mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 14:09:40 +05:00
8711 lines
261 KiB
8711 lines
261 KiB
#include "StdAfxSA.h"
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <d3d9.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "ScriptSA.h"
#include "GeneralSA.h"
#include "ModelInfoSA.h"
#include "VehicleSA.h"
#include "PedSA.h"
#include "AudioHardwareSA.h"
#include "LinkListSA.h"
#include "PNGFile.h"
#include "PlayerInfoSA.h"
#include "FireManagerSA.h"
#include "Random.h"
#include "WaveDecoderSA.h"
#include "FLACDecoderSA.h"
#include "Utils/Patterns.h"
#include "Utils/DelimStringReader.h"
#include "Utils/ModuleList.hpp"
#include "Utils/ScopedUnprotect.hpp"
#include "Utils/HookEach.hpp"
#include "Desktop.h"
#include "FriendlyMonitorNames.h"
#include "SVF.h"
#include "debugmenu_public.h"
#include "resource.h"
#pragma comment(linker,"\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' \
name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' \
processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
// ============= Mod compatibility stuff =============
namespace ModCompat
bool SkygfxPatchesMoonphases( HMODULE module )
if ( module == nullptr ) return false; // SkyGfx not installed
struct Config
uint32_t version;
// The rest isn't relevant at the moment
auto func = (Config*(*)())GetProcAddress( module, "GetConfig" );
if ( func == nullptr ) return false; // Old version?
const Config* config = func();
if ( config == nullptr ) return false; // Old version/error?
constexpr uint32_t SKYGFX_VERSION_WITH_MOONPHASES = 0x360;
return config->version >= SKYGFX_VERSION_WITH_MOONPHASES;
bool bCdStreamFallBackForOldML = false;
bool ModloaderCdStreamRaceConditionAware( HMODULE module )
if ( module == nullptr ) return false; // modloader not installed
HMODULE stdStreamModule;
if ( GetModuleHandleEx( 0, TEXT("std.stream.dll"), &stdStreamModule ) == 0 ) return false; // std.data not loaded
// ML is installed, so if it's an old version we need to fall back to a less safe implementation (no condition variables)
bCdStreamFallBackForOldML = true;
bool aware = false;
const auto func = (uint32_t(*)())GetProcAddress( stdStreamModule, "CdStreamRaceConditionAware" );
if ( func != nullptr )
aware = func() >= 1;
FreeLibrary( stdStreamModule );
return aware;
namespace Utils
template<typename AT>
HMODULE GetModuleHandleFromAddress( AT address )
HMODULE result = nullptr;
return result;
// Resolves a re-route if it comes from a no-CD executable
uintptr_t GetFunctionAddrIfRerouted(uintptr_t address)
if (*reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(address) == 0xE9)
uintptr_t jumpDestination;
Memory::ReadCall(address, jumpDestination);
if (GetModuleHandleFromAddress(address) == GetModuleHandleFromAddress(jumpDestination))
return jumpDestination;
return address;
#pragma warning(disable:4733)
// RW wrappers
static void* varAtomicDefaultRenderCallBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7491C0, 0x749AD0, 0x783180);
WRAPPER RpAtomic* AtomicDefaultRenderCallBack(RpAtomic* atomic) { WRAPARG(atomic); VARJMP(varAtomicDefaultRenderCallBack); }
static void* varRtPNGImageRead = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7CF9B0, 0x7D02B0, 0x809970);
WRAPPER RwImage* RtPNGImageRead(const RwChar* imageName) { WRAPARG(imageName); VARJMP(varRtPNGImageRead); }
static void* varRwTextureCreate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F37C0, 0x7F40C0, 0x82D780);
WRAPPER RwTexture* RwTextureCreate(RwRaster* raster) { WRAPARG(raster); VARJMP(varRwTextureCreate); }
static void* varRwRasterCreate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FB230, 0x7FBB30, 0x8351F0, { "8B 0D ? ? ? ? 56 68 07 04 03 00 8B 54 01 60", -5 });
WRAPPER RwRaster* RwRasterCreate(RwInt32 width, RwInt32 height, RwInt32 depth, RwInt32 flags) { WRAPARG(width); WRAPARG(height); WRAPARG(depth); WRAPARG(flags); VARJMP(varRwRasterCreate); }
static void* varRwImageDestroy = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x802740, 0x803040, 0x83C700);
WRAPPER RwBool RwImageDestroy(RwImage* image) { WRAPARG(image); VARJMP(varRwImageDestroy); }
static void* varRpMaterialSetTexture = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x74DBC0, 0x74E4D0, 0x787B80);
WRAPPER RpMaterial* RpMaterialSetTexture(RpMaterial* material, RwTexture* texture) { VARJMP(varRpMaterialSetTexture); }
static void* varRwFrameGetLTM = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F0990, 0x7F1290, 0x82A950);
WRAPPER RwMatrix* RwFrameGetLTM(RwFrame* frame) { VARJMP(varRwFrameGetLTM); }
static void* varRwMatrixRotate = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F1FD0, 0x7F28D0, 0x82BF90);
WRAPPER RwMatrix* RwMatrixRotate(RwMatrix* matrix, const RwV3d* axis, RwReal angle, RwOpCombineType combineOp) { WRAPARG(matrix); WRAPARG(axis); WRAPARG(angle); WRAPARG(combineOp); VARJMP(varRwMatrixRotate); }
static void* varRwD3D9SetRenderState = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7FC2D0, 0x7FCBD0, 0x836290);
WRAPPER void RwD3D9SetRenderState(RwUInt32 state, RwUInt32 value) { WRAPARG(state); WRAPARG(value); VARJMP(varRwD3D9SetRenderState); }
static void* varRwEngineSetSubSystem = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7F2C90, { "50 6A 00 6A 00 83 C1 10 6A 10 51", -0xA });
WRAPPER RwBool RwEngineSetSubSystem(RwInt32 subSystemIndex) { WRAPARG(subSystemIndex); VARJMP(varRwEngineSetSubSystem); }
RwCamera* RwCameraBeginUpdate(RwCamera* camera)
return camera->beginUpdate(camera);
RwCamera* RwCameraEndUpdate(RwCamera* camera)
return camera->endUpdate(camera);
RwCamera* RwCameraClear(RwCamera* camera, RwRGBA* colour, RwInt32 clearMode)
return RWSRCGLOBAL(stdFunc[rwSTANDARDCAMERACLEAR])(camera, colour, clearMode) != FALSE ? camera : NULL;
RwMatrix* RwMatrixTranslate(RwMatrix* matrix, const RwV3d* translation, RwOpCombineType combineOp)
if ( combineOp == rwCOMBINEREPLACE )
matrix->pos = *translation;
else if ( combineOp == rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT )
matrix->pos.x += matrix->at.x * translation->z + matrix->up.x * translation->y + matrix->right.x * translation->x;
matrix->pos.y += matrix->at.y * translation->z + matrix->up.y * translation->y + matrix->right.y * translation->x;
matrix->pos.z += matrix->at.z * translation->z + matrix->up.z * translation->y + matrix->right.z * translation->x;
else if ( combineOp == rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT )
matrix->pos.x += translation->x;
matrix->pos.y += translation->y;
matrix->pos.z += translation->z;
rwMatrixSetFlags(matrix, rwMatrixGetFlags(matrix) & ~(rwMATRIXINTERNALIDENTITY));
return matrix;
RwFrame* RwFrameForAllChildren(RwFrame* frame, RwFrameCallBack callBack, void* data)
for ( RwFrame* curFrame = frame->child; curFrame != nullptr; curFrame = curFrame->next )
if ( callBack(curFrame, data) == NULL )
return frame;
RwFrame* RwFrameForAllObjects(RwFrame* frame, RwObjectCallBack callBack, void* data)
for ( RwLLLink* link = rwLinkListGetFirstLLLink(&frame->objectList); link != rwLinkListGetTerminator(&frame->objectList); link = rwLLLinkGetNext(link) )
if ( callBack(&rwLLLinkGetData(link, RwObjectHasFrame, lFrame)->object, data) == NULL )
return frame;
RwFrame* RwFrameUpdateObjects(RwFrame* frame)
rwLinkListAddLLLink(&RWSRCGLOBAL(dirtyFrameList), &frame->root->inDirtyListLink);
rwObjectSetPrivateFlags(&frame->root->object, rwObjectGetPrivateFlags(&frame->root->object) | (rwFRAMEPRIVATEHIERARCHYSYNCLTM|rwFRAMEPRIVATEHIERARCHYSYNCOBJ));
rwObjectSetPrivateFlags(&frame->object, rwObjectGetPrivateFlags(&frame->object) | (rwFRAMEPRIVATESUBTREESYNCLTM|rwFRAMEPRIVATESUBTREESYNCOBJ));
return frame;
RwMatrix* RwMatrixUpdate(RwMatrix* matrix)
return matrix;
RwRaster* RwRasterSetFromImage(RwRaster* raster, RwImage* image)
if ( RWSRCGLOBAL(stdFunc[rwSTANDARDRASTERSETIMAGE])(raster, image, 0) != FALSE )
if ( image->flags & rwIMAGEGAMMACORRECTED )
raster->privateFlags |= rwRASTERGAMMACORRECTED;
return raster;
return NULL;
RwImage* RwImageFindRasterFormat(RwImage* ipImage, RwInt32 nRasterType, RwInt32* npWidth, RwInt32* npHeight, RwInt32* npDepth, RwInt32* npFormat)
RwRaster outRaster;
if ( RWSRCGLOBAL(stdFunc[rwSTANDARDIMAGEFINDRASTERFORMAT])(&outRaster, ipImage, nRasterType) != FALSE )
*npFormat = RwRasterGetFormat(&outRaster) | outRaster.cType;
*npWidth = RwRasterGetWidth(&outRaster);
*npHeight = RwRasterGetHeight(&outRaster);
*npDepth = RwRasterGetDepth(&outRaster);
return ipImage;
return NULL;
RpClump* RpClumpForAllAtomics(RpClump* clump, RpAtomicCallBack callback, void* pData)
for ( RwLLLink* link = rwLinkListGetFirstLLLink(&clump->atomicList); link != rwLinkListGetTerminator(&clump->atomicList); link = rwLLLinkGetNext(link) )
if ( callback(rwLLLinkGetData(link, RpAtomic, inClumpLink), pData) == NULL )
return clump;
RpClump* RpClumpRender(RpClump* clump)
RpClump* retClump = clump;
for ( RwLLLink* link = rwLinkListGetFirstLLLink(&clump->atomicList); link != rwLinkListGetTerminator(&clump->atomicList); link = rwLLLinkGetNext(link) )
RpAtomic* curAtomic = rwLLLinkGetData(link, RpAtomic, inClumpLink);
if ( RpAtomicGetFlags(curAtomic) & rpATOMICRENDER )
// Not sure why they need this
if ( RpAtomicRender(curAtomic) == NULL )
retClump = NULL;
return retClump;
RpGeometry* RpGeometryForAllMaterials(RpGeometry* geometry, RpMaterialCallBack fpCallBack, void* pData)
for ( RwInt32 i = 0, j = geometry->matList.numMaterials; i < j; i++ )
if ( fpCallBack(geometry->matList.materials[i], pData) == NULL )
return geometry;
RwInt32 RpHAnimIDGetIndex(RpHAnimHierarchy* hierarchy, RwInt32 ID)
for ( RwInt32 i = 0, j = hierarchy->numNodes; i < j; i++ )
if ( ID == hierarchy->pNodeInfo[i].nodeID )
return i;
return -1;
RwMatrix* RpHAnimHierarchyGetMatrixArray(RpHAnimHierarchy* hierarchy)
return hierarchy->pMatrixArray;
void RwD3D9DeleteVertexShader(void* shader)
RwBool _rpD3D9VertexDeclarationInstColor(RwUInt8* mem, const RwRGBA* color, RwInt32 numVerts, RwUInt32 stride)
RwUInt8 alpha = 255;
for ( RwInt32 i = 0; i < numVerts; i++ )
*reinterpret_cast<RwUInt32*>(mem) = (color->alpha << 24) | (color->red << 16) | (color->green << 8) | color->blue;
alpha &= color->alpha;
mem += stride;
return alpha != 255;
// Unreachable stub
RwBool RwMatrixDestroy(RwMatrix* mpMat) { assert(!"Unreachable!"); return TRUE; }
struct AlphaObjectInfo
RpAtomic* pAtomic;
RpAtomic* (*callback)(RpAtomic*, float);
float fCompareValue;
friend bool operator < (const AlphaObjectInfo &a, const AlphaObjectInfo &b)
{ return a.fCompareValue < b.fCompareValue; }
struct PsGlobalType;
struct RsGlobalType
const char* AppName;
signed int MaximumWidth;
signed int MaximumHeight;
unsigned int frameLimit;
BOOL quit;
PsGlobalType* ps;
void* keyboard;
void* mouse;
void* pad;
// Other wrappers
void (*GTAdelete)(void*) = AddressByVersion<void(*)(void*)>(0x82413F, 0x824EFF, 0x85E58C);
const char* (*GetFrameNodeName)(RwFrame*) = AddressByVersion<const char*(*)(RwFrame*)>(0x72FB30, 0x730360, 0x769C20);
RpHAnimHierarchy* (*GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump)(RpClump*) = AddressByVersion<RpHAnimHierarchy*(*)(RpClump*)>(0x734A40, 0x735270, 0x7671B0);
auto InitializeUtrax = AddressByVersion<void(__thiscall*)(void*)>(0x4F35B0, 0x4F3A10, 0x4FFA80);
auto RpAnimBlendClumpGetAssociation = AddressByVersion<void*(*)(RpClump*, uint32_t)>(0x4D68B0, { "8B 0D ? ? ? ? 8B 14 01 8B 02 85 C0 74 11 8B 4D 0C", -6 });
auto GetAnimationBlockIndex = AddressByVersion<int32_t(*)(const char* animBlock)>(0x4D3990, { "83 C4 04 85 C0 75 05", -0xC });
auto RequestModel = AddressByVersion<void(*)(int modelID, int priority)>(0x4087E0, { "57 8D 3C 9B", -0x8 });
auto LoadAllRequestedModels = AddressByVersion<void(*)(bool bBlock)>(0x40EA10, { "A1 ? ? ? ? 03 C0", -0x20 });
auto IsPlayerOnAMission = AddressByVersion<bool(*)()>(0x464D50, {"85 C0 74 0C 83 B8 ? ? ? ? ? 75 03 B0 01 C3", -5});
static void (__thiscall* SetVolume)(void*,float);
static BOOL (*IsAlreadyRunning)();
static void (*TheScriptsLoad)();
static void (*DoSunAndMoon)();
auto WorldRemove = AddressByVersion<void(*)(CEntity*)>(0x563280, 0, 0x57D370, { "8B 06 8B 50 0C 8B CE FF D2 8A 46 36 24 07 3C 01 76 0D", -7 });
// SA variables
void** rwengine = *AddressByVersion<void***>(0x58FFC0, 0x53F032, 0x48C194, { "8B 48 20 53 56 57 6A 01", -5 + 1 });
RsGlobalType* RsGlobal = *AddressByVersion<RsGlobalType**>(0x619602 + 2, { "33 C0 C7 05 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C7 05", 2 + 2 });
unsigned char& nGameClockDays = **AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x4E841D, 0x4E886D, 0x4F3871);
unsigned char& nGameClockMonths = **AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x4E842D, 0x4E887D, 0x4F3861);
void*& pUserTracksStuff = **AddressByVersion<void***>(0x4D9B7B, 0x4DA06C, 0x4E4A43);
float& fFarClipZ = **AddressByVersion<float**>(0x70D21F, 0x70DA4F, 0x421AB2);
CZoneInfo*& pCurrZoneInfo = **AddressByVersion<CZoneInfo***>(0x58ADB1, 0x58B581, 0x407F93);
CRGBA* HudColour = *AddressByVersion<CRGBA**>(0x58ADF6, 0x58B5C6, 0x440648);
CLinkListSA<CPed*>& ms_weaponPedsForPC = **AddressByVersion<CLinkListSA<CPed*>**>(0x53EACA, 0x53EF6A, 0x551101);
CLinkListSA<AlphaObjectInfo>& m_alphaList = **AddressByVersion<CLinkListSA<AlphaObjectInfo>**>(0x733A4D, 0x73427D, 0x76DCA3);
uint32_t& bDrawCrossHair = **AddressByVersion<uint32_t**>(0x58E7BF + 2, {"83 3D ? ? ? ? ? 74 29", 2});
DebugMenuAPI gDebugMenuAPI;
// Custom variables
static float fSunFarClip;
static struct
char Extension[8];
unsigned int Codec;
} UserTrackExtensions[] = { { ".ogg", DECODER_VORBIS }, { ".mp3", DECODER_QUICKTIME },
{ ".fla", DECODER_FLAC }, { ".flac", DECODER_FLAC } };
static bool IgnoresWeaponPedsForPCFix();
// Regular functions
static RpAtomic* RenderAtomic(RpAtomic* pAtomic, float fComp)
return AtomicDefaultRenderCallBack(pAtomic);
static RpAtomic* StaticPropellerRender(RpAtomic* pAtomic)
pAtomic = AtomicDefaultRenderCallBack(pAtomic);
return pAtomic;
static RpAtomic* MovingPropellerRender(RpAtomic* pAtomic)
RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE, reinterpret_cast<void*>(TRUE));
pAtomic = AtomicDefaultRenderCallBack(pAtomic);
return pAtomic;
RpAtomic* RenderBigVehicleActomic(RpAtomic* pAtomic, float)
const char* pNodeName = GetFrameNodeName(RpAtomicGetFrame(pAtomic));
if ( strncmp(pNodeName, "moving_prop", 11) == 0 )
return MovingPropellerRender(pAtomic);
if ( strncmp(pNodeName, "static_prop", 11) == 0 )
return StaticPropellerRender(pAtomic);
return AtomicDefaultRenderCallBack(pAtomic);
void RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB_HunterDoor(RpAtomic* pAtomic)
AlphaObjectInfo NewObject;
NewObject.callback = RenderAtomic;
NewObject.fCompareValue = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
NewObject.pAtomic = pAtomic;
void RenderWeapon(CPed* pPed)
if ( !IgnoresWeaponPedsForPCFix() )
pPed->RenderWeapon(true, false, false);
void RenderWeaponPedsForPC()
RwScopedRenderState<rwRENDERSTATEFOGENABLE> fogEnable;
RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE, reinterpret_cast<void*>(TRUE));
RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, reinterpret_cast<void*>(TRUE));
RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEFOGENABLE, reinterpret_cast<void*>(TRUE));
const bool renderWeapon = IgnoresWeaponPedsForPCFix();
for ( auto it = ms_weaponPedsForPC.Next( nullptr ); it != nullptr; it = ms_weaponPedsForPC.Next( it ) )
CPed* ped = **it;
ped->RenderWeapon(renderWeapon, true, false);
static CAEFLACDecoder* __stdcall DecoderCtor(CAEDataStream* pData)
return new CAEFLACDecoder(pData);
static CAEWaveDecoder* __stdcall CAEWaveDecoderInit(CAEDataStream* pStream)
return new CAEWaveDecoder(pStream);
namespace ScalingInternals
// 1.0 - fast math uses a scaling multiplier
float ScaleX_Multiplier(float val)
static float** ResolutionWidthMult = (float**)(0x5733FD + 2);
return val * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth * **ResolutionWidthMult;
float ScaleY_Multiplier(float val)
static float** ResolutionHeightMult = (float**)(0x57342D + 2);
return val * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight * **ResolutionHeightMult;
// New binaries - precise math uses a scaling divisor
float ScaleX_Divisor(float val)
static double** ResolutionWidthDiv = hook::get_pattern<double*>("DC 35 ? ? ? ? DC 0D ? ? ? ? DE E9 D9 5D F0", 2);
return static_cast<float>(val * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth / **ResolutionWidthDiv);
float ScaleY_Divisor(float val)
static double** ResolutionHeightDiv = hook::get_pattern<double*>("50 DC 35 ? ? ? ? DC 0D", 1 + 2);
return static_cast<float>(val * RsGlobal->MaximumHeight / **ResolutionHeightDiv);
// Default to 1.0, update these pointers with a pointer to the new binaries function if needed
auto ScaleX = &ScalingInternals::ScaleX_Multiplier;
auto ScaleY = &ScalingInternals::ScaleY_Multiplier;
namespace ScriptFixes
static void BasketballFix(unsigned char* pBuf, int nSize)
for ( int i = 0, hits = 0; i < nSize && hits < 7; i++, pBuf++ )
// Pattern check for save pickup XYZ
if ( *(unsigned int*)pBuf == 0x449DE19A ) // Save pickup X
*(float*)pBuf = 1291.8f;
else if ( *(unsigned int*)pBuf == 0xC4416AE1 ) // Save pickup Y
*(float*)pBuf = -797.8284f;
else if ( *(unsigned int*)pBuf == 0x44886C7B ) // Save pickup Z
*(float*)pBuf = 1089.5f;
else if ( *(unsigned int*)pBuf == 0x449DF852 ) // Save point X
*(float*)pBuf = 1286.8f;
else if ( *(unsigned int*)pBuf == 0xC44225C3 ) // Save point Y
*(float*)pBuf = -797.69f;
else if ( *(unsigned int*)pBuf == 0x44885C7B ) // Save point Z
*(float*)pBuf = 1089.1f;
else if ( *(unsigned int*)pBuf == 0x43373AE1 ) // Save point A
*(float*)pBuf = 90.0f;
static unsigned char* ScriptSpace;
static int* ScriptParams;
static size_t ScriptFileSize, ScriptMissionSize;
static void InitializeScriptGlobals()
static bool bInitScriptStuff = [] () {;
ScriptSpace = *AddressByVersion<unsigned char**>(0x5D5380, 0x5D5B60, 0x450E34);
ScriptParams = *AddressByVersion<int**>(0x48995B, 0x46410A, 0x46979A);
ScriptFileSize = *AddressByVersion<size_t*>( 0x468E74+1, 0, 0x46E572+1);
ScriptMissionSize = *AddressByVersion<size_t*>( 0x489A5A+1, 0, 0x490798+1);
return true;
} ();
static void SweetsGirlFix()
// Changes @ == int to @ >= int in two places
if ( *(uint16_t*)(ScriptSpace+ScriptFileSize+2510) == 0x0039 )
*(uint16_t*)(ScriptSpace+ScriptFileSize+2510) = 0x0029;
if ( *(uint16_t*)(ScriptSpace+ScriptFileSize+2680) == 0x0039 )
*(uint16_t*)(ScriptSpace+ScriptFileSize+2680) = 0x0029;
static hook::pattern MakeScriptPattern(bool isMission, std::string_view bytes)
uintptr_t begin, end;
if (isMission)
begin = uintptr_t(ScriptSpace) + ScriptFileSize;
end = begin + ScriptMissionSize;
begin = uintptr_t(ScriptSpace);
end = begin + ScriptFileSize;
return hook::make_range_pattern(begin, end, bytes);
static void MountainCloudBoysFix()
auto pattern = MakeScriptPattern(true, "D6 00 04 00 39 00 03 EF 00 04 02 4D 00 01 90 F2 FF FF D6 00 04 01");
if ( pattern.size() == 1 ) // Faulty code lies under offset 3367 - replace it if it matches
const uint8_t bNewCode[22] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD6, 0x00, 0x04, 0x03, 0x39, 0x00, 0x03, 0x2B,
0x00, 0x04, 0x0B, 0x39, 0x00, 0x03, 0xEF, 0x00, 0x04, 0x02
memcpy( pattern.get(0).get<void>(), bNewCode, sizeof(bNewCode) );
static void SupplyLinesFix( bool isBeefyBaron )
auto pattern = MakeScriptPattern(true, isBeefyBaron ? "B8 9E 3A 44" : "B8 1E 2F 44");
if ( pattern.size() == 1 ) // 700.48 -> 10.0 (teleports car with CJ under the building instead)
*pattern.get(0).get<float>() = 10.0f;
static void DrivingSchoolConesFix()
auto pattern = MakeScriptPattern(true, "04 00 02 20 03 04 00 D6 00 04 00 1A 00 04 2E 02 20 03 4D 00 01 60 75 FF FF BE 00 08 01 07 24 03 20 03 2E 80 08 00 02 20 03 04 01");
auto coneCoilConeCount = MakeScriptPattern(true, "1A 00 04 17 02 20 03");
auto burnAndLapConeCount = MakeScriptPattern(true, "1A 00 04 23 02 20 03");
// Only destroy as many cones as were created, and correct trafficcone_counter for "Cone Coil" and "Burn and Lap"
if (pattern.size() == 1 && coneCoilConeCount.size() == 1 && burnAndLapConeCount.size() == 1)
const uint8_t gotoSkipAssignment[] = { 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x8B, 0x75, 0xFF, 0xFF };
memcpy(pattern.get(0).get<void>(0), gotoSkipAssignment, sizeof(gotoSkipAssignment));
const uint8_t cmpVal[] = { 0x18, 0x00, 0x02, 0x20, 0x03, 0x04, 0x00 }; // trafficcone_counter > 0
memcpy(pattern.get(0).get<void>(11), cmpVal, sizeof(cmpVal));
// trafficcone_counter-- \ DELETE_OBJECT trafficcones[trafficcone_counter]
const uint8_t subValDeleteObject[] = { 0x0C, 0x00, 0x02, 0x20, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x08, 0x01, 0x07, 0x24, 0x03, 0x20, 0x03, 0x2E, 0x80 };
memcpy(pattern.get(0).get<void>(0x1B), subValDeleteObject, sizeof(subValDeleteObject));
// Also set trafficcone_counter to 0 so the first destruction doesn't happen
int32_t* trafficcone_counter = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(ScriptSpace+800);
*trafficcone_counter = 0;
// Correct the final trafficcone_counter in Cone Coil
// 23 -> 30
*coneCoilConeCount.get(0).get<int8_t>(3) = 30;
// Correct the final trafficcone_counter in Burn and Lap
// 35 -> 42
*burnAndLapConeCount.get(0).get<int8_t>(3) = 42;
static void BikeSchoolConesFix()
auto pattern = MakeScriptPattern(true, "04 00 02 20 03 04 00 D6 00 04 00 1A 00 04 2E 02 20 03 4D 00 01 F8 AD FF FF 08 01 07 24 03 20 03 2E 80 08 00 02 20 03 04 01");
if (pattern.size() == 1) // Only destroy as many cones as were created
const uint8_t gotoSkipAssignment[] = { 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x21, 0xAE, 0xFF, 0xFF };
memcpy(pattern.get(0).get<void>(0), gotoSkipAssignment, sizeof(gotoSkipAssignment));
const uint8_t cmpVal[] = { 0x18, 0x00, 0x02, 0x20, 0x03, 0x04, 0x00 }; // trafficcone_counter > 0
memcpy(pattern.get(0).get<void>(11), cmpVal, sizeof(cmpVal));
// trafficcone_counter-- \ DELETE_OBJECT trafficcones[trafficcone_counter]
const uint8_t subValDeleteObject[] = { 0x0C, 0x00, 0x02, 0x20, 0x03, 0x04, 0x01, 0x08, 0x01, 0x07, 0x24, 0x03, 0x20, 0x03, 0x2E, 0x80 };
memcpy(pattern.get(0).get<void>(0x19), subValDeleteObject, sizeof(subValDeleteObject));
// Also set trafficcone_counter to 0 so the first destruction doesn't happen
int32_t* trafficcone_counter = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(ScriptSpace+800);
*trafficcone_counter = 0;
static void AirRaidFix()
// Give the player back their weapon from the 8th slot instead of stealing it,
// but do it properly and load the model before giving the wepaon.
// 1.01 PC script saves and restores the weapon, but forgets to load the model.
auto save_weapon_gosub_place = MakeScriptPattern(true, "BD 01 03 65 01 06 00 03 48 01 04 00");
auto free_space_after_mission = MakeScriptPattern(true, "EF 04 0E 06 43 41 53 49 4E 4F EF 04 0E 0A 4F 4E 5F 4C 4F 4F 4B 45 52 53 D8 00 51 00");
if (save_weapon_gosub_place.size() == 1 && free_space_after_mission.size() == 1)
using namespace Memory;
// "Assemble" the script bytecode because it's more readable this way
uintptr_t afterMissionSpace = free_space_after_mission.get(0).get_uintptr(28);
auto assembleCommand = [](uintptr_t& mem, std::initializer_list<uint8_t> bytes)
uint8_t* buf = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mem);
std::copy(bytes.begin(), bytes.end(), buf);
mem += bytes.size();
auto assembleMissionOffset = [](uintptr_t& mem, uintptr_t dest)
const int32_t offset = (uintptr_t(ScriptSpace) + ScriptFileSize) - dest;
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mem), &offset, sizeof(offset));
mem += sizeof(offset);
auto assembleInt32 = [](uintptr_t& mem, int32_t val)
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mem), &val, sizeof(val));
mem += sizeof(val);
// Store the weapon
// GOSUB zero1_store_weapon
uintptr_t missionInitSpace = save_weapon_gosub_place.get(0).get_uintptr(5);
assembleCommand(missionInitSpace, { 0x50, 0x00, 0x01 });
assembleMissionOffset(missionInitSpace, afterMissionSpace);
// zero1_store_weapon:
assembleCommand(afterMissionSpace, { 0x06, 0x00, 0x03, 0x48, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00 }); // index_zero1 = 0
assembleCommand(afterMissionSpace, { 0xB8, 0x04, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x03, 0x72, 0x01, 0x03, 0x73, 0x01, 0x03, 0x74, 0x01}); // GET_CHAR_WEAPON_IN_SLOT scplayer 8 weapontype_zero1 ammo_zero1 model_for_weapon_zero1
assembleCommand(afterMissionSpace, { 0x51, 0x00 }); // RETURN
// Restore the weapon
uintptr_t missionCleanupGosub = uintptr_t(ScriptSpace) + ScriptFileSize + 0x1E;
const int32_t originalMissionCleanup = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(missionCleanupGosub);
assembleMissionOffset(missionCleanupGosub, afterMissionSpace);
assembleCommand(afterMissionSpace, { 0x12, 0x81 }); // NOT HAS_DEATHARREST_BEEN_EXECUTED
assembleCommand(afterMissionSpace, { 0x4D, 0x00, 0x01 }); // GOTO_IF_FALSE originalMissionCleanup
// We can jupm directly back to the original mission cleanup to simplify code generation
assembleInt32(afterMissionSpace, originalMissionCleanup);
// The original fix from 1.01/2.0 PC versions only added GIVE_WEAPON_TO_CHAR, without loading the model
// We fix it properly by ensuring the model is loaded before giving the weapon
assembleCommand(afterMissionSpace, { 0x47, 0x02, 0x03, 0x74, 0x01 }); // REQUEST_MODEL model_for_weapon_zero1
assembleCommand(afterMissionSpace, { 0x8B, 0x03 }); // LOAD_ALL_MODELS_NOW
assembleCommand(afterMissionSpace, { 0xB2, 0x01, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x03, 0x72, 0x01, 0x03, 0x73, 0x01 }); // GIVE_WEAPON_TO_CHAR scplayer weapontype_zero1 ammo_zero1
assembleCommand(afterMissionSpace, { 0x49, 0x02, 0x03, 0x74, 0x01 }); // MARK_MODEL_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED model_for_weapon_zero1
assembleCommand(afterMissionSpace, { 0x02, 0x00, 0x01 }); // GOTO originalMissionCleanup
assembleInt32(afterMissionSpace, originalMissionCleanup);
static void QuadrupleStuntBonus()
auto pattern = MakeScriptPattern(false, "20 00 02 60 14 06 00 00 80 40");
if ( pattern.size() == 1 )
const uint8_t newCode[10] = {
0x18, 0x00, 0x02, 0x30, 0x14, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
memcpy( pattern.get(0).get<void>(), newCode, sizeof(newCode) );
void TheScriptsLoad_BasketballFix()
BasketballFix(ScriptSpace+8, *(int*)(ScriptSpace+3));
static void StartNewMission_SCMFixes()
const int missionID = ScriptParams[0];
switch (missionID)
// INITIAL - Basketball fix, Quadruple Stunt Bonus
case 0:
BasketballFix(ScriptSpace+ScriptFileSize, ScriptMissionSize);
// HOODS5 - Sweet's Girl fix
case 18:
// WUZI1 - Mountain Cloud Boys fix
case 53:
// DSKOOL - Driving School cones fix
// By Wesser
case 71:
// BSKOOL - Bike School cones fix
// By Wesser
case 120:
// ZERO1 - Air Raid fix
case 72:
// ZERO2 - Supply Lines fix
case 73:
SupplyLinesFix( false );
// ZERO5 - Beefy Baron fix
case 10:
SupplyLinesFix( true );
template<std::size_t Index>
static void (*orgWipeLocalVariableMemoryForMissionScript)();
template<std::size_t Index>
static void WipeLocalVariableMemoryForMissionScript_ApplyFixes()
HOOK_EACH_INIT(SCMFixes, orgWipeLocalVariableMemoryForMissionScript, WipeLocalVariableMemoryForMissionScript_ApplyFixes)
// 1.01 kinda fixed it
bool GetCurrentZoneLockedOrUnlocked(float fPosX, float fPosY)
// Exploit RAII really bad
static const float GridXOffset = **(float**)(0x572135+2), GridYOffset = **(float**)(0x57214A+2);
static const float GridXSize = **(float**)(0x57213B+2), GridYSize = **(float**)(0x572153+2);
static const int GridXNum = static_cast<int>((2.0f*GridXOffset) * GridXSize), GridYNum = static_cast<int>((2.0f*GridYOffset) * GridYSize);
static unsigned char* const ZonesVisited = *(unsigned char**)(0x57216A) - (GridYNum-1); // 1.01 fixed it!
