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synced 2025-03-04 14:09:40 +05:00
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440 lines
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#ifndef __PEDSA
#define __PEDSA
#include "GeneralSA.h"
class CEntryExit;
class CEvent;
class CPed;
class CVehicle;
// This structure is very incomplete, but it is good enough for now
class __declspec(novtable) CTask
virtual ~CTask();
virtual CTask* Clone() const = 0;
virtual CTask* GetSubTask() const = 0;
virtual bool IsSimpleTask() const = 0;
virtual int GetTaskType() const = 0;
virtual void StopTimer(const CEvent*) { }
virtual bool MakeAbortable(CPed*, int, const CEvent*) = 0;
CTask* m_parentTask;
static_assert(sizeof(CTask) == 0x8, "Wrong size: CTask");
class __declspec(novtable) CTaskSimple : public CTask
virtual bool IsSimpleTask() const override { return true; }
virtual bool SetPedPosition(CPed*) { return false; }
class __declspec(novtable) CTaskComplex : public CTask
CTask* m_pSubTask;
virtual bool IsSimpleTask() const override { return false; }
virtual void SetSubTask(CTask*);
virtual CTask* CreateNextSubTask(CPed*) = 0;
virtual CTask* CreateFirstSubTask(CPed*) = 0;
virtual CTask* ControlSubTask(CPed*) = 0;
// Stub
class __declspec(novtable) CTaskSimpleJetPack : public CTaskSimple
void RenderJetPack(class CPed* pPed);
class __declspec(novtable) CTaskComplexSequence : public CTaskComplex
bool Contains(int taskID) const;
std::byte __pad1[4];
CTask* m_taskSequence[8];
std::byte __pad2[16];
static_assert(sizeof(CTaskComplexSequence) == 0x40, "Wrong size: CTaskComplexSequence");
class __declspec(novtable) CTaskComplexCarSlowBeDraggedOut : public CTaskComplex
CVehicle* m_pVehicle;
int m_status;
static_assert(sizeof(CTaskComplexCarSlowBeDraggedOut) == 0x14, "Wrong size: CTaskComplexCarSlowBeDraggedOut");
class CTaskManager
CTask* m_primaryTasks[5];
CTask* m_secondaryTasks[6];
CPed* m_pPed;
static_assert(sizeof(CTaskManager) == 0x30, "Wrong size: CTaskManager");
class CPedIntelligence
CPed* m_pPed;
CTaskManager m_taskManager;
class CTaskSimpleJetPack* GetTaskJetPack() const;
class CPedFlags
unsigned int bIsStanding : 1; // is ped standing on something
unsigned int bWasStanding : 1; // was ped standing on something
unsigned int bIsLooking : 1; // is ped looking at something or in a direction
unsigned int bIsRestoringLook : 1; // is ped restoring head postion from a look
unsigned int bIsAimingGun : 1; // is ped aiming gun
unsigned int bIsRestoringGun : 1; // is ped moving gun back to default posn
unsigned int bCanPointGunAtTarget : 1; // can ped point gun at target
unsigned int bIsTalking : 1; // is ped talking(see Chat())
unsigned int bInVehicle : 1; // is in a vehicle
unsigned int bIsInTheAir : 1; // is in the air
unsigned int bIsLanding : 1; // is landing after being in the air
unsigned int bHitSomethingLastFrame : 1; // has been in a collision last fram
unsigned int bIsNearCar : 1; // has been in a collision last fram
unsigned int bRenderPedInCar : 1; // has been in a collision last fram
unsigned int bUpdateAnimHeading : 1; // update ped heading due to heading change during anim sequence
unsigned int bRemoveHead : 1; // waiting on AntiSpazTimer to remove head
unsigned int bFiringWeapon : 1; // is pulling trigger
unsigned int bHasACamera : 1; // does ped possess a camera to document accidents
unsigned int bPedIsBleeding : 1; // Ped loses a lot of blood if true
unsigned int bStopAndShoot : 1; // Ped cannot reach target to attack with fist, need to use gun
unsigned int bIsPedDieAnimPlaying : 1; // is ped die animation finished so can dead now
unsigned int bStayInSamePlace :1; // when set, ped stays put
unsigned int bKindaStayInSamePlace :1; // when set, ped doesn't seek out opponent or cover large distances. Will still shuffle and look for cover
unsigned int bBeingChasedByPolice :1; // use nodes for routefind
unsigned int bNotAllowedToDuck :1; // Is this ped allowed to duck at all?
