x42665F, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x426658,0x426637>);
InjectHook(0x509946, AlteredPrintString<0x509ACE,0x509AAD>);
InjectHook(0x509AD5, AlteredPrintStringMinus<0x509ACE,0x509AAD>);
InjectHook(0x50A1B2, AlteredPrintStringXOnly<0x50A1A9>);
InjectHook(0x57EC45, AlteredPrintString<0x57EC3E,0x57EC1D>);
// RsMouseSetPos call (SA style fix)
ReadCall( 0x48E589, orgConstructRenderList );
InjectHook(0x48E589, ResetMousePos);
// New wndproc
Patch(0x581EA4, &pCustomWndProc);
// (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter
ReadCall( 0x58312D, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook(0x58312D, NewFrameRender);
InjectHook(0x5830D4, GetTimeSinceLastFrame);
// Reinit CCarCtrl fields (firetruck and ambulance generation)
ReadCall( 0x48C58B, orgCarCtrlReInit );
InjectHook(0x48C58B, CarCtrlReInit_SilentPatch);
// Reinit free resprays flag
// add esp, 38h
// mov CGarages::RespraysAreFree, 0
// retn
bool* pFreeResprays = *(bool**)0x4224A4;
Patch<BYTE>(0x421E06, 0x38);
Patch<WORD>(0x421E07, 0x05C6);
Patch<const void*>(0x421E09, pFreeResprays);
Patch<BYTE>(0x421E0E, 0xC3);
// Radar blips bounds check
InjectHook(0x4A5632, RadarBoundsCheckCoordBlip, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4A56D8, RadarBoundsCheckEntityBlip, HookType::Jump);
// Fixed crash related to autopilot timing calculations
InjectHook(0x4139B2, AutoPilotTimerFix_III, HookType::Jump);
Common::Patches::DDraw_III_Steam( width, height, aNoDesktopMode );
void Patch_III_Common()
using namespace Memory;
using namespace hook;
// Purple Nines Glitch fix
auto addr = get_pattern( "0F BF 4C 24 04 8B 44 24 08 C1 E1 04 89 81", -0xC );
InjectHook( addr, PurpleNinesGlitchFix, HookType::Jump );
// New timers fix
auto hookPoint = pattern( "83 E4 F8 89 44 24 08 C7 44 24 0C 00 00 00 00 DF 6C 24 08" ).get_one();
auto jmpPoint = get_pattern( "DD D8 E9 37 FF FF FF DD D8" );
InjectHook( hookPoint.get<void>( 0x21 ), CTimer::Update_SilentPatch, HookType::Call );
InjectHook( hookPoint.get<void>( 0x21 + 5 ), jmpPoint, HookType::Jump );
// Alt+F4
auto addr = pattern( "59 59 31 C0 83 C4 48 5D 5F 5E 5B C2 10 00" ).count(2);
auto dest = get_pattern( "53 55 56 FF 74 24 68 FF 15" );
addr.for_each_result( [&]( pattern_match match ) {
InjectHook( match.get<void>( 2 ), dest, HookType::Jump );
// Proper panels damage
auto addr = pattern( "C6 43 09 03 C6 43 0A 03 C6 43 0B 03" ).get_one();
Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x1A + 1 ), 5 );
Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x23 + 1 ), 6 );
Nop( addr.get<void>( 0x3F ), 7 );
// Proper metric-imperial conversion constants
static const float METERS_TO_MILES = 0.0006213711922f;
static const float METERS_TO_FEET = 3.280839895f;
auto addr = pattern( "D8 0D ? ? ? ? 6A 00 6A 01 D9 9C 24" ).count(4);
Patch<const void*>( addr.get(0).get<void>( 2 ), &METERS_TO_MILES );
Patch<const void*>( addr.get(1).get<void>( 2 ), &METERS_TO_MILES );
Patch<const void*>( addr.get(2).get<void>( 2 ), &METERS_TO_FEET );
Patch<const void*>( addr.get(3).get<void>( 2 ), &METERS_TO_FEET );
// Improved pathfinding in PickNextNodeAccordingStrategy - PickNextNodeToChaseCar with XYZ coords
auto addr = pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 50 8D 44 24 10 50 E8" ).get_one();
ReadCall( addr.get<void>( 0x25 ), orgPickNextNodeToChaseCar );
const uintptr_t funcAddr = (uintptr_t)get_pattern( "8B AC 24 94 00 00 00 8B 85 2C 01 00 00", -0x7 );
// push PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ instead of 0.0f
Patch( funcAddr + 0x1C9, { 0xFF, 0x35 } );
Patch<const void*>( funcAddr + 0x1C9 + 2, &PickNextNodeToChaseCarZ );
Nop( funcAddr + 0x1C9 + 6, 1 );
// lea eax, [esp+1Ch+var_C]
// push eax
// nop...