int Xindex = static_cast<int>((fPosX+GridXOffset) * GridXSize);
int Yindex = static_cast<int>((fPosY+GridYOffset) * GridYSize);
// "Territories fix"
if ( (Xindex >= 0 && Xindex < GridXNum) && (Yindex >= 0 && Yindex < GridYNum) )
return ZonesVisited[GridXNum*Xindex - Yindex + (GridYNum-1)] != 0;
// Outside of map bounds
return true;
bool GetCurrentZoneLockedOrUnlocked_Steam(float fPosX, float fPosY)
static unsigned char* const ZonesVisited = *(unsigned char**)(0x5870E8) - 9;
int Xindex = static_cast<int>((fPosX+3000.0f) / 600.0f);
int Yindex = static_cast<int>((fPosY+3000.0f) / 600.0f);
// "Territories fix"
if ( (Xindex >= 0 && Xindex < 10) && (Yindex >= 0 && Yindex < 10) )
return ZonesVisited[10*Xindex - Yindex + 9] != 0;
// Outside of map bounds
return true;
CRGBA* __fastcall BlendGangColour(CRGBA* pThis, void*, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
const double colourIntensity = std::min( static_cast<double>(pCurrZoneInfo->ZoneColour.a) / 120.0, 1.0 );
*pThis = CRGBA(BlendSqr( HudColour[3], CRGBA(r, g, b), colourIntensity ), a);
return pThis;
static bool bColouredZoneNames;
CRGBA* __fastcall BlendGangColour_Dynamic(CRGBA* pThis, void*, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
if ( bColouredZoneNames )
return BlendGangColour(pThis, nullptr, r, g, b, a);
*pThis = CRGBA(HudColour[3], a);
return pThis;
void SunAndMoonFarClip()
fSunFarClip = std::min(1500.0f, fFarClipZ);
template<bool bX1, bool bY1, bool bX2, bool bY2>
void DrawRect_HalfPixel_Steam(CRect& rect, const CRGBA& rgba)
if constexpr ( bX1 )
rect.x1 -= 0.5f;
if constexpr ( bY1 )
rect.y1 -= 0.5f;
if constexpr ( bX2 )
rect.x2 -= 0.5f;
if constexpr ( bY2 )
rect.y2 -= 0.5f;
// Steam CSprite2d::DrawRect
((void(*)(const CRect&, const CRGBA&))0x75CDA0)(rect, rgba);
char* GetMyDocumentsPathSA()
static char* const pDocumentsPath = [&] () -> char* {
static char cUserFilesPath[MAX_PATH];
char* const ppTempBufPtr = Memory::GetVersion().version == 0 ? *AddressByRegion_10<char**>(0x744FE5) : cUserFilesPath;
if ( SHGetFolderPathA(nullptr, CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS, nullptr, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, ppTempBufPtr) == S_OK )
char** const ppUserFilesDir = AddressByVersion<char**>(0x74503F, 0x74586F, 0x77EE50, { "6A 00 68 80 00 00 02 6A 03 6A 00 6A 01 B9 07 00 00 00", 0x12 + 1 });
PathAppendA(ppTempBufPtr, *ppUserFilesDir);
CreateDirectoryA(ppTempBufPtr, nullptr);
strcpy_s(ppTempBufPtr, MAX_PATH, "data");
char cTmpPath[MAX_PATH];
strcpy_s(cTmpPath, ppTempBufPtr);
PathAppendA(cTmpPath, "Gallery");
CreateDirectoryA(cTmpPath, nullptr);
strcpy_s(cTmpPath, ppTempBufPtr);
PathAppendA(cTmpPath, "User Tracks");
CreateDirectoryA(cTmpPath, nullptr);
return ppTempBufPtr;
} ();
return pDocumentsPath;
static LARGE_INTEGER FrameTime;
NOBUFFERCHECKS int32_t GetTimeSinceLastFrame()
return int32_t(curTime.QuadPart - FrameTime.QuadPart);
static int (*RsEventHandler)(int, void*);
int NewFrameRender(int nEvent, void* pParam)
return RsEventHandler(nEvent, pParam);
auto FlushSpriteBuffer = AddressByVersion<void(*)()>(0x70CF20, 0x70D750, 0x7591E0, { "85 C0 0F 8E ? ? ? ? 83 3D", -5 });
void FlushLensSwitchZ( RwRenderState rwa, void* rwb )
RwRenderStateSet( rwa, rwb );
auto InitSpriteBuffer2D = AddressByVersion<void(*)()>(0x70CFD0, 0x70D800, 0x759290, { "A1 ? ? ? ? D9 80 ? ? ? ? A1" });
void InitBufferSwitchZ( RwRenderState rwa, void* rwb )
RwRenderStateSet( rwa, rwb );
static void* const g_fx = *AddressByVersion<void**>(0x4A9649, 0x4AA4EF, 0x4B2BB9, { "56 8D 4F 0C E8", 9 + 1 });
static int32_t GetFxQuality()
return *(int32_t*)( (uint8_t*)g_fx + 0x54 );
DWORD* msaaValues = *AddressByVersion<DWORD**>(0x4CCBC5, 0x4CCDB5, 0x4D7462, { "8B 3D ? ? ? ? 57 8B 7B 18", 2 });
// These patterns have 3 hits, but that's fine as all 3 refer to exact same variables
RwRaster*& pMirrorBuffer = **AddressByVersion<RwRaster***>(0x723001, 0x723831, 0x754971, { "A1 ? ? ? ? 3B C6 74 0F 50 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 89 35 ? ? ? ? 89 35 ? ? ? ? 89 35 ? ? ? ? 5E C3", -6 + 2 });
RwRaster*& pMirrorZBuffer = **AddressByVersion<RwRaster***>(0x72301C, 0x72384C, 0x75498C, { "A1 ? ? ? ? 3B C6 74 0F 50 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 89 35 ? ? ? ? 89 35 ? ? ? ? 89 35 ? ? ? ? 5E C3", 1 });
void CreateMirrorBuffers()
if ( pMirrorBuffer == nullptr )
DWORD oldMsaa[2] = { msaaValues[0], msaaValues[1] };
msaaValues[0] = msaaValues[1] = 0;
int32_t quality = GetFxQuality();
RwInt32 width, height;
if ( quality >= 3 ) // Very High
width = 2048;
height = 1024;
else if ( quality >= 1 ) // Medium
width = 1024;
height = 512;
width = 512;
height = 256;
pMirrorBuffer = RwRasterCreate( width, height, 0, rwRASTERTYPECAMERATEXTURE );
pMirrorZBuffer = RwRasterCreate( width, height, 0, rwRASTERTYPEZBUFFER );
msaaValues[0] = oldMsaa[0];
msaaValues[1] = oldMsaa[1];
namespace MSAAFixes
static RwUInt32 GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels_BitScan(RwUInt32 maxSamples)
RwUInt32 option;
_BitScanForward( (DWORD*)&option, maxSamples );
return option + 1;
template<typename std::size_t Index>
static RwUInt32 (*orgGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels)();
template<typename std::size_t Index>
static RwUInt32 GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels()
return GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels_BitScan(orgGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels<Index>());
HOOK_EACH_INIT(GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels, orgGetMaxMultiSamplingLevels, GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels);
template<typename std::size_t Index>
static void (*orgSetOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels)(RwUInt32);
template<typename std::size_t Index>
static void SetOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels(RwUInt32 level)
orgSetOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels<Index>( 1 << (level - 1) );
HOOK_EACH_INIT(SetOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels, orgSetOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels, SetOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels);
void MSAAText( char* buffer, const char*, DWORD level )
sprintf_s( buffer, 100, "%ux", 1 << level );
static RwInt32 numSavedVideoModes;
static RwInt32 (*orgGetNumVideoModes)();
RwInt32 GetNumVideoModes_Store()
return numSavedVideoModes = orgGetNumVideoModes();
RwInt32 GetNumVideoModes_Retrieve()
return numSavedVideoModes;
namespace UnitializedCollisionDataFix
static void* (*orgMemMgrMalloc)(RwUInt32, RwUInt32);
static void* CollisionData_MallocAndInit( RwUInt32 size, RwUInt32 hint )
CColData* mem = (CColData*)orgMemMgrMalloc( size, hint );
mem->m_bFlags = 0;
mem->m_dwNumShadowTriangles = mem->m_dwNumShadowVertices = 0;
mem->m_pShadowVertices = mem->m_pShadowTriangles = nullptr;
return mem;
template<std::size_t Index>
static void* (*orgNewAlloc)(size_t);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void* CollisionData_NewAndInit(size_t size)
CColData* mem = (CColData*)orgNewAlloc<Index>(size);
mem->m_bFlags = 0;
return mem;
HOOK_EACH_INIT(CollisionDataNew, orgNewAlloc, CollisionData_NewAndInit);
static void (*orgEscalatorsUpdate)();
void UpdateEscalators()
if ( !CEscalator::ms_entitiesToRemove.empty() )
for ( auto it : CEscalator::ms_entitiesToRemove )
WorldRemove( it );
delete it;
static char** pStencilShadowsPad = *AddressByVersion<char***>(0x70FC4F, 0, 0x75E286, { "8B 15 ? ? ? ? D8 65 A8", 2 });
void StencilShadowAlloc( )
static char* pMemory = [] () {;
char* mem = static_cast<char*>( ::operator new( 3 * 0x6000 ) );
pStencilShadowsPad[0] = mem;
pStencilShadowsPad[1] = mem+0x6000;
pStencilShadowsPad[2] = mem+(2*0x6000);
return mem;
} ();
RwBool GTARtAnimInterpolatorSetCurrentAnim(RtAnimInterpolator* animI, RtAnimAnimation* anim)
animI->pCurrentAnim = anim;
animI->currentTime = 0.0f;
const RtAnimInterpolatorInfo* info = anim->interpInfo;
animI->currentInterpKeyFrameSize = info->interpKeyFrameSize;
animI->currentAnimKeyFrameSize = info->animKeyFrameSize;
animI->keyFrameApplyCB = info->keyFrameApplyCB;
animI->keyFrameBlendCB = info->keyFrameBlendCB;
animI->keyFrameInterpolateCB = info->keyFrameInterpolateCB;
animI->keyFrameAddCB = info->keyFrameAddCB;
for ( RwInt32 i = 0; i < animI->numNodes; ++i )
RtAnimKeyFrameInterpolate( animI, rtANIMGETINTERPFRAME( animI, i ),
(RwChar*)anim->pFrames + i * animI->currentAnimKeyFrameSize,
(RwChar*)anim->pFrames + ( i + animI->numNodes) * animI->currentAnimKeyFrameSize, 0.0f );
animI->pNextFrame = (RwChar*)anim->pFrames + 2 * animI->currentAnimKeyFrameSize * animI->numNodes;
return TRUE;
DWORD WINAPI CdStreamSetFilePointer( HANDLE hFile, uint32_t distanceToMove, PLONG lpDistanceToMoveHigh, DWORD dwMoveMethod )
assert( lpDistanceToMoveHigh == nullptr );
li.QuadPart = int64_t(distanceToMove) << 11;
return SetFilePointer( hFile, li.LowPart, &li.HighPart, dwMoveMethod );
static auto* const pCdStreamSetFilePointer = CdStreamSetFilePointer;
static void (*orgDrawScriptSpritesAndRectangles)(uint8_t);
void DrawScriptSpritesAndRectangles( uint8_t arg )
orgDrawScriptSpritesAndRectangles( arg );
// Now in VehicleSA.cpp
bool ReadDoubleRearWheels(const wchar_t* pPath);
bool __stdcall CheckDoubleRWheelsList( void* modelInfo, uint8_t* handlingData );
CVehicleModelInfo* (__thiscall *orgVehicleModelInfoInit)(CVehicleModelInfo*);
CVehicleModelInfo* __fastcall VehicleModelInfoInit(CVehicleModelInfo* me)
// Hack to satisfy some null checks
static uintptr_t DUMMY;
me->__removedInSilentPatch = &DUMMY;
me->m_dirtMaterials = nullptr;
me->m_numDirtMaterials = 0;
std::fill( std::begin( me->m_staticDirtMaterials ), std::end( me->m_staticDirtMaterials ), nullptr );
return me;
static void (*RemoveFromInterestingVehicleList)(CVehicle*) = AddressByVersion<void(*)(CVehicle*)>( 0x423ED0, Memory::PatternAndOffset("39 10 75 06 C7 00 00 00 00 00 83 C0 04 49 75 F0 5D C3", -0x10) );
static void (*orgRecordVehicleDeleted)(CVehicle*);
static void RecordVehicleDeleted_AndRemoveFromVehicleList( CVehicle* vehicle )
orgRecordVehicleDeleted( vehicle );
RemoveFromInterestingVehicleList( vehicle );
static int currDisplayedSplash_ForLastSplash = 0;
static void DoPCScreenChange_Mod()
static int& currDisplayedSplash = **AddressByVersion<int**>( 0x590B22 + 1, Memory::PatternAndOffset("8B 51 20 6A 01 6A 0C FF D2 83 C4 08 E8", 17 + 1) );
static const int numSplashes = [] () -> int {
RwTexture** begin = *AddressByVersion<RwTexture***>( 0x590CB4 + 1, Memory::PatternAndOffset("8D 49 00 83 3E 00 74 07 8B CE E8", -5 + 1) );
RwTexture** end = *AddressByVersion<RwTexture***>( 0x590CCE + 2, Memory::PatternAndOffset("8D 49 00 83 3E 00 74 07 8B CE E8", 18 + 2) );
return std::distance( begin, end );
} () - 1;
if ( currDisplayedSplash >= numSplashes )
currDisplayedSplash = 1;
currDisplayedSplash_ForLastSplash = numSplashes + 1;
currDisplayedSplash_ForLastSplash = ++currDisplayedSplash;
static bool bUseAaronSun;
static CVector curVecToSun;
static void (*orgSetLightsWithTimeOfDayColour)( RpWorld* );
static void SetLightsWithTimeOfDayColour_SilentPatch( RpWorld* world )
static CVector* const VectorToSun = *AddressByVersion<CVector**>( 0x6FC5B7 + 3, Memory::PatternAndOffset("DC 0D ? ? ? ? 8D 04 40 8B 0C 85", 9 + 3) );
static int& CurrentStoredValue = **AddressByVersion<int**>( 0x6FC632 + 1, Memory::PatternAndOffset("84 C0 0F 84 AB 01 00 00 A1", 8 + 1) );
static CVector& vecDirnLightToSun = **AddressByVersion<CVector**>( 0x5BC040 + 2, Memory::PatternAndOffset("E8 ? ? ? ? D9 5D F8 D9 45 F8 D8 4D F4 D9 1D", 15 + 2) );
curVecToSun = bUseAaronSun ? VectorToSun[CurrentStoredValue] : vecDirnLightToSun;
orgSetLightsWithTimeOfDayColour( world );
// ============= CdStream data racing issue =============
struct CdStream
DWORD nSectorOffset;
DWORD nSectorsToRead;
LPVOID lpBuffer;
BYTE field_C;
BYTE bLocked;
BYTE bInUse;
BYTE field_F;
DWORD status;
union Sync {
HANDLE semaphore;
} sync;
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
static_assert(sizeof(CdStream) == 0x30, "Incorrect struct size: CdStream");
namespace CdStreamSync {
static CRITICAL_SECTION CdStreamCritSec;
// WRL-like lock object
// Balancing lock/unlock is up to the user!
class SyncLock
SyncLock( CRITICAL_SECTION& critSec )
: m_critSec( critSec )
void Lock() const { EnterCriticalSection( &m_critSec ); }
void Unlock() const { LeaveCriticalSection( &m_critSec ); }
CRITICAL_SECTION* Get() const { return &m_critSec; }
SyncLock( const SyncLock& ) = delete;
SyncLock( SyncLock&& ) = delete;
SyncLock& operator=( const SyncLock& ) = delete;
SyncLock& operator=( SyncLock&& ) = delete;
// Function pointers for game to use
static CdStream::Sync (__stdcall *CdStreamInitializeSyncObject)();
static DWORD (__stdcall *CdStreamSyncOnObject)( CdStream* stream );
static void (__stdcall *CdStreamThreadOnObject)( CdStream* stream );
static void (__stdcall *CdStreamCloseObject)( CdStream::Sync* sync );
static void (__stdcall *CdStreamShutdownSyncObject)( CdStream* stream );
static void __stdcall CdStreamShutdownSyncObject_Stub( CdStream* stream, size_t idx )
CdStreamShutdownSyncObject( &stream[idx] );
// Fixed return values for GetOverlappedResult - stock code assumes "nonzero" equals 1, might not be future proof
static uint32_t WINAPI GetOverlappedResult_SilentPatch( HANDLE hFile, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, BOOL bWait )
return GetOverlappedResult( hFile, lpOverlapped, lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, bWait ) != FALSE ? 0 : 254;
static auto* const pGetOverlappedResult = &GetOverlappedResult_SilentPatch;
namespace Sema
CdStream::Sync __stdcall InitializeSyncObject()
CdStream::Sync object;
object.semaphore = CreateSemaphore( nullptr, 0, 2, nullptr );
return object;
void __stdcall ShutdownSyncObject( CdStream* stream )
CloseHandle( stream->sync.semaphore );
DWORD __stdcall CdStreamSync( CdStream* stream )
auto lock = SyncLock( CdStreamCritSec );
if ( stream->nSectorsToRead != 0 )
stream->bLocked = 1;
WaitForSingleObject( stream->sync.semaphore, INFINITE );
stream->bInUse = 0;
return stream->status;
void __stdcall CdStreamThread( CdStream* stream )
auto lock = SyncLock( CdStreamCritSec );
stream->nSectorsToRead = 0;
if ( stream->bLocked != 0 )
ReleaseSemaphore( stream->sync.semaphore, 1, nullptr );
stream->bInUse = 0;
namespace CV
namespace Funcs
static decltype(InitializeConditionVariable)* pInitializeConditionVariable = nullptr;
static decltype(SleepConditionVariableCS)* pSleepConditionVariableCS = nullptr;
static decltype(WakeConditionVariable)* pWakeConditionVariable = nullptr;
static bool TryInit()
const HMODULE kernelDLL = GetModuleHandle( TEXT("kernel32") );
assert( kernelDLL != nullptr );
pInitializeConditionVariable = (decltype(pInitializeConditionVariable))GetProcAddress( kernelDLL, "InitializeConditionVariable" );
pSleepConditionVariableCS = (decltype(pSleepConditionVariableCS))GetProcAddress( kernelDLL, "SleepConditionVariableCS" );
pWakeConditionVariable = (decltype(pWakeConditionVariable))GetProcAddress( kernelDLL, "WakeConditionVariable" );
return pInitializeConditionVariable != nullptr && pSleepConditionVariableCS != nullptr && pWakeConditionVariable != nullptr;
CdStream::Sync __stdcall InitializeSyncObject()
CdStream::Sync object;
Funcs::pInitializeConditionVariable( &object.cv );
return object;
void __stdcall ShutdownSyncObject( CdStream* stream )
DWORD __stdcall CdStreamSync( CdStream* stream )
auto lock = SyncLock( CdStreamCritSec );
while ( stream->nSectorsToRead != 0 )
Funcs::pSleepConditionVariableCS( &stream->sync.cv, lock.Get(), INFINITE );
stream->bInUse = 0;
return stream->status;
void __stdcall CdStreamThread( CdStream* stream )
auto lock = SyncLock( CdStreamCritSec );
stream->nSectorsToRead = 0;
Funcs::pWakeConditionVariable( &stream->sync.cv );
stream->bInUse = 0;
static void (*orgCdStreamInitThread)();
static void CdStreamInitThread()
if ( ModCompat::bCdStreamFallBackForOldML != true && CV::Funcs::TryInit() )
CdStreamInitializeSyncObject = CV::InitializeSyncObject;
CdStreamShutdownSyncObject = CV::ShutdownSyncObject;
CdStreamSyncOnObject = CV::CdStreamSync;
CdStreamThreadOnObject = CV::CdStreamThread;
CdStreamInitializeSyncObject = Sema::InitializeSyncObject;
CdStreamShutdownSyncObject = Sema::ShutdownSyncObject;
CdStreamSyncOnObject = Sema::CdStreamSync;
CdStreamThreadOnObject = Sema::CdStreamThread;
InitializeCriticalSection( &CdStreamCritSec );
FLAUtils::SetCdStreamWakeFunction( []( CdStream* pStream ) {
CdStreamThreadOnObject( pStream );
} );
// Dancing timers fix
static long UtilsVariablesInit = 0;
static LARGE_INTEGER UtilsStartTime;
static LARGE_INTEGER UtilsFrequency;
static BOOL WINAPI AudioUtilsFrequency( PLARGE_INTEGER lpFrequency )
::QueryPerformanceFrequency( &UtilsFrequency );
lpFrequency->QuadPart = UtilsFrequency.QuadPart;
return TRUE;
static auto* const pAudioUtilsFrequency = &AudioUtilsFrequency;
static int64_t AudioUtilsGetStartTime()
QueryPerformanceCounter( &UtilsStartTime );
_InterlockedExchange( &UtilsVariablesInit, 1 );
return UtilsStartTime.QuadPart;
static int64_t AudioUtilsGetCurrentTimeInMs()
if ( _InterlockedCompareExchange( &UtilsVariablesInit, 0, 0 ) == 0 )
return 0;
LARGE_INTEGER currentTime;
QueryPerformanceCounter( ¤tTime );
return ((currentTime.QuadPart - UtilsStartTime.QuadPart) * 1000) / UtilsFrequency.QuadPart;
// ============= Minimal HUD changes =============
namespace MinimalHUD
static CRGBA* __fastcall SetRGBA_FloatAlpha( CRGBA* rgba, void*, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, float alpha )
rgba->r = red;
rgba->g = green;
rgba->b = blue;
rgba->a = static_cast<uint8_t>(alpha);
return rgba;
static void (*orgRenderOneXLUSprite)(float, float, float, float, float, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, float, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
static void RenderXLUSprite_FloatAlpha( float arg1, float arg2, float arg3, float arg4, float arg5, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, int16_t mult, float arg10, float alpha, uint8_t arg12, uint8_t arg13 )
orgRenderOneXLUSprite( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, red, green, blue, mult, arg10, static_cast<uint8_t>(alpha), arg12, arg13 );
// 6 directionals on Medium/High/Very High Visual FX
int32_t GetMaxExtraDirectionals( uint32_t areaID )
return areaID != 0 || GetFxQuality() >= 1 ? 6 : 4;
static CVehicle* FindPlayerVehicle_RCWrap( int playerID, bool )
return FindPlayerVehicle( playerID, true );
// ============= Credits! =============
namespace Credits
static void (*PrintCreditText)(float scaleX, float scaleY, const char* text, unsigned int& pos, float timeOffset, bool isHeader);
static void (*PrintCreditText_Hooked)(float scaleX, float scaleY, const char* text, unsigned int& pos, float timeOffset, bool isHeader);
static void PrintCreditSpace( float scale, unsigned int& pos )
pos += static_cast<unsigned int>( scale * 25.0f );
constexpr char xvChar(const char ch)
constexpr uint8_t xv = SILENTPATCH_REVISION_ID;
return ch ^ xv;
constexpr char operator "" _xv(const char ch)
return xvChar(ch);
static void PrintSPCredits( float scaleX, float scaleY, const char* text, unsigned int& pos, float timeOffset, bool isHeader )
// Original text we intercepted
PrintCreditText_Hooked( scaleX, scaleY, text, pos, timeOffset, isHeader );
PrintCreditSpace( 1.5f, pos );
char spText[] = { 'A'_xv, 'N'_xv, 'D'_xv, '\0'_xv };
for ( auto& ch : spText ) ch = xvChar(ch);
PrintCreditText( scaleX, scaleY, spText, pos, timeOffset, true );
PrintCreditSpace( 1.5f, pos );
char spText[] = { 'A'_xv, 'd'_xv, 'r'_xv, 'i'_xv, 'a'_xv, 'n'_xv, ' '_xv, '\"'_xv, 'S'_xv, 'i'_xv, 'l'_xv, 'e'_xv, 'n'_xv, 't'_xv, '\"'_xv, ' '_xv,
'Z'_xv, 'd'_xv, 'a'_xv, 'n'_xv, 'o'_xv, 'w'_xv, 'i'_xv, 'c'_xv, 'z'_xv, '\0'_xv };
for ( auto& ch : spText ) ch = xvChar(ch);
PrintCreditText( scaleX, scaleY, spText, pos, timeOffset, false );
// ============= Bicycle fire fix =============
namespace BicycleFire
CPed* GetVehicleDriver( const CVehicle* vehicle )
return vehicle->GetDriver();
void __fastcall DoStuffToGoOnFire_NullAndPlayerCheck( CPed* ped )
if ( ped != nullptr && ped->IsPlayer() )
// ============= Keyboard latency input fix =============
namespace KeyboardInputFix
static void* NewKeyState;
static void* OldKeyState;
static void* TempKeyState;
static size_t objSize;
static void (__fastcall *orgClearSimButtonPressCheckers)(void*);
void __fastcall ClearSimButtonPressCheckers(void* pThis)
memcpy( OldKeyState, NewKeyState, objSize );
memcpy( NewKeyState, TempKeyState, objSize );
// ============= handling.cfg name matching fix =============
namespace HandlingNameLoadFix
void strncpy_Fix( const char** destination, const char* source, size_t )
*destination = source;
int strncmp_Fix( const char* str1, const char** str2, size_t )
return strcmp( str1, *str2 );
// ============= Firela ladder animation =============
namespace FirelaHook
static uintptr_t UpdateMovingCollisionJmp;
static uintptr_t HydraulicControlJmpBack;
__declspec(naked) static void TestFirelaAndFlags()
push ecx // Required in 0x6B1FE4: test cl, cl
mov ecx, esi
call CVehicle::HasFirelaLadder
pop ecx
test al, al
jnz TestFirelaAndFlags_UpdateMovingCollision
jmp HydraulicControlJmpBack
jmp UpdateMovingCollisionJmp
static uintptr_t FollowCarCamNoMovement;
static uintptr_t FollowCarCamJmpBack;
__declspec(naked) static void CamControlFirela()
mov ecx, edi
call CVehicle::HasFirelaLadder
test al, al
jnz TestFirelaAndFlags_UpdateMovingCollision
mov eax, [edi].m_dwVehicleClass
jmp FollowCarCamJmpBack
jmp FollowCarCamNoMovement
namespace HierarchyTypoFix
// Allow wheel_lm vs wheel_lm_dummy and miscX vs misc_X typos
// Must be sorted by second parameter
constexpr std::pair<const char*, const char*> typosAndFixes[] = {
{ "boat_moving_hi", "boat_moving" },
{ "misc_a", "misca" },
{ "misc_b", "miscb" },
{ "taillights", "tailights" },
{ "taillights2", "tailights2" },
{ "transmission_f", "transmision_f" },
{ "transmission_r", "transmision_r" },
{ "wheel_lm_dummy", "wheel_lm" },
static int (*orgStrcasecmp)(const char*, const char*);
int strcasecmp( const char* dataName, const char* nodeName )
/*assert( std::is_sorted(std::begin(typosAndFixes), std::end(typosAndFixes), [] (const auto& a, const auto& b) {
return _stricmp( a.second, b.second ) < 0;
}) );*/
const int origComp = orgStrcasecmp( dataName, nodeName );
if ( origComp == 0 ) return 0;
for ( const auto& typo : typosAndFixes )
const int nodeComp = _stricmp( typo.second, nodeName );
if ( nodeComp > 0 ) break;
if ( nodeComp == 0 && _stricmp( typo.first, dataName ) == 0 )
return 0;
return origComp;
// Resetting stats and variables on New Game
namespace VariableResets
// Custom reset values for variables
template<typename T>
struct TimeNextMadDriverChaseCreated_t
T m_timer;
: m_timer( (static_cast<float>(ConsoleRandomness::rand31()) / INT32_MAX) * 600.0f + 600.0f )
template<typename T, T val>
struct ResetToValue_t
T m_value;
: m_value(val)
using ResetToTrue_t = ResetToValue_t<bool, true>;
using VarVariant = std::variant< bool*, int*, TimeNextMadDriverChaseCreated_t<float>*, ResetToTrue_t* >;
std::vector<VarVariant> GameVariablesToReset;
std::vector<std::string> PickupDefs, CarGeneratorDefs, StuntJumpDefs;
static void ReInitOurVariables()
for ( const auto& var : GameVariablesToReset )
std::visit( []( auto&& v ) {
*v = {};
}, var );
static std::string_view TrimWhitespace(std::string_view line)
const size_t first = line.find_first_not_of(' ');
if (std::string_view::npos != first)
const size_t last = line.find_last_not_of(' ');
line = line.substr(first, (last - first + 1));
return line;
static void (*orgLoadPickup)(const char* line);
static void LoadPickup_SaveLine(const char* line)
static void (*orgLoadCarGenerator)(const char* line, int originScene);
static void LoadCarGenerator_SaveLine(const char* line, int originScene)
orgLoadCarGenerator(line, originScene);
static void (*orgLoadStuntJump)(const char* line);
static void LoadStuntJump_SaveLine(const char* line)
static void ReloadObjectDefinitionsAfterReinit()
for (const auto& pickup : PickupDefs)
for (const auto& carGenerator : CarGeneratorDefs)
orgLoadCarGenerator(carGenerator.c_str(), 0);
for (const auto& stuntJump : StuntJumpDefs)
template<std::size_t Index>
static void (*orgReInitGameObjectVariables)();
template<std::size_t Index>
void ReInitGameObjectVariables()
// First reinit "our" variables in case stock ones rely on those during resetting
// Then after the normal restart, re-instate pickups, car generators and stunt jumps from text IPLs as they have been
HOOK_EACH_INIT(ReInitGameObjectVariables, orgReInitGameObjectVariables, ReInitGameObjectVariables);
namespace LightbeamFix
static bool hookedSuccessfully = false;
static CVehicle* currentHeadLightBeamVehicle;
void SetCurrentVehicle( CVehicle* vehicle )
currentHeadLightBeamVehicle = vehicle;
template<RwRenderState State>
class RenderStateWrapper
static inline void* SavedState;
static void PushState( RwRenderState state, void* value )
assert( State == state );
RwRenderStateGet( state, &SavedState );
RwRenderStateSet( state, value );
static inline const auto pPushState = &PushState;
static void PopState( RwRenderState state, void* value )
assert( State == state );
void* valueToRestore = SavedState;
if constexpr ( State == rwRENDERSTATECULLMODE )
assert( currentHeadLightBeamVehicle != nullptr );
if ( currentHeadLightBeamVehicle != nullptr && currentHeadLightBeamVehicle->IgnoresLightbeamFix() )
valueToRestore = value;
RwRenderStateSet( state, valueToRestore );
// Restore states R* did not restore after changing them
if constexpr ( State == rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND )
if constexpr ( State == rwRENDERSTATECULLMODE )
static inline const auto pPopState = &PopState;
static void PopAnotherState()
PopState( State, nullptr );
static inline const uintptr_t PushStatePPtr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&pPushState) - 0x20;
static inline const uintptr_t PopStatePPtr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&pPopState) - 0x20;
namespace TrueInvincibility
static bool isEnabled = false;
static uintptr_t WillKillJumpBack;
__declspec(naked) static void ComputeWillKillPedHook()
cmp dword ptr [ebp+0xC], WEAPONTYPE_LAST_WEAPONTYPE
jl ComputeWillKillPedHook_DoNotKill
cmp isEnabled, 0
je ComputeWillKillPedHook_Kill
cmp dword ptr [ebp+0xC], WEAPONTYPE_UZI_DRIVEBY
jne ComputeWillKillPedHook_Kill
pop esi
pop ebp
pop ebx
ret 0xC
jmp WillKillJumpBack
namespace Localization
static int8_t forcedUnits = -1; // 0 - metric, 1 - imperial
bool IsMetric_LocaleBased()
if ( forcedUnits != -1 ) return forcedUnits == 0;
unsigned int LCData;
if ( GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IMEASURE|LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(&LCData), sizeof(LCData) / sizeof(TCHAR) ) != 0 )
return LCData == 0;
// If fails, default to metric. Hopefully never fails though
return true;
// Only used in "new binary" executables
bool* germanGame;
bool* frenchGame;
bool* nastyGame;
void SetUncensoredGame()
*germanGame = false;
*frenchGame = false;
*nastyGame = true;
void EmptyStub()
// Reintroduced corona rotation
namespace CoronaRotationFix
static void (*orgRenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect)(float, float, float, float, float, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, short, float, float, uint8_t);
void RenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect_SilentPatch( float a1, float a2, float a3, float a4, float a5, uint8_t a6, uint8_t a7, uint8_t a8, short a9, float recipz, float, uint8_t a12 )
orgRenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, recipz, 20.0f * recipz, a12 );
// ============= Static shadow alpha fix =============
namespace StaticShadowAlphaFix
static void (*orgRenderStaticShadows)();
static void RenderStaticShadows_StateFix()
static void (*orgRenderStoredShadows)();
static void RenderStoredShadows_StateFix()
// ============= Disable building pipeline for skinned objects (like parachute) =============
namespace SkinBuildingPipelineFix
static RpAtomic* (*orgCustomBuildingDNPipeline_CustomPipeAtomicSetup)(RpAtomic* atomic);
static RpAtomic* CustomBuildingDNPipeline_CustomPipeAtomicSetup_Skinned(RpAtomic* atomic)
RxPipeline* pipeline;
RpAtomicGetPipeline(atomic, &pipeline);
if (pipeline != nullptr && pipeline->pluginId == rwID_SKINPLUGIN)
return atomic;
return orgCustomBuildingDNPipeline_CustomPipeAtomicSetup(atomic);
// ============= Moonphases fix =============
namespace MoonphasesFix
// TODO: Reintroduce moon phases to Steam/RGL version
// Call to RenderOneXLUSprite provides all required data except the moon mask and CClock::ms_nGameClockDays
static void (*orgRenderOneXLUSprite)(float, float, float, float, float, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, float, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
// By aap
static void RenderOneXLUSprite_MoonPhases( float arg1, float arg2, float arg3, float arg4, float arg5, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, int16_t mult, float arg10, uint8_t alpha, uint8_t arg12, uint8_t arg13 )
static RwTexture* gpMoonMask = [] () {
// load from file
RwTexture* mask = CPNGFile::ReadFromFile("lunar.png");
if (mask == nullptr)
const HMODULE module = reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase);
// Load from memory
HRSRC resource = FindResource(module, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_LUNAR64), RT_RCDATA);
if (resource != nullptr)
HGLOBAL loadedResource = LoadResource(module, resource);
if (loadedResource != nullptr)
mask = CPNGFile::ReadFromMemory(LockResource(loadedResource), SizeofResource(module, resource));
return mask;
} ();
if ( gpMoonMask != nullptr )
RwRenderStateSet( rwRENDERSTATETEXTURERASTER, RwTextureGetRaster(gpMoonMask) );
orgRenderOneXLUSprite( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, red, green, blue, mult, arg10, alpha, arg12, arg13 );
// ============= Disallow moving cam up/down with mouse when looking back/left/right in vehicle =============
namespace FollowCarMouseCamFix
static uint32_t& camLookDirection = **AddressByVersion<uint32_t**>( 0x525526 + 2, Memory::PatternAndOffset("83 3D ? ? ? ? 03 74 06", 2) );
static void* (*orgGetPad)(int);
static bool* orgUseMouse3rdPerson;
static bool useMouseAndLooksForwards;
static void* getPadAndSetFlag( int padNum )
useMouseAndLooksForwards = *orgUseMouse3rdPerson && camLookDirection == 3;
return orgGetPad( padNum );
// ======= Tie handlebar movement to the stering animations on Quadbike, fixes odd animation interpolations at low speeds =======
namespace QuadbikeHandlebarAnims
static const float POW_CONSTANT = 0.86f;
static const float SLOW_SPEED_THRESHOLD = 0.02f;
__declspec(naked) static void ProcessRiderAnims_FixInterp()
xor edx, edx
cmp [esp+0x130-0x100], edx // Reverse animation
jne FuncSetToZero
cmp [esp+0x130-0xF8], edx // Drive-by animation
jne FuncSetToZero
fld dword ptr [esp+0x130-0x108]
fnstsw ax
test ah, 5
jp FuncReturn
mov [esp+0x130-0x118], edx
static uint32_t savedClumpAssociation;
__declspec(naked) static void SaveDriveByAnim_Steam()
mov eax, [ebp-0x14]
mov savedClumpAssociation, eax
fdiv dword ptr [ecx+0x18]
fstp dword ptr [ebp-0x14]
__declspec(naked) static void ProcessRiderAnims_FixInterp_Steam()
xor edx, edx
cmp [ebp-0x28], edx // Reverse animation
jne FuncSetToZero
cmp savedClumpAssociation, edx // Drive-by animation
jne FuncSetToZero
fld dword ptr [ebp-0x24]
fnstsw ax
test ah, 5
jp FuncReturn
mov [ebp-0x14], edx
// ======= Disable the radio station change anim on boats where CJ stands upright =======
namespace UprightBoatRadioStationChange
static void* (*orgAnimManagerBlendAnimation)(RpClump*, uint32_t, uint32_t, float);
void* AnimManagerBlendAnimation_SkipIfBoatDrive(RpClump* clump, uint32_t assocGroupId, uint32_t animationId, float rate)
if (RpAnimBlendClumpGetAssociation(clump, 81) != nullptr) // ANIM_STD_BOAT_DRIVE
return nullptr;
return orgAnimManagerBlendAnimation(clump, assocGroupId, animationId, rate);
// ============= Fix a memory leak when taking photos =============
namespace CameraMemoryLeakFix
__declspec(naked) static void psGrabScreen_UnlockAndReleaseSurface()
// Preserve the function result so we don't need two ASM hooks
push eax
mov eax, [esp+0x34-0x2C]
mov edx, [eax]
push eax
call dword ptr [edx+0x38] // IDirect3DSurface9.UnlockRect
mov eax, [esp+0x34-0x2C]
mov edx, [eax]
push eax
call dword ptr [edx+0x8] // IDirect3DSurface9.Release
pop eax
pop ebp
add esp, 0x2C
__declspec(naked) static void psGrabScreen_UnlockAndReleaseSurface_Steam()
// Preserve the function result so we don't need two ASM hooks
push eax
mov eax, [ebp-4]
mov edx, [eax]
push eax
call dword ptr [edx+0x38] // IDirect3DSurface9.UnlockRect
mov eax, [ebp-4]
mov edx, [eax]
push eax
call dword ptr [edx+0x8] // IDirect3DSurface9.Release
pop eax
pop esi
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
// ============= Fix crosshair issues when sniper rifle is quipped and a photo is taken by a gang member =============
namespace CameraCrosshairFix
CWeaponInfo* (*orgGetWeaponInfo)(eWeaponType, signed char);
CWeaponInfo* GetWeaponInfo_OrCamera(eWeaponType weaponType, signed char type)
return orgGetWeaponInfo(bDrawCrossHair != 2 ? weaponType : WEAPONTYPE_CAMERA, type);
// ============= Cancel the Drive By task of biker cops when losing the wanted level =============
namespace BikerCopsDriveByFix
static void (*orgJoinCarWithRoadSystem)(CVehicle* vehicle);
void JoinCarWithRoadSystem_AbortDriveByTask(CVehicle* vehicle)
CPed* driver = vehicle->GetDriver();
if (driver != nullptr)
CPedIntelligence* driverIntelligence = driver->GetPedIntelligencePtr();
if (driverIntelligence != nullptr)
// If the driver has a sequence, it's the fourth one
CTask* primaryTask = driverIntelligence->m_taskManager.m_primaryTasks[3];
if (primaryTask != nullptr && primaryTask->GetTaskType() == 244) // TASK_COMPLEX_SEQUENCE
// If the sequence contains a TASK_SIMPLE_GANG_DRIVEBY, abort it
CTaskComplexSequence* taskSequence = reinterpret_cast<CTaskComplexSequence*>(primaryTask);
if (taskSequence->Contains(1022))
taskSequence->MakeAbortable(driver, 1, nullptr);
// ============= Fix miscolored racing checkpoints if no other marker was drawn before them =============
namespace RacingCheckpointsRender
static RpClump* (*orgRpClumpRender)(RpClump* clump);
static RpClump* RpClumpRender_SetLitFlag(RpClump* clump)
RpClumpForAllAtomics(clump, [](RpAtomic* atomic)
RpGeometry* geometry = RpAtomicGetGeometry(atomic);
RpGeometrySetFlags(geometry, RpGeometryGetFlags(geometry) | rpGEOMETRYMODULATEMATERIALCOLOR);
return atomic;
return orgRpClumpRender(clump);
// ============= Correct an improperly decrypted CPlayerPedData::operator= that broke gang recruiting after activating replays =============
namespace PlayerPedDataAssignment
__declspec(naked) static void AssignmentOp_Hoodlum()
xor edx, [ecx+0x34]
and edx, 1
xor [eax+0x34], edx
mov esi, [eax+0x34]
mov edx, [ecx+0x34]
xor edx, esi
and edx, 2
xor edx, esi
mov [eax+0x34], edx
mov esi, [ecx+0x34]
xor esi, edx
and esi, 4
xor esi, edx
mov [eax+0x34], esi
mov edx, [ecx+0x34]
xor edx, esi
and edx, 8
xor edx, esi
mov [eax+0x34], edx
mov esi, [ecx+0x34]
xor esi, edx
and esi, 0x10
xor esi, edx
mov [eax+0x34], esi
mov edx, [ecx+0x34]
xor edx, esi
and edx, 0x20
xor edx, esi
mov [eax+0x34], edx
mov esi, [ecx+0x34]
xor esi, edx
and esi, 0x40
xor esi, edx
mov [eax+0x34], esi
mov edx, [ecx+0x34]
xor edx, esi
and edx, 0x80
xor edx, esi
mov [eax+0x34], edx
mov esi, [ecx+0x34]
xor esi, edx
and esi, 0x100
xor esi, edx
mov [eax+0x34], esi
mov edx, [ecx+0x34]
__declspec(naked) static void AssignmentOp_Compact()
call AssignmentOp_Hoodlum
xor edx, esi
and edx, 0x200
// ============= Spawn lapdm1 (biker cop) correctly if the script requests one with PEDTYPE_COP =============
namespace GetCorrectPedModel_Lapdm1
__declspec(naked) static void BikerCop_Retail()
cmp dword ptr [esp+4], 6
jnz BikerCop_Return
mov dword ptr [eax], 1
ret 8
__declspec(naked) static void BikerCop_Steam()
cmp dword ptr [ebp+8], 6
jnz BikerCop_Return
mov dword ptr [eax], 1
pop ebp
ret 8
// ============= Only allow impounding cars and bikes (and their subclasses), as impounding helicopters, planes, boats makes no sense =============
namespace RestrictImpoundVehicleTypes
template<std::size_t Index>
static bool (*orgIsThisVehicleInteresting)(CVehicle* vehicle);
template<std::size_t Index>
static bool IsThisVehicleInteresting_AndCanBeImpounded(CVehicle* vehicle)
return vehicle->CanThisVehicleBeImpounded() && orgIsThisVehicleInteresting<Index>(vehicle);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(ShouldImpound, orgIsThisVehicleInteresting, IsThisVehicleInteresting_AndCanBeImpounded)
// ============= Fix PlayerPed replay crashes =============
// 1. Crash when starting a mocap cutscene after playing a replay wearing different clothes to the ones CJ has currently
// 2. Crash when playing back a replay with a different motion group anim (fat/muscular/normal) than the current one
namespace ReplayPlayerPedCrashFixes
static void (*orgRestoreStuffFromMem)();
static void RestoreStuffFromMem_RebuildPlayer()
CClothes::RebuildPlayer(FindPlayerPed(), false);
static void LoadAllMotionGroupAnims()
// FLA compatibility
static const int32_t animGroupIDOffset = *AddressByVersion<int32_t*>(0x5A814C + 2, { "81 C7 ? ? ? ? 57 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C", 2 });
RequestModel(GetAnimationBlockIndex("fat") + animGroupIDOffset, 18);
RequestModel(GetAnimationBlockIndex("muscular") + animGroupIDOffset, 18);
static void (*orgRebuildPlayer)(CPlayerPed*, bool);
static void RebuildPlayer_LoadAllMotionGroupAnims(CPlayerPed* ped, bool bForReplay)
orgRebuildPlayer(ped, bForReplay);
// ============= Fix planes spawning in places where they crash easily =============
// CPlane::FindPlaneCreationCoors passes the XY position to CCollision::CheckCameraCollisionBuildings,
// while the function accepts the sector numbers
namespace FindPlaneCreationCoorsFix
static std::pair<int, int> GetSectorNumbersFromPosition(int posX, int posY)
// FLA compatibility
// This function is used only for 1.0 as new binaries use a divisor and not a multiplier,
// so it's fine to reference addresses directly!