unsigned int bCrouchWhenShooting :1; // duck behind cars etc
unsigned int bIsDucking :1; // duck behind cars etc
unsigned int bGetUpAnimStarted :1; // don't want to play getup anim if under something
unsigned int bDoBloodyFootprints :1; // unsigned int bIsLeader :1;
unsigned int bDontDragMeOutCar :1;
unsigned int bStillOnValidPoly :1; // set if the polygon the ped is on is still valid for collision
unsigned int bAllowMedicsToReviveMe :1;
unsigned int bResetWalkAnims :1;
unsigned int bOnBoat :1; // flee but only using nodes
unsigned int bBusJacked :1; // flee but only using nodes
unsigned int bFadeOut :1; // set if you want ped to fade out
unsigned int bKnockedUpIntoAir :1; // has ped been knocked up into the air by a car collision
unsigned int bHitSteepSlope :1; // has ped collided/is standing on a steep slope (surface type)
unsigned int bCullExtraFarAway :1; // special ped only gets culled if it's extra far away (for roadblocks)
unsigned int bTryingToReachDryLand :1; // has ped just exited boat and trying to get to dry land
unsigned int bCollidedWithMyVehicle :1;
unsigned int bRichFromMugging :1; // ped has lots of cash cause they've been mugging people
unsigned int bChrisCriminal :1; // Is a criminal as killed during Chris' police mission (should be counted as such)
unsigned int bShakeFist :1; // test shake hand at look entity
unsigned int bNoCriticalHits : 1; // ped cannot be killed by a single bullet
unsigned int bHasAlreadyBeenRecorded : 1; // Used for replays
unsigned int bUpdateMatricesRequired : 1; // if PedIK has altered bones so matrices need updated this frame
unsigned int bFleeWhenStanding :1; //
unsigned int bMiamiViceCop :1; //
unsigned int bMoneyHasBeenGivenByScript :1; //
unsigned int bHasBeenPhotographed :1; //
unsigned int bIsDrowning : 1;
unsigned int bDrownsInWater : 1;
unsigned int bHeadStuckInCollision : 1;
unsigned int bDeadPedInFrontOfCar :1;
unsigned int bStayInCarOnJack :1;
unsigned int bDontFight :1;
unsigned int bDoomAim :1;
unsigned int bCanBeShotInVehicle : 1;
unsigned int bPushedAlongByCar :1; // ped is getting pushed along by car collision (so don't take damage from horz velocity)
unsigned int bNeverEverTargetThisPed :1;
unsigned int bThisPedIsATargetPriority :1;
unsigned int bCrouchWhenScared :1;
unsigned int bKnockedOffBike :1;
unsigned int bDonePositionOutOfCollision :1;
unsigned int bDontRender : 1;
unsigned int bHasBeenAddedToPopulation :1;
unsigned int bHasJustLeftCar :1;
unsigned int bIsInDisguise :1;
unsigned int bDoesntListenToPlayerGroupCommands :1;
unsigned int bIsBeingArrested :1;
unsigned int bHasJustSoughtCover :1;
unsigned int bKilledByStealth :1;
unsigned int bDoesntDropWeaponsWhenDead :1;
unsigned int bCalledPreRender :1;
unsigned int bBloodPuddleCreated : 1; // Has a static puddle of blood been created yet
unsigned int bPartOfAttackWave :1;
unsigned int bClearRadarBlipOnDeath :1;
unsigned int bNeverLeavesGroup :1; // flag that we want to test 3 extra spheres on col model
unsigned int bTestForBlockedPositions :1; // this sets these indicator flags for various posisions on the front of the ped
unsigned int bRightArmBlocked :1;
unsigned int bLeftArmBlocked :1;
unsigned int bDuckRightArmBlocked :1;
unsigned int bMidriffBlockedForJump :1;
unsigned int bFallenDown :1;
unsigned int bUseAttractorInstantly :1;
unsigned int bDontAcceptIKLookAts :1;
unsigned int bHasAScriptBrain : 1;
unsigned int bWaitingForScriptBrainToLoad : 1;
unsigned int bHasGroupDriveTask :1;
unsigned int bCanExitCar :1;
unsigned int CantBeKnockedOffBike :2; // 0=Default(harder for mission peds) 1=Never 2=Always normal(also for mission peds)
unsigned int bHasBeenRendered : 1;
unsigned int bIsCached :1;
unsigned int bPushOtherPeds :1; // GETS RESET EVERY FRAME - SET IN TASK: want to push other peds around (eg. leader of a group or ped trying to get in a car)
unsigned int bHasBulletProofVest :1;
unsigned int bUsingMobilePhone :1;
unsigned int bUpperBodyDamageAnimsOnly :1;
unsigned int bStuckUnderCar :1;
unsigned int bKeepTasksAfterCleanUp :1; // If true ped will carry on with task even after cleanup
unsigned int bIsDyingStuck :1;
unsigned int bIgnoreHeightCheckOnGotoPointTask :1; // set when walking round buildings, reset when task quits
unsigned int bForceDieInCar:1;
unsigned int bCheckColAboveHead:1;
unsigned int bIgnoreWeaponRange : 1;
unsigned int bDruggedUp : 1;
unsigned int bWantedByPolice : 1; // if this is set, the cops will always go after this ped when they are doing a KillCriminal task
unsigned int bSignalAfterKill: 1;
unsigned int bCanClimbOntoBoat :1;
unsigned int bPedHitWallLastFrame: 1; // useful to store this so that AI knows (normal will still be available)
unsigned int bIgnoreHeightDifferenceFollowingNodes: 1;
unsigned int bMoveAnimSpeedHasBeenSetByTask: 1;
unsigned int bGetOutUpsideDownCar :1;
unsigned int bJustGotOffTrain :1;
unsigned int bDeathPickupsPersist :1;
unsigned int bTestForShotInVehicle :1;
unsigned int bUsedForReplay : 1; // This ped is controlled by replay and should be removed when replay is done.
