mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 14:09:40 +05:00

US and EU no-DVD executables were decrypted slightly differently, and the patches did not account for that previously. Fixes #76
142 lines
4.9 KiB
142 lines
4.9 KiB
#include "StdAfxSA.h"
#include "PedSA.h"
#include "VehicleSA.h"
static void* varGetWeaponSkill = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5E6580, 0x5E6DA0, 0x6039F0);
WRAPPER uint8_t CPed::GetWeaponSkill() { VARJMP(varGetWeaponSkill); }
static void* varSetGunFlashAlpha = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5DF400, 0x5DFC20, 0x5FC120);
WRAPPER void CPed::SetGunFlashAlpha(bool bSecondWeapon) { WRAPARG(bSecondWeapon); VARJMP(varSetGunFlashAlpha); }
static void* varSay = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x5EFFE0, 0, 0); // TODO: Do
WRAPPER void CPed::Say(uint16_t phrase, uint32_t param2, float volume, bool param4, bool param5, bool param6) { VARJMP(varSay); }
static void* varGetTaskJetPack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x601110, 0x601930, 0x620E70);
WRAPPER CTaskSimpleJetPack* CPedIntelligence::GetTaskJetPack() const { VARJMP(varGetTaskJetPack); }
static void* varRenderJetPack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x67F6A0, 0x67FEC0, 0x6AB110);
WRAPPER void CTaskSimpleJetPack::RenderJetPack(CPed* pPed) { WRAPARG(pPed); VARJMP(varRenderJetPack); }
void (CPed::*CPed::orgGiveWeapon)(uint32_t weapon, uint32_t ammo, bool flag);
void (CPlayerPed::*CPlayerPed::orgDoStuffToGoOnFire)();
void (*CClothes::RebuildPlayer)(CPlayerPed* ped, bool bForReplay) = AddressByVersion<void(*)(CPlayerPed*, bool)>(0x5A82C0, { "8B 8E ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 6A 05", -0x11 });
RwObject* GetFirstObject(RwFrame* pFrame)
RwObject* pObject = nullptr;
RwFrameForAllObjects( pFrame, [&pObject]( RwObject* object ) -> RwObject* {
pObject = object;
return nullptr;
} );
return pObject;
void CPed::ResetGunFlashAlpha()
if ( m_pMuzzleFlashFrame != nullptr )
if ( RpAtomic* atomic = reinterpret_cast<RpAtomic*>(GetFirstObject(m_pMuzzleFlashFrame)) )
RpAtomicSetFlags(atomic, 0);
CVehicle::SetComponentAtomicAlpha(atomic, 0);
void CPed::RenderWeapon(bool bWeapon, bool bMuzzleFlash, bool bForShadow)
if ( m_pWeaponObject )
RpHAnimHierarchy* pAnimHierarchy = GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump(m_pRwObject);
bool bHasParachute = weaponSlots[m_bActiveWeapon].m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_PARACHUTE;
RwFrame* pFrame = RpClumpGetFrame(reinterpret_cast<RpClump*>(m_pWeaponObject));
*RwFrameGetMatrix(pFrame) = RpHAnimHierarchyGetMatrixArray(pAnimHierarchy)[RpHAnimIDGetIndex(pAnimHierarchy, bHasParachute ? 3 : 24)];
auto renderOneWeapon = [this](bool bWeapon, bool bMuzzleFlash, bool bForShadow, bool bRightGun)
if ( bForShadow )
RpClumpForAllAtomics(reinterpret_cast<RpClump*>(m_pWeaponObject), ShadowCameraRenderCB);
if ( bWeapon )
if ( bMuzzleFlash && m_pMuzzleFlashFrame != nullptr )
RpAtomic* atomic = reinterpret_cast<RpAtomic*>(GetFirstObject(m_pMuzzleFlashFrame));
RpAtomicRender( atomic );
if ( bHasParachute )
const RwV3d vecParachuteTranslation = { 0.1f, -0.15f, 0.0f };
const RwV3d vecParachuteRotation = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
RwMatrixTranslate(RwFrameGetMatrix(pFrame), &vecParachuteTranslation, rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT);
RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(pFrame), &vecParachuteRotation, 90.0f, rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT);
renderOneWeapon(bWeapon, bMuzzleFlash, bForShadow, false);
// Dual weapons
if ( CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo(weaponSlots[m_bActiveWeapon].m_eWeaponType, GetWeaponSkillForRenderWeaponPedsForPC())->hexFlags >> 11 & 1 )
*RwFrameGetMatrix(pFrame) = RpHAnimHierarchyGetMatrixArray(pAnimHierarchy)[RpHAnimIDGetIndex(pAnimHierarchy, 34)];
const RwV3d vecParachuteRotation = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
const RwV3d vecParachuteTranslation = { 0.04f, -0.05f, 0.0f };
RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(pFrame), &vecParachuteRotation, 180.0f, rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT);
RwMatrixTranslate(RwFrameGetMatrix(pFrame), &vecParachuteTranslation, rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT);
renderOneWeapon(bWeapon, bMuzzleFlash, bForShadow, true);
if ( bMuzzleFlash )
void CPed::RenderForShadow()
RpClumpForAllAtomics(reinterpret_cast<RpClump*>(m_pRwObject), ShadowCameraRenderCB);
RenderWeapon(true, false, true);
// Render jetpack
auto* pJetPackTask = pPedIntelligence->GetTaskJetPack();
if ( pJetPackTask )
void CPed::GiveWeapon_SP(uint32_t weapon, uint32_t ammo, bool flag)
if ( ammo == 0 ) ammo = 1;
(this->*(orgGiveWeapon))( weapon, ammo, flag );
uint8_t CPed::GetWeaponSkillForRenderWeaponPedsForPC_SAMP()
uint8_t (CPed::*funcCall)();
Memory::ReadCall( 0x7330A2, funcCall );
return std::invoke( funcCall, this );
bool CTaskComplexSequence::Contains(int taskID) const
for (const CTask* task : m_taskSequence)
if (task != nullptr && task->GetTaskType() == taskID)
return true;
return false;