const float& SectorMultX = **(float**)(0x41ACED + 2);
const float& SectorAddX = **(float**)(0x41ACF6 + 2);
const float& SectorMultY = **(float**)(0x41AD3C + 2);
const float& SectorAddY = **(float**)(0x41AD42 + 2);
const int SectorX = static_cast<int>(posX * SectorMultX + SectorAddX);
const int SectorY = static_cast<int>(posY * SectorMultY + SectorAddY);
return {SectorX, SectorY};
static std::pair<int, int> GetSectorNumbersFromPosition_Steam(int posX, int posY)
// FLA compatibility (in case FLA ever supports the new binaries)
static const struct {
const double& SectorDivX;
const double& SectorAddX;
const double& SectorDivY;
const double& SectorAddY;
} SectorRefs = []() -> decltype(SectorRefs) {
auto sectorDatas = hook::pattern("DC 35 ? ? ? ? DC 05 ? ? ? ? 83 EC 08 D9 5D EC").get_one();
const double* SectorDivX = *sectorDatas.get<double*>(2);
const double* SectorAddX = *sectorDatas.get<double*>(6 + 2);
const double* SectorDivY = *sectorDatas.get<double*>(0x2B + 2);
const double* SectorAddY = *sectorDatas.get<double*>(0x40 + 2);
return {*SectorDivX, *SectorAddX, *SectorDivY, *SectorAddY};
const int SectorX = static_cast<int>(posX / SectorRefs.SectorDivX + SectorRefs.SectorAddX);
const int SectorY = static_cast<int>(posY / SectorRefs.SectorDivY + SectorRefs.SectorAddY);
return {SectorX, SectorY};
static bool (*orgCheckCameraCollisionBuildings)(int sectorX, int sectorY, void*, void*, void*, void*);
static bool CheckCameraCollisionBuildings_FixParams(int posX, int posY, void* a3, void* a4, void* a5, void* a6)
auto [sectorX, sectorY] = GetSectorNumbersFromPosition(posX, posY);
return orgCheckCameraCollisionBuildings(sectorX, sectorY, a3, a4, a5, a6);
static bool CheckCameraCollisionBuildings_FixParams_Steam(int posX, int posY, void* a3, void* a4, void* a5, void* a6)
auto [sectorX, sectorY] = GetSectorNumbersFromPosition_Steam(posX, posY);
return orgCheckCameraCollisionBuildings(sectorX, sectorY, a3, a4, a5, a6);
// ============= Allow hovering on the Jetpack with Keyboard + Mouse controls =============
// Does not modify any other controls, only hovering
namespace JetpackKeyboardControlsHover
static void (__thiscall *orgGetLookBehindForCar)(void*);
static void* ProcessControlInput_DontHover;
static void* ProcessControlInput_Hover;
__declspec(naked) static void ProcessControlInput_HoverWithKeyboard()
mov ecx, ebp
call orgGetLookBehindForCar
test al, al
jnz Hovering
mov ecx, ebp
mov byte ptr [esi+0xD], 0
jmp ProcessControlInput_DontHover
jmp ProcessControlInput_Hover
__declspec(naked) static void ProcessControlInput_HoverWithKeyboard_Steam()
mov ecx, ebx
call orgGetLookBehindForCar
test al, al
jnz Hovering
mov ecx, ebx
mov byte ptr [edi+0xD], 0
jmp ProcessControlInput_DontHover
jmp ProcessControlInput_Hover
// ============= During riots, don't target the player group during missions =============
// Fixes recruited homies panicking during Los Desperados and other riot-time missions
namespace RiotDontTargetPlayerGroupDuringMissions
static void* SkipTargetting;
static void* DontSkipTargetting;
__declspec(naked) static void CheckIfInPlayerGroupAndOnAMission()
cmp byte ptr [ebp+0x2D0], 1
jne NotInGroup
call IsPlayerOnAMission
test al, al
jz NotOnAMission
jmp SkipTargetting
cmp byte ptr [ebp+0x2D0], 1
jmp DontSkipTargetting
__declspec(naked) static void CheckIfInPlayerGroupAndOnAMission_Steam()
cmp byte ptr [ebx+0x2D0], 1
jne NotInGroup
call IsPlayerOnAMission
test al, al
jz NotOnAMission
jmp SkipTargetting
cmp byte ptr [ebx+0x2D0], 1
jmp DontSkipTargetting
// ============= Fixed vehicles exploding twice if the driver leaves the car while it's exploding =============
namespace RemoveDriverStatusFix
__declspec(naked) static void RemoveDriver_SetStatus()
// if (m_nStatus != STATUS_WRECKED)
// m_nStatus = STATUS_ABANDONED;
mov bl, [edi+0x36]
mov al, bl
and bl, 0xF8
cmp bl, 0x28
je DontSetStatus
and al, 7
or al, 0x20
static void (__thiscall *orgPrepareVehicleForPedExit)(CTaskComplexCarSlowBeDraggedOut* task, CPed* ped);
static void __fastcall PrepareVehicleForPedExit_WreckedCheck(CTaskComplexCarSlowBeDraggedOut* task, void*, CPed* ped)
if (task->m_pVehicle->GetStatus() != STATUS_WRECKED)
orgPrepareVehicleForPedExit(task, ped);
// ============= Fixed shooting stars rendering black =============
namespace ShootingStarsFix
static void* (*orgRwIm3DTransform)(RwIm3DVertex* pVerts, RwUInt32 numVerts, RwMatrix* ltm, RwUInt32 flags);
static void* RwIm3DTransform_UnsetTexture(RwIm3DVertex* pVerts, RwUInt32 numVerts, RwMatrix* ltm, RwUInt32 flags)
return orgRwIm3DTransform(pVerts, numVerts, ltm, flags);
// ============= Enable directional lights on flying car components =============
namespace LitFlyingComponents
static void (*orgWorldAdd)(CEntity*);
static void WorldAdd_SetLightObjectFlag(CEntity* entity)
entity->bLightObject = true;
// ============= Make script randomness 16-bit, like on PS2 =============
namespace Rand16bit
template<std::size_t Index>
static int (*orgRand)();
template<std::size_t Index>
static int rand16bit()
const int bottomBits = orgRand<Index>();
const int topBit = (orgRand<Index>() & 1) << 15;
return bottomBits | topBit;
HOOK_EACH_INIT(Rand, orgRand, rand16bit);
// ============= Improved resolution selection dialog =============
namespace NewResolutionSelectionDialog
static IDirect3D9** ppRWD3D9;
static void* FrontEndMenuManager;
static char* (*orgGetDocumentsPath)();
static constexpr const char* SettingsFileName = "device_remembered.set";
static bool ShouldSkipDeviceSelection()
char cTmpPath[MAX_PATH];
PathCombineA(cTmpPath, orgGetDocumentsPath(), SettingsFileName);
bool bSkip = false;
FILE* hFile = nullptr;
if (fopen_s(&hFile, cTmpPath, "r") == 0)
unsigned int val = 0;
bSkip = fscanf_s(hFile, "%u", &val) == 1 && val != 0;
return bSkip;
static void RememberDeviceSelection(bool bDoNotShowAgain)
char cTmpPath[MAX_PATH];
PathCombineA(cTmpPath, orgGetDocumentsPath(), SettingsFileName);
FILE* hFile = nullptr;
if (fopen_s(&hFile, cTmpPath, "w") == 0)
fprintf_s(hFile, "%u", bDoNotShowAgain ? 1 : 0);
static RwSubSystemInfo* (*orgRwEngineGetSubSystemInfo)(RwSubSystemInfo *subSystemInfo, RwInt32 subSystemIndex);
static RwSubSystemInfo *RwEngineGetSubSystemInfo_GetFriendlyNames(RwSubSystemInfo *subSystemInfo, RwInt32 subSystemIndex)
// If we can't do any our work, fall back to the original game functions that may already by customized by other mods
if (*ppRWD3D9 == nullptr)
return orgRwEngineGetSubSystemInfo(subSystemInfo, subSystemIndex);
if (FAILED((*ppRWD3D9)->GetAdapterIdentifier(subSystemIndex, 0, &identifier)))
return orgRwEngineGetSubSystemInfo(subSystemInfo, subSystemIndex);
static const auto friendlyNames = FriendlyMonitorNames::GetNamesForDevicePaths();
// If we can't find the friendly name, either because it doesn't exist or we're on an ancient Windows, fall back to the device name
auto it = friendlyNames.find(identifier.DeviceName);
if (it != friendlyNames.end())
strncpy_s(subSystemInfo->name, it->second.c_str(), _TRUNCATE);
strncpy_s(subSystemInfo->name, identifier.Description, _TRUNCATE);
return subSystemInfo;
static size_t MenuManagerAdapterOffset = 0xDC;
static RwInt32 (*orgRwEngineGetCurrentSubSystem)();
static RwInt32 RwEngineGetCurrentSubSystem_FromSettings()
// If we can't do any our work, fall back to the original game functions that may already by customized by other mods
if (*ppRWD3D9 == nullptr)
return orgRwEngineGetCurrentSubSystem();
RwInt32 subSystem = *reinterpret_cast<RwInt32*>(static_cast<char*>(FrontEndMenuManager) + MenuManagerAdapterOffset);
if (subSystem > 0)
// Force the device selection dialog to show again if anything is wrong
bool bResetDisplay = false;
if ((*ppRWD3D9)->GetAdapterCount() <= (UINT)subSystem)
subSystem = 0;
bResetDisplay = true;
if (RwEngineSetSubSystem(subSystem) == FALSE || bResetDisplay)
return 0;
return subSystem;
static void CreateNewButtonTooltip(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hDlg)
hDlg, nullptr, hInstance, nullptr);
if (hCheckbox == nullptr || hwndTip == nullptr)
TOOLINFO toolInfo { sizeof(toolInfo) };
toolInfo.hwnd = hDlg;
toolInfo.uId = (UINT_PTR)hCheckbox;
toolInfo.lpszText = (LPWSTR)TEXT("Delete 'device_remembered.set' from GTA San Andreas User Files to show this dialog again.");
SendMessage(hwndTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&toolInfo);
struct WrappedDialocFunc
DLGPROC lpDialogFunc;
LPARAM dwInitParam;
static INT_PTR CALLBACK CustomDlgProc(HWND window, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (msg == WM_INITDIALOG)
const WrappedDialocFunc* data = reinterpret_cast<WrappedDialocFunc*>(lParam);
SetWindowLongPtr(window, DWLP_USER, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(data->lpDialogFunc));
data->lpDialogFunc(window, msg, wParam, data->dwInitParam);
// The stock dialog func loaded the selected adapter and resolution at this point,
// we can bail if we don't need to show the dialog
if (ShouldSkipDeviceSelection())
// The game inits the selected resolution weirdly, and corrects it in the IDOK handler
// so let's invoke it manually (bleh)
data->lpDialogFunc(window, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0);
return FALSE;
HMODULE hGameModule = GetModuleHandle(nullptr);
SendMessage(window, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(LoadIcon(hGameModule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(100))));
CreateNewButtonTooltip(hGameModule, window);
// Return TRUE instead of FALSE on init, as we removed a manual SetFocus from the init function
// and we want to rely on Windows to give us focus.
return TRUE;
// Custom handling for IDCANCEL (IDOK is fine)
if (msg == WM_COMMAND)
if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL)
EndDialog(window, 0);
return TRUE;
// Just remember the selection, let the game handle the rest
if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK && IsDlgButtonChecked(window, IDC_REMEMBERRESCHOICE) == BST_CHECKED)
DLGPROC origProc = reinterpret_cast<DLGPROC>(GetWindowLongPtr(window, DWLP_USER));
if (origProc != nullptr)
return origProc(window, msg, wParam, lParam);
return FALSE;
static INT_PTR WINAPI DialogBoxParamA_New(HINSTANCE /*hInstance*/, LPCSTR /*lpTemplateName*/, HWND /*hWndParent*/, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, LPARAM dwInitParam)
int32_t (WINAPI *pSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)(int32_t dpiContext) = nullptr;
int32_t oldDpiContext = 0;
// Specify the dialog as DPI unaware, so Windows scales it by itself
HMODULE user32Module = LoadLibraryW(L"user32");
if (user32Module != nullptr)
pSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext = (decltype(pSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext))GetProcAddress(user32Module, "SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext");
if (pSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext != nullptr)
oldDpiContext = pSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext(/*DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE*/-1);
ACTCTX actCtx { sizeof(actCtx) };
actCtx.hModule = reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase);
actCtx.lpResourceName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(2);
ULONG_PTR cookie = 0;
bool bContextActivated = false;
HANDLE hActCtx = CreateActCtx(&actCtx);
bContextActivated = ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, &cookie) != FALSE;
// Include our own context to allow for custom message handling
const WrappedDialocFunc origDlgProc { lpDialogFunc, dwInitParam };
const INT_PTR result = DialogBoxParam(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_RESSELECT), nullptr, CustomDlgProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&origDlgProc));
if (bContextActivated)
DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie);
if (pSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext != nullptr)
if (user32Module != nullptr)
return result;
static auto* const pDialogBoxParamA_New = &DialogBoxParamA_New;
return nullptr;
static auto* const pSetFocus_NOP = &SetFocus_NOP;
// ============= Fix credits not scaling to resolution =============
// Also makes the shadow scale properly, as they haven't done that either...
// But since this seems to be the only place, don't pull in the fix from Vice City,
// fix it here instead
namespace CreditsScalingFixes
static const unsigned int FIXED_RES_HEIGHT_SCALE = 448;
template<std::size_t Index>
STATIC_INLINE void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void PrintString_ScaleY(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
if constexpr (Index == 1)
// Fix the shadow X scale - the Y scale will be fixed below
fX = fX + 1.0f - ScaleX(1.0f);
orgPrintString<Index>(fX, ScaleY(fY), pText);
static void (*orgSetScale)(float X, float Y);
static void SetScale_ScaleToRes(float X, float Y)
orgSetScale(ScaleX(X), ScaleY(Y));
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PrintString, orgPrintString, PrintString_ScaleY);
// ============= Fix some big messages staying on screen longer at high resolutions due to a cut sliding text feature =============
namespace SlidingTextsScalingFixes
static const unsigned int FIXED_RES_WIDTH_SCALE = 640;
static std::array<float, 6>* pBigMessageX;
static float* pOddJob2XOffset;
template<std::size_t BigMessageIndex>
struct BigMessageSlider
static inline bool bSlidingEnabled = false;
template<std::size_t Index>
STATIC_INLINE void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void PrintString_Slide(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
// We divide by a constant 640.0, because the X position is meant to slide across the entire screen
orgPrintString<Index>(bSlidingEnabled ? (*pBigMessageX)[BigMessageIndex] * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth / 640.0f : fX, fY, pText);
template<std::size_t Index>
STATIC_INLINE void (*orgSetRightJustifyWrap)(float wrap);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void SetRightJustifyWrap_Slide(float wrap)
orgSetRightJustifyWrap<Index>(bSlidingEnabled ? ScaleX(-500.0f) : wrap);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PrintString, orgPrintString, PrintString_Slide);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(RightJustifyWrap, orgSetRightJustifyWrap, SetRightJustifyWrap_Slide);
struct OddJob2Slider
static inline bool bSlidingEnabled = false;
template<std::size_t Index>
STATIC_INLINE void (*orgPrintString)(float,float,const wchar_t*);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void PrintString_Slide(float fX, float fY, const wchar_t* pText)
// We divide by a constant 640.0, because the X position is meant to slide across the entire screen
if (bSlidingEnabled)
fX -= *pOddJob2XOffset * RsGlobal->MaximumWidth / 640.0f;
orgPrintString<Index>(fX, fY, pText);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PrintString, orgPrintString, PrintString_Slide);
// ============= Fix post effects not scaling correctly =============
// Heat haze not rescaling after changing resolution
// Water ripple effect having too high wave frequency at higher resolutions
namespace PostEffectsScalingFixes
static int32_t* pHeatHazeFXTypeLast;
// Instead of NOPing the call to SetupBackBufferVertex, redirect it to an empty function,
// so other mods can chain with it fine
static void (*orgSetupBackBufferVertex)();
static void SetupBackBufferVertex_Nop()
template<std::size_t Index>
static void (*orgSetCurrentVideoMode)(int modeIndex);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void SetCurrentVideoMode_SetupPostFX(int modeIndex)
*pHeatHazeFXTypeLast = -1; // Force heat haze to reinit
HOOK_EACH_INIT(SetCurrentVideoMode, orgSetCurrentVideoMode, SetCurrentVideoMode_SetupPostFX);
static void (*orgUnderWaterRipple)(RwRGBA, float, float, int, float, float);
static void UnderWaterRipple_ScaleFrequency(RwRGBA a1, float xOffset, float yOffset, int a4, float a5, float frequency)
// Scale frequency counter-proportionally to the resolution height
// as the function already scales the sine wave frequency to that internally.
const float freqDivFactor = RsGlobal->MaximumHeight / 480.0f;
orgUnderWaterRipple(a1, xOffset, yOffset, a4, a5, frequency / freqDivFactor);
// ============= Fix heat seeking and gamepad crosshairs not scaling to resolution =============
namespace CrosshairScalingFixes
template<std::size_t Index>
static void (*orgRenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect)(float, float, float, float, float, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, short, float, float, uint8_t);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void RenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect_Scale(float a1, float a2, float a3, float width, float height, uint8_t a6, uint8_t a7, uint8_t a8, short a9, float a10, float a11, uint8_t a12)
orgRenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect<Index>(a1, a2, a3, ScaleX(width), ScaleY(height), a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12);
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgSize_GamepadCrosshair;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float Size_Recalculated_GamepadCrosshair;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateSizes_GamepadCrosshair(std::index_sequence<I...>)
((Size_Recalculated_GamepadCrosshair<I> = ScaleY(*orgSize_GamepadCrosshair<I>)), ...);
template<std::size_t Index>
static const double* orgSize_GamepadCrosshair_Double;
template<std::size_t Index>
static double Size_Recalculated_GamepadCrosshair_Double;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateSizes_GamepadCrosshair_Double(std::index_sequence<I...>)
((Size_Recalculated_GamepadCrosshair_Double<I> = ScaleY(static_cast<float>(*orgSize_GamepadCrosshair_Double<I>))), ...);
static bool (*orgCalcScreenCoors)(const RwV3d&, RwV3d*, float*, float*, bool, bool);
template<std::size_t NumFloats, std::size_t NumDoubles>
static bool CalcScreenCoors_Recalculate(const RwV3d& a1, RwV3d* a2, float* a3, float* a4, bool a5, bool a6)
return orgCalcScreenCoors(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(RenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect, orgRenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect, RenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect_Scale);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(GamepadCrosshair, orgSize_GamepadCrosshair, Size_Recalculated_GamepadCrosshair);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(GamepadCrosshair_Double, orgSize_GamepadCrosshair_Double, Size_Recalculated_GamepadCrosshair_Double);
// ============= Fix Map screen boundaries and the cursor not scaling to resolution =============
// Debugged by Wesser
namespace MapScreenScalingFixes
__declspec(naked) void ScaleX_NewBinaries()
push ecx
push 0x3F800000 // 1.0f
call [ScaleX]
add esp, 4
fsub st(1), st
fxch st(1)
pop ecx
__declspec(naked) void ScaleY_NewBinaries()
push ecx
push 0x3F800000 // 1.0f
call [ScaleY]
add esp, 4
fsub st(1), st
fxch st(1)
pop ecx
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgCursorXSize;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float CursorXSize_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateXSize(std::index_sequence<I...>)
((CursorXSize_Recalculated<I> = ScaleX(*orgCursorXSize<I>)), ...);
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgCursorYSize;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float CursorYSize_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateYSize(std::index_sequence<I...>)
((CursorYSize_Recalculated<I> = ScaleY(*orgCursorYSize<I>)), ...);
static void (*orgLimitToMap_Scale)(float* x, float* y);
static void LimitToMap_Scale(float* x, float* y)
// LimitToMap assumes it's given scaled coordinates, but then the caller assumes it returns unscaled coordinates.
// Need to scale them for the call, then unscale again, to save us from some assembly patching.
const float XScale = ScaleX(1.0f);
const float YScale = ScaleY(1.0f);
*x *= XScale;
*y *= YScale;
orgLimitToMap_Scale(x, y);
*x /= XScale;
*y /= YScale;
static void (*orgLimitToMap_RecalculateSizes)(float* x, float* y);
template<std::size_t NumXSize, std::size_t NumYSize>
static void LimitToMap_RecalculateSizes(float* x, float* y)
orgLimitToMap_RecalculateSizes(x, y);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(CursorXSize, orgCursorXSize, CursorXSize_Recalculated);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(CursorYSize, orgCursorYSize, CursorYSize_Recalculated);
// ============= Fix text background padding not scaling to resolution =============
// Debugged by Wesser
namespace TextRectPaddingScalingFixes
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgPaddingXSize;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float PaddingXSize_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateXSize(std::index_sequence<I...>)
((PaddingXSize_Recalculated<I> = ScaleX(*orgPaddingXSize<I>)), ...);
template<std::size_t Index>
static const float* orgPaddingYSize;
template<std::size_t Index>
static float PaddingYSize_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateYSize(std::index_sequence<I...>)
((PaddingYSize_Recalculated<I> = ScaleY(*orgPaddingYSize<I>)), ...);
template<std::size_t Index>
static const double* orgPaddingYSize_Double;
template<std::size_t Index>
static double PaddingYSize_Double_Recalculated;
template<std::size_t... I>
static void RecalculateYSize_Double(std::index_sequence<I...>)
((PaddingYSize_Double_Recalculated<I> = ScaleY(static_cast<float>(*orgPaddingYSize_Double<I>))), ...);
static short (*orgProcessCurrentString)(uint8_t, float, float, void*);
template<std::size_t NumXSize, std::size_t NumYSize>
static short ProcessCurrentString_Scale(uint8_t a1, float a2, float a3, void* a4)
return orgProcessCurrentString(a1, a2, a3, a4);
template<std::size_t NumYSizeDouble>
static short ProcessCurrentString_Scale_NewBinaries(uint8_t a1, float a2, float a3, void* a4)
return orgProcessCurrentString(a1, a2, a3, a4);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PaddingXSize, orgPaddingXSize, PaddingXSize_Recalculated);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PaddingYSize, orgPaddingYSize, PaddingYSize_Recalculated);
HOOK_EACH_INIT(PaddingYSize_Double, orgPaddingYSize_Double, PaddingYSize_Double_Recalculated);
// ============= Fix nitrous recharging faster when reversing the car =============
// By Wesser
namespace NitrousReverseRechargeFix
__declspec(naked) static void NitrousControl_DontRechargeWhenReversing()
// x = 1.0f; \ if m_fGasPedal >= 0.0f x -= m_fGasPedal;
fld dword ptr [esi+0x49C]
fcomp st(1)
fnstsw ax
test ah, 0x41
jnz BiggerOrEqual
fstp st
fsubp st(1), st
__declspec(naked) static void NitrousControl_DontRechargeWhenReversing_NewBinaries()
fld dword ptr [esi+0x49C]
fcomp st(1)
fnstsw ax
test ah, 0x41
jnz BiggerOrEqual
fstp st
// ============= Fix Hydra's jet thrusters not displaying due to an uninitialized variable in RwMatrix =============
// By B1ack_Wh1te
namespace JetThrustersFix
// These are technically CMatrix, but for simplicity we use RwMatrix here
template<std::size_t Index>
static RwMatrix* (*orgMatrixMultiply)(RwMatrix* out, const RwMatrix* lhs, const RwMatrix* rhs);
template<std::size_t Index>
static RwMatrix* MatrixMultiply_ZeroFlags(RwMatrix* out, const RwMatrix* lhs, const RwMatrix* rhs)
RwMatrix* result = orgMatrixMultiply<Index>(out, lhs, rhs);
// Technically, this should be the same as RwMatrixUpdate, but this variable is on the stack
// and completely uninitialized, so zero it completely for consistent results.