class CPlayerPedData
class CWanted* m_Wanted; // 0x0
void* m_pClothes; // 0x4
CPed* m_ArrestingOfficer; // 0x8
CVector2D m_vecFightMovement; // 0xC
float m_moveBlendRatio; // 0x14
float m_fSprintEnergy; // 0x18
float m_fSprintControlCounter; // 0x1C
BYTE m_nChosenWeapon; // 0x20
BYTE m_nCarDangerCounter; // 0x21
DWORD m_nStandStillTimer; // 0x24
DWORD m_nHitAnimDelayTimer; // 0x28
float m_fAttackButtonCounter; // 0x2C
void *m_pDangerCar; // 0x30
DWORD m_bStoppedMoving : 1; // 0x34
DWORD m_bAdrenaline : 1;
DWORD m_bHaveTargetSelected : 1;
DWORD m_bFreeAiming : 1;
DWORD bCanBeDamaged : 1;
DWORD bAllMeleeAttackPtsBlocked : 1;
DWORD m_JustBeenSnacking : 1;
DWORD m_bRequireHandleBreath : 1;
DWORD m_GroupStuffDisabled : 1; // 0x35
DWORD m_GroupAlwaysFollow : 1;
DWORD m_GroupNeverFollow : 1;
DWORD m_bInVehicleDontAllowWeaponChange : 1;
DWORD m_bRenderWeapon : 1;
DWORD m_bUnused1 : 1;
DWORD m_bUnused2 : 1;
DWORD m_bUnused3 : 1;
DWORD m_bCopMode : 1; // 0x36
DWORD m_PlayerGroup; // 0x38
DWORD m_AdrenalineEndTime; // 0x3C
BYTE m_nDrunkenness; // 0x40
BYTE m_bFadeDrunkenness; // 0x41
BYTE m_nDrugLevel; // 0x42
BYTE m_nScriptLimitToGangSize; // 0x43
float m_fBreath; // 0x44
DWORD m_MeleeWeaponAnimReferenced; // 0x48
DWORD m_MeleeWeaponAnimReferencedExtra; // 0x4C
float m_fFPSMoveHeading; // 0x50
float m_fLookPitch; // 0x54
float m_fSkateBoardSpeed; // 0x58
float m_fSkateBoardLean; // 0x5C
void *m_pSpecialAtomic; // 0x60
float m_fGunSpinSpeed; // 0x64
float m_fGunSpinAngle; // 0x68
DWORD m_LastTimeFiring; // 0x6C
DWORD m_nTargetBone; // 0x70
CVector m_vecTargetBoneOffset; // 0x74
DWORD m_busFaresCollected; // 0x80
BYTE m_bPlayerSprintDisabled; // 0x84
BYTE m_bDontAllowWeaponChange; // 0x85
BYTE m_bForceInteriorLighting; // 0x86
WORD m_DPadDownPressedInMilliseconds; // 0x88
WORD m_DPadUpPressedInMilliseconds; // 0x8A
BYTE m_wetness; // 0x8C
BYTE m_playersGangActive; // 0x8D
BYTE m_waterCoverPerc; // 0x8E
FLOAT m_waterHeight; // 0x90
DWORD m_FireHSMissilePressedTime; // 0x94
void* m_LastHSMissileTarget;
DWORD m_nModelIndexOfLastBuildingShot;
DWORD m_LastHSMissileLOSTime :31;
DWORD m_bLastHSMissileLOS :1;
void* m_pCurrentProstitutePed;
void* m_pLastProstituteShagged;
class NOVMT CPed : public CPhysical
BYTE __pad1[820];
CPedFlags pedFlags;
class CPedIntelligence* pPedIntelligence;
CPlayerPedData* pPlayerData;
unsigned char PedCreatedBy;
BYTE __pad7[76];
int iMoveAnimGroup;
BYTE __pad2[28];
RwObject* m_pWeaponObject;
RwFrame* m_pMuzzleFlashFrame;
BYTE __pad10[68];
float fHealth;
float fMaxHealth;
float fArmour;
BYTE __pad8[12];
float m_fCurrentRotation;
float m_fTargetRotation;
BYTE __pad3[44];
CVehicle* pVehicle;
BYTE __pad9[8];
DWORD pedType;
BYTE __pad4[4];
CWeapon weaponSlots[13];
BYTE __pad5[12];
BYTE m_bActiveWeapon;
BYTE __pad65[20];