Patch( addr.get<void>( 0x10 ), { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04, 0x8D, 0x44, 0x24, 0x10, 0x50, 0xEB, 0x0A } );
InjectHook( addr.get<void>( 0x25 ), PickNextNodeToChaseCarXYZ );
Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x2A + 2 ), 0xC );
// push ecx
// nop...
Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x3E ), 0x51 );
Nop( addr.get<void>( 0x3E + 1 ), 6 );
InjectHook( addr.get<void>( 0x46 ), PickNextNodeToChaseCarXYZ );
Patch<uint8_t>( addr.get<void>( 0x4B + 2 ), 0xC );
// For NICK007J
// Uncomment this to get rid of "treadable hack" in CCarCtrl::PickNextNodeToChaseCar (to mirror VC behaviour)
InjectHook( funcAddr + 0x2A, funcAddr + 0x182, HookType::Jump );
// No censorships
auto addr = get_pattern( "8B 15 ? ? ? ? C6 05 ? ? ? ? 00 89 D0" );
Patch( addr, { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x08, 0xC3 } ); // add esp, 8 \ retn
// 014C cargen counter fix (by spaceeinstein)
auto do_processing = pattern( "0F B7 45 28 83 F8 FF 7D 04 66 FF 4D 28" ).get_one();
Patch<uint8_t>( do_processing.get<uint8_t*>(1), 0xBF ); // movzx eax, word ptr [ebx+28h] -> movsx eax, word ptr [ebx+28h]
Patch<uint8_t>( do_processing.get<uint8_t*>(7), 0x74 ); // jge -> jz
// Fixed ammo from SCM
using namespace ZeroAmmoFix;
std::array<void*, 2> give_weapon = {
get_pattern( "6B C0 4F 51 8B 34", 0x13 ),
get_pattern( "89 C7 A1 ? ? ? ? 55 89 F9 50", 11 ),
HookEach_GiveWeapon(give_weapon, InterceptCall);
// Credits =)
auto renderCredits = pattern( "83 C4 14 8D 45 F4 50 FF 35 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 59 59 8D 45 F4 50 FF 35 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 59 59 E8" ).get_one();
ReadCall( renderCredits.get<void>( -48 ), Credits::PrintCreditText );
ReadCall( renderCredits.get<void>( -5 ), Credits::PrintCreditText_Hooked );
InjectHook( renderCredits.get<void>( -5 ), Credits::PrintSPCredits );
// Decreased keyboard input latency
using namespace KeyboardInputFix;
auto updatePads = pattern( "BE ? ? ? ? BF ? ? ? ? A5" ).get_one();
void* jmpDest = get_pattern( "66 A3 ? ? ? ? 5F", 6 );
void* simButtonCheckers = get_pattern( "84 DB 74 11 6A 00", -0x24 );
NewKeyState = *updatePads.get<void*>( 1 );
OldKeyState = *updatePads.get<void*>( 5 + 1 );
TempKeyState = *updatePads.get<void*>( 0x244 + 1 );
ReadCall( simButtonCheckers, orgClearSimButtonPressCheckers );
InjectHook( simButtonCheckers, ClearSimButtonPressCheckers );
InjectHook( updatePads.get<void>( 10 ), jmpDest, HookType::Jump );
// Locale based metric/imperial system
using namespace Localization;
void* updateCompareFlag = get_pattern( "89 E9 6A 00 E8 ? ? ? ? 30 C0 83 C4 70 5D 5E 5B C2 04 00", 4 );
ReadCall( updateCompareFlag, orgUpdateCompareFlag_IsMetric );
InjectHook( updateCompareFlag, UpdateCompareFlag_IsMetric );
// Stats
auto constructStatLine = pattern( "FF 24 9D ? ? ? ? 39 D0" ).get_one();
// push eax
// push edx
// call IsMetric_LocaleBased
// movzx ebx, al
// pop edx
// pop eax
// nop...