rwMatrixSetFlags(result, 0);
return result;
HOOK_EACH_INIT(MatrixMultiply, orgMatrixMultiply, MatrixMultiply_ZeroFlags);
// ============= LS-RP Mode stuff =============
namespace LSRPMode
struct IPv4
uint8_t ip[4];
uint16_t port;
friend bool operator == ( const IPv4& left, const IPv4& right )
return std::make_tuple( left.ip[0], left.ip[1], left.ip[2], left.ip[3] ) == std::make_tuple( right.ip[0], right.ip[1], right.ip[2], right.ip[3] ) &&
( left.port == right.port || left.port == 0 || right.port == 0 );
std::vector <IPv4> serversLSRPMode = {
{ 149, 56, 123, 148, 7777 }, // LS-RP
{ 198, 27, 95, 178, 7777 }, // AD:RP
bool ModeForced = false;
void DetectPlayingOnLSRP()
IPv4 myIP = {};
// Obtain IP and check if it's LS-RP
int numArgs = 0;
LPWSTR* cmdLine = CommandLineToArgvW( GetCommandLineW(), &numArgs );
if ( cmdLine != nullptr )
for ( auto it = cmdLine + 1, end = cmdLine + numArgs; it != end; ++it )
if ( _wcsicmp( *it, L"-h" ) == 0 )
auto ipIt = std::next( it );
if ( ipIt != end )
swscanf_s( *ipIt, L"%" SCNu8 ".%" SCNu8 ".%" SCNu8 ".%" SCNu8, &myIP.ip[0], &myIP.ip[1], &myIP.ip[2], &myIP.ip[3] );
it = ipIt;
if ( _wcsicmp( *it, L"-p") == 0 )
auto portIt = std::next( it );
if ( portIt != end )
swscanf_s( *portIt, L"%" SCNu16 , &myIP.port );
it = portIt;
LocalFree( cmdLine );
ModeForced = std::find( serversLSRPMode.begin(), serversLSRPMode.end(), myIP ) != serversLSRPMode.end();
void ReadServersList(const wchar_t* pPath)
constexpr size_t SCRATCH_PAD_SIZE = 32767;
WideDelimStringReader reader( SCRATCH_PAD_SIZE );
GetPrivateProfileSectionW( L"LSRPModeServers", reader.GetBuffer(), reader.GetSize(), pPath );
while ( const wchar_t* str = reader.GetString() )
int ip[4] = {};
int port = 0;
// IP is mandatory, port is optional
int argsRead = swscanf_s( str, L"%d.%d.%d.%d", &ip[0], &ip[1], &ip[2], &ip[3] );
if ( argsRead == 4 )
swscanf_s( str, L"%*d.%*d.%*d.%*d:%d", &port );
IPv4 myIP = {};
bool validIP = true;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
if ( ip[i] >= 0 && ip[i] <= UINT8_MAX )
myIP.ip[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(ip[i]);
validIP = false;
if ( port >= 0 && port <= UINT16_MAX )
myIP.port = static_cast<uint16_t>(port);
validIP = false;
if ( validIP )
serversLSRPMode.emplace_back( myIP );
static bool IgnoresWeaponPedsForPCFix()
// TODO: Pre-emptively add INI option to save hassle in the future
return LSRPMode::ModeForced;
namespace ModelIndicesReadyHook
static void (*orgMatchAllModelStrings)();
static void MatchAllModelStrings_ReadySVF()
#ifndef NDEBUG
// ============= QPC spoof for verifying high timer issues =============
namespace FakeQPC
static int64_t AddedTime;
static BOOL WINAPI FakeQueryPerformanceCounter(PLARGE_INTEGER lpPerformanceCount)
const BOOL result = ::QueryPerformanceCounter( lpPerformanceCount );
lpPerformanceCount->QuadPart += AddedTime;
return result;
#include <intrin.h>
// Validator for static allocations
void PutStaticValidator( uintptr_t begin, uintptr_t end )
uint8_t* a = (uint8_t*)begin;
uint8_t* b = (uint8_t*)end;
std::fill( a, b, uint8_t(0xCC) );
void* malloc_validator(size_t size)
return _malloc_dbg( size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, "EXE", (uintptr_t)_ReturnAddress() );
void* realloc_validator(void* ptr, size_t size)
return _realloc_dbg( ptr, size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, "EXE", (uintptr_t)_ReturnAddress() );
void* calloc_validator(size_t count, size_t size)
return _calloc_dbg( count, size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, "EXE", (uintptr_t)_ReturnAddress() );
void free_validator(void* ptr)
_free_dbg(ptr, _NORMAL_BLOCK);
size_t _msize_validator(void* ptr)
return _msize_dbg(ptr, _NORMAL_BLOCK);
void* _new(size_t size)
return _malloc_dbg( size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, "EXE", (uintptr_t)_ReturnAddress() );
void _delete(void* ptr)
_free_dbg(ptr, _NORMAL_BLOCK);
class CDebugMemoryMgr
static void* Malloc(size_t size)
return _malloc_dbg( size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, "EXE", (uintptr_t)_ReturnAddress() );
static void Free(void* ptr)
_free_dbg(ptr, _NORMAL_BLOCK);
static void* Realloc(void* ptr, size_t size)
return _realloc_dbg( ptr, size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, "EXE", (uintptr_t)_ReturnAddress() );
static void* Calloc(size_t count, size_t size)
return _calloc_dbg( count, size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, "EXE", (uintptr_t)_ReturnAddress() );
static void* MallocAlign(size_t size, size_t align)
return _aligned_malloc_dbg( size, align, "EXE", (uintptr_t)_ReturnAddress() );
static void AlignedFree(void* ptr)
void InstallMemValidator()
using namespace Memory;
// TEST: Validate memory
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x824257), malloc_validator, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x824269), realloc_validator, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x824416), calloc_validator, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x82413F), free_validator, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x828C4A), _msize_validator, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x82119A), _new, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x8214BD), _delete, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x72F420), &CDebugMemoryMgr::Malloc, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x72F430), &CDebugMemoryMgr::Free, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x72F440), &CDebugMemoryMgr::Realloc, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x72F460), &CDebugMemoryMgr::Calloc, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x72F4C0), &CDebugMemoryMgr::MallocAlign, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10(0x72F4F0), &CDebugMemoryMgr::AlignedFree, HookType::Jump );
PutStaticValidator( AddressByRegion_10(0xAAE950), AddressByRegion_10(0xB4C310) ); // CStore
PutStaticValidator( AddressByRegion_10(0xA9AE00), AddressByRegion_10(0xA9AE58) ); // fx_c
// Hooks
__declspec(naked) void LightMaterialsFix()
mov [esi], edi
mov ebx, [ecx]
lea esi, [edx+4]
mov [ebx+4], esi
mov edi, [esi]
mov [ebx+8], edi
add esi, 4
mov [ebx+12], esi
mov edi, [esi]
mov [ebx+16], edi
add ebx, 20
mov [ecx], ebx
__declspec(naked) void UserTracksFix()
push [esp+4]
call SetVolume
mov ecx, [pUserTracksStuff]
mov byte ptr [ecx+0xD], 1
call InitializeUtrax
ret 4
__declspec(naked) void UserTracksFix_Steam()
push [esp+4]
call SetVolume
mov ecx, [pUserTracksStuff]
mov byte ptr [ecx+5], 1
call InitializeUtrax
ret 4
static void* PlaneAtomicRendererSetup_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C7986, 0x4C7A06, 0x4D2275);
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB_BigVehicle = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x734370, 0x734BA0, 0x76E400);
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailCB_BigVehicle = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x733420, 0x733C50, 0x76D6C0);
__declspec(naked) void PlaneAtomicRendererSetup()
static const char aStaticProp[] = "static_prop";
static const char aMovingProp[] = "moving_prop";
mov eax, [esi+4]
push eax
call GetFrameNodeName
mov [esp+8+8], eax
push 11
push offset aStaticProp
push eax
call strncmp
add esp, 0x10
test eax, eax
jz PlaneAtomicRendererSetup_Alpha
push 11
push offset aMovingProp
push [esp+12+8]
call strncmp
add esp, 0xC
test eax, eax
jnz PlaneAtomicRendererSetup_NoAlpha
push RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB_BigVehicle
jmp PlaneAtomicRendererSetup_Return
push RenderVehicleHiDetailCB_BigVehicle
jmp PlaneAtomicRendererSetup_JumpBack
static unsigned int nCachedCRC;
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x733240, 0x733A70, 0x76D4C0);
static void* RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x733F80, 0x7347B0, 0x76DFE0);
static void* RenderHeliRotorAlphaCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x7340B0, 0x7348E0, 0x76E110);
static void* RenderHeliTailRotorAlphaCB = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x734170, 0x7349A0, 0x76E1E0);
static void* HunterTest_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C7914, 0x4C7994, 0x4D2203);
// strcmp can't be invoked from inline assembly block?
static int strcmp_wrap(const char *s1, const char *s2)
return strcmp( s1, s2 );
__declspec(naked) void HunterTest()
static const char aDoorDummy[] = "door_lf_ok";
static const char aStaticRotor[] = "static_rotor";
static const char aStaticRotor2[] = "static_rotor2";
static const char aWindscreen[] = "windscreen";
setnz al
movzx di, al
push 10
push offset aWindscreen
push ebp
call strncmp
add esp, 0xC
test eax, eax
jz HunterTest_RegularAlpha
push offset aStaticRotor2
push ebp
call strcmp_wrap
add esp, 8
test eax, eax
jz HunterTest_StaticRotor2AlphaSet
push offset aStaticRotor
push ebp
call strcmp_wrap
add esp, 8
test eax, eax
jz HunterTest_StaticRotorAlphaSet
test di, di
jnz HunterTest_DoorTest
push RenderVehicleHiDetailCB
jmp HunterTest_JumpBack
cmp nCachedCRC, 0x45D0B41C
jnz HunterTest_RegularAlpha
push offset aDoorDummy
push ebp
call strcmp_wrap
add esp, 8
test eax, eax
jnz HunterTest_RegularAlpha
push RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB_HunterDoor
jmp HunterTest_JumpBack
push RenderVehicleHiDetailAlphaCB
jmp HunterTest_JumpBack
push RenderHeliRotorAlphaCB
jmp HunterTest_JumpBack
push RenderHeliTailRotorAlphaCB
jmp HunterTest_JumpBack
static void* CacheCRC32_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C7B10, 0x4C7B90, 0x4D2400);
__declspec(naked) void CacheCRC32()
mov eax, [ecx+4]
mov nCachedCRC, eax
jmp CacheCRC32_JumpBack
static void* const TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_ReturnFalse = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C9333, 0x4C9533, 0x4D3C59);
static void* const TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_ReturnTrue = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4C9235, 0x4C9435, 0x4D3B59);
__declspec(naked) void TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix()
cmp [edi]CVehicleModelInfo.m_dwType, VEHICLE_TRAILER
je TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_DoWheels
cmp eax, 2
je TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_False
cmp eax, 5
je TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_False
jmp TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_ReturnTrue
jmp TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_ReturnFalse
__declspec(naked) void TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix2()
add esp, 0x18
mov eax, [ebx]
mov eax, [esi+eax+4]
jmp TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix
__declspec(naked) void TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_Steam()
cmp [esi]CVehicleModelInfo.m_dwType, VEHICLE_TRAILER
je TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_DoWheels
cmp eax, 2
je TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_False
cmp eax, 5
je TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_False
jmp TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_ReturnTrue
jmp TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_ReturnFalse
__declspec(naked) void TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix2_Steam()
add esp, 0x18
mov eax, [ebp]
mov eax, [ebx+eax+4]
jmp TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_Steam
static void* LoadFLAC_JumpBack = AddressByVersion<void*>(0x4F3743, Memory::GetVersion().version == 1 ? (*(BYTE*)0x4F3A50 == 0x6A ? 0x4F3BA3 : 0x5B6B81) : 0, 0x4FFC3F);
__declspec(naked) void LoadFLAC()
jz LoadFLAC_WindowsMedia
sub ebp, 2
jnz LoadFLAC_Return
push esi
call DecoderCtor
jmp LoadFLAC_Success
jmp LoadFLAC_JumpBack
test eax, eax
mov [esp+0x20+4], eax
jnz LoadFLAC_Return_NoDelete
mov ecx, esi
call CAEDataStreamOld::~CAEDataStreamOld
push esi
call GTAdelete
add esp, 4
mov eax, [esp+0x20+4]
mov ecx, [esp+0x20-0xC]
pop esi
pop ebp
pop edi
pop ebx
mov fs:0, ecx
add esp, 0x10
ret 4
// 1.01 securom butchered this func, might not be reliable
__declspec(naked) void LoadFLAC_11()
jz LoadFLAC_WindowsMedia
sub ebp, 2
jnz LoadFLAC_Return
push esi
call DecoderCtor
jmp LoadFLAC_Success
jmp LoadFLAC_JumpBack
test eax, eax
mov [esp+0x20+4], eax
jnz LoadFLAC_Return_NoDelete
mov ecx, esi
call CAEDataStreamNew::~CAEDataStreamNew
push esi
call GTAdelete
add esp, 4
mov eax, [esp+0x20+4]
mov ecx, [esp+0x20-0xC]
pop esi
pop ebp
pop edi
pop ebx
mov fs:0, ecx
add esp, 0x10
ret 4
__declspec(naked) void LoadFLAC_Steam()
jz LoadFLAC_WindowsMedia
sub ebp, 2
jnz LoadFLAC_Return
push esi
call DecoderCtor
jmp LoadFLAC_Success
jmp LoadFLAC_JumpBack
test eax, eax
mov [esp+0x20+4], eax
jnz LoadFLAC_Return_NoDelete
mov ecx, esi
call CAEDataStreamOld::~CAEDataStreamOld
push esi
call GTAdelete
add esp, 4
mov eax, [esp+0x20+4]
mov ecx, [esp+0x20-0xC]
pop ebx
pop esi
pop ebp
pop edi
mov fs:0, ecx
add esp, 0x10
ret 4
__declspec(naked) void FLACInit()
mov byte ptr [ecx+0xD], 1
jmp InitializeUtrax
__declspec(naked) void FLACInit_Steam()
mov byte ptr [ecx+5], 1
jmp InitializeUtrax
static bool bDarkVehicleThing;
static RpLight** pDirect;
static void* DarkVehiclesFix1_JumpBack;
__declspec(naked) void DarkVehiclesFix1()
shr eax, 0xE
test al, 1
jz DarkVehiclesFix1_DontApply
mov ecx, pDirect
mov ecx, [ecx]
mov al, [ecx+2]
test al, 1
jnz DarkVehiclesFix1_DontApply
mov bDarkVehicleThing, 1
jmp DarkVehiclesFix1_Return
mov bDarkVehicleThing, 0
jmp DarkVehiclesFix1_JumpBack
__declspec(naked) void DarkVehiclesFix2()
jz DarkVehiclesFix2_MakeItDark
mov al, bDarkVehicleThing
test al, al
jnz DarkVehiclesFix2_MakeItDark
mov eax, 0x5D9A7A
jmp eax
mov eax, 0x5D9B09
jmp eax
__declspec(naked) void DarkVehiclesFix3()
jz DarkVehiclesFix3_MakeItDark
mov al, bDarkVehicleThing
test al, al
jnz DarkVehiclesFix3_MakeItDark
mov eax, 0x5D9B4A
jmp eax
mov eax, 0x5D9CAC
jmp eax
__declspec(naked) void DarkVehiclesFix4()
jz DarkVehiclesFix4_MakeItDark
mov al, bDarkVehicleThing
test al, al
jnz DarkVehiclesFix4_MakeItDark
mov eax, 0x5D9CB8
jmp eax
mov eax, 0x5D9E0D
jmp eax
NOBUFFERCHECKS static int _Timers_ftol_internal( double timer, double& remainder )
double integral;
remainder = modf( timer + remainder, &integral );
return int(integral);
int __stdcall Timers_ftol_PauseMode( double timer )
static double TimersRemainder = 0.0;
return _Timers_ftol_internal( timer, TimersRemainder );
int __stdcall Timers_ftol_NonClipped( double timer )
static double TimersRemainder = 0.0;
return _Timers_ftol_internal( timer, TimersRemainder );
int __stdcall Timers_ftol( double timer )
static double TimersRemainder = 0.0;
return _Timers_ftol_internal( timer, TimersRemainder );
int __stdcall Timers_ftol_SCMdelta( double timer )
static double TimersRemainder = 0.0;
return _Timers_ftol_internal( timer, TimersRemainder );
__declspec(naked) void asmTimers_ftol_PauseMode()
sub esp, 8
fstp qword ptr [esp]
call Timers_ftol_PauseMode
__declspec(naked) void asmTimers_ftol_NonClipped()
sub esp, 8
fstp qword ptr [esp]
call Timers_ftol_NonClipped
__declspec(naked) void asmTimers_ftol()
sub esp, 8
fstp qword ptr [esp]
call Timers_ftol
__declspec(naked) void asmTimers_SCMdelta()
sub esp, 8
fstp qword ptr [esp]
call Timers_ftol_SCMdelta
__declspec(naked) void FixedCarDamage()
fcomp dword ptr [esp+0x20+0x10]
fnstsw ax
test ah, 5
jp FixedCarDamage_Negative
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+0x21]
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+0x24]
__declspec(naked) void FixedCarDamage_Steam()
fcomp dword ptr [esp+0x20+0x10]
fnstsw ax
test ah, 5
jp FixedCarDamage_Negative
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+0x21]
test ecx, ecx
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+0x24]
test ecx, ecx
__declspec(naked) void FixedCarDamage_Newsteam()
mov edi, [ebp+0x10]
fcomp [ebp+0x14]
fnstsw ax
test ah, 5
jp FixedCarDamage_Negative
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+0x21]
movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+0x24]
__declspec(naked) void CdStreamThreadHighSize()
xor edx, edx
shld edx, ecx, 11
shl ecx, 11
mov [esi]CdStream.overlapped.Offset, ecx // OVERLAPPED.Offset
mov [esi]CdStream.overlapped.OffsetHigh, edx // OVERLAPPED.OffsetHigh
mov edx, [esi]CdStream.nSectorsToRead
__declspec(naked) void WeaponRangeMult_VehicleCheck()
mov eax, [edx]CPed.pedFlags
test ah, 1
jz WeaponRangeMult_VehicleCheck_NotInCar
mov eax, [edx]CPed.pVehicle
xor eax, eax
static const float fSteamSubtitleSizeX = 0.45f;
static const float fSteamSubtitleSizeY = 0.9f;
static const float fSteamRadioNamePosY = 33.0f;
static const float fSteamRadioNameSizeX = 0.4f;
static const float fSteamRadioNameSizeY = 0.6f;
static float* orgSubtitleSizeX;
static float* orgSubtitleSizeY;
static float* orgRadioNamePosY;
static float* orgRadioNameSizeX;
static float* orgRadioNameSizeY;
static void ToggleSteamTexts( bool enable )
using namespace Memory::VP;
if ( enable )
Patch<const void*>(0x58C387, &fSteamSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58C40F, &fSteamSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58C4CE, &fSteamSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58C39D, &fSteamSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x58C425, &fSteamSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x58C4E4, &fSteamSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x4E9FD8, &fSteamRadioNamePosY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4E9F22, &fSteamRadioNameSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4E9F38, &fSteamRadioNameSizeX);
assert( orgSubtitleSizeY != nullptr && orgSubtitleSizeX != nullptr && orgRadioNamePosY != nullptr && orgRadioNameSizeY != nullptr && orgRadioNameSizeX != nullptr );
Patch<const void*>(0x58C387, orgSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58C40F, orgSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58C4CE, orgSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58C39D, orgSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x58C425, orgSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x58C4E4, orgSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x4E9FD8, orgRadioNamePosY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4E9F22, orgRadioNameSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4E9F38, orgRadioNameSizeX);
static const double dRetailSubtitleSizeX = 0.58;
static const double dRetailSubtitleSizeY = 1.2;
static const double dRetailSubtitleSizeY2 = 1.22;
static const double dRetailRadioNamePosY = 22.0;
static const double dRetailRadioNameSizeX = 0.6;
static const double dRetailRadioNameSizeY = 0.9;
#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib")
BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_10()
if ( !IsAlreadyRunning() )
using namespace Memory;
const HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle( nullptr );
std::unique_ptr<ScopedUnprotect::Unprotect> Protect = ScopedUnprotect::UnprotectSectionOrFullModule( hInstance, ".text" );
ScopedUnprotect::Section Protect2( hInstance, ".rdata" );
// Obtain a path to the ASI
wchar_t wcModulePath[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameW(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase), wcModulePath, _countof(wcModulePath) - 3); // Minus max required space for extension
PathRenameExtensionW(wcModulePath, L".ini");
const ModuleList moduleList;
const bool bHasImVehFt = moduleList.Get(L"ImVehFt") != nullptr;
const bool bSAMP = moduleList.Get(L"samp") != nullptr;
const bool bSARender = moduleList.Get(L"SARender") != nullptr;
const bool bOutfit = moduleList.Get(L"outfit") != nullptr;
const bool bSAMPGraphicsRestore = moduleList.Get(L"SAMPGraphicRestore") != nullptr;
if ( bSAMP )
const HMODULE skygfxModule = moduleList.Get( L"skygfx" );
const HMODULE modloaderModule = moduleList.Get( L"modloader" );
const bool bHookDoubleRwheels = ReadDoubleRearWheels(wcModulePath);
const bool bHasDebugMenu = DebugMenuLoad();
auto PatchFloat = [](float** address, const float*& org, float& replaced)
org = *address;
Patch(address, &replaced);
const std::initializer_list<uint8_t> fadd = { 0xD8, 0x05 };
const std::initializer_list<uint8_t> fsub = { 0xD8, 0x25 };
const std::initializer_list<uint8_t> fld = { 0xD9, 0x05 };
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( bHasDebugMenu )
DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Force LS-RP Mode", &LSRPMode::ModeForced, nullptr );
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SunSizeHack", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
// PS2 sun - more
static const float fSunMult = (1050.0f * 0.95f) / 1500.0f;
Patch<const void*>(0x6FC5B0, &fSunMult);
if ( !bSAMP )
ReadCall( 0x53C136, DoSunAndMoon );
InjectHook(0x53C136, SunAndMoonFarClip);
Patch<const void*>(0x6FC5AA, &fSunFarClip);
if ( !bSARender )
// Twopass rendering (experimental)
Patch<const void*>(0x7341D9, MovingPropellerRender);
Patch<const void*>(0x734127, MovingPropellerRender);
Patch(0x73445E, RenderBigVehicleActomic);
// Weapons rendering
if ( !bOutfit )
if ( bSAMP )
CPed::orgGetWeaponSkillForRenderWeaponPedsForPC = &CPed::GetWeaponSkillForRenderWeaponPedsForPC_SAMP;
InjectHook(0x5E7859, RenderWeapon);
InjectHook(0x732F30, RenderWeaponPedsForPC, HookType::Jump);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"EnableScriptFixes", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
using namespace ScriptFixes;
// Gym glitch fix
Patch<WORD>(0x470B03, 0xCD8B);
Patch<DWORD>(0x470B0A, 0x8B04508B);
Patch<WORD>(0x470B0E, 0x9000);
Nop(0x470B10, 1);
InjectHook(0x470B05, &CRunningScript::GetDay_GymGlitch, HookType::Call);
// Basketball fix
InterceptCall( 0x5D18F0, TheScriptsLoad, TheScriptsLoad_BasketballFix );
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> wipeLocalVars = { 0x489A70, 0x4899F0 };
HookEach_SCMFixes(wipeLocalVars, InterceptCall);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SkipIntroSplashes", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
// Skip the damn intro splash
Patch<WORD>(AddressByRegion_10<DWORD>(0x748AA8), 0x3DEB);
static bool bSmallSteamTexts = false;
if ( bHasDebugMenu )
orgSubtitleSizeX = *(float**)0x58C39D;
orgSubtitleSizeY = *(float**)0x58C387;
orgRadioNamePosY = *(float**)0x4E9FD8;
orgRadioNameSizeY = *(float**)0x4E9F22;
orgRadioNameSizeX = *(float**)0x4E9F38;
DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Small Steam texts", &bSmallSteamTexts, []() {
ToggleSteamTexts( bSmallSteamTexts );
} );
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SmallSteamTexts", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
// We're on 1.0 - make texts smaller
ToggleSteamTexts( true );
bSmallSteamTexts = true;
if ( const int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"ColouredZoneNames", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption != -1 )
// Coloured zone names
bColouredZoneNames = INIoption != 0;
Patch<WORD>(0x58ADBE, 0x0E75);
Patch<WORD>(0x58ADC5, 0x0775);
InjectHook(0x58ADE4, &BlendGangColour_Dynamic);
if ( bHasDebugMenu )
DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Coloured zone names", &bColouredZoneNames, nullptr );
// ImVehFt conflicts
if ( !bHasImVehFt )
// Lights
InjectHook(0x4C830C, LightMaterialsFix, HookType::Call);
// Flying components
InjectHook(0x59F180, &CObject::Render_Stub, HookType::Jump);
// Cars getting dirty
// Only 1.0 and Steam
InjectHook( 0x5D5DB0, RemapDirt, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook(0x4C9648, &CVehicleModelInfo::FindEditableMaterialList, HookType::Call);
Patch<DWORD>(0x4C964D, 0x0FEBCE8B);
if ( !bHasImVehFt && !bSAMP )
// Properly random numberplates
DWORD* pVMT = *(DWORD**)0x4C75FC;
Patch(&pVMT[7], &CVehicleModelInfo::Shutdown_Stub);
InjectHook(0x4C9660, &CVehicleModelInfo::SetCarCustomPlate);
InjectHook(0x6D6A58, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_TextureCreate);
InjectHook(0x6D651C, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_BeforeRenderingStart);
InjectHook(0x6FDFE0, CCustomCarPlateMgr::SetupClumpAfterVehicleUpgrade, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x6D0E53, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_AfterRenderingStop);
Nop(0x6D6517, 2);
Nop(0x6D0E43, 2);
// SSE conflicts
if ( moduleList.Get(L"shadows") == nullptr )
Patch<DWORD>(0x70665C, 0x52909090);
InjectHook(0x706662, &CShadowCamera::Update);
// Disable alpha test for stored shadows
using namespace StaticShadowAlphaFix;
ReadCall( 0x53E0C8, orgRenderStoredShadows );
InjectHook( 0x53E0C8, RenderStoredShadows_StateFix );
// Bigger streamed entity linked lists
// Increase only if they're not increased already
if ( *(DWORD*)0x5B8E55 == 12000 )
Patch<DWORD>(0x5B8E55, 15000);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5B8EB0, 15000);
// Read CCustomCarPlateMgr::GeneratePlateText from here
// to work fine with Deji's Custom Plate Format
ReadCall( 0x4C9484, CCustomCarPlateMgr::GeneratePlateText );
if ( bHookDoubleRwheels )
// Double rwheels whitelist
// push ecx
// push edi
// call CheckDoubleRWheelsWhitelist
// test al, al
Patch<uint16_t>( 0x4C9239, 0x5751 );
InjectHook( 0x4C9239+2, CheckDoubleRWheelsList, HookType::Call );
Patch<uint16_t>( 0x4C9239+7, 0xC084 );
Nop( 0x4C9239+9, 1 );
if ( *(DWORD*)0x4065BB == 0x3B0BE1C1 )
// Handle IMGs bigger than 4GB
Nop( 0x4065BB, 3 );
Nop( 0x4065C2, 1 );
InjectHook( 0x4065C2+1, CdStreamThreadHighSize, HookType::Call );
Patch<const void*>( 0x406620+2, &pCdStreamSetFilePointer );
// Fix directional light position
if ( const int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"DirectionalFromSun", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption != -1 )
bUseAaronSun = INIoption != 0;
ReadCall( 0x53E997, orgSetLightsWithTimeOfDayColour );
InjectHook( 0x53E997, SetLightsWithTimeOfDayColour_SilentPatch );
Patch<const void*>( 0x735618 + 2, &curVecToSun.x );
Patch<const void*>( 0x73561E + 2, &curVecToSun.y );
Patch<const void*>( 0x735624 + 1, &curVecToSun.z );
if ( bHasDebugMenu )
DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Directional from sun", &bUseAaronSun, nullptr );
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Switch for fixed PC vehicle lighting
static bool bFixedPCVehLight = true;
DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Fixed PC vehicle light", &bFixedPCVehLight, []() {
if ( bFixedPCVehLight )
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D88D1 + 6, 0);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D88DB + 6, 0);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D88E5 + 6, 0);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D88F9 + 6, 0);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D8903 + 6, 0);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D890D + 6, 0);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D88D1 + 6, 0.25f);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D88DB + 6, 0.25f);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D88E5 + 6, 0.25f);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D88F9 + 6, 0.75f);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D8903 + 6, 0.75f);
Memory::VP::Patch<float>(0x5D890D + 6, 0.75f);
} );
// Minimal HUD
if ( const int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"MinimalHUD", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption != -1 )
using namespace MinimalHUD;
// Fix original bugs
Patch( 0x58950E, { 0x90, 0xFF, 0x74, 0x24, 0x1C } );
InjectHook( 0x58951D, &SetRGBA_FloatAlpha );
Patch( 0x58D88A, { 0x90, 0xFF, 0x74, 0x24, 0x20 + 0x10 } );
ReadCall( 0x58D8FD, orgRenderOneXLUSprite );
InjectHook( 0x58D8FD, &RenderXLUSprite_FloatAlpha );
// Re-enable
if ( INIoption != 0 )
Patch<int32_t>( 0x588905 + 1, 0 );
if ( bHasDebugMenu )
static bool bMinimalHUDEnabled = INIoption != 0;
DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Minimal HUD", &bMinimalHUDEnabled, []() {
if ( bMinimalHUDEnabled )
Memory::VP::Patch<int32_t>( 0x588905 + 1, 0 );
Memory::VP::Patch<int32_t>( 0x588905 + 1, 5 );
// Call CHud::ReInitialise
auto ReInitialise = (void(*)())0x588880;
} );
// True invincibility - not being hurt by Police Maverick bullets anymore
if ( !bSAMP )
int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"TrueInvincibility", -1, wcModulePath);
if (INIoption == -1)
// Minor spelling mistake, keep it for backwards compatibility with old INI files
INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"TrueInvicibility", -1, wcModulePath);
if (INIoption != -1)
using namespace TrueInvincibility;
isEnabled = INIoption != 0;
WillKillJumpBack = 0x4B3238;
InjectHook( 0x4B322E, ComputeWillKillPedHook, HookType::Jump );
if ( bHasDebugMenu )
DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "True invincibility", &isEnabled, nullptr );
// Moonphases
// Not taking effect with new skygfx since aap has it too now
if ( !bSAMP && !ModCompat::SkygfxPatchesMoonphases( skygfxModule ) )
using namespace MoonphasesFix;
ReadCall( 0x713B74, orgRenderOneXLUSprite );
InjectHook( 0x713C4C, RenderOneXLUSprite_MoonPhases );
FLAUtils::Init( moduleList );
// Race condition in CdStream fixed
// Not taking effect with modloader
if ( !ModCompat::ModloaderCdStreamRaceConditionAware( modloaderModule ) )
// Don't patch if old FLA and enhanced IMGs are in place
// For new FLA, we patch everything except CdStreamThread and then interop with FLA
const bool flaBugAware = FLAUtils::CdStreamRaceConditionAware();
const bool usesEnhancedImages = FLAUtils::UsesEnhancedIMGs();
if ( !usesEnhancedImages || flaBugAware )
ReadCall( 0x406C78, CdStreamSync::orgCdStreamInitThread );
InjectHook( 0x406C78, CdStreamSync::CdStreamInitThread );
const uintptr_t address = ModCompat::Utils::GetFunctionAddrIfRerouted(0x406460);
const uintptr_t waitForSingleObject = address + 0x1D;
const uint8_t orgCode[] = { 0x8B, 0x46, 0x04, 0x85, 0xC0, 0x74, 0x10, 0xC6, 0x46, 0x0D, 0x01 };
if ( memcmp( orgCode, (void*)waitForSingleObject, sizeof(orgCode) ) == 0 )
VP::Patch( waitForSingleObject, { 0x56, 0xFF, 0x15 } );
VP::Patch( waitForSingleObject + 3, &CdStreamSync::CdStreamSyncOnObject );
VP::Patch( waitForSingleObject + 3 + 4, { 0x5E, 0xC3 } );
const uint8_t orgCode1[] = { 0xFF, 0x15 };
const uint8_t orgCode2[] = { 0x48, 0xF7, 0xD8 };
const uintptr_t getOverlappedResult = address + 0x5F;
if ( memcmp( orgCode1, (void*)getOverlappedResult, sizeof(orgCode1) ) == 0 &&
memcmp( orgCode2, (void*)(getOverlappedResult + 6), sizeof(orgCode2) ) == 0 )
VP::Patch( getOverlappedResult + 2, &CdStreamSync::pGetOverlappedResult );
VP::Patch( getOverlappedResult + 6, { 0x5E, 0xC3 } ); // pop esi / retn
if ( !usesEnhancedImages )
Patch( 0x406669, { 0x56, 0xFF, 0x15 } );
Patch( 0x406669 + 3, &CdStreamSync::CdStreamThreadOnObject );
Patch( 0x406669 + 3 + 4, { 0xEB, 0x0F } );
Patch( 0x406910, { 0xFF, 0x15 } );
Patch( 0x406910 + 2, &CdStreamSync::CdStreamInitializeSyncObject );
Nop( 0x406910 + 6, 4 );
Nop( 0x406910 + 0x16, 2 );
Patch( 0x4063B5, { 0x56, 0x50 } );
InjectHook( 0x4063B5 + 2, CdStreamSync::CdStreamShutdownSyncObject_Stub, HookType::Call );
// For imfast compatibility
if ( MemEquals( 0x590ADE, { 0xFF, 0x05 } ) )
// Modulo over CLoadingScreen::m_currDisplayedSplash
Nop( 0x590ADE, 1 );
InjectHook( 0x590ADE + 1, DoPCScreenChange_Mod, HookType::Call );
Patch<const void*>( 0x590042 + 2, &currDisplayedSplash_ForLastSplash );
// Lightbeam fix debug menu
if ( bHasDebugMenu )
static const char * const str[] = { "Off", "Default", "On" };
DebugMenuEntry *e = DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Rotors fix", &CVehicle::ms_rotorFixOverride, nullptr, 1, -1, 1, str);
DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true);
if ( LightbeamFix::hookedSuccessfully )
e = DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Lightbeam fix", &CVehicle::ms_lightbeamFixOverride, nullptr, 1, -1, 1, str);
DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true);
// Locale based metric/imperial system INI/debug menu
using namespace Localization;
forcedUnits = static_cast<int8_t>(GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"Units", -1, wcModulePath));
if ( bHasDebugMenu )
static const char * const str[] = { "Default", "Metric", "Imperial" };
DebugMenuEntry *e = DebugMenuAddVar( "SilentPatch", "Forced units", &forcedUnits, nullptr, 1, -1, 1, str );
DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true);
// Register CBaseModelInfo::GetModelInfo for SVF so we can resolve model names
using namespace ModelIndicesReadyHook;
auto func = (void*(*)(const char*, int*))0x4C5940;
InterceptCall(0x5B922F, orgMatchAllModelStrings, MatchAllModelStrings_ReadySVF);
// Disable building pipeline for skinned objects (like parachute)
// SAMP Graphics Restore fixes the bug preventing this fix from working right
if (!bSAMP || bSAMPGraphicsRestore)
using namespace SkinBuildingPipelineFix;
InterceptCall(0x5D7F1E, orgCustomBuildingDNPipeline_CustomPipeAtomicSetup, CustomBuildingDNPipeline_CustomPipeAtomicSetup_Skinned);
// Fix some big messages staying on screen longer at high resolutions due to a cut sliding text feature
// Also since we're touching it, optionally allow to re-enable this feature.
if (const int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SlidingMissionTitleText", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption != -1)
using namespace SlidingTextsScalingFixes;
pBigMessageX = *(std::array<float, 6>**)(0x58C919 + 2);
std::array<uintptr_t, 1> slidingMessage1 = { 0x58D470 };
std::array<uintptr_t, 1> textWrapFix = { 0x58D2A9 };
BigMessageSlider<1>::bSlidingEnabled = INIoption != 0;
BigMessageSlider<1>::HookEach_PrintString(slidingMessage1, InterceptCall);
BigMessageSlider<1>::HookEach_RightJustifyWrap(textWrapFix, InterceptCall);
if (bHasDebugMenu)
DebugMenuAddVar("SilentPatch", "Sliding mission title text", &BigMessageSlider<1>::bSlidingEnabled, nullptr);
if (const int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SlidingOddJobText", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption != -1)
using namespace SlidingTextsScalingFixes;
pOddJob2XOffset = *(float**)(0x58D077 + 2);
std::array<uintptr_t, 1> slidingOddJob2 = { 0x58D21A };
OddJob2Slider::bSlidingEnabled = INIoption != 0;
OddJob2Slider::HookEach_PrintString(slidingOddJob2, InterceptCall);
if (bHasDebugMenu)
DebugMenuAddVar("SilentPatch", "Sliding odd job text", &OddJob2Slider::bSlidingEnabled, nullptr);
// Fix Map screen boundaries and the cursor not scaling to resolution
// Debugged by Wesser
// Moved here for compatibility with wshps.asi
using namespace MapScreenScalingFixes;
// Even though those two patch the same function, treating them as separate patches makes retaining compatibility
// with the widescreen fix easy.
if (MemEquals(0x588251, fld) && MemEquals(0x588265, fadd) && MemEquals(0x5882A8, fld) && MemEquals(0x5882C6, fadd))
std::array<float**, 2> cursorXSizes = { (float**)(0x588251 + 2), (float**)(0x588265 + 2) };
std::array<float**, 2> cursorYSizes = { (float**)(0x5882A8 + 2), (float**)(0x5882C6 + 2) };
HookEach_CursorXSize(cursorXSizes, PatchFloat);
HookEach_CursorYSize(cursorYSizes, PatchFloat);
InterceptCall(0x58822D, orgLimitToMap_RecalculateSizes, LimitToMap_RecalculateSizes<cursorXSizes.size(), cursorYSizes.size()>);
// Only patch this function if wshps.asi hasn't changed the way it's being called
// The expected code:
// lea edx, [esp+70h+a1.y]
// push edx
// lea eax, [esp+74h+a1]
// push eax
if (MemEquals(0x588223, {0x8D, 0x54, 0x24, 0x4C, 0x52, 0x8D, 0x44, 0x24, 0x4C, 0x50 }))
InterceptCall(0x58822D, orgLimitToMap_Scale, LimitToMap_Scale);
// Fix text background padding not scaling to resolution
// Debugged by Wesser
// Moved here for compatibility with wshps.asi
using namespace TextRectPaddingScalingFixes;
// Verify that all fadd and fsub instructions are intact
// Patterns would do it for us for free, but 1.0 does not use them...
if (MemEquals(0x71A653, fadd) && MemEquals(0x71A66B, fadd) && MemEquals(0x71A69D, fsub) && MemEquals(0x71A6AB, fadd) &&
MemEquals(0x71A6BF, fsub) && MemEquals(0x71A6EC, fadd))
std::array<float**, 4> paddingXSizes = {
(float**)(0x71A653 + 2), (float**)(0x71A66B + 2),
(float**)(0x71A69D + 2), (float**)(0x71A6AB + 2),
std::array<float**, 2> paddingYSizes = {
(float**)(0x71A6BF + 2), (float**)(0x71A6EC + 2),
HookEach_PaddingXSize(paddingXSizes, PatchFloat);
HookEach_PaddingYSize(paddingYSizes, PatchFloat);
InterceptCall(0x71A631, orgProcessCurrentString, ProcessCurrentString_Scale<paddingXSizes.size(), paddingYSizes.size()>);
// Fix credits not scaling to resolution
// Moved here for compatibility with wshps.asi
if (MemEquals(0x5A8679, {0xD8, 0xC1, 0xD8, 0x05}) && MemEquals(0x5A8679+8, {0xD8, 0x64, 0x24, 0x18, 0xD9, 0x54, 0x24, 0x14})) // Verify wshps.asi isn't already patching the credits
using namespace CreditsScalingFixes;
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> creditPrintString = { 0x5A8707, 0x5A8785 };
HookEach_PrintString(creditPrintString, InterceptCall);
InterceptCall(0x5A86C0, orgSetScale, SetScale_ScaleToRes);
// Fix the credits cutting off on the bottom early, they don't do that in III
// but it regressed in VC and SA
static const float topMargin = 1.0f;
static const float bottomMargin = -(**(float**)(0x5A869A + 2));
Patch(0x5A8689 + 2, &topMargin);
Patch(0x5A869A + 2, &bottomMargin);
// As we now scale everything on PrintString time, the resolution height checks need to be unscaled.