unsigned char bFightingStyle, bFightingStyleExtra;
BYTE __pad6[92];
CEntryExit* pCurrentEntryExit;
BYTE __pad64[12];
inline bool Save_Stub()
{ return CPed::Save(); }
inline bool Load_Stub()
{ return CPed::Load(); }
virtual bool Save();
virtual bool Load();
inline DWORD GetPedType()
{ return pedType; };
inline CPedFlags& GetPedFlags()
{ return pedFlags; };
inline CVehicle* GetVehiclePtr()
{ return pVehicle; };
inline CWeapon* GetWeaponSlots()
{ return weaponSlots; };
inline int GetMoveAnimGroup()
{ return iMoveAnimGroup; };
inline void SetMoveAnimGroup(int a)
{ iMoveAnimGroup = a; };
inline CPedIntelligence* GetPedIntelligencePtr()
{ return pPedIntelligence; };
inline float GetHealth()
{ return fHealth; };
inline float GetArmour()
{ return fArmour; };
inline CPlayerPedData* GetPlayerData()
{ return pPlayerData; };
inline BYTE GetActiveWeapon()
{ return m_bActiveWeapon; };
inline void SetCurrentHeading(float fVal)
{ m_fCurrentRotation = fVal; }
inline void SetTargetHeading(float fVal)
{ m_fTargetRotation = fVal; }
bool IsPlayer() const
{ return pedType == 0 || pedType == 1; }
uint8_t GetWeaponSkill();
void ResetGunFlashAlpha();
void SetGunFlashAlpha(bool bSecondWeapon);
void Say(uint16_t phrase, uint32_t param2 = 0, float volume = 1.0f, bool param4 = false, bool param5 = false, bool param6 = false);
void RenderWeapon(bool bWeapon, bool bMuzzleFlash, bool bForShadow);
void RenderForShadow();
static void (CPed::*orgGiveWeapon)(uint32_t weapon, uint32_t ammo, bool flag);
void GiveWeapon_SP( uint32_t weapon, uint32_t ammo, bool flag );
// Extension to accommodate for SA-MP hooking GetWeaponSkill in RenderWeaponPedsForPC dynamically
static inline uint8_t (CPed::*orgGetWeaponSkillForRenderWeaponPedsForPC)() = &GetWeaponSkill;
uint8_t GetWeaponSkillForRenderWeaponPedsForPC()
return std::invoke( orgGetWeaponSkillForRenderWeaponPedsForPC, this );
uint8_t GetWeaponSkillForRenderWeaponPedsForPC_SAMP();
static inline void (CPed::*orgSay)(uint16_t phrase, uint32_t param2, float volume, bool param4, bool param5, bool param6);
template<uint16_t blackSample>
void Say_SampleBlackList(uint16_t phrase, uint32_t param2 = 0, float volume = 1.0f, bool param4 = false, bool param5 = false, bool param6 = false)
if ( !(phrase == blackSample) )
std::invoke(orgSay, this, phrase, param2, volume, param4, param5, param6);
constexpr uint16_t CONTEXT_GLOBAL_CAR_HIT_PED = 36; // CPed::Say enum
class NOVMT CPlayerPed : public CPed
CPed* m_pMouseLockOnRecruitPed;
int m_iMouseLockOnRecruitTimer;
static void (CPlayerPed::*orgDoStuffToGoOnFire)();
void DoStuffToGoOnFire()
static_assert(sizeof(CPed) == 0x79C, "Wrong size: CPed");
static_assert(sizeof(CPlayerPed) == 0x7A4, "Wrong size: CPlayerPed");
class CClothes
static void (*RebuildPlayer)(CPlayerPed* ped, bool bForReplay);
#endif |