Patch( constructStatLine.get<void>( -0xF ), { 0x50, 0x52 } );
InjectHook( constructStatLine.get<void>( -0xF + 2 ), PrefsLanguage_IsMetric, HookType::Call );
Patch( constructStatLine.get<void>( -0xF + 7 ), { 0x0F, 0xB6, 0xD8, 0x5A, 0x58 } );
Nop( constructStatLine.get<void>( -0xF + 12 ), 3 );
// Add cDMAudio::IsAudioInitialised checks before constructing cAudioScriptObject, like in VC
using namespace AudioInitializedFix;
auto processCommands300 = pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 85 C0 59 74 ? 89 C1 E8 ? ? ? ? D9 05" ).get_one();
ReadCall( processCommands300.get<void>( 0 ), operatorNew );
InjectHook( processCommands300.get<void>( 0 ), operatorNew_InitializedCheck );
Patch<int8_t>( processCommands300.get<void>( 8 + 1 ), 0x440B62 - 0x440B24 );
auto processCommands300_2 = pattern( "6A 14 E8 ? ? ? ? 89 C3 59 85 DB 74" ).get_one();
InjectHook( processCommands300_2.get<void>( 2 ), operatorNew_InitializedCheck );
Patch<int8_t>( processCommands300_2.get<void>( 0xC + 1 ), 0x440BD7 - 0x440B8B );
// We need to patch switch cases 0, 3, 4
auto bulletInfoUpdate_Switch = *get_pattern<uintptr_t*>( "FF 24 85 ? ? ? ? 6A 14", 3 );
const uintptr_t bulletInfoUpdate_0 = bulletInfoUpdate_Switch[0];
const uintptr_t bulletInfoUpdate_3 = bulletInfoUpdate_Switch[3];
const uintptr_t bulletInfoUpdate_4 = bulletInfoUpdate_Switch[4];
InjectHook( bulletInfoUpdate_0 + 2, operatorNew_InitializedCheck );
Patch<int8_t>( bulletInfoUpdate_0 + 0xA + 1, 0x558B79 - 0x558B36 );
InjectHook( bulletInfoUpdate_3 + 2, operatorNew_InitializedCheck );
Patch<int8_t>( bulletInfoUpdate_3 + 0xA + 1, 0x558C19 - 0x558BB1 );
InjectHook( bulletInfoUpdate_4 + 2, operatorNew_InitializedCheck );
Patch<int8_t>( bulletInfoUpdate_4 + 0xA + 1, 0x558C19 - 0x558BE3 );
auto playlayOneShotScriptObject = pattern( "6A 14 E8 ? ? ? ? 85 C0 59 74 ? 89 C1 E8 ? ? ? ? D9 03 D9 58 04" ).get_one();
InjectHook( playlayOneShotScriptObject.get<void>( 2 ), operatorNew_InitializedCheck );
Patch<int8_t>( playlayOneShotScriptObject.get<void>( 0xA + 1 ), 0x57C633 - 0x57C601 );
auto loadAllAudioScriptObjects = get_pattern( "FF B5 78 FF FF FF E8 ? ? ? ? 59 59 8B 45 C8", 6 );
ReadCall( loadAllAudioScriptObjects, orgLoadAllAudioScriptObjects );
InjectHook( loadAllAudioScriptObjects, LoadAllAudioScriptObjects_InitializedCheck );
// Give chopper/escape a properly sized collision bounding box instead of using ped's
auto initHelisPattern = pattern( "C6 40 2C 00 A1" ).count_hint(1);
if ( initHelisPattern.size() == 1 )
static constexpr CColModel colModelChopper( CColSphere( 8.5f, CVector(0.0f, -1.75f, 0.73f), 0, 0 ),
CColBox( CVector(-2.18f, -8.52f, -0.67f), CVector(-2.18f, 4.58f, 2.125f), 0, 0 ) );
auto initHelis = initHelisPattern.get_one();
Patch( initHelis.get<void>( -7 + 3 ), &colModelChopper );
Patch( initHelis.get<void>( 9 + 3 ), &colModelChopper );
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
if ( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
hDLLModule = hinstDLL;
const auto [width, height] = GetDesktopResolution();
sprintf_s(aNoDesktopMode, "Cannot find %ux%ux32 video mode", width, height);
// This scope is mandatory so Protect goes out of scope before rwcseg gets fixed
std::unique_ptr<ScopedUnprotect::Unprotect> Protect = ScopedUnprotect::UnprotectSectionOrFullModule( GetModuleHandle( nullptr ), ".text" );
const int8_t version = Memory::GetVersion().version;
if ( version == 0 ) Patch_III_10(width, height);
else if ( version == 1 ) Patch_III_11(width, height);
else if ( version == 2 ) Patch_III_Steam(width, height);
Common::Patches::III_VC_SetDelayedPatchesFunc( InjectDelayedPatches_III_Common );
return TRUE;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
uint32_t GetBuildNumber()
} |