Patch(0x5A8660 + 2, &FIXED_RES_HEIGHT_SCALE);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if ( const int QPCDays = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"Debug", L"AddDaysToQPC", 0, wcModulePath); QPCDays != 0 )
using namespace FakeQPC;
QueryPerformanceFrequency( &Freq );
AddedTime = Freq.QuadPart * QPCDays * 60 * 24;
Patch( 0x8580C8, &FakeQueryPerformanceCounter );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_11()
#ifdef NDEBUG
const int messageResult = MessageBoxW( nullptr, L"You're using a 1.01 executable which is no longer supported by SilentPatch!\n\n"
L"Since this EXE is used by only a few people, I recommend downgrading back to 1.0 - you gain full compatibility with mods "
L"and any relevant fixes 1.01 brings are backported to 1.0 by SilentPatch anyway.\n\n"
L"To downgrade to 1.0, find a 1.0 EXE online and replace your current game executable with it. Do you want to continue?\n\n"
L"Pressing No will close the game. Press Yes to proceed to the game anyway.",
L"SilentPatch", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING );
if (messageResult == IDNO)
return TRUE;
if ( !IsAlreadyRunning() )
using namespace Memory;
const HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle( nullptr );
std::unique_ptr<ScopedUnprotect::Unprotect> Protect = ScopedUnprotect::UnprotectSectionOrFullModule( hInstance, ".text" );
ScopedUnprotect::Section Protect2( hInstance, ".rdata" );
// Obtain a path to the ASI
wchar_t wcModulePath[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameW(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase), wcModulePath, _countof(wcModulePath) - 3); // Minus max required space for extension
PathRenameExtensionW(wcModulePath, L".ini");
const ModuleList moduleList;
bool bHasImVehFt = moduleList.Get(L"ImVehFt") != nullptr;
bool bSAMP = moduleList.Get(L"samp") != nullptr;
bool bSARender = moduleList.Get(L"SARender") != nullptr;
const bool bOutfit = moduleList.Get(L"outfit") != nullptr;
if ( bSAMP )
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SunSizeHack", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
// PS2 sun - more
static const float fSunMult = (1050.0f * 0.95f) / 1500.0f;
Patch<const void*>(0x6FCDE0, &fSunMult);
if ( !bSAMP )
ReadCall( 0x53C5D6, DoSunAndMoon );
InjectHook(0x53C5D6, SunAndMoonFarClip);
Patch<const void*>(0x6FCDDA, &fSunFarClip);
if ( !bSARender )
// Twopass rendering (experimental)
Patch<const void*>(0x734A09, MovingPropellerRender);
Patch<const void*>(0x734957, MovingPropellerRender);
Patch(0x734C8E, RenderBigVehicleActomic);
// Weapons rendering
if ( !bOutfit )
InjectHook(0x5E8079, RenderWeapon);
InjectHook(0x733760, RenderWeaponPedsForPC, HookType::Jump);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"EnableScriptFixes", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
using namespace ScriptFixes;
// Gym glitch fix
Patch<WORD>(0x470B83, 0xCD8B);
Patch<DWORD>(0x470B8A, 0x8B04508B);
Patch<WORD>(0x470B8E, 0x9000);
Nop(0x470B90, 1);
InjectHook(0x470B85, &CRunningScript::GetDay_GymGlitch, HookType::Call);
// Basketball fix
InterceptCall( 0x5D20D0, TheScriptsLoad, TheScriptsLoad_BasketballFix );
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> wipeLocalVars = { 0x489A70, 0x489AF0 };
HookEach_SCMFixes(wipeLocalVars, InterceptCall);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SkipIntroSplashes", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
// Skip the damn intro splash
Patch<WORD>(AddressByRegion_11<DWORD>(0x749388), 0x62EB);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SmallSteamTexts", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
// We're on 1.01 - make texts smaller
Patch<const void*>(0x58CB57, &fSteamSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58CBDF, &fSteamSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58CC9E, &fSteamSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x58CB6D, &fSteamSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x58CBF5, &fSteamSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x58CCB4, &fSteamSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x4EA428, &fSteamRadioNamePosY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4EA372, &fSteamRadioNameSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4EA388, &fSteamRadioNameSizeX);
if ( int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"ColouredZoneNames", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption == 1 )
// Coloured zone names
Patch<WORD>(0x58B58E, 0x0E75);
Patch<WORD>(0x58B595, 0x0775);
InjectHook(0x58B5B4, &BlendGangColour);
else if ( INIoption == 0 )
Patch<BYTE>(0x58B57E, 0xEB);
// ImVehFt conflicts
if ( !bHasImVehFt )
// Lights
InjectHook(0x4C838C, LightMaterialsFix, HookType::Call);
// Flying components
InjectHook(0x59F950, &CObject::Render_Stub, HookType::Jump);
if ( !bHasImVehFt && !bSAMP )
// Properly random numberplates
DWORD* pVMT = *(DWORD**)0x4C767C;
Patch(&pVMT[7], &CVehicleModelInfo::Shutdown_Stub);
InjectHook(0x4C984D, &CVehicleModelInfo::SetCarCustomPlate);
InjectHook(0x6D7288, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_TextureCreate);
InjectHook(0x6D6D4C, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_BeforeRenderingStart);
InjectHook(0x6FE810, CCustomCarPlateMgr::SetupClumpAfterVehicleUpgrade, HookType::Jump);
Nop(0x6D6D47, 2);
// SSE conflicts
if ( moduleList.Get(L"shadows") == nullptr )
Patch<DWORD>(0x706E8C, 0x52909090);
InjectHook(0x706E92, &CShadowCamera::Update);
// Bigger streamed entity linked lists
// Increase only if they're not increased already
if ( *(DWORD*)0x5B9635 == 12000 )
Patch<DWORD>(0x5B9635, 15000);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5B9690, 15000);
// Read CCustomCarPlateMgr::GeneratePlateText from here
// to work fine with Deji's Custom Plate Format
// Albeit 1.01 obfuscates this function
CCustomCarPlateMgr::GeneratePlateText = (decltype(CCustomCarPlateMgr::GeneratePlateText))0x6FDDE0;
FLAUtils::Init( moduleList );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_Steam()
#ifdef NDEBUG
const int messageResult = MessageBoxW( nullptr, L"You're using a 3.0 executable which is no longer supported by SilentPatch!\n\n"
L"Since this is an old Steam EXE, by now you should have either downgraded to 1.0 or started using an up to date version. It is recommended to "
L"verify your game's cache on Steam and then downgrade it to 1.0. Do you want to continue?\n\n"
L"Pressing No will close the game. Press Yes to proceed to the game anyway.", L"SilentPatch", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING );
if (messageResult == IDNO)
return TRUE;
if ( !IsAlreadyRunning() )
using namespace Memory;
const HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle( nullptr );
std::unique_ptr<ScopedUnprotect::Unprotect> Protect = ScopedUnprotect::UnprotectSectionOrFullModule( hInstance, ".text" );
ScopedUnprotect::Section Protect2( hInstance, ".rdata" );
// Obtain a path to the ASI
wchar_t wcModulePath[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameW(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase), wcModulePath, _countof(wcModulePath) - 3); // Minus max required space for extension
PathRenameExtensionW(wcModulePath, L".ini");
const ModuleList moduleList;
bool bHasImVehFt = moduleList.Get(L"ImVehFt") != nullptr;
bool bSAMP = moduleList.Get(L"samp") != nullptr;
bool bSARender = moduleList.Get(L"SARender") != nullptr;
const bool bOutfit = moduleList.Get(L"outfit") != nullptr;
if ( bSAMP )
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SunSizeHack", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
// PS2 sun - more
static const double dSunMult = (1050.0 * 0.95) / 1500.0;
Patch<const void*>(0x734DF0, &dSunMult);
if ( !bSAMP )
ReadCall( 0x54E0B6, DoSunAndMoon );
InjectHook(0x54E0B6, SunAndMoonFarClip);
Patch<const void*>(0x734DEA, &fSunFarClip);
if ( !bSARender )
// Twopass rendering (experimental)
Patch<const void*>(0x76E230, MovingPropellerRender);
Patch<const void*>(0x76E160, MovingPropellerRender);
Patch(0x76E4F0, RenderBigVehicleActomic);
// Weapons rendering
if ( !bOutfit )
InjectHook(0x604DD9, RenderWeapon);
InjectHook(0x76D170, RenderWeaponPedsForPC, HookType::Jump);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"EnableScriptFixes", -1, wcModulePath) == 1 )
using namespace ScriptFixes;
// Gym glitch fix
Patch<WORD>(0x476C2A, 0xCD8B);
Patch<DWORD>(0x476C31, 0x408B088B);
Patch<WORD>(0x476C35, 0x9004);
Nop(0x476C37, 1);
InjectHook(0x476C2C, &CRunningScript::GetDay_GymGlitch, HookType::Call);
// Basketball fix
InterceptCall( 0x5EE017, TheScriptsLoad, TheScriptsLoad_BasketballFix );
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> wipeLocalVars = { 0x4907AE, 0x49072E };
HookEach_SCMFixes(wipeLocalVars, InterceptCall);
if ( GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SmallSteamTexts", -1, wcModulePath) == 0 )
// We're on Steam - make texts bigger
Patch<const void*>(0x59A719, &dRetailSubtitleSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x59A7B7, &dRetailSubtitleSizeY2);
Patch<const void*>(0x59A8A1, &dRetailSubtitleSizeY2);
Patch<const void*>(0x59A737, &dRetailSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x59A7D5, &dRetailSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x59A8BF, &dRetailSubtitleSizeX);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F5A71, &dRetailRadioNamePosY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F59A1, &dRetailRadioNameSizeY);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F59BF, &dRetailRadioNameSizeX);
if ( int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"ColouredZoneNames", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption == 1 )
// Coloured zone names
Patch<WORD>(0x598F65, 0x0C75);
Patch<WORD>(0x598F6B, 0x0675);
InjectHook(0x598F87, &BlendGangColour);
else if ( INIoption == 0 )
Patch<BYTE>(0x598F56, 0xEB);
// ImVehFt conflicts
if ( !bHasImVehFt )
// Lights
InjectHook(0x4D2C06, LightMaterialsFix, HookType::Call);
// Flying components
InjectHook(0x5B80E0, &CObject::Render_Stub, HookType::Jump);
// Cars getting dirty
// Only 1.0 and Steam
InjectHook( 0x5F2580, RemapDirt, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook(0x4D3F4D, &CVehicleModelInfo::FindEditableMaterialList, HookType::Call);
Patch<DWORD>(0x4D3F52, 0x0FEBCE8B);
if ( !bHasImVehFt && !bSAMP )
// Properly random numberplates
DWORD* pVMT = *(DWORD**)0x4D1E9A;
Patch(&pVMT[7], &CVehicleModelInfo::Shutdown_Stub);
InjectHook(0x4D3F65, &CVehicleModelInfo::SetCarCustomPlate);
InjectHook(0x711F28, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_TextureCreate);
InjectHook(0x71194D, &CVehicle::CustomCarPlate_BeforeRenderingStart);
InjectHook(0x736BD0, CCustomCarPlateMgr::SetupClumpAfterVehicleUpgrade, HookType::Jump);
Nop(0x711948, 2);
// SSE conflicts
if ( moduleList.Get(L"shadows") == nullptr )
Patch<DWORD>(0x74A864, 0x52909090);
InjectHook(0x74A86A, &CShadowCamera::Update);
// Bigger streamed entity linked lists
// Increase only if they're not increased already
if ( *(DWORD*)0x5D5780 == 12000 )
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D5720, 1250);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5D5780, 15000);
// Read CCustomCarPlateMgr::GeneratePlateText from here
// to work fine with Deji's Custom Plate Format
ReadCall( 0x4D3DA4, CCustomCarPlateMgr::GeneratePlateText );
FLAUtils::Init( moduleList );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL InjectDelayedPatches_NewBinaries()
if ( !IsAlreadyRunning() )
using namespace Memory;
using namespace hook::txn;
const HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle( nullptr );
std::unique_ptr<ScopedUnprotect::Unprotect> Protect = ScopedUnprotect::UnprotectSectionOrFullModule( hInstance, ".text" );
ScopedUnprotect::Section Protect2( hInstance, ".rdata" );
// Obtain a path to the ASI
wchar_t wcModulePath[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameW(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase), wcModulePath, _countof(wcModulePath) - 3); // Minus max required space for extension
PathRenameExtensionW(wcModulePath, L".ini");
const bool bHasDebugMenu = DebugMenuLoad();
auto PatchDouble = [](double** address, const double*& org, double& replaced)
org = *address;
Patch(address, &replaced);
// Race condition in CdStream fixed
// Not taking effect with modloader
//if ( !ModCompat::ModloaderCdStreamRaceConditionAware( modloaderModule ) )
// Don't patch if old FLA and enhanced IMGs are in place
// For new FLA, we patch everything except CdStreamThread and then interop with FLA
constexpr bool flaBugAware = false;
constexpr bool usesEnhancedImages = false;
if constexpr ( !usesEnhancedImages || flaBugAware ) try
void* initThread = get_pattern( "74 14 81 25 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C7 05", 0x16 );
auto cdStreamSync = pattern( "8B 0D ? ? ? ? 8D 04 40 03 C0" ).get_one(); // 0x4064E6
auto cdStreamInitThread = pattern( "6A 00 6A 02 6A 00 6A 00 FF D3" ).get_one();
auto cdStreamShutdown = pattern( "8B 4C 07 14" ).get_one();
ReadCall( initThread, CdStreamSync::orgCdStreamInitThread );
InjectHook( initThread, CdStreamSync::CdStreamInitThread );
Patch( cdStreamSync.get<void>( 0x18 ), { 0x56, 0xFF, 0x15 } );
Patch( cdStreamSync.get<void>( 0x18 + 3 ), &CdStreamSync::CdStreamSyncOnObject );
Patch( cdStreamSync.get<void>( 0x18 + 3 + 4 ), { 0x5E, 0x5D, 0xC3 } ); // pop ebp / retn
Patch( cdStreamSync.get<void>( 0x5E + 2 ), &CdStreamSync::pGetOverlappedResult );
Patch( cdStreamSync.get<void>( 0x5E + 6 ), { 0x5E, 0x5D, 0xC3 } ); // pop esi / pop ebp / retn
if constexpr ( !usesEnhancedImages ) try
auto cdStreamThread = pattern( "C7 46 04 00 00 00 00 8A 4E 0D" ).get_one();
Patch( cdStreamThread.get<void>(), { 0x56, 0xFF, 0x15 } );
Patch( cdStreamThread.get<void>( 3 ), &CdStreamSync::CdStreamThreadOnObject );
Patch( cdStreamThread.get<void>( 3 + 4 ), { 0xEB, 0x17 } );
Patch( cdStreamInitThread.get<void>(), { 0xFF, 0x15 } );
Patch( cdStreamInitThread.get<void>( 2 ), &CdStreamSync::CdStreamInitializeSyncObject );
Nop( cdStreamInitThread.get<void>( 6 ), 4 );
Nop( cdStreamInitThread.get<void>( 0x16 ), 2 );
Patch( cdStreamShutdown.get<void>(), { 0x56, 0x50 } );
InjectHook( cdStreamShutdown.get<void>( 2 ), CdStreamSync::CdStreamShutdownSyncObject_Stub, HookType::Call );
// Fix some big messages staying on screen longer at high resolutions due to a cut sliding text feature
// Also since we're touching it, optionally allow to re-enable this feature.
if (const int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SlidingMissionTitleText", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption != -1) try
using namespace SlidingTextsScalingFixes;
pBigMessageX = *get_pattern<std::array<float, 6>*>("8D 4E EC D9 05 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04", 3 + 2);
std::array<void*, 1> slidingMessage1 = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 6A 00 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 10 8B E5"),
std::array<void*, 1> textWrapFix = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 6A 02 E8 ? ? ? ? 6A 03"),
BigMessageSlider<1>::bSlidingEnabled = INIoption != 0;
BigMessageSlider<1>::HookEach_PrintString(slidingMessage1, InterceptCall);
BigMessageSlider<1>::HookEach_RightJustifyWrap(textWrapFix, InterceptCall);
if (bHasDebugMenu)
DebugMenuAddVar("SilentPatch", "Sliding mission title text", &BigMessageSlider<1>::bSlidingEnabled, nullptr);
if (const int INIoption = GetPrivateProfileIntW(L"SilentPatch", L"SlidingOddJobText", -1, wcModulePath); INIoption != -1) try
using namespace SlidingTextsScalingFixes;
pOddJob2XOffset = *get_pattern<float*>("D9 05 ? ? ? ? DD 05 ? ? ? ? D8 F9", 2);
std::array<void*, 1> slidingOddJob2 = {
get_pattern("DB 45 08 D9 1C 24 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C 8B E5 5D C3", 6),
OddJob2Slider::bSlidingEnabled = INIoption != 0;
OddJob2Slider::HookEach_PrintString(slidingOddJob2, InterceptCall);
if (bHasDebugMenu)
DebugMenuAddVar("SilentPatch", "Sliding odd job text", &OddJob2Slider::bSlidingEnabled, nullptr);
// Fix Map screen boundaries and the cursor not scaling to resolution
// Debugged by Wesser
// Moved here for compatibility with wshps.asi
using namespace MapScreenScalingFixes;
// These two are entirely separate fixes
// Updated the pattern to also ensure this function's arguments are not changed by other mods
auto limitToMap = get_pattern("8D 45 F0 50 8B CA 51 E8 ? ? ? ? DB 05 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 1C", 7);
InterceptCall(limitToMap, orgLimitToMap_Scale, LimitToMap_Scale);
// Cursor X/Y scaling need to be done differently than in 1.0, as the game has one fld1 for width and one fld1 for height
auto scaleX = pattern("D9 E8 DC E9 D9 C9 D9 5D 94").get_one();
auto scaleY = pattern("D9 E8 DC E9 D9 C9 D9 5D B0").get_one();
Nop(scaleX.get<void>(), 1);
InjectHook(scaleX.get<void>(1), ScaleX_NewBinaries, HookType::Call);
Nop(scaleY.get<void>(), 1);
InjectHook(scaleY.get<void>(1), ScaleY_NewBinaries, HookType::Call);
// Fix text background padding not scaling to resolution
// Debugged by Wesser
// Moved here for compatibility with wshps.asi
using namespace TextRectPaddingScalingFixes;
auto processCurrentString = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? DD 05 ? ? ? ? 8B 4D 08");
// In new binaries, 4.0f is shared for width and height.
// Make height determine the scale, so it works nicer in widescreen.
auto paddingSize = pattern("DD 05 ? ? ? ? DC E9 D9 C9 D9 19").count(2);
std::array<double**, 3> paddingYSizes = {
get_pattern<double*>("D8 CA DD 05 ? ? ? ? DC C1", 2 + 2),
HookEach_PaddingYSize_Double(paddingYSizes, PatchDouble);
InterceptCall(processCurrentString, orgProcessCurrentString, ProcessCurrentString_Scale_NewBinaries<paddingYSizes.size()>);
// Fix credits not scaling to resolution
// Moved here for compatibility with wshps.asi
using namespace CreditsScalingFixes;
// Verify wshps.asi isn't already patching the credits
(void)get_pattern("DE C2 D9 45 18 DE EA", 1);
std::array<void*, 2> creditPrintString = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C 80 7D 1C 00"),
get_pattern("D9 1C 24 E8 ? ? ? ? DD 05 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C 5E", 3),
auto setScale = get_pattern("D9 1C 24 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 08 68 FF 00 00 00 6A 00 6A 00 6A 00", 3);
// Fix the credits cutting off on the bottom early, they don't do that in III
// but it regressed in VC and SA
auto positionOffset = get_pattern("DE C2 D9 45 18 DE EA D9 C9 D9 5D 14 D9 05", 12 + 2);
// As we now scale everything on PrintString time, the resolution height checks need to be unscaled.
void* resHeightScales[] = {
get_pattern("DB 05 ? ? ? ? 57 8B 7D 14", 2),
get_pattern("A1 ? ? ? ? 03 45 FC 89 45 F4", 1)
static const float topMargin = 1.0f;
Patch(positionOffset, &topMargin);
HookEach_PrintString(creditPrintString, InterceptCall);
InterceptCall(setScale, orgSetScale, SetScale_ScaleToRes);
for (void* addr : resHeightScales)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static char aNoDesktopMode[64];
void Patch_SA_10(HINSTANCE hInstance)
using namespace Memory;
auto PatchFloat = [](float** address, const float*& org, float& replaced)
org = *address;
Patch(address, &replaced);
// IsAlreadyRunning needs to be read relatively late - the later, the better
const uintptr_t pIsAlreadyRunning = AddressByRegion_10<uintptr_t>(0x74872D);
ReadCall( pIsAlreadyRunning, IsAlreadyRunning );
InjectHook(pIsAlreadyRunning, InjectDelayedPatches_10);
// Newsteam crash fix
pDirect = *(RpLight***)0x5BA573;
DarkVehiclesFix1_JumpBack = AddressByRegion_10<void*>(0x756D90);
// (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter
uintptr_t pAddress = AddressByRegion_10<uintptr_t>(0x748D9B);
ReadCall( pAddress, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook(pAddress, NewFrameRender);
InjectHook(AddressByRegion_10<uintptr_t>(0x748D1F), GetTimeSinceLastFrame);
// Set CAEDataStream to use an old structure
//Patch<BYTE>(0x5D7265, 0xEB);
// Heli rotors
InjectHook(0x6CAB70, &CPlane::Render_Stub, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x6C4400, &CHeli::Render_Stub, HookType::Jump);
// Boats
/*Patch<BYTE>(0x4C79DF, 0x19);
Patch<DWORD>(0x733A87, EXPAND_BOAT_ALPHA_ATOMIC_LISTS * sizeof(AlphaObjectInfo));
Patch<DWORD>(0x733AD7, EXPAND_BOAT_ALPHA_ATOMIC_LISTS * sizeof(AlphaObjectInfo));*/
// Fixed strafing? Hopefully
/*static const float fStrafeCheck = 0.1f;
Patch<const void*>(0x61E0C2, &fStrafeCheck);
Nop(0x61E0CA, 6);*/
// RefFix
static const float fRefZVal = 1.0f;
static const float* const pRefFal = &fRefZVal;
Patch<const void*>(0x6FB97A, &pRefFal);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FB9A0, 0);
// Plane rotors
InjectHook(0x4C7981, PlaneAtomicRendererSetup, HookType::Jump);
Patch<WORD>(0x4C9290, 0xE281);
// A fix for DOUBLE_RWHEELS trailers
InjectHook(0x4C9223, TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4C92F4, TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix2, HookType::Jump);
// No framedelay
Patch<WORD>(0x53E923, 0x43EB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x53E99F, 0x10);
Nop(0x53E9A5, 1);
// Disable re-initialization of DirectInput mouse device by the game
Patch<BYTE>(0x576CCC, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x576EBA, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x576F8A, 0xEB);
// Make sure DirectInput mouse device is set non-exclusive (may not be needed?)
Patch<DWORD>(AddressByRegion_10<DWORD>(0x7469A0), 0x9090C030);
// Hunter interior & static_rotor for helis
InjectHook(0x4C78F2, HunterTest, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4C9618, CacheCRC32);
// Fixed blown up car rendering
// ONLY 1.0
InjectHook(0x5D993F, DarkVehiclesFix1);
InjectHook(0x5D9A74, DarkVehiclesFix2, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x5D9B44, DarkVehiclesFix3, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x5D9CB2, DarkVehiclesFix4, HookType::Jump);
// Bindable NUM5
// Only 1.0 and Steam
Nop(0x57DC55, 2);
//Patch<DWORD>(0x733B05, 40);
//Patch<DWORD>(0x733B55, 40);
//Patch<BYTE>(0x5B3ADD, 4);
// Lightbeam fix
// We need to check for presence of old lightbeam fix - first validate everything old SP did
if ( MemEquals( 0x6A2E95, { 0xFF, 0x52, 0x20 } ) &&
MemEquals( 0x6E0F63, { 0xA1 } ) &&
MemEquals( 0x6E0F7C, { 0x8B, 0x15 } ) &&
MemEquals( 0x6E0F95, { 0x8B, 0x0D } ) &&
MemEquals( 0x6E0FAF, { 0xA1 } ) &&
MemEquals( 0x6E13D5, { 0xA1 } ) &&
MemEquals( 0x6E13ED, { 0x8B, 0x15 } ) &&
MemEquals( 0x6E141F, { 0xA1 } )
using namespace LightbeamFix;
std::array<uintptr_t, 3> doHeadLightBeam = { 0x6A2EDA, 0x6A2EF2, 0x6BDE80 };
CVehicle::HookEach_DoHeadLightBeam(doHeadLightBeam, InterceptCall);
Patch( 0x6E0F37 + 2, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE>::PushStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E0F63 + 1, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATEZTESTENABLE>::PushStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E0F6F + 2, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE>::PushStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E0F7C + 2, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND>::PushStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E0F89 + 1, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND>::PushStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E0F95 + 2, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATESHADEMODE>::PushStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E0FAF + 1, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATECULLMODE>::PushStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E0FBB + 2, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATEALPHATESTFUNCTION>::PushStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E0FCB + 2, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATEALPHATESTFUNCTIONREF>::PushStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E13E0 + 2, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE>::PopStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E13ED + 2, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATEZTESTENABLE>::PopStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E13FA + 1, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND>::PopStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E1406 + 2, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND>::PopStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E1413 + 2, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE>::PopStatePPtr );
Patch( 0x6E141F + 1, &RenderStateWrapper<rwRENDERSTATECULLMODE>::PopStatePPtr );
// Debug override registered in delayed patches
hookedSuccessfully = true;
// PS2 SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nop(0x6FB17C, 3);
// Bigger alpha entity lists
// Unlocked widescreen resolutions
//Patch<DWORD>(0x745B71, 0x9090687D);
Patch<DWORD>(0x745B81, 0x9090587D);
Patch<DWORD>(0x74596C, 0x9090127D);
Nop(0x745970, 2);
//Nop(0x745B75, 2);
Nop(0x745B85, 2);
Nop(0x7459E1, 2);
// Heap corruption fix
Nop(0x5C25D3, 5);
// User Tracks fix
ReadCall( 0x4D9B66, SetVolume );
InjectHook(0x4D9B66, UserTracksFix);
InjectHook(0x4D9BB5, 0x4F2FD0);
// FLAC support
InjectHook(0x4F373D, LoadFLAC, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x57BEFE, FLACInit);
InjectHook(0x4F3787, CAEWaveDecoderInit);
Patch<WORD>(0x4F376A, 0x18EB);
//Patch<BYTE>(0x4F378F, sizeof(CAEWaveDecoder));
Patch<const void*>(0x4F3210, UserTrackExtensions);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F3241, &UserTrackExtensions->Codec);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F35E7, &UserTrackExtensions[1].Codec);
Patch<BYTE>(0x4F322D, sizeof(UserTrackExtensions));
// Impound garages working correctly
InjectHook(0x425179, 0x448990); // CGarages::IsPointWithinAnyGarage
InjectHook(0x425369, 0x448990); // CGarages::IsPointWithinAnyGarage
InjectHook(0x425411, 0x448990); // CGarages::IsPointWithinAnyGarage
// Impounding after busted works
Nop(0x443292, 5);
// Mouse rotates an airbone car only with Steer with Mouse option enabled
bool* bEnableMouseSteering = *(bool**)0x6AD7AD; // CVehicle::m_bEnableMouseSteering
Patch<bool*>(0x6B4EC0, bEnableMouseSteering);
Patch<bool*>(0x6CE827, bEnableMouseSteering);
// Patched CAutomobile::Fix
// misc_x parts don't get reset (Bandito fix), Towtruck's bouncing panel is not reset
Patch<WORD>(0x6A34C9, 0x5EEB);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3555, 0x5E5FCF8B);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3559, 0x448B5B5D);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A355D, 0x89644824);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3561, 5);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3565, 0x54C48300);
InjectHook(0x6A3569, &CAutomobile::Fix_SilentPatch, HookType::Jump);
// Patched CPlane::Fix
// Doors don't get reset (they can't get damaged anyway), bouncing panels DO reset
// but not on Vortex
Patch<BYTE>(0x6CABD0, 0xEB);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6CAC05, 0x5E5FCF8B);
InjectHook(0x6CAC09, &CPlane::Fix_SilentPatch, HookType::Jump);
// Weapon icon fix (crosshairs mess up rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE)
// Only 1.0 and 1.01, Steam somehow fixed it (not the same way though)
Nop(0x58E210, 3);
Nop(0x58EAB7, 3);
Nop(0x58EAE1, 3);
// Zones fix
// Only 1.0 and Steam
InjectHook(0x572130, GetCurrentZoneLockedOrUnlocked, HookType::Jump);
// Bilinear filtering for license plates
//Patch<BYTE>(0x6FD528, rwFILTERLINEAR);
// -//- Roadsign maganer
//Patch<BYTE>(0x6FE147, rwFILTERLINEAR);
// Bilinear filtering with mipmaps for weapon icons
// Directional multiplier value from timecyc.dat properly using floats
Patch<WORD>(0x5BBFC9, 0x14EB);
// Directional multiplier defaults to 1.0f
Patch( 0x5BBB04, { 0xC7, 0x84, 0x24, 0xCC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x3F, 0x90 } );
// All lights get casted at vehicles
Patch<BYTE>(0x5D9A88, 8);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5D9A91, 8);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5D9F1F, 8);
// 6 extra directionals on Medium and higher
// push eax
// call GetMaxExtraDirectionals
// add esp, 4
// mov ebx, eax
// nop
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x735881, 0x50 );
InjectHook( 0x735881 + 1, GetMaxExtraDirectionals, HookType::Call );
Patch( 0x735881 + 6, { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04, 0x8B, 0xD8 } );
Nop( 0x735881 + 11, 3 );
// Default resolution to native resolution
const auto [width, height] = GetDesktopResolution();
sprintf_s(aNoDesktopMode, "Cannot find %ux%ux32 video mode", width, height);
if (width != 0 && height != 0)
Patch<DWORD>(0x746363, width);
Patch<DWORD>(0x746368, height);
Patch<const char*>(0x7463C8, aNoDesktopMode);
// Corrected Map screen 1px issue
Patch<float>(0x575DE7, -0.5f);
Patch<float>(0x575DA7, -0.5f);
Patch<float>(0x575DAF, -0.5f);
Patch<float>(0x575D5C, -0.5f);
Patch<float>(0x575CDA, -0.5f);
Patch<float>(0x575D0C, -0.5f);
// Cars drive on water cheat
Patch<DWORD>(&(*(DWORD**)0x438513)[34], 0xE5FC92C3);
// No DirectPlay dependency
// mov eax, 0x900
Patch<BYTE>(AddressByRegion_10<DWORD>(0x74754A), 0xB8);
Patch<DWORD>(AddressByRegion_10<DWORD>(0x74754B), 0x900);
// SHGetFolderPath on User Files
InjectHook(0x744FB0, GetMyDocumentsPathSA, HookType::Jump);
// Fixed muzzleflash not showing from last bullet
// nop \ test al, al \ jz
Nop(0x61ECDC, 6);
Patch(0x61ECE2, { 0x84, 0xC0, 0x74 });
// Proper randomizations
using namespace ConsoleRandomness;
InjectHook(0x44E82E, rand31); // Missing ped paths
InjectHook(0x44ECEE, rand31); // Missing ped paths
InjectHook(0x666EA0, rand31); // Prostitutes
// Help boxes showing with big message
// Game seems to assume they can show together
Nop(0x58BA8F, 6);
// Fixed lens flare
Patch<DWORD>(0x70F45A, 0); // TODO: Is this needed?
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FB621, 0xC3); // nop CSprite::FlushSpriteBuffer
// Add CSprite::FlushSpriteBuffer, jmp loc_6FB605 at the bottom of the function
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FB600, 0x21);
InjectHook(0x6FB622, 0x70CF20, HookType::Call);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FB627, 0xDCEB);
// nop / mov eax, offset FlushLensSwitchZ
Patch<WORD>(0x6FB476, 0xB990);
Patch(0x6FB478, &FlushLensSwitchZ);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FB480, 0xD1FF);
Nop(0x6FB482, 1);
// nop / mov ecx, offset InitBufferSwitchZ
Patch<WORD>(0x6FAF28, 0xB990);
Patch(0x6FAF2A, &InitBufferSwitchZ);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FAF32, 0xD1FF);
Nop(0x6FAF34, 1);
// Y axis sensitivity fix
// By ThirteenAG
float* sens = *(float**)0x50F03C;
Patch<const void*>(0x50EB70 + 0x4D6 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x50F970 + 0x1B6 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x5105C0 + 0x666 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x511B50 + 0x2B8 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x521500 + 0xD8C + 0x2, sens);
// Don't lock mouse Y axis during fadeins
Patch<WORD>(0x50FBB4, 0x27EB);
Patch<WORD>(0x510512, 0xE990);
InjectHook(0x524071, 0x524139, HookType::Jump);
// Fixed mirrors crash
// TODO: Change when short jumps are supported
// test eax, eax / je 0727203 / add esp, 4
Patch( 0x7271CB, { 0x85, 0xC0, 0x74, 0x34, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04 } );
// Mirrors depth fix & bumped quality
InjectHook(0x72701D, CreateMirrorBuffers);
// Fixed MSAA options
using namespace MSAAFixes;
Patch<BYTE>(0x57D126, 0xEB);
Nop(0x57D0E8, 2);
Patch<BYTE>(AddressByRegion_10<BYTE*>(0x7F6C9B), 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(AddressByRegion_10<BYTE*>(0x7F60C6), 0xEB);
Patch(AddressByRegion_10<BYTE*>(0x7F6683), { 0x90, 0xE9 });
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> getMaxMultiSamplingLevels = { 0x57D136, 0x57D0EA };
HookEach_GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels(getMaxMultiSamplingLevels, InterceptCall);
std::array<uintptr_t, 4> setOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels = { 0x5744FD, 0x57D162, 0x57D2A6, 0x746350 };
HookEach_SetOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels(setOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels, InterceptCall);
Nop(0x57A0FC, 1);
InjectHook(0x57A0FD, MSAAText, HookType::Call);
// Fixed car collisions - car you're hitting gets proper damage now
InjectHook(0x5428EA, FixedCarDamage, HookType::Call);
// Car explosion crash with multimonitor
// Unitialized collision data breaking stencil shadows
using namespace UnitializedCollisionDataFix;
VP::InterceptCall(ModCompat::Utils::GetFunctionAddrIfRerouted(0x40F870) + 0x63, orgMemMgrMalloc, CollisionData_MallocAndInit);
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> newAndInit = {
ModCompat::Utils::GetFunctionAddrIfRerouted(0x40F740) + 0xC,
ModCompat::Utils::GetFunctionAddrIfRerouted(0x40F810) + 0xD,
HookEach_CollisionDataNew(newAndInit, InterceptCall);
// Crash when entering advanced display options on a dual monitor machine after:
// - starting game on primary monitor in maximum resolution, exiting,
// starting again in maximum resolution on secondary monitor.
// Secondary monitor maximum resolution had to be greater than maximum resolution of primary monitor.
// Not in 1.01
ReadCall( 0x745B1E, orgGetNumVideoModes );
InjectHook(0x745B1E, GetNumVideoModes_Store);
InjectHook(0x745A81, GetNumVideoModes_Retrieve);
// Fixed escalators crash
ReadCall( 0x7185B5, orgEscalatorsUpdate );
InjectHook(0x7185B5, UpdateEscalators);
InjectHook(0x71791F, &CEscalator::SwitchOffNoRemove);
// Don't allocate constant memory for stencil shadows every frame
InjectHook(0x711DD5, StencilShadowAlloc, HookType::Call);
Nop(0x711E0D, 3);
Patch(0x711DDA, { 0xEB, 0x2C });
Patch(0x711E5F, { 0x5F, 0x5D, 0xC3 }); // pop edi, pop ebp, ret
// "Streaming memory bug" fix
InjectHook(0x4C51A9, GTARtAnimInterpolatorSetCurrentAnim);
// Fixed ammo for melee weapons in cheats
Patch<BYTE>(0x43890B+1, 1); // knife
Patch<BYTE>(0x4389F8+1, 1); // knife
Patch<BYTE>(0x438B9F+1, 1); // chainsaw
Patch<BYTE>(0x438C58+1, 1); // chainsaw
Patch<BYTE>(0x4395C8+1, 1); // parachute
Patch<BYTE>(0x439F1F, 0x53); // katana
Patch<WORD>(0x439F20, 0x016A);
// Fixed police scanner names
char* pScannerNames = *(char**)0x4E72D4;
strcpy_s(pScannerNames + (8*113), 8, "WESTP");
strcpy_s(pScannerNames + (8*134), 8, "????");
// AI accuracy issue
Nop(0x73B3AE, 1);
InjectHook( 0x73B3AE + 1, WeaponRangeMult_VehicleCheck, HookType::Call );
// New timers fix
InjectHook( 0x561C32, asmTimers_ftol_PauseMode );
InjectHook( 0x561902, asmTimers_ftol_NonClipped );
InjectHook( 0x56191A, asmTimers_ftol );
InjectHook( 0x46A036, asmTimers_SCMdelta );
// Don't catch WM_SYSKEYDOWN and WM_SYSKEYUP (fixes Alt+F4)
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x748220), AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x748446), HookType::Jump );
Patch<uint8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x7481E3), 0x5C ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<uint8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x7481EA), 0x53 ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<uint8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x74820D), 0xFB ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<int8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x7481EF), 0x54-0x3C ); // use stack space for new lParam
Patch<int8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x748200), 0x4C-0x3C ); // use stack space for new lParam
Patch<int8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x748214), 0x4C-0x3C ); // use stack space for new lParam
InjectHook( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x74826A), AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x748446), HookType::Jump );
Patch<uint8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x74822D), 0x5C ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<uint8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x748234), 0x53 ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<uint8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x748257), 0xFB ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<int8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x748239), 0x54-0x3C ); // use stack space for new lParam
Patch<int8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x74824A), 0x4C-0x3C ); // use stack space for new lParam
Patch<int8_t>( AddressByRegion_10<int>(0x74825E), 0x4C-0x3C ); // use stack space for new lParam
// FuckCarCompletely not fixing panels
Nop(0x6C268D, 3);
// 014C cargen counter fix (by spaceeinstein)
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x06F3E2C + 1, 0xBF ); // movzx ecx, ax -> movsx ecx, ax
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x6F3E32, 0x74 ); // jge -> jz
// Linear filtering on script sprites
ReadCall( 0x58C092, orgDrawScriptSpritesAndRectangles );
InjectHook( 0x58C092, DrawScriptSpritesAndRectangles );
// Properly initialize all CVehicleModelInfo fields
InterceptCall(0x4C7633, orgVehicleModelInfoInit, VehicleModelInfoInit);
// Animated Phoenix hood scoop
auto* automobilePreRender = (*(decltype(CAutomobile::orgAutomobilePreRender<0>)**)(0x6B0AD2 + 2)) + 17;
CAutomobile::orgAutomobilePreRender<0> = *automobilePreRender;
Patch(automobilePreRender, &CAutomobile::PreRender_SilentPatch<0>);
std::array<uintptr_t, 3> preRender = { 0x6C7E7A, 0x6CEAEC, 0x6CFADC };
CAutomobile::HookEach_PreRender(preRender, InterceptCall);
// Extra animations for planes
auto* planePreRender = (*(decltype(CPlane::orgPlanePreRender)**)(0x6C8E5A + 2)) + 17;
CPlane::orgPlanePreRender = *planePreRender;
Patch(planePreRender, &CPlane::PreRender_Stub);
// Stop BF Injection/Bandito/Hotknife rotating engine components when engine is off
Patch<const void*>(0x6AC2BE + 2, &CAutomobile::ms_engineCompSpeed);
Patch<const void*>(0x6ACB91 + 2, &CAutomobile::ms_engineCompSpeed);
// Make freeing temp objects more aggressive to fix vending crash
InjectHook( 0x5A1840, CObject::TryToFreeUpTempObjects_SilentPatch, HookType::Jump );
// Remove FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING from CdStreams
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x406BC6, 0xEB );
// Proper metric-imperial conversion constants
static const float METERS_TO_FEET = 3.280839895f;
Patch<const void*>( 0x55942F + 2, &METERS_TO_FEET );
Patch<const void*>( 0x55AA96 + 2, &METERS_TO_FEET );
// Fixed impounding of random vehicles (because CVehicle::~CVehicle doesn't remove cars from apCarsToKeep)
ReadCall( 0x6E2B6E, orgRecordVehicleDeleted );
InjectHook( 0x6E2B6E, RecordVehicleDeleted_AndRemoveFromVehicleList );
// Don't include an extra D3DLIGHT on vehicles since we fixed directional already
// By aap
Patch<float>(0x5D88D1 + 6, 0);
Patch<float>(0x5D88DB + 6, 0);
Patch<float>(0x5D88E5 + 6, 0);
Patch<float>(0x5D88F9 + 6, 0);
Patch<float>(0x5D8903 + 6, 0);
Patch<float>(0x5D890D + 6, 0);
// Fixed CAEAudioUtility timers - not typecasting to float so we're not losing precision after X days of PC uptime
// Also fixed integer division by zero
Patch( 0x5B9868 + 2, &pAudioUtilsFrequency );
InjectHook( 0x5B9886, AudioUtilsGetStartTime );
InjectHook( 0x4D9E80, AudioUtilsGetCurrentTimeInMs, HookType::Jump );
// Car generators placed in interiors visible everywhere
InjectHook( 0x6F3B30, &CEntity::SetPositionAndAreaCode );
// Fixed bomb ownership/bombs saving for bikes
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> restoreCar = {
ModCompat::Utils::GetFunctionAddrIfRerouted(0x448550) + 0x1A,
ModCompat::Utils::GetFunctionAddrIfRerouted(0x4485C0) + 0x1B,
CStoredCar::HookEach_RestoreCar(restoreCar, VP::InterceptCall);
// unnamed CdStream semaphore
Patch( 0x406945, { 0x6A, 0x00 } ); // push 0 \ nop
Nop( 0x406945 + 2, 3 );
// Correct streaming when using RC vehicles
InjectHook( 0x55574B, FindPlayerEntityWithRC );
InjectHook( 0x5557C3, FindPlayerVehicle_RCWrap );
// TODO: Verify this fix, might be causing crashes atm and too risky to include
#if 0
// Fixed CPlayerInfo assignment operator
InjectHook( 0x45DEF0, &CPlayerInfo::operator=, HookType::Jump );
// Fixed triangle above recruitable peds' heads
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x60BC52 + 2, 8 ); // GANG2
// Credits =)
ReadCall( 0x5AF87A, Credits::PrintCreditText );
ReadCall( 0x5AF8A4, Credits::PrintCreditText_Hooked );
InjectHook( 0x5AF8A4, Credits::PrintSPCredits );
// Fixed ammo from SCM
ReadCall( 0x47D335, CPed::orgGiveWeapon );
InjectHook( 0x47D335, &CPed::GiveWeapon_SP );
// Fixed bicycle on fire - instead of CJ being set on fire, bicycle's driver is
using namespace BicycleFire;
Patch( 0x53A984, { 0x90, 0x57 } ); // nop \ push edi
Patch( 0x53A9A7, { 0x90, 0x57 } ); // nop \ push edi
InjectHook( 0x53A984 + 2, GetVehicleDriver );
InjectHook( 0x53A9A7 + 2, GetVehicleDriver );
ReadCall( 0x53A990, CPlayerPed::orgDoStuffToGoOnFire );
InjectHook( 0x53A990, DoStuffToGoOnFire_NullAndPlayerCheck );
ReadCall( 0x53A9B7, CFireManager::orgStartFire );
InjectHook( 0x53A9B7, &CFireManager::StartFire_NullEntityCheck );
// Decreased keyboard input latency
using namespace KeyboardInputFix;
NewKeyState = *(void**)( 0x541E21 + 1 );
OldKeyState = *(void**)( 0x541E26 + 1 );
TempKeyState = *(void**)( 0x541E32 + 1 );
objSize = *(uint32_t*)( 0x541E1C + 1 ) * 4;
ReadCall( 0x541DEB, orgClearSimButtonPressCheckers );
// Only hook if this call takes to somewhere in gta_sa.exe, else bail out since it's been tampered with
if ( hInstance == ModCompat::Utils::GetModuleHandleFromAddress(orgClearSimButtonPressCheckers) )
InjectHook( 0x541DEB, ClearSimButtonPressCheckers );
Nop( 0x541E2B, 2 );
Nop( 0x541E3C, 2 );
// Fixed handling.cfg name matching (names don't need unique prefixes anymore)
using namespace HandlingNameLoadFix;
InjectHook( 0x6F4F58, strncpy_Fix );
InjectHook( 0x6F4F64, strncmp_Fix );
// Firela animations
using namespace FirelaHook;
UpdateMovingCollisionJmp = 0x6B200F;
HydraulicControlJmpBack = 0x6B1FBF + 10;
InjectHook( 0x6B1FBF, TestFirelaAndFlags, HookType::Jump );
FollowCarCamNoMovement = 0x52551E;
FollowCarCamJmpBack = 0x5254F6 + 6;
InjectHook( 0x5254F6, CamControlFirela, HookType::Jump );
// Double artict3 trailer
auto* trailerTowBarPos = (*(decltype(CTrailer::orgGetTowBarPos)**)(0x6D03FD + 2)) + 60;
CTrailer::orgGetTowBarPos = *trailerTowBarPos;
Patch(trailerTowBarPos, &CTrailer::GetTowBarPos_Stub);
// DFT-30 wheel, Sweeper brushes and other typos in hierarchy
using namespace HierarchyTypoFix;
InterceptCall(0x4C5311, orgStrcasecmp, strcasecmp);
// Tug tow bar (misc_b instead of misc_a
Nop( 0x6AF2CC, 1 );
InjectHook( 0x6AF2CC + 1, &CAutomobile::GetTowBarFrame, HookType::Call );
// Play passenger's voice lines when killing peds with car, not only when hitting them damages player's vehicle
InterceptCall(0x5F05CA, CEntity::orgGetColModel, &CVehicle::PlayPedHitSample_GetColModel);
// Prevent samples from playing where they used to, so passengers don't comment on gently pushing peds
InterceptCall(0x6A8298, CPed::orgSay, &CPed::Say_SampleBlackList<CONTEXT_GLOBAL_CAR_HIT_PED>);
// Reset variables on New Game
using namespace VariableResets;
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> reInitGameObjectVariables = { 0x53C6DB, 0x53C76D };
HookEach_ReInitGameObjectVariables(reInitGameObjectVariables, InterceptCall);
InterceptCall(0x5B89E4, orgLoadPickup, LoadPickup_SaveLine);
InterceptCall(0x5B89EE, orgLoadCarGenerator, LoadCarGenerator_SaveLine);
InterceptCall(0x5B89F9, orgLoadStuntJump, LoadStuntJump_SaveLine);
// Variables to reset
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(bool**)(0x63E8D8+1) ); // CPlayerPed::bHasDisplayedPlayerQuitEnterCarHelpText
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(bool**)(0x44AC97+1) ); // CGarages::RespraysAreFree
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(bool**)(0x44B49D+1) ); // CGarages::BombsAreFree
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(int**)(0x42131F + 2) ); // CCarCtrl::LastTimeFireTruckCreated
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(int**)(0x421319 + 2) ); // CCarCtrl::LastTimeAmbulanceCreated
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(int**)(0x55C843 + 1) ); // CStats::m_CycleSkillCounter
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(int**)(0x55CA39 + 1) ); // CStats::m_SwimUnderWaterCounter
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(int**)(0x55CF3E + 2) ); // CStats::m_WeaponCounter
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(int**)(0x55CF2A + 2) ); // CStats::m_LastWeaponTypeFired
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(int**)(0x55CFC1 + 1) ); // CStats::m_DeathCounter
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(int**)(0x55C5E5 + 1) ); // CStats::m_MaxHealthCounter
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(int**)(0x55D043 + 1) ); // CStats::m_AddToHealthCounter
// Non-zero inits still need to be done
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(TimeNextMadDriverChaseCreated_t<float>**)(0x421369 + 2) ); // CCarCtrl::TimeNextMadDriverChaseCreated
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(ResetToTrue_t**)(0x4758A4 + 2) ); // CGameLogic::bPenaltyForDeathApplies
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *(ResetToTrue_t**)(0x4758C4 + 1) ); // CGameLogic::bPenaltyForArrestApplies
// Don't clean the car BEFORE Pay 'n Spray doors close, as it gets cleaned later again anyway!
Nop( 0x44ACDC, 6 );
// Locale based metric/imperial system
using namespace Localization;
InjectHook( 0x56D220, IsMetric_LocaleBased, HookType::Jump );
// Fix paintjobs vanishing after opening/closing garage without rendering the car first
InjectHook( 0x6D0B70, &CVehicle::GetRemapIndex, HookType::Jump );
// Re-introduce corona rotation on PC, like it is in III/VC/SA PS2
using namespace CoronaRotationFix;
// Remove *= 20.0f from recipz to retrieve the original value for later
Nop( 0x6FB277, 6 );
ReadCall( 0x6FB2E6, orgRenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect );
InjectHook( 0x6FB2E6, RenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect_SilentPatch );
// Fixed static shadows not rendering under fire and pickups
using namespace StaticShadowAlphaFix;
ReadCall( 0x53E0C3, orgRenderStaticShadows );
InjectHook( 0x53E0C3, RenderStaticShadows_StateFix );
// Stored shadows conflict with SSE and are patched only when it's not installed
// Reset requested extras if created vehicle has no extras
// Fixes eg. lightless taxis
InjectHook( 0x4C97B1, CVehicleModelInfo::ResetCompsForNoExtras, HookType::Call );
Nop( 0x4C97B1 + 5, 9 );
// Allow extra6 to be picked with component rule 4 (any)
Patch<uint32_t>( 0x4C8010 + 4, 6 );
// Disallow moving cam up/down with mouse when looking back/left/right in vehicle
using namespace FollowCarMouseCamFix;
orgUseMouse3rdPerson = *(bool**)(0x525615 + 1);
Patch( 0x525615 + 1, &useMouseAndLooksForwards );
ReadCall( 0x5245E4, orgGetPad );
InjectHook( 0x5245E4, getPadAndSetFlag );
// Display stats in kg as floats (they pass a float and intend to display an integer)
Patch<const char*>( 0x55A954 + 1, "%.0fkg" );
Patch<const char*>( 0x5593E4 + 1, "%.0fkg" );
// Add wind animations when driving a Quadbike
// By Wesser
InjectHook(0x5E69BC, &CVehicle::IsOpenTopCarOrQuadbike, HookType::Call);
Nop(0x5E69BC + 5, 3);
// Tie handlebar movement to the stering animations on Quadbike, fixes odd animation interpolations at low speeds
// By Wesser
Nop(0x6B7932, 1);
InjectHook(0x6B7932+1, &QuadbikeHandlebarAnims::ProcessRiderAnims_FixInterp, HookType::Call);
// Disable the radio station change anim on boats where CJ stands upright
// By Wesser
using namespace UprightBoatRadioStationChange;
InterceptCall(0x6DF4F4, orgAnimManagerBlendAnimation, AnimManagerBlendAnimation_SkipIfBoatDrive);
// Fix a memory leak when taking photos
using namespace CameraMemoryLeakFix;
InjectHook(0x7453CE, psGrabScreen_UnlockAndReleaseSurface, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x7453D6, psGrabScreen_UnlockAndReleaseSurface, HookType::Jump);
// Fix crosshair issues when sniper rifle is quipped and a photo is taken by a gang member
// By Wesser
using namespace CameraCrosshairFix;
InterceptCall(0x58E842, orgGetWeaponInfo, GetWeaponInfo_OrCamera);
// Cancel the Drive By task of biker cops when losing the wanted level
using namespace BikerCopsDriveByFix;
// ModCompat::Utils::GetFunctionAddrIfRerouted won't work here, as the decrypted function is still
// slightly obfuscated compared to the compact EXE deobfuscation
bool HoodlumPatched = false;
if (*reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(0x41BFA0) == 0xE9)
// Since this function differs between EU and US Hoodlum, exceptionally use patterns
using namespace hook::txn;
uintptr_t backToCruisingIfNoWantedLevel_Obfuscated;
ReadCall(0x41BFA0, backToCruisingIfNoWantedLevel_Obfuscated);
if (ModCompat::Utils::GetModuleHandleFromAddress(backToCruisingIfNoWantedLevel_Obfuscated) == hInstance) try
auto joinCarWithRoadSystem = make_range_pattern(backToCruisingIfNoWantedLevel_Obfuscated, backToCruisingIfNoWantedLevel_Obfuscated + 0x100,
"56 E8 ? ? ? ? 8A 96 2D 04 00 00").get_first<void>(1);
VP::InterceptCall(joinCarWithRoadSystem, orgJoinCarWithRoadSystem, JoinCarWithRoadSystem_AbortDriveByTask);
HoodlumPatched = true;
if (!HoodlumPatched)
InterceptCall(0x41C00E, orgJoinCarWithRoadSystem, JoinCarWithRoadSystem_AbortDriveByTask);
// Fix miscolored racing checkpoints if no other marker was drawn before them
using namespace RacingCheckpointsRender;
InterceptCall(0x721520, orgRpClumpRender, RpClumpRender_SetLitFlag);
// Correct an improperly decrypted CPlayerPedData::operator= that broke gang recruiting after activating replays
// Only broken in the HOODLUM EXE and the compact EXE that carried over the bug
// By Wesser
using namespace PlayerPedDataAssignment;
uintptr_t placeToPatch = ModCompat::Utils::GetFunctionAddrIfRerouted(0x45C4B0) + 0x5D;
// If we're overwriting actual meaningful instructions and not NOPs, use a different wrapper
if (MemEquals(placeToPatch, { 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 }))
InjectHook(placeToPatch, AssignmentOp_Hoodlum, HookType::Call);
InjectHook(placeToPatch, AssignmentOp_Compact, HookType::Call);
Nop(placeToPatch + 5, 3);
// Delay destroying of cigarettes/bottles held by NPCs so it does not potentially corrupt the moving list
// CWorld::Process processes all entries in the moving list, calling ProcessControl on them.
// CPlayerPed::ProcessControl handles the gang recruitment which in turn can result in homies dropping cigarettes or bottles.
// When this happens, they are destroyed -immediately-. If those props are in the moving list right after the PlayerPed,
// this corrupts a pre-cached node->next pointer and references an already freed entity.
// To fix this, queue the entity for a delayed destruction instead of destroying immediately,
// and let it destroy itself in CWorld::Process later.
// or [esi+1Ch], 800h // bRemoveFromWorld
// (The entity reference is already cleared for us, no need to do it)
// jmp 5E03EC
Patch(0x5E03D4, { 0x81, 0x4E, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0xEB, 0x0F });
// Spawn lapdm1 (biker cop) correctly if the script requests one with PEDTYPE_COP
// By Wesser
using namespace GetCorrectPedModel_Lapdm1;
Patch(0x464FC8, &BikerCop_Retail);
// Only allow impounding cars and bikes (and their subclasses), as impounding helicopters, planes, boats makes no sense
using namespace RestrictImpoundVehicleTypes;
std::array<uint32_t, 2> isThisVehicleInteresting = { 0x566794, 0x56A378 };
HookEach_ShouldImpound(isThisVehicleInteresting, InterceptCall);
// Fix PlayerPed replay crashes
// 1. Crash when starting a mocap cutscene after playing a replay wearing different clothes to the ones CJ has currently
// 2. Crash when playing back a replay with a different motion group anim (fat/muscular/normal) than the current one
using namespace ReplayPlayerPedCrashFixes;
InterceptCall(0x45F060, orgRestoreStuffFromMem, RestoreStuffFromMem_RebuildPlayer);
bool HoodlumPatched = false;
if (*reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(0x45CEA0) == 0xE9)
// Since this function differs between EU and US Hoodlum, exceptionally use patterns
using namespace hook::txn;
uintptr_t DealWithNewPedPacket_Obfuscated;
ReadCall(0x45CEA0, DealWithNewPedPacket_Obfuscated);
if (ModCompat::Utils::GetModuleHandleFromAddress(DealWithNewPedPacket_Obfuscated) == hInstance) try
auto DealWithNewPedPacket = make_range_pattern(DealWithNewPedPacket_Obfuscated, DealWithNewPedPacket_Obfuscated + 0x200,
"6A 01 56 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 10").get_first<void>(3);
VP::InterceptCall(DealWithNewPedPacket, orgRebuildPlayer, RebuildPlayer_LoadAllMotionGroupAnims);
HoodlumPatched = true;
if (!HoodlumPatched)
InterceptCall(0x45CF87, orgRebuildPlayer, RebuildPlayer_LoadAllMotionGroupAnims);
// Fix planes spawning in places where they crash easily
using namespace FindPlaneCreationCoorsFix;
InterceptCall(0x6CD2B8, orgCheckCameraCollisionBuildings, CheckCameraCollisionBuildings_FixParams);
// Allow hovering on the Jetpack with Keyboard + Mouse controls
// Does not modify any other controls, only hovering
using namespace JetpackKeyboardControlsHover;
ProcessControlInput_DontHover = (void*)0x67ED33;
ProcessControlInput_Hover = (void*)0x67EDAF;
Nop(0x67ED2D, 1);
InjectHook(0x67ED2D + 1, &ProcessControlInput_HoverWithKeyboard, HookType::Jump);
ReadCall(0x67EDA6, orgGetLookBehindForCar);
// During riots, don't target the player group during missions
// Fixes recruited homies panicking during Los Desperados and other riot-time missions
using namespace RiotDontTargetPlayerGroupDuringMissions;
DontSkipTargetting = (void*)0x6CD54C;
SkipTargetting = (void*)0x6CD7F4;
InjectHook(0x6CD545, CheckIfInPlayerGroupAndOnAMission, HookType::Jump);
// Rescale light switching randomness in CVehicle::GetVehicleLightsStatus for PC the randomness range
// The original randomness was 50000 out of 65535, which is impossible to hit with PC's 32767 range
static const float LightStatusRandomnessThreshold = 1.0f / 25000.0f;
Patch<const void*>(0x6D5612 + 2, &LightStatusRandomnessThreshold);
// Fixed vehicles exploding twice if the driver leaves the car while it's exploding
using namespace RemoveDriverStatusFix;
Nop(0x6D1955, 2);
InjectHook(0x6D1955 + 2, RemoveDriver_SetStatus, HookType::Call);
InterceptCall(0x64C8CE, orgPrepareVehicleForPedExit, PrepareVehicleForPedExit_WreckedCheck);
// CVehicle::RemoveDriver already sets the status to STATUS_ABANDONED, these are redundant
Nop(0x48628D, 3);
Nop(0x647E21, 3);
// Fixed falling stars rendering black
using namespace ShootingStarsFix;
InterceptCall(0x714610, orgRwIm3DTransform, RwIm3DTransform_UnsetTexture);
// Enable directional lights on flying car components
using namespace LitFlyingComponents;
InterceptCall(0x6A8BBE, orgWorldAdd, WorldAdd_SetLightObjectFlag);
// Fix the logic behind exploding cars losing wheels
// Right now, they lose one wheel at random according to the damage manager, but they always lose the front left wheel visually.
// This change matches the visuals to the physics
// Also make it possible for the rear right wheel to be randomly picked
std::array<uint32_t, 4> spawnFlyingComponent = { 0x6B38CA, 0x6B3CCB, 0x6C6EBE, 0x6CCEF9 };
CAutomobile::HookEach_SpawnFlyingComponent(spawnFlyingComponent, InterceptCall);
Nop(0x6B38E4, 5);
Nop(0x6B3CF1, 5);
Nop(0x6C6ED8, 5);
Nop(0x6CCF17, 5);
static const float fRandomness = -4.0f;
Patch(0x6C25F5 + 2, &fRandomness);
// Make script randomness 16-bit, like on PS2
using namespace Rand16bit;
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> rands = { 0x4674FE, 0x467533 };
HookEach_Rand(rands, InterceptCall);
// Invert a CPed::IsAlive check in CTaskComplexEnterCar::CreateNextSubTask to avoid assigning
// CTaskComplexLeaveCarAndDie to alive drivers
// Fixes a bug where stealing the car from the passenger side while holding throttle and/or brake would kill the driver,
// or briefly resurrect them if they were already dead
Patch<uint8_t>(0x63F576, 0x75);
// Improved resolution selection dialog
using namespace NewResolutionSelectionDialog;
ppRWD3D9 = *AddressByRegion_10<IDirect3D9***>(0x7F6312 + 1);
FrontEndMenuManager = *(void**)(0x4054DB + 1);
orgGetDocumentsPath = AddressByRegion_10<char*(*)()>(0x744FB0);
Patch(AddressByRegion_10(0x746241 + 2), &pDialogBoxParamA_New);
Patch(AddressByRegion_10(0x745DB3 + 2), &pSetFocus_NOP);
InterceptCall(AddressByRegion_10(0x7461D8), orgRwEngineGetSubSystemInfo, RwEngineGetSubSystemInfo_GetFriendlyNames);
InterceptCall(AddressByRegion_10(0x7461ED), orgRwEngineGetCurrentSubSystem, RwEngineGetCurrentSubSystem_FromSettings);
// Fix some big messages staying on screen longer at high resolutions due to a cut sliding text feature
// Also since we're touching it, optionally allow to re-enable this feature.
using namespace SlidingTextsScalingFixes;
// "Unscale" text sliding thresholds, so texts don't stay on screen longer at high resolutions
Patch(0x58D2E9 + 1, &FIXED_RES_WIDTH_SCALE);
// Replace dword ptr [esp+0Ch+X], eax \ dword ptr [esp+0Ch+X]
// with a constant fld [620.0]
static const float f620 = FIXED_RES_WIDTH_SCALE - 20.0f;
Patch(0x58C90E, { 0x90, 0x90, 0xD9, 0x05 });
Patch(0x58C90E + 4, &f620);
// Fix post effects not scaling correctly
// Heat haze not rescaling after changing resolution
// Water ripple effect having too high wave frequency at higher resolutions
using namespace PostEffectsScalingFixes;
std::array<uintptr_t, 4> setCurrentVideoMode = { 0x574509, 0x57D096, 0x57D16E, 0x57D2B2 };
if (*(uint8_t*)0x701450 == 0xA1)
pHeatHazeFXTypeLast = *(int32_t**)(0x701450 + 1);
// Someone re-routed CPostEffects::HeatHazeFXInit and we can't read the variable, fall back to the 1.0 US address
pHeatHazeFXTypeLast = (int32_t*)0x8D50E4;
HookEach_SetCurrentVideoMode(setCurrentVideoMode, InterceptCall);
InterceptCall(0x745C7D, orgSetupBackBufferVertex, SetupBackBufferVertex_Nop);
InterceptCall(0x70529C, orgUnderWaterRipple, UnderWaterRipple_ScaleFrequency);
// Fix heat seeking and gamepad crosshairs not scaling to resolution
using namespace CrosshairScalingFixes;
std::array<uintptr_t, 6> renderRotateAspect = {
// Heat seeking missile crosshair
0x742EAF, 0x742F45, 0x743073, 0x74311D,
// Co-op in-car crosshair
0x743A0A, 0x743BD4,
// Triangular gamepad crosshairs - their size needs to scale to screen *height*
std::array<float**, 13> triangleSizes = {
// Co-op offscreen crosshair
(float**)(0x7436F1 + 2), (float**)(0x7436FF + 2), (float**)(0x74370D + 2), (float**)(0x74374B + 2),
(float**)(0x743797 + 2), (float**)(0x7437D0 + 2), (float**)(0x7437FB + 2), (float**)(0x743819 + 2),
(float**)(0x74386F + 2),
// Regular crosshair
(float**)(0x743212 + 2), (float**)(0x74321E + 2), (float**)(0x743259 + 2), (float**)(0x743266 + 2),
HookEach_RenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect(renderRotateAspect, InterceptCall);
InterceptCall(0x74318D, orgCalcScreenCoors, CalcScreenCoors_Recalculate<triangleSizes.size(), 0>);
HookEach_GamepadCrosshair(triangleSizes, PatchFloat);
// Fix nitrous recharging faster when reversing the car
// By Wesser
using namespace NitrousReverseRechargeFix;
Nop(0x6A407B, 1);
InjectHook(0x6A407B + 1, &NitrousControl_DontRechargeWhenReversing, HookType::Call);
// Fix Hydra's jet thrusters not displaying due to an uninitialized variable in RwMatrix
// By B1ack_Wh1te
using namespace JetThrustersFix;
std::array<uintptr_t, 4> matrixMult = { 0x6CA09F, 0x6CA122, 0x6CA1B2, 0x6CA242 };
HookEach_MatrixMultiply(matrixMult, InterceptCall);
// Test - full precision D3D device
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x7F672B+1, *(uint8_t*)(0x7F672B+1) | D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE );
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x7F6751+1, *(uint8_t*)(0x7F6751+1) | D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE );
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x7F6755+1, *(uint8_t*)(0x7F6755+1) | D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE );
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x7F6759+1, *(uint8_t*)(0x7F6759+1) | D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE );
void Patch_SA_11()
using namespace Memory;
// IsAlreadyRunning needs to be read relatively late - the later, the better
int pIsAlreadyRunning = AddressByRegion_11<int>(0x749000);
ReadCall( pIsAlreadyRunning, IsAlreadyRunning );
InjectHook(pIsAlreadyRunning, InjectDelayedPatches_11);
// (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter
int pAddress = AddressByRegion_11<int>(0x7496A0);
ReadCall( pAddress, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook(pAddress, NewFrameRender);
InjectHook(AddressByRegion_11<int>(0x749624), GetTimeSinceLastFrame);
// Set CAEDataStream to use a NEW structure
// Heli rotors
InjectHook(0x6CB390, &CPlane::Render_Stub, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x6C4C20, &CHeli::Render_Stub, HookType::Jump);
// RefFix
static const float fRefZVal = 1.0f;
static const float* const pRefFal = &fRefZVal;
Patch<const void*>(0x6FC1AA, &pRefFal);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FC1D0, 0);
// Plane rotors
InjectHook(0x4C7A01, PlaneAtomicRendererSetup, HookType::Jump);
Patch<WORD>(0x4C9490, 0xE281);
// A fix for DOUBLE_RWHEELS trailers
InjectHook(0x4C9423, TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4C94F4, TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix2, HookType::Jump);
// No framedelay
Patch<WORD>(0x53EDC3, 0x43EB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x53EE3F, 0x10);
Nop(0x53EE45, 1);
// Disable re-initialization of DirectInput mouse device by the game
Patch<BYTE>(0x57723C, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x57742A, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5774FA, 0xEB);
// Make sure DirectInput mouse device is set non-exclusive (may not be needed?)
Patch<DWORD>(AddressByRegion_11<DWORD>(0x747270), 0x9090C030);
// Hunter interior & static_rotor for helis
InjectHook(0x4C7972, HunterTest, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4C9818, CacheCRC32);
// Lightbeam fix
// Removed in Build 30 because the fix has been revisited
Nop(0x6A36B5, 3);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E1793, 0x0AEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E17AC, 0x0BEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E17C5, 0x0BEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E17DF, 0x1AEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E1C05, 0x09EB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E1C1D, 0x17EB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6E1C4F, 0x0AEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6E1810, 0x28);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6E1C5D, 0x18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6E180B, 0xC8-0x7C);
InjectHook(0x6A3717, ResetAlphaFuncRefAfterRender, HookType::Jump);
// PS2 SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nop(0x6FB9AC, 3);
// Unlocked widescreen resolutions
Patch<DWORD>(0x74619C, 0x9090127D);
Nop(0x7461A0, 2);
Nop(0x746222, 2);
if ( *(BYTE*)0x746333 == 0xE9 )
// securom'd EXE
// I better check if it's an address I want to patch, I don't want to break the game
if ( *(DWORD*)0x14E7387 == 0x00E48C0F )
VP::Patch<DWORD>(0x14E7387, 0x90905D7D);
VP::Nop(0x14E738B, 2);
// Sadly, this func is different in 1.01 - so I don't know the original offset
// Heap corruption fix
Patch<BYTE>(0x4A9D50, 0xC3);
// User Tracks fix
ReadCall( 0x4DA057, SetVolume );
InjectHook(0x4DA057, UserTracksFix);
InjectHook(0x4DA0A5, 0x4F3430);
// FLAC support
InjectHook(0x57C566, FLACInit);
if ( *(BYTE*)0x4F3A50 == 0x6A )
InjectHook(0x4F3A50 + 0x14D, LoadFLAC_11, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4F3A50 + 0x197, CAEWaveDecoderInit);
Patch<WORD>(0x4F3A50 + 0x17A, 0x18EB);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F3650 + 0x20, UserTrackExtensions);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F3650 + 0x51, &UserTrackExtensions->Codec);
Patch<const void*>(0x4F3A10 + 0x37, &UserTrackExtensions[1].Codec);
Patch<BYTE>(0x4F3650 + 0x3D, sizeof(UserTrackExtensions));
// securom'd EXE
InjectHook(0x5B6B7B, LoadFLAC_11, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x5B6BFB, CAEWaveDecoderInit, HookType::Jump);
Patch<WORD>(0x5B6BCB, 0x26EB);
if ( *(DWORD*)0x14E4954 == 0x05C70A75 )
VP::Patch<const void*>(0x14E4958, &UserTrackExtensions[1].Codec);
// Deobfuscating an opcode
Patch<BYTE>(0x4EBD25, 0xBF);
Patch<const void*>(0x4EBD26, UserTrackExtensions);
Patch<const void*>(0x4EBDD4, &UserTrackExtensions->Codec);
Patch<WORD>(0x4EBD2A, 0x72EB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x4EBDC0, sizeof(UserTrackExtensions));
// Impound garages working correctly
InjectHook(0x4251F9, 0x448A10);
InjectHook(0x4253E9, 0x448A10);
InjectHook(0x425491, 0x448A10);
// Impounding after busted works
Nop(0x443312, 5);
// Mouse rotates an airbone car only with Steer with Mouse option enabled
bool* bEnableMouseSteering = *(bool**)0x6ADFCD; // CVehicle::m_bEnableMouseSteering
Patch<bool*>(0x6B56E0, bEnableMouseSteering);
Patch<bool*>(0x6CF047, bEnableMouseSteering);
// Patched CAutomobile::Fix
// misc_x parts don't get reset (Bandito fix), Towtruck's bouncing panel is not reset
Patch<WORD>(0x6A3CE9, 0x5EEB);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3D75, 0x5E5FCF8B);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3D79, 0x448B5B5D);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3D7D, 0x89644824);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3D81, 5);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6A3D85, 0x54C48300);
InjectHook(0x6A3D89, &CAutomobile::Fix_SilentPatch, HookType::Jump);
// Patched CPlane::Fix
// Doors don't get reset (they can't get damaged anyway), bouncing panels DO reset
// but not on Vortex
Patch<BYTE>(0x6CB3F0, 0xEB);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6CB425, 0x5E5FCF8B);
InjectHook(0x6CB429, &CPlane::Fix_SilentPatch, HookType::Jump);
// Weapon icon fix (crosshairs mess up rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE)
// Only 1.0 and 1.01, Steam somehow fixed it (not the same way though)
Nop(0x58E9E0, 3);
Nop(0x58F287, 3);
Nop(0x58F2B1, 3);
// CGarages::RespraysAreFree resetting on new game
Patch<WORD>(0x448C58, 0x8966);
Patch<BYTE>(0x448C5A, 0x0D);
Patch<bool*>(0x448C5B, *(bool**)0x44AD18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x448C5F, 0xC3);
// Bilinear filtering for license plates
//Patch<BYTE>(0x6FD528, rwFILTERLINEAR);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FE777, rwFILTERLINEAR);
// -//- Roadsign maganer
//Patch<BYTE>(0x6FE147, rwFILTERLINEAR);
// Bilinear filtering with mipmaps for weapon icons
// Illumination value from timecyc.dat properly using floats
Patch<WORD>(0x5BC7A9, 0x14EB);
// Illumination defaults to 1.0
Patch<DWORD>(0x5BC2E4, 0xCC2484C7);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5BC2E8, 0x00000000);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5BC2EC, 0x903F8000);
// All lights get casted at vehicles
Patch<BYTE>(0x5DA297, 8);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5DA2A0, 8);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5DA73F, 8);
// 6 extra directionals on Medium and higher
// push eax
// call GetMaxExtraDirectionals
// add esp, 4
// mov ebx, eax
// nop
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x7360B1, 0x50 );
InjectHook( 0x7360B1 + 1, GetMaxExtraDirectionals, HookType::Call );
Patch( 0x7360B1 + 6, { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04, 0x8B, 0xD8 } );
Nop( 0x7360B1 + 11, 3 );
// Default resolution to native resolution
const auto [width, height] = GetDesktopResolution();
sprintf_s(aNoDesktopMode, "Cannot find %ux%ux32 video mode", width, height);
if (width != 0 && height != 0)
Patch<DWORD>(0x746BE3, width);
Patch<DWORD>(0x746BE8, height);
Patch<const char*>(0x746C48, aNoDesktopMode);
// Corrected Map screen 1px issue
Patch<float>(0x576357, -0.5f);
Patch<float>(0x576317, -0.5f);
Patch<float>(0x57631F, -0.5f);
Patch<float>(0x5762CC, -0.5f);
Patch<float>(0x57624A, -0.5f);
Patch<float>(0x57627C, -0.5f);
// Cars drive on water cheat
Patch<DWORD>(&(*(DWORD**)0x438593)[34], 0xE5FC92C3);
// No DirectPlay dependency
Patch<BYTE>(AddressByRegion_11<DWORD>(0x747E1A), 0xB8);
Patch<DWORD>(AddressByRegion_11<DWORD>(0x747E1B), 0x900);
// SHGetFolderPath on User Files
InjectHook(0x7457E0, GetMyDocumentsPathSA, HookType::Jump);
// Fixed muzzleflash not showing from last bullet
// nop \ test al, al \ jz
Nop(0x61F4FC, 6);
Patch(0x61F502, { 0x84, 0xC0, 0x74 });
// Proper randomizations
using namespace ConsoleRandomness;
InjectHook(0x44E8AE, rand31); // Missing ped paths
InjectHook(0x44ED6E, rand31); // Missing ped paths
InjectHook(0x6676C0, rand31); // Prostitutes
// Help boxes showing with big message
// Game seems to assume they can show together
Nop(0x58C25F, 6);
// Fixed lens flare
Patch<DWORD>(0x70FC8A, 0);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FBE51, 0xC3);
Patch<BYTE>(0x6FBE30, 0x21);
InjectHook(0x6FBE52, 0x70D750, HookType::Call);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FBE57, 0xDCEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FBCA6, 0xB990);
Patch(0x6FBCA8, &FlushLensSwitchZ);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FBCB0, 0xD1FF);
Nop(0x6FBCB2, 1);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FB758, 0xB990);
Patch(0x6FB75A, &InitBufferSwitchZ);
Patch<WORD>(0x6FB762, 0xD1FF);
Nop(0x6FB764, 1);
// Y axis sensitivity fix
float* sens = *(float**)0x50F4DC;
Patch<const void*>(0x50F4E6 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x50FFC6 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x5110C6 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x5122A8 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x52272C + 0x2, sens);
// Don't lock mouse Y axis during fadeins
Patch<WORD>(0x510054, 0x27EB);
Patch<WORD>(0x5109B2, 0xE990);
InjectHook(0x524511, 0x5245D9, HookType::Jump);
// Fixed mirrors crash
Patch( 0x7279FB, { 0x85, 0xC0, 0x74, 0x34, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04 } );
// Mirrors depth fix & bumped quality
InjectHook(0x72784D, CreateMirrorBuffers);
// Fixed MSAA options
using namespace MSAAFixes;
Patch<BYTE>(0x57D906, 0xEB);
Nop(0x57D8C8, 2);
Patch<BYTE>(AddressByRegion_11<BYTE*>(0x7F759B), 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(AddressByRegion_11<BYTE*>(0x7F69C6), 0xEB);
Patch(AddressByRegion_11<BYTE*>(0x7F6F83), { 0x90, 0xE9 });
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> getMaxMultiSamplingLevels = { 0x57D916, 0x57D8CA };
HookEach_GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels(getMaxMultiSamplingLevels, InterceptCall);
std::array<uintptr_t, 4> setOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels = { 0x574A6D, 0x57D942, 0x57DA86, 0x746BD0 };
HookEach_SetOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels(setOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels, InterceptCall);
Nop(0x57A66C, 1);
InjectHook(0x57A66D, MSAAText, HookType::Call);
// Fixed car collisions - car you're hitting gets proper damage now
InjectHook(0x542D8A, FixedCarDamage, HookType::Call);
// Car explosion crash with multimonitor
// Unitialized collision data breaking stencil shadows
// FUCK THIS IN 1.01
// Fixed escalators crash
// FUCK THIS IN 1.01
// Don't allocate constant memory for stencil shadows every frame
// FUCK THIS IN 1.01
// Fixed police scanner names
char* pScannerNames = *(char**)0x4E7714;
strcpy_s(pScannerNames + (8*113), 8, "WESTP");
strcpy_s(pScannerNames + (8*134), 8, "????");
// 1.01 ONLY
// I'm not sure what was this new audio code supposed to do, but it leaks memory
// and due to this I have to make extra effort if I want FLAC to work on 1.01
Patch<DWORD>(0x4E124C, 0x4DEBC78B);
void Patch_SA_Steam()
using namespace Memory;
// IsAlreadyRunning needs to be read relatively late - the later, the better
ReadCall( 0x7826ED, IsAlreadyRunning );
InjectHook(0x7826ED, InjectDelayedPatches_Steam);
// (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter
ReadCall( 0x782D25, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook(0x782D25, NewFrameRender);
InjectHook(0x782CA8, GetTimeSinceLastFrame);
// Set CAEDataStream to use an old structure
// Heli rotors
InjectHook(0x700620, &CPlane::Render_Stub, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x6F9550, &CHeli::Render_Stub, HookType::Jump);
// RefFix
static const float fRefZVal = 1.0f;
static const float* const pRefFal = &fRefZVal;
Patch<const void*>(0x733FF0, &pRefFal);
Patch<BYTE>(0x73401A, 0);
// Plane rotors
InjectHook(0x4D2270, PlaneAtomicRendererSetup, HookType::Jump);
Patch<WORD>(0x4D3B9D, 0x6781);
// A fix for DOUBLE_RWHEELS trailers
InjectHook(0x4D3B47, TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix_Steam, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4D3C1A, TrailerDoubleRWheelsFix2_Steam, HookType::Jump);
// No framedelay
Patch<WORD>(0x551113, 0x46EB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x551195, 0xC);
Nop(0x551197, 1);
// Disable re-initialization of DirectInput mouse device by the game
Patch<BYTE>(0x58C0E5, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x58C2CF, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x58C3B3, 0xEB);
// Make sure DirectInput mouse device is set non-exclusive (may not be needed?)
Patch<DWORD>(0x7807D0, 0x9090C030);
// Hunter interior & static_rotor for helis
InjectHook(0x4D21E1, HunterTest, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x4D3F1D, CacheCRC32);
// Bindable NUM5
// Only 1.0 and Steam
Nop(0x59363B, 2);
// Lightbeam fix
// Removed in Build 30 because the fix has been revisited
Patch<WORD>(0x6CFEF9, 0x10EB);
Nop(0x6CFF0F, 3);
Patch<WORD>(0x71D1F5, 0x0DEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x71D213, 0x0CEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x71D230, 0x0DEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x71D24D, 0x1FEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x71D72F, 0x0BEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x71D74B, 0x1BEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x71D785, 0x0CEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x71D284, 0x28);
Patch<BYTE>(0x71D795, 0x18);
Patch<BYTE>(0x71D27F, 0xD0-0x9C);
//InjectHook(0x6A2EDA, CullTest);
InjectHook(0x6CFF69, ResetAlphaFuncRefAfterRender_Steam, HookType::Jump);
// PS2 SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nop(0x73362F, 2);
// Unlocked widescreen resolutions
//Patch<WORD>(0x77F9F0, 0x6E7D);
Patch<WORD>(0x77F9FC, 0x627D);
Patch<DWORD>(0x77F80B, 0x9090127D);
Nop(0x77F80F, 2);
Nop(0x77F880, 2);
// Heap corruption fix
Nop(0x5D88AE, 5);
// User Tracks fix
SetVolume = reinterpret_cast<decltype(SetVolume)>(0x4E2750);
Patch<BYTE>(0x4E4A28, 0xBA);
Patch<const void*>(0x4E4A29, UserTracksFix_Steam);
InjectHook(0x4E4A8B, 0x4FF2B0);
// FLAC support
InjectHook(0x4FFC39, LoadFLAC_Steam, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(0x591814, FLACInit_Steam);
InjectHook(0x4FFC83, CAEWaveDecoderInit);
Patch<WORD>(0x4FFC66, 0x18EB);
Patch<const void*>(0x4FF4F0, UserTrackExtensions);
Patch<const void*>(0x4FF523, &UserTrackExtensions->Codec);
Patch<const void*>(0x4FFAB6, &UserTrackExtensions[1].Codec);
Patch<BYTE>(0x4FF50F, sizeof(UserTrackExtensions));
// Impound garages working correctly
InjectHook(0x426B48, 0x44C950);
InjectHook(0x426D16, 0x44C950);
InjectHook(0x426DC5, 0x44C950);
// Impounding after busted works
Nop(0x446F58, 5);
// Mouse rotates an airbone car only with Steer with Mouse option enabled
bool* bEnableMouseSteering = *(bool**)0x6DB76D; // CVehicle::m_bEnableMouseSteering
Patch<bool*>(0x6E3199, bEnableMouseSteering);
Patch<bool*>(0x7046AB, bEnableMouseSteering);
// Patched CAutomobile::Fix
// misc_x parts don't get reset (Bandito fix), Towtruck's bouncing panel is not reset
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D05B3, 0x6BEBED31);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D0649, 0x5E5FCF8B);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D064D, 0x448B5B5D);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D0651, 0x89644824);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D0655, 5);
Patch<DWORD>(0x6D0659, 0x54C48300);
InjectHook(0x6D065D, &CAutomobile::Fix_SilentPatch, HookType::Jump);
// Patched CPlane::Fix
// Doors don't get reset (they can't get damaged anyway), bouncing panels DO reset
// but not on Vortex
Patch<BYTE>(0x700681, 0xEB);
Patch<DWORD>(0x7006B6, 0x5E5FCF8B);
InjectHook(0x7006BA, &CPlane::Fix_SilentPatch, HookType::Jump);
// Zones fix
InjectHook(0x587080, GetCurrentZoneLockedOrUnlocked_Steam, HookType::Jump);
// CGarages::RespraysAreFree resetting on new game
Patch<WORD>(0x44CB55, 0xC766);
Patch<BYTE>(0x44CB57, 0x05);
Patch<bool*>(0x44CB58, *(bool**)0x44EEBA);
Patch<WORD>(0x44CB5C, 0x0000);
// Bilinear filtering for license plates
//Patch<BYTE>(0x6FD528, rwFILTERLINEAR);
Patch<BYTE>(0x736B30, rwFILTERLINEAR);
// -//- Roadsign maganer
//Patch<BYTE>(0x6FE147, rwFILTERLINEAR);
// Bilinear filtering with mipmaps for weapon icons
// Illumination value from timecyc.dat properly using floats
Patch<WORD>(0x5DAF6B, 0x2CEB);
// Illumination defaults to 1.0
Patch<DWORD>(0x5DA8D4, 0xD82484C7);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5DA8D8, 0x00000000);
Patch<DWORD>(0x5DA8DC, 0x903F8000);
// All lights get casted at vehicles
Patch<BYTE>(0x5F61C7, 8);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5F61D0, 8);
Patch<BYTE>(0x5F666D, 8);
// 6 extra directionals on Medium and higher
// push dword ptr [CGame::currArea]
// call GetMaxExtraDirectionals
// add esp, 4
// mov ebx, eax
// nop
Patch( 0x768046, { 0xFF, 0x35 } );
InjectHook( 0x768046 + 6, GetMaxExtraDirectionals, HookType::Call );
Patch( 0x768046 + 11, { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04, 0x8B, 0xD8 } );
Nop( 0x768046 + 16, 1 );
// Default resolution to native resolution
const auto [width, height] = GetDesktopResolution();
sprintf_s(aNoDesktopMode, "Cannot find %ux%ux32 video mode", width, height);
if (width != 0 && height != 0)
Patch<DWORD>(0x780219, width);
Patch<DWORD>(0x78021E, height);
Patch<const char*>(0x78027E, aNoDesktopMode);
// Corrected Map screen 1px issue
/*Patch<float>(0x575DE7, -5.0f);
Patch<float>(0x575DA7, -5.0f);
Patch<float>(0x575DAF, -5.0f);
Patch<float>(0x575D5C, -5.0f);
Patch<float>(0x575CDA, -5.0f);
Patch<float>(0x575D0C, -5.0f);*/
InjectHook(0x58B0F8, DrawRect_HalfPixel_Steam<true,false,false,true>);
InjectHook(0x58B146, DrawRect_HalfPixel_Steam<true,false,false,false>);
InjectHook(0x58B193, DrawRect_HalfPixel_Steam<true,false,false,true>);
InjectHook(0x58B1E1, DrawRect_HalfPixel_Steam<false,false,false,true>);
// Cars drive on water cheat
Patch<DWORD>(&(*(DWORD**)0x43B793)[34], 0xE5FC92C3);
// No DirectPlay dependency
Patch<BYTE>(0x781456, 0xB8);
Patch<DWORD>(0x781457, 0x900);
// SHGetFolderPath on User Files
InjectHook(0x77EDC0, GetMyDocumentsPathSA, HookType::Jump);
// Fixed muzzleflash not showing from last bullet
// REMOVED - the fix pointed at some unrelated instruction anyway? I think it never worked
// Proper randomizations
using namespace ConsoleRandomness;
InjectHook(0x452CCF, rand31); // Missing ped paths
InjectHook(0x45322C, rand31); // Missing ped paths
InjectHook(0x690263, rand31); // Prostitutes
// Help boxes showing with big message
// Game seems to assume they can show together
Nop(0x599CD3, 6);
// Fixed lens flare
Nop(0x733C65, 5);
Patch<BYTE>(0x733C4E, 0x26);
InjectHook(0x733C75, 0x7591E0, HookType::Call);
Patch<WORD>(0x733C7A, 0xDBEB);
Nop(0x733A5A, 4);
Patch<BYTE>(0x733A5E, 0xB8);
Patch(0x733A5F, &FlushLensSwitchZ);
Patch<DWORD>(0x7333B0, 0xB9909090);
Patch(0x7333B4, &InitBufferSwitchZ);
// Y axis sensitivity fix
float* sens = *(float**)0x51D4FA;
Patch<const void*>(0x51D508 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x51E25A + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x51F459 + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x52086A + 0x2, sens);
Patch<const void*>(0x532B9B + 0x2, sens);
// Don't lock mouse Y axis during fadeins
Patch<WORD>(0x51E192, 0x2BEB);
Patch<WORD>(0x51ED38, 0xE990);
InjectHook(0x534D3E, 0x534DF7, HookType::Jump);
// Fixed mirrors crash
Patch( 0x75903A, { 0x85, 0xC0, 0x74, 0x34, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04 } );
// Mirrors depth fix & bumped quality
InjectHook(0x758E91, CreateMirrorBuffers);
// Fixed MSAA options
using namespace MSAAFixes;
Patch<BYTE>(0x592BBB, 0xEB);
Nop(0x592B7F, 2);
Patch<BYTE>(0x830C5B, 0xEB);
Patch<BYTE>(0x830086, 0xEB);
Patch(0x830643, { 0x90, 0xE9 });
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> getMaxMultiSamplingLevels = { 0x592BCF, 0x592B81 };
HookEach_GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels(getMaxMultiSamplingLevels, InterceptCall);
std::array<uintptr_t, 4> setOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels = { 0x5897CD, 0x592BFB, 0x592D2E, 0x780206 };
HookEach_SetOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels(setOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels, InterceptCall);
Patch(0x58F88C, { 0x90, 0xBA });
Patch(0x58F88E, MSAAText);
// Fixed car collisions - car you're hitting gets proper damage now
Nop(0x555AB8, 2);
InjectHook(0x555AC0, FixedCarDamage_Steam, HookType::Call);
// Car explosion crash with multimonitor
// Unitialized collision data breaking stencil shadows
using namespace UnitializedCollisionDataFix;
InterceptCall(0x41A216, orgMemMgrMalloc, CollisionData_MallocAndInit);
std::array<uintptr_t, 2> newAndInit = { 0x41A07C, 0x41A159 };
HookEach_CollisionDataNew(newAndInit, InterceptCall);
// Crash when entering advanced display options on a dual monitor machine after:
// - starting game on primary monitor in maximum resolution, exiting,
// starting again in maximum resolution on secondary monitor.
// Secondary monitor maximum resolution had to be greater than maximum resolution of primary monitor.
// Not in 1.01
ReadCall( 0x77F99E, orgGetNumVideoModes );
InjectHook(0x77F99E, GetNumVideoModes_Store);
InjectHook(0x77F901, GetNumVideoModes_Retrieve);
// Fixed escalators crash
ReadCall( 0x739975, orgEscalatorsUpdate );
InjectHook(0x739975, UpdateEscalators);
InjectHook(0x738BBD, &CEscalator::SwitchOffNoRemove);
// Don't allocate constant memory for stencil shadows every frame
InjectHook(0x760795, StencilShadowAlloc, HookType::Call);
Nop(0x7607CD, 3);
Patch(0x76079A, { 0xEB, 0x2C });
Patch(0x76082C, { 0x5F, 0x5D, 0xC3 }); // pop edi, pop ebp, ret
// "Streaming memory bug" fix
InjectHook(0x4CF9E8, GTARtAnimInterpolatorSetCurrentAnim);
// Fixed ammo for melee weapons in cheats
Patch<BYTE>(0x43BB8B+1, 1); // knife
Patch<BYTE>(0x43BC78+1, 1); // knife
Patch<BYTE>(0x43BE1F+1, 1); // chainsaw
Patch<BYTE>(0x43BED8+1, 1); // chainsaw
Patch<BYTE>(0x43C868+1, 1); // parachute
Patch<BYTE>(0x43D24C, 0x53); // katana
Patch<WORD>(0x43D24D, 0x016A);
// AI accuracy issue
Nop(0x7738F5, 1);
InjectHook( 0x7738F5+1, WeaponRangeMult_VehicleCheck, HookType::Call );
// Don't catch WM_SYSKEYDOWN and WM_SYSKEYUP (fixes Alt+F4)
InjectHook( 0x7821E5, 0x7823FE, HookType::Jump );
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x7821A7 + 1, 0x5C ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x7821AF, 0x53 ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x7821D1 + 1, 0xFB ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<int8_t>( 0x7821B1 + 3, 0x54-0x2C ); // use stack space for new lParam
Patch<int8_t>( 0x7821C2 + 3, 0x4C-0x2C ); // use stack space for new lParam
Patch<int8_t>( 0x7821D6 + 3, 0x4C-0x2C ); // use stack space for new lParam
InjectHook( 0x78222F, 0x7823FE, HookType::Jump );
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x7821F1 + 1, 0x5C ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x7821F9, 0x53 ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x78221B + 1, 0xFB ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<int8_t>( 0x7821FB + 3, 0x54-0x2C ); // use stack space for new lParam
Patch<int8_t>( 0x78220C + 3, 0x4C-0x2C ); // use stack space for new lParam
Patch<int8_t>( 0x782220 + 3, 0x4C-0x2C ); // use stack space for new lParam
// FuckCarCompletely not fixing panels
Nop(0x6F5EC1, 3);
// 014C cargen counter fix (by spaceeinstein)
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x6F566D + 1, 0xBF ); // movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ah] -> movsx eax, word ptr [ebp+1Ah]
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x6F567E + 1, 0xBF ); // movzx ecx, ax -> movsx ecx, ax
Patch<uint8_t>( 0x6F3E32, 0x74 ); // jge -> jz
// Linear filtering on script sprites
ReadCall( 0x59A3F2, orgDrawScriptSpritesAndRectangles );
InjectHook( 0x59A3F2, DrawScriptSpritesAndRectangles );
// Fixed police scanner names
char* pScannerNames = *(char**)0x4F2B83;
strcpy_s(pScannerNames + (8*113), 8, "WESTP");
strcpy_s(pScannerNames + (8*134), 8, "????");
// Proper aspect ratios - why Rockstar, why?
// Steam aspect ratios were additionally divided by 1.1, producing a squashed image
static const float f43 = 4.0f/3.0f, f54 = 5.0f/4.0f, f169 = 16.0f/9.0f;
Patch<const void*>(0x73822B, &f169);
Patch<const void*>(0x738247, &f54);
Patch<const void*>(0x73825A, &f43);
// No IMG size check
Nop(0x406CD0, 7);
Nop(0x406D00, 7);
// Unlock 1.0/1.01 saves loading
InjectHook(0x5EDFD9, 0x5EE0FA, HookType::Jump);
void Patch_SA_NewBinaries_Common(HINSTANCE hInstance)
using namespace Memory;
using namespace hook::txn;
ScaleX = &ScalingInternals::ScaleX_Divisor;
ScaleY = &ScalingInternals::ScaleY_Divisor;
auto PatchFloat = [](float** address, const float*& org, float& replaced)
org = *address;
Patch(address, &replaced);
auto PatchDouble = [](double** address, const double*& org, double& replaced)
org = *address;
Patch(address, &replaced);
void* isAlreadyRunning = get_pattern( "85 C0 74 08 33 C0 8B E5 5D C2 10 00", -5 );
ReadCall( isAlreadyRunning, IsAlreadyRunning );
InjectHook(isAlreadyRunning, InjectDelayedPatches_NewBinaries);
// (Hopefully) more precise frame limiter
void* rsEventHandler = get_pattern( "83 C4 08 39 3D ? ? ? ? 75 23", -5 );
void* getTimeSinceLastFrame = get_pattern( "EB 7F E8 ? ? ? ? 89 45 08", 2 );
ReadCall( rsEventHandler, RsEventHandler );
InjectHook( rsEventHandler, NewFrameRender );
InjectHook( getTimeSinceLastFrame, GetTimeSinceLastFrame );
// No framedelay
auto framedelay_jmpSrc = get_pattern("83 EC 08 E8 ? ? ? ? E8", 3);
auto framedelay_jmpDest = get_pattern("33 D2 8B C6 F7 F1 A3", 11);
auto popEsi = pattern("83 C4 04 83 7D 08 00 5E").get_one();
InjectHook( framedelay_jmpSrc, framedelay_jmpDest, HookType::Jump );
Patch<BYTE>( popEsi.get<void>( 3 + 2 ), 0x4);
Nop( popEsi.get<void>( 3 + 4 ), 1 );
// Unlock 1.0/1.01 saves loading
auto sizeCheck = get_pattern( "0F 84 ? ? ? ? 8D 45 FC" );
Patch( sizeCheck, { 0x90, 0xE9 } ); // nop / jmp
// Old .set files working again
void* setFileSave = get_pattern( "C6 45 FD 5F", 0xE + 1 );
auto setCheckVersion1 = get_pattern( "83 7D F8 07", 3);
auto setCheckVersion2 = get_pattern( "83 C4 18 83 7D FC 07", 3 + 3);
static const DWORD dwSetVersion = 6;
Patch( setFileSave, &dwSetVersion );
Patch<BYTE>( setCheckVersion1, dwSetVersion );
Patch<BYTE>( setCheckVersion2, dwSetVersion );
// Disable re-initialization of DirectInput mouse device by the game
void* reinitMouse1 = get_pattern( "84 C0 ? 0F E8 ? ? ? ? 6A 01 E8", 2 );
auto reinitMouse2 = pattern( "84 C0 ? 0E E8 ? ? ? ? 53 E8" ).count(2);
void* diInitMouse = get_pattern( "6A 00 83 C1 1C", -3 );
Patch<BYTE>( reinitMouse1, 0xEB );
reinitMouse2.for_each_result( []( pattern_match match ) {
Patch<BYTE>( match.get<void>( 2 ), 0xEB );
// Make sure DirectInput mouse device is set non-exclusive (may not be needed?)
// nop / mov al, 1
Patch( diInitMouse, { 0x90, 0xB0, 0x01 } );
// Bindable NUM5
auto keys_exception_list = get_pattern("3D 08 04 00 00 74", 5);
Nop(keys_exception_list, 2);
// Unlocked widescreen resolutions
// Assume anybody could have changed those, so bail out if ANYTHING goes wrong
// However, all those patches are independent so try one by one
auto wsRes_jmpSrc = pattern( "81 F9 E0 01 00 00 7C").get_one();
auto wsRes1_jmpDest = pattern( "8B 45 EC 0F AF C2" ).get_one();
const uintptr_t jumpSource = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(wsRes_jmpSrc.get<void>( 6 + 2 ));
const uintptr_t jumpDestination = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(wsRes1_jmpDest.get<void>() );
const ptrdiff_t dist = jumpDestination - jumpSource;
// Can only do a short jump
if ( INT8_MIN <= dist && dist <= INT8_MAX )
// jnl 00B19C33
Patch( wsRes_jmpSrc.get<void>( 6 ), { 0x7D, static_cast<uint8_t>(dist) } );
auto wsRes2 = pattern( "0F 8C ? ? ? ? 81 7D ? ? ? ? ? 0F 8C" ).get_one();
Nop( wsRes2.get<void>(), 4 );
Patch( wsRes2.get<void>( 4 ), { 0x7D, 0xD } );
auto wsRes3 = get_pattern( "7A 4D EB 02" );
Nop( wsRes3, 2 );
// Default resolution to native resolution
auto resolution = pattern( "BB 20 03 00 00" ).get_one();
void* cannotFindResMessage = get_pattern( "6A 00 68 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 6A 00", 7 + 1 );
RECT desktop;
GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &desktop);
sprintf_s(aNoDesktopMode, "Cannot find %dx%dx32 video mode", desktop.right, desktop.bottom);
Patch<LONG>( resolution.get<void>( 1 ), desktop.right );
Patch<LONG>( resolution.get<void>( 5 + 1 ), desktop.bottom );
Patch<const char*>( cannotFindResMessage, aNoDesktopMode );
// No DirectPlay dependency
auto getDXversion = pattern( "50 68 ? ? ? ? A3" ).get_one();
// mov eax, 0x900
Patch<BYTE>( getDXversion.get<void>( -5 ), 0xB8 );
Patch<DWORD>( getDXversion.get<void>( -5 + 1 ), 0x900 );
// SHGetFolderPath on User Files
void* getDocumentsPath = get_pattern( "8D 45 FC 50 68 19 00 02 00", -6 );
InjectHook( getDocumentsPath, GetMyDocumentsPathSA, HookType::Jump );
// Fixed muzzleflash not showing from last bullet
auto weaponStateCheck = pattern("83 BC 8E A4 05 00 00 01").get_one();
Nop(weaponStateCheck.get<void>(-16), 22);
Patch(weaponStateCheck.get<void>(6), { 0x84, 0xC0, 0x74 });
// Proper randomizations
using namespace ConsoleRandomness;
auto pedsRand = pattern( "C1 F8 06 99" ).count(2);
void* prostitutesRand = get_pattern( "8B F8 32 C0", -5 );
pedsRand.for_each_result( []( pattern_match match ) {
InjectHook( match.get<void>( -5 ), rand31 ); // Missing ped paths
InjectHook( prostitutesRand, rand31 ); // Prostitutes
// Help boxes showing with big message
// Game seems to assume they can show together
void* showingBigMessage = get_pattern( "38 1D ? ? ? ? 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 38 1D ? ? ? ? 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 38 1D", 6 );
Nop( showingBigMessage, 6 );
// Fixed lens flare
auto coronasRenderEpilogue = pattern( "83 C7 3C FF 4D BC" ).get_one();
auto flushLensSwitchZ = pattern( "6A 01 6A 06 FF D0 83 C4 08" ).get_one();
auto initBufferSwitchZ = pattern( "6A 01 6A 06 FF D1 8B 75 A8" ).get_one();
// TODO: This will break badly if applied multiple times, think of something!
void* flushSpriteBuffer;
ReadCall( coronasRenderEpilogue.get<void>( 0xC ), flushSpriteBuffer );
Nop( coronasRenderEpilogue.get<void>( 0xC ), 5); // nop CSprite::FlushSpriteBuffer
// Add CSprite::FlushSpriteBuffer, jmp loc_7300EC at the bottom of the function
Patch<BYTE>( coronasRenderEpilogue.get<void>( -0xA + 1 ), 0x20 );
InjectHook( coronasRenderEpilogue.get<void>( 0x18 ), flushSpriteBuffer, HookType::Call );
// TODO: Short jumps
Patch( coronasRenderEpilogue.get<void>( 0x18 + 5 ), { 0xEB, 0xE1 });
// nop / mov eax, offset FlushLensSwitchZ
Nop( flushLensSwitchZ.get<void>( -9 ), 4 );
Patch<BYTE>( flushLensSwitchZ.get<void>( -9 + 4 ), 0xB8 );
Patch( flushLensSwitchZ.get<void>( -9 + 5 ), &FlushLensSwitchZ );
// nop / mov ecx, offset InitBufferSwitchZ
Nop( initBufferSwitchZ.get<void>( -8 ), 3 );
Patch<BYTE>( initBufferSwitchZ.get<void>( -8 + 3 ), 0xB9 );
Patch( initBufferSwitchZ.get<void>( -8 + 4 ), &InitBufferSwitchZ );
// Y axis sensitivity fix
auto horizontalSens = pattern( "D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 4D 0C D8 C9" ).get_one();
float* sens = *horizontalSens.get<float*>( 2 );
// Build a pattern for finding all instances of fld CCamera::m_fMouseAccelVertical
const uint8_t mask[6] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
uint8_t bytes[6] = { 0xD9, 0x05 };
float* vertSens = *horizontalSens.get<float*>( 0xE + 2 );
memcpy( bytes + 2, &vertSens, sizeof(vertSens) );
auto mulVerticalSens1 = pattern( {bytes, _countof(bytes)}, {mask, _countof(mask)} ).count(4);
void* mulVerticalSens2 = get_pattern( "D8 0D ? ? ? ? D8 C9 D9 5D F4", 2 );
mulVerticalSens1.for_each_result( [sens]( pattern_match match ) {
Patch( match.get<void>( 2 ), sens );
} );
Patch( mulVerticalSens2, sens );
// Don't lock mouse Y axis during fadeins
void* followPedWithMouse = get_pattern( "D9 5D 08 A0", -7 );
void* followPedWithMouse2 = get_pattern( "66 83 3D ? ? ? ? ? 0F 85 ? ? ? ? 80 3D", -6 );
void* followPedSA = get_pattern( "D9 5D F0 74 14", 3 );
void* folowPedSA_dest = get_pattern( "D9 87 AC 00 00 00 D8 45 F0" );
// TODO: Change when short jumps are supported
Patch( followPedWithMouse, { 0xEB, 0x29 } );
Patch( followPedWithMouse2, { 0x90, 0xE9 } );
InjectHook( followPedSA, folowPedSA_dest, HookType::Jump );
// Fixed mirrors crash
// TODO: Change when short jumps are supported
void* beforeMainRender = get_pattern( "8B 15 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C 52", 0xF );
Patch( beforeMainRender, { 0x85, 0xC0, 0x74, 0x34, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04 } );
// Mirrors depth fix & bumped quality
void* createBuffers = get_pattern( "7B 0A C7 05 ? ? ? ? 01 00 00 00", 0xC );
InjectHook( createBuffers, CreateMirrorBuffers );
// Fixed MSAA options
using namespace MSAAFixes;
auto func1 = pattern("83 BE C8 00 00 00 04 7F 11 E8").get_one();
void* func2 = get_pattern("76 05 A3 ? ? ? ? 59");
void* func3 = get_pattern("76 05 A3 ? ? ? ? 8B C7");
void* func4 = get_pattern("0F 8C ? ? ? ? 8B 44 24 0C", 0x18);
auto getMaxMultisamplingLevels = pattern( "5F 89 86 C8 00 00 00 8A 45 FF" ).get_one();
void* changeMultiSamplingLevels = get_pattern( "8B 8E D0 00 00 00 51", -5 );
void* changeMultiSamplingLevels2 = get_pattern( "8B 96 D0 00 00 00 52", -5 );
void* setMultiSamplingLevels = get_pattern( "83 C4 04 8B C7 5F 5E 5B 8B E5 5D C3 BB", -5 );
Patch<BYTE>( func1.get<void>( 0x4A ), 0xEB ); // jmp
Nop( func1.get<void>( 7 ), 2 ); // nop a jmp
Patch<BYTE>(func2, 0xEB); // jmp
Patch<BYTE>(func3, 0xEB); // jmp
Patch(func4, { 0x90, 0xE9 }); // jmp
std::array<void*, 2> getMaxMultiSamplingLevels = {
getMaxMultisamplingLevels.get<void>( -5 ),
func1.get<void>( 7 + 2 ),
HookEach_GetMaxMultiSamplingLevels(getMaxMultiSamplingLevels, InterceptCall);
std::array<void*, 4> setOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels = {
getMaxMultisamplingLevels.get<void>( -5 + 0x30 ),
HookEach_SetOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels(setOrChangeMultiSamplingLevels, InterceptCall);
// Only so newsteam r1 doesn't crash
auto msaaText = pattern( "48 50 68 ? ? ? ? 53" ).get_one();
// nop / mov edx, offset MSAAText
Patch( msaaText.get<void>( -6 ), { 0x90, 0xBA } );
Patch( msaaText.get<void>( -6 + 2 ), MSAAText );
// Fixed car collisions - car you're hitting gets proper damage now
auto fixedCarDamage = pattern( "8B 7D 10 0F B6 47 21" ).get_one();
Nop( fixedCarDamage.get<void>(), 2 );
InjectHook( fixedCarDamage.get<void>( 2 ), FixedCarDamage_Newsteam, HookType::Call );
// Car explosion crash with multimonitor
// Unitialized collision data breaking stencil shadows
using namespace UnitializedCollisionDataFix;
void* memMgrAlloc = get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 66 8B 55 08 8B 4D 10" );
std::array<void*, 2> newAlloc = {
get_pattern( "33 C9 83 C4 04 3B C1 74 36", -5 ),
get_pattern( "33 C9 83 C4 04 3B C1 74 37", -5 ),
InterceptCall(memMgrAlloc, orgMemMgrMalloc, CollisionData_MallocAndInit);
HookEach_CollisionDataNew(newAlloc, InterceptCall);
// Crash when entering advanced display options on a dual monitor machine after:
// - starting game on primary monitor in maximum resolution, exiting,
// starting again in maximum resolution on secondary monitor.
// Secondary monitor maximum resolution had to be greater than maximum resolution of primary monitor.
// Not in 1.01
void* storeVideoModes = get_pattern( "6A 00 8B F8 6A 04", -5 );
void* retrieveVideoModes = get_pattern( "57 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 3D", 1 );
ReadCall( storeVideoModes, orgGetNumVideoModes );
InjectHook( storeVideoModes, GetNumVideoModes_Store );
InjectHook( retrieveVideoModes, GetNumVideoModes_Retrieve );
// Fixed escalators crash
orgEscalatorsUpdate = reinterpret_cast<decltype(orgEscalatorsUpdate)>(get_pattern( "80 3D ? ? ? ? ? 74 23 56" ));
auto updateEscalators = get_pattern("80 3D ? ? ? ? ? 74 22 56");
auto removeEscalatorsForEntity = pattern( "80 7E F5 00 74 56" ).get_one();
InjectHook( updateEscalators, UpdateEscalators, HookType::Jump );
// lea ecx, [esi-84] / call CEscalator::SwitchOffNoRemove / jmp loc_734C0A
// TODO: Change when short jmps are supported
Patch( removeEscalatorsForEntity.get<void>(), { 0x8D, 0x8E } );
Patch<int32_t>( removeEscalatorsForEntity.get<void>( 2 ), -0x84 );
InjectHook( removeEscalatorsForEntity.get<void>( 6 ), &CEscalator::SwitchOffNoRemove, HookType::Call );
Patch( removeEscalatorsForEntity.get<void>( 6 + 5 ), { 0xEB, 0x4F } );
// Don't allocate constant memory for stencil shadows every frame
auto shadowAlloc = pattern("83 C4 08 6A 00 68 00 60 00 00").get_one();
auto shadowFree = get_pattern( "A2 ? ? ? ? A1 ? ? ? ? 50 E8", 5);
InjectHook( shadowAlloc.get<void>( 3 ), StencilShadowAlloc, HookType::Call) ;
Patch( shadowAlloc.get<void>( 3 + 5 ), { 0xEB, 0x2C } );
Nop( shadowAlloc.get<void>( 0x3B ), 3 );
Patch( shadowFree, { 0x5F, 0x5E, 0x5B, 0x5D, 0xC3 } ); // pop edi, pop esi, pop ebx, pop ebp, retn
// "Streaming memory bug" fix
void* animInterpolator = get_pattern( "83 C4 1C C7 03 00 30 00 00 5B", -5 );
InjectHook(animInterpolator, GTARtAnimInterpolatorSetCurrentAnim);
// Fixed ammo for melee weapons in cheats
void* knifeAmmo1 = get_pattern( "6A 00 6A 04 6A FF", 1 );
void* knifeAmmo2 = get_pattern( "6A 01 6A 00 6A 04 6A 01", 2 + 1 );
void* chainsawAmmo1 = get_pattern( "6A 00 6A 09 6A FF", 1 );
void* chainsawAmmo2 = get_pattern( "6A 00 6A 09 6A 01", 1 );
void* parachuteAmmo = get_pattern( "6A 00 6A 2E 6A FF", 1 );
void* katanaAmmo = get_pattern( "83 C4 0C 6A 01 53 6A 08 6A FF", 3 );
Patch<BYTE>(knifeAmmo1, 1); // knife
Patch<BYTE>(knifeAmmo2, 1); // knife
Patch<BYTE>(chainsawAmmo1, 1); // chainsaw
Patch<BYTE>(chainsawAmmo2, 1); // chainsaw
Patch<BYTE>(parachuteAmmo, 1); // parachute
// push ebx / push 1
Patch( katanaAmmo, { 0x53, 0x6A, 0x01 } ); // katana
// Proper aspect ratios
auto calculateAr = pattern( "74 13 D9 05 ? ? ? ? D9 1D" ).get_one(); // 0x734247; has two matches but both from the same function
static const float f43 = 4.0f/3.0f, f54 = 5.0f/4.0f, f169 = 16.0f/9.0f;
Patch<const void*>(calculateAr.get<void>( 2 + 2 ), &f169);
Patch<const void*>(calculateAr.get<void>( 0x1E + 2 ), &f54);
Patch<const void*>(calculateAr.get<void>( 0x31 + 2 ), &f43);
// 6 extra directionals on Medium and higher
// push dword ptr [CGame::currArea]
// call GetMaxExtraDirectionals
// add esp, 4
// mov ebx, eax
// nop
auto maxdirs_addr = pattern( "83 3D ? ? ? ? 00 8D 5E 05 74 05 BB 06 00 00 00" ).get_one();
Patch( maxdirs_addr.get<void>(), { 0xFF, 0x35 } );
InjectHook( maxdirs_addr.get<void>(6), GetMaxExtraDirectionals, HookType::Call );
Patch( maxdirs_addr.get<void>(11), { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04, 0x8B, 0xD8 } );
Nop( maxdirs_addr.get<void>(16), 1 );
// AI accuracy issue
auto match = pattern( "8B 82 8C 05 00 00 85 C0 74 09" ).get_one(); // 0x76DEA7 in newsteam r1
Nop(match.get<int>(0), 1);
InjectHook( match.get<int>(1), WeaponRangeMult_VehicleCheck, HookType::Call );
// Don't catch WM_SYSKEYDOWN and WM_SYSKEYUP (fixes Alt+F4)
auto patternie = pattern( "8B 75 10 8B ? 14 56" ).count(2); // 0x77C588 and 0x77C5CC in newsteam r2
auto defproc = get_pattern( "8B ? 14 8B ? 10 8B ? 08 ? ? 56" );
patternie.for_each_result( [&]( pattern_match match ) {
InjectHook( match.get<int>(0x39), defproc, HookType::Jump );
Patch<uint8_t>( match.get<int>(1), 0x5D ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<uint8_t>( match.get<int>(6), 0x53 ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<uint8_t>( match.get<int>(0x26 + 1), 0xFB ); // esi -> ebx
Patch<int8_t>( match.get<int>(8 + 2), -8 ); // use stack space for new lParam
Patch<int8_t>( match.get<int>(0x18 + 2), -8 ); // use stack space for new lParam
Patch<int8_t>( match.get<int>(0x2B + 2), -8 ); // use stack space for new lParam
} );
// Reset variables on New Game
using namespace VariableResets;
// Variables to reset
auto timers_init = pattern( "89 45 FC DB 45 FC C6 05 ? ? ? ? 01" ).get_one();
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *timers_init.get<signed int*>(-17 + 2) );
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *timers_init.get<signed int*>(-11 + 2) );
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *timers_init.get<TimeNextMadDriverChaseCreated_t<float>*>(0x41 + 2) );
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *get_pattern<ResetToTrue_t*>( "A2 ? ? ? ? E9 ? ? ? ? 6A 01 8B CE", 1 ) ); // CGameLogic::bPenaltyForDeathApplies
GameVariablesToReset.emplace_back( *get_pattern<ResetToTrue_t*>( "88 0D ? ? ? ? E9 ? ? ? ? 6A 05", 2 ) ); // CGameLogic::bPenaltyForArrestApplies
auto loadPickup = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? EB 1B 6A 00");
auto loadCarGenerator = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 08 EB 11");
auto loadStuntJump = get_pattern("50 E8 ? ? ? ? EB 06", 1);
std::array<void*, 2> reInitGameObjectVariables = {
get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 38 1D" ),
get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 89 1D ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 5E" )
HookEach_ReInitGameObjectVariables(reInitGameObjectVariables, InterceptCall);
InterceptCall(loadPickup, orgLoadPickup, LoadPickup_SaveLine);
InterceptCall(loadCarGenerator, orgLoadCarGenerator, LoadCarGenerator_SaveLine);
InterceptCall(loadStuntJump, orgLoadStuntJump, LoadStuntJump_SaveLine);
// FuckCarCompletely not fixing panels
void* panel_addr = get_pattern( "C6 46 04 FA 5E 5B", -3 );
Nop(panel_addr, 3);
// 014C cargen counter fix (by spaceeinstein)
auto do_processing = pattern( "B8 C3 2E 57 06 F7 EE C1 FA 06" ).get_one();
Patch<uint8_t>( do_processing.get<uint8_t*>(27 + 1), 0xBF ); // movzx eax, word ptr [edi+1Ah] -> movsx eax, word ptr [edi+1Ah]
Patch<uint8_t>( do_processing.get<uint8_t*>(41), 0x74 ); // jge -> jz
// Linear filtering on script sprites
void* drawScriptSprites = get_pattern( "81 EC 94 01 00 00 53 56 57 50", 10 );
ReadCall( drawScriptSprites, orgDrawScriptSpritesAndRectangles );
InjectHook( drawScriptSprites, DrawScriptSpritesAndRectangles );
// Animated Phoenix hood scoop
// Extra animations for planes
// Fixed animations for boats
// Stop BF Injection/Bandito/Hotknife rotating engine components when engine is off
// Make freeing temp objects more aggressive to fix vending crash
auto match = get_pattern("57 8B 78 08 89 45 FC 85 FF 74 5B", -9);
InjectHook( match, CObject::TryToFreeUpTempObjects_SilentPatch, HookType::Jump );
// Remove FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING from CdStreams
auto match = get_pattern("81 F9 00 08 00 00 ? 05", 6);
Patch<uint8_t>( match, 0xEB );
// Proper metric-imperial conversion constants
auto match1 = get_pattern( "83 EC 08 DC 35 ? ? ? ? DD 1C 24", 3 + 2 );
auto match2 = get_pattern( "51 DC 35 ? ? ? ? DD 1C 24", 1 + 2 );
static const double METERS_TO_FEET_DIV = 1.0 / 3.280839895;
Patch<const void*>( match1, &METERS_TO_FEET_DIV );
Patch<const void*>( match2, &METERS_TO_FEET_DIV );
// Fixed impounding of random vehicles (because CVehicle::~CVehicle doesn't remove cars from apCarsToKeep)
void* recordVehicleDeleted = get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 33 C0 66 89 86" );
ReadCall( recordVehicleDeleted, orgRecordVehicleDeleted );
InjectHook( recordVehicleDeleted, RecordVehicleDeleted_AndRemoveFromVehicleList );
// Don't include an extra D3DLIGHT on vehicles since we fixed directional already
// TODO when timecyc.dat illumination is fixed
// Fixed CAEAudioUtility timers - not typecasting to float so we're not losing precision after X days of PC uptime
// Also fixed integer division by zero
auto staticInitialize = pattern( "FF 15 ? ? ? ? 5F 5E 85 C0" ).get_one();
Patch( staticInitialize.get<void>( 2 ), &pAudioUtilsFrequency );
InjectHook( staticInitialize.get<void>( 0x1E ), AudioUtilsGetStartTime );
InjectHook( get_pattern( "50 FF 15 ? ? ? ? DF 6D F8", -9 ), AudioUtilsGetCurrentTimeInMs, HookType::Jump );
// Car generators placed in interiors visible everywhere
auto match = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 0F B6 57 0A");
InjectHook( match, &CEntity::SetPositionAndAreaCode );
// Fixed bomb ownership/bombs saving for bikes
std::array<void*, 2> restoreCar = {
get_pattern( "8D 4E EE E8", 3 ),
get_pattern( "8D 4F EE E8", 3 )
CStoredCar::HookEach_RestoreCar(restoreCar, InterceptCall);
// unnamed CdStream semaphore
auto semaName = pattern( "52 6A 40 FF 15" ).get_one();
Patch( semaName.get<void>( 9 ), { 0x6A, 0x00 } ); // push 0 \ nop
Nop( semaName.get<void>( 9 + 2 ), 3 );
// Correct streaming when using RC vehicles
auto findPlayerEntity = get_pattern("88 1D ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 8B F0 83 C4 04 3B F3", 6);
auto findPlayerVehicle = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 08 85 C0 74 07 C6 05");
InjectHook( findPlayerEntity, FindPlayerEntityWithRC );
InjectHook( findPlayerVehicle, FindPlayerVehicle_RCWrap );
// Fixed triangle above recruitable peds' heads
auto match = get_pattern( "83 BE 98 05 00 00 ? D9 45 DC", 6 );
Patch<uint8_t>( match, 8 ); // GANG2
// Credits =)
auto renderCredits = pattern( "83 C4 18 E8 ? ? ? ? 80 3D" ).get_one();
ReadCall( renderCredits.get<void>( -58 ), Credits::PrintCreditText );
ReadCall( renderCredits.get<void>( -5 ), Credits::PrintCreditText_Hooked );
InjectHook( renderCredits.get<void>( -5 ), Credits::PrintSPCredits );
// Fixed ammo from SCM
void* giveWeapon = get_pattern( "8B CE E8 ? ? ? ? 8B CE 8B D8", 2 );
ReadCall( giveWeapon, CPed::orgGiveWeapon );
InjectHook( giveWeapon, &CPed::GiveWeapon_SP );
// Fixed bicycle on fire - instead of CJ being set on fire, bicycle's driver is
using namespace BicycleFire;
auto doStuffToGoOnFire = pattern( "83 BF 94 05 00 00 0A 75 6D 6A" ).get_one(); // 0x0054A6BE
constexpr ptrdiff_t START_FIRE_OFFSET = 0x31;
Patch( doStuffToGoOnFire.get<void>( 9 ), { 0x90, 0x57 } ); // nop \ push edi
Patch( doStuffToGoOnFire.get<void>( START_FIRE_OFFSET ), { 0x90, 0x57 } ); // nop \ push edi
InjectHook( doStuffToGoOnFire.get<void>( 9 + 2 ), GetVehicleDriver );
InjectHook( doStuffToGoOnFire.get<void>( START_FIRE_OFFSET + 2 ), GetVehicleDriver );
ReadCall( doStuffToGoOnFire.get<void>( 0x15 ), CPlayerPed::orgDoStuffToGoOnFire );
InjectHook( doStuffToGoOnFire.get<void>( 0x15 ), DoStuffToGoOnFire_NullAndPlayerCheck );
ReadCall( doStuffToGoOnFire.get<void>( START_FIRE_OFFSET + 0x10 ), CFireManager::orgStartFire );
InjectHook( doStuffToGoOnFire.get<void>( START_FIRE_OFFSET + 0x10 ), &CFireManager::StartFire_NullEntityCheck );
// Decreased keyboard input latency
using namespace KeyboardInputFix;
auto updatePads = pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? B9 ? ? ? ? BE" ).get_one(); // 0x552DB7
NewKeyState = *updatePads.get<void*>( 10 + 1 );
OldKeyState = *updatePads.get<void*>( 15 + 1 );
TempKeyState = *updatePads.get<void*>( 27 + 1 );
objSize = *updatePads.get<uint32_t>( 5 + 1 ) * 4;
ReadCall( updatePads.get<void>( -44 ), orgClearSimButtonPressCheckers );
InjectHook( updatePads.get<void>( -44 ), ClearSimButtonPressCheckers );
Nop( updatePads.get<void>( 20 ), 2 );
Nop( updatePads.get<void>( 37 ), 2 );
// Fixed handling.cfg name matching (names don't need unique prefixes anymore)
using namespace HandlingNameLoadFix;
auto findExactWord = pattern( "8B 55 08 56 8D 4D EC" ).get_one(); // 0x6F849B
InjectHook( findExactWord.get<void>( -5 ), strncpy_Fix );
InjectHook( findExactWord.get<void>( 9 ), strncmp_Fix );
// No censorships (not set nor loaded from savegame)
using namespace Localization;
auto loadCensorshipValues = pattern( "0F B6 8E ED 00 00 00 88 0D" ).get_one();
void* initialiseLanguage1 = get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 35 ? ? ? ? FF D6" );
auto initialiseLanguage2 = pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 83 FB 07" ).get_one();
germanGame = *loadCensorshipValues.get<bool*>( 7 + 2 );
frenchGame = *loadCensorshipValues.get<bool*>( 0x14 + 2 );
nastyGame = *loadCensorshipValues.get<bool*>( 0x21 + 1 );
// Don't load censorship values
Nop( loadCensorshipValues.get<bool*>( 7 ), 6 );
Nop( loadCensorshipValues.get<bool*>( 0x14 ), 6 );
Nop( loadCensorshipValues.get<bool*>( 0x21 ), 5 );
// Unified censorship levels for all regions
InjectHook( initialiseLanguage1, EmptyStub );
void* setNormalGame;
void* setGermanGame;
void* setFrenchGame;
ReadCall( initialiseLanguage2.get<void>(), setNormalGame );
ReadCall( initialiseLanguage2.get<void>( 0x15 ), setGermanGame );
ReadCall( initialiseLanguage2.get<void>( 0x2A ), setFrenchGame );
InjectHook( setNormalGame, SetUncensoredGame, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( setGermanGame, SetUncensoredGame, HookType::Jump );
InjectHook( setFrenchGame, SetUncensoredGame, HookType::Jump );
// Default Steer with Mouse to disabled, like in older executables not based on xbox
// mov _ZN8CVehicle22m_bEnableMouseSteeringE, bl ->
// mov _ZN8CVehicle22m_bEnableMouseSteeringE, al
void* setDefaultPreferences = get_pattern( "89 86 AD 00 00 00 66 89 86 B1 00 00 00", -0xC );
Patch( setDefaultPreferences, { 0x90, 0xA2 } );
// Re-introduce corona rotation on PC, like it is in III/VC/SA PS2
using namespace CoronaRotationFix;
auto mulRecipz = get_pattern( "D9 5D FC D9 45 FC 89 45 FC D9 1C 24 53", -6 );
auto renderOneXLUSprite = get_pattern( "E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 30 EB 02 DD D8 8A 47 FA" );
// Remove *= 20.0f from recipz to retrieve the original value for later
Nop( mulRecipz, 6 );
ReadCall( renderOneXLUSprite, orgRenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect );
InjectHook( renderOneXLUSprite, RenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect_SilentPatch );
// Fixed static shadows not rendering under fire and pickups
using namespace StaticShadowAlphaFix;
auto renderStaticShadows = pattern( "52 E8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? E8" ).get_one();
ReadCall( renderStaticShadows.get<void>( 1 + 5 + 5 ), orgRenderStaticShadows );
InjectHook( renderStaticShadows.get<void>( 1 + 5 + 5 ), RenderStaticShadows_StateFix );
ReadCall( renderStaticShadows.get<void>( 1 + 5 + 5 + 5 ), orgRenderStoredShadows );
InjectHook( renderStaticShadows.get<void>( 1 + 5 + 5 + 5 ), RenderStoredShadows_StateFix );
// Disable building pipeline for skinned objects (like parachute)
using namespace SkinBuildingPipelineFix;
auto setupAtomic = get_pattern("74 0D 57 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 5F 5E 5D C3", 3);
InterceptCall(setupAtomic, orgCustomBuildingDNPipeline_CustomPipeAtomicSetup, CustomBuildingDNPipeline_CustomPipeAtomicSetup_Skinned);
// Reset requested extras if created vehicle has no extras
// Fixes eg. lightless taxis
auto resetComps = pattern( "6A 00 68 ? ? ? ? 57 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C 8B C7" ).get_one();
InjectHook( resetComps.get<void>( -9 ), CVehicleModelInfo::ResetCompsForNoExtras, HookType::Call );
Nop( resetComps.get<void>( -9 + 5 ), 4 );
// Allow extra6 to be picked with component rule 4 (any)
void* extra6 = get_pattern( "6A 00 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 08 5E", -2 + 1 );
Patch<int8_t>( extra6, 6 );
// Disallow moving cam up/down with mouse when looking back/left/right in vehicle
using namespace FollowCarMouseCamFix;
bool** useMouse3rdPerson = get_pattern<bool*>( "80 3D ? ? ? ? 00 C6 45 1B 00", 2 );
auto getPad = get_pattern( "89 45 B8 E8 ? ? ? ? 89 45 FC", 3 );
orgUseMouse3rdPerson = *useMouse3rdPerson;
Patch( useMouse3rdPerson, &useMouseAndLooksForwards );
ReadCall( getPad, orgGetPad );
InjectHook( getPad, getPadAndSetFlag );
// Add wind animations when driving a Quadbike
// By Wesser
auto isOpenTopCar = pattern("8B 11 8B 82 9C 00 00 00 FF D0").get_one();
InjectHook(isOpenTopCar.get<void>(), &CVehicle::IsOpenTopCarOrQuadbike, HookType::Call);
Nop(isOpenTopCar.get<void>(5), 5);
// Tie handlebar movement to the stering animations on Quadbike, fixes odd animation interpolations at low speeds
// By Wesser
auto processRiderAnims = pattern("DD 05 ? ? ? ? D9 05 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? D9 5D F0 80 7D 0B 00").get_one();
// Compiler reordered variables compared to the older versions, so they need to be preserved
auto saveDriveByAnim = pattern("D8 71 18 D9 5D EC").get_one();
Nop(processRiderAnims.get<void>(), 1);
InjectHook(processRiderAnims.get<void>(1), &QuadbikeHandlebarAnims::ProcessRiderAnims_FixInterp_Steam, HookType::Call);
Nop(saveDriveByAnim.get<void>(), 1);
InjectHook(saveDriveByAnim.get<void>(1), &QuadbikeHandlebarAnims::SaveDriveByAnim_Steam, HookType::Call);
// Disable the radio station change anim on boats where CJ stands upright
// By Wesser
using namespace UprightBoatRadioStationChange;
auto blendAnimation = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 10 85 C0 0F 85 ? ? ? ? D9 47 48");
InterceptCall(blendAnimation, orgAnimManagerBlendAnimation, AnimManagerBlendAnimation_SkipIfBoatDrive);
// Fix a memory leak when taking photos
using namespace CameraMemoryLeakFix;
auto psGrabScreen = pattern("8B C6 5E 8B E5 5D C3 33 C0").get_one();
InjectHook(psGrabScreen.get<void>(2), psGrabScreen_UnlockAndReleaseSurface_Steam, HookType::Jump);
InjectHook(psGrabScreen.get<void>(7 + 2), psGrabScreen_UnlockAndReleaseSurface_Steam, HookType::Jump);
// Fix crosshair issues when sniper rifle is quipped and a photo is taken by a gang member
// By Wesser
using namespace CameraCrosshairFix;
auto getWeaponInfo = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 40 0C 83 C4 08 85 C0");
InterceptCall(getWeaponInfo, orgGetWeaponInfo, GetWeaponInfo_OrCamera);
// Cancel the Drive By task of biker cops when losing the wanted level
using namespace BikerCopsDriveByFix;
auto backToCruisingIfNoWantedLevel = get_pattern("56 E8 ? ? ? ? 80 A6 ? ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04", 1);
InterceptCall(backToCruisingIfNoWantedLevel, orgJoinCarWithRoadSystem, JoinCarWithRoadSystem_AbortDriveByTask);
// Fix miscolored racing checkpoints if no other marker was drawn before them
using namespace RacingCheckpointsRender;
auto clumpRender = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? DD 05 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 14");
InterceptCall(clumpRender, orgRpClumpRender, RpClumpRender_SetLitFlag);
// Delay destroying of cigarettes/bottles held by NPCs so it does not potentially corrupt the moving list
// CWorld::Process processes all entries in the moving list, calling ProcessControl on them.
// CPlayerPed::ProcessControl handles the gang recruitment which in turn can result in homies dropping cigarettes or bottles.
// When this happens, they are destroyed -immediately-. If those props are in the moving list right after the PlayerPed,
// this corrupts a pre-cached node->next pointer and references an already freed entity.
// To fix this, queue the entity for a delayed destruction instead of destroying immediately,
// and let it destroy itself in CWorld::Process later.
// or [esi+1Ch], 800h // bRemoveFromWorld
// (The entity reference is already cleared for us, no need to do it)
// jmp 5E03EC
auto dropEntity = get_pattern("74 1C 8B 16 8B 42 20", 2);
Patch(dropEntity, { 0x81, 0x4E, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0xEB, 0x13 });
// Spawn lapdm1 (biker cop) correctly if the script requests one with PEDTYPE_COP
// By Wesser
using namespace GetCorrectPedModel_Lapdm1;
auto jumpTablePtr = *get_pattern<void**>("FF 24 8D ? ? ? ? 83 7D 08 06", 3);
// Only patch if someone else hasn't relocated it
if (ModCompat::Utils::GetModuleHandleFromAddress(jumpTablePtr) == hInstance)
Patch(jumpTablePtr+4, &BikerCop_Steam);
// Only allow impounding cars and bikes (and their subclasses), as impounding helicopters, planes, boats makes no sense
using namespace RestrictImpoundVehicleTypes;
auto isThisVehicleInteresting_pattern = pattern("56 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 84 C0 74 09 56 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 56").count(2);
std::array<void*, 2> isThisVehicleInteresting = {
HookEach_ShouldImpound(isThisVehicleInteresting, InterceptCall);
// Fix PlayerPed replay crashes
// 1. Crash when starting a mocap cutscene after playing a replay wearing different clothes to the ones CJ has currently
// 2. Crash when playing back a replay with a different motion group anim (fat/muscular/normal) than the current one
using namespace ReplayPlayerPedCrashFixes;
auto restoreStuffFromMem = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 80 3D ? ? ? ? ? C6 05 ? ? ? ? ? 74 3A D9 05");
auto rebuildPlayer = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 6A 01 56 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 10 EB 53", 8);
InterceptCall(restoreStuffFromMem, orgRestoreStuffFromMem, RestoreStuffFromMem_RebuildPlayer);
InterceptCall(rebuildPlayer, orgRebuildPlayer, RebuildPlayer_LoadAllMotionGroupAnims);
// Fix planes spawning in places where they crash easily
using namespace FindPlaneCreationCoorsFix;
auto findPlaneCreationCoors = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 18 84 C0 74 09");
InterceptCall(findPlaneCreationCoors, orgCheckCameraCollisionBuildings, CheckCameraCollisionBuildings_FixParams_Steam);
// Allow hovering on the Jetpack with Keyboard + Mouse controls
// Does not modify any other controls, only hovering
using namespace JetpackKeyboardControlsHover;
auto processControl_CheckHover = pattern("0F 85 ? ? ? ? 8B CB C6 47 0D 00").get_one();
auto processControl_DoHover = pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 74 10 D9 EE").get_one();
ProcessControlInput_DontHover = processControl_CheckHover.get<void>(12);
ProcessControlInput_Hover = processControl_DoHover.get<void>(9);
Nop(processControl_CheckHover.get<void>(6), 1);
InjectHook(processControl_CheckHover.get<void>(6 + 1), &ProcessControlInput_HoverWithKeyboard_Steam, HookType::Jump);
ReadCall(processControl_DoHover.get<void>(), orgGetLookBehindForCar);
// During riots, don't target the player group during missions
// Fixes recruited homies panicking during Los Desperados and other riot-time missions
using namespace RiotDontTargetPlayerGroupDuringMissions;
auto targettingCheck = pattern("80 BB D0 02 00 00 01").get_one();
auto skipTargetting = get_pattern("A1 ? ? ? ? A3 ? ? ? ? C7 05 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8B 4D F4");
DontSkipTargetting = targettingCheck.get<void>(7);
SkipTargetting = skipTargetting;
InjectHook(targettingCheck.get<void>(), CheckIfInPlayerGroupAndOnAMission_Steam, HookType::Jump);
// Rescale light switching randomness in CVehicle::GetVehicleLightsStatus for PC the randomness range
// The original randomness was 50000 out of 65535, which is impossible to hit with PC's 32767 range
auto getVehicleLightsStatus = get_pattern("DC 35 ? ? ? ? D9 05 ? ? ? ? D8 D9", 2);
static const double LightStatusRandomnessThreshold = 25000.0;
Patch<const void*>(getVehicleLightsStatus, &LightStatusRandomnessThreshold);
// Fixed vehicles exploding twice if the driver leaves the car while it's exploding
using namespace RemoveDriverStatusFix;
auto removeDriver = pattern("8A 47 36 24 07 0C 20 80 7D 08 00").get_one();
auto removeThisPed = get_pattern("80 C9 20 88 48 36 8B 96", 3);
auto taskSimpleCarSetPedOut = get_pattern("80 C9 20 88 48 36 8B 86", 3);
auto prepareVehicleForPedExit = get_pattern("57 E8 ? ? ? ? 57 8B CE E8 ? ? ? ? 57", 1);
Nop(removeDriver.get<void>(), 2);
InjectHook(removeDriver.get<void>(2), RemoveDriver_SetStatus, HookType::Call);
InterceptCall(prepareVehicleForPedExit, orgPrepareVehicleForPedExit, PrepareVehicleForPedExit_WreckedCheck);
// CVehicle::RemoveDriver already sets the status to STATUS_ABANDONED, these are redundant
Nop(removeThisPed, 3);
Nop(taskSimpleCarSetPedOut, 3);
// Fixed falling stars rendering black
using namespace ShootingStarsFix;
auto rwIm3dTransform = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 10 85 C0 74 16 6A 02 68 ? ? ? ? 6A 02");
InterceptCall(rwIm3dTransform, orgRwIm3DTransform, RwIm3DTransform_UnsetTexture);
// Enable directional lights on flying car components
using namespace LitFlyingComponents;
auto worldAdd = get_pattern("53 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 4D F4 83 C4 04 5F 5E 8B C3", 1);
InterceptCall(worldAdd, orgWorldAdd, WorldAdd_SetLightObjectFlag);
// Fix the logic behind exploding cars losing wheels
// Right now, they lose one wheel at random according to the damage manager, but they always lose the front left wheel visually.
// This change matches the visuals to the physics
// Also make it possible for the rear right wheel to be randomly picked
auto automobileBlowUp = pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 8E ? ? ? ? 8D 45 08").get_one();
auto automobileBlowUpCutscene = pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 80 7D 10 00 C7 45").get_one();
auto heliBlowUp = pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 86 ? ? ? ? 8D 55 08").get_one();
auto planeBlowUp = pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 86 ? ? ? ? 85 C0 74 24").get_one();
auto wheelDetachRandomness = get_pattern("DC 0D ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 8B CE", 2);
std::array<void*, 4> spawnFlyingComponent = {
CAutomobile::HookEach_SpawnFlyingComponent(spawnFlyingComponent, InterceptCall);
Nop(automobileBlowUp.get<void>(0x1C), 5);
Nop(automobileBlowUpCutscene.get<void>(0x22), 5);
Nop(heliBlowUp.get<void>(0x1C), 5);
Nop(planeBlowUp.get<void>(0x20), 5);
static const double fRandomness = -4.0;
Patch(wheelDetachRandomness, &fRandomness);
// Make script randomness 16-bit, like on PS2
using namespace Rand16bit;
std::array<void*, 2> rands = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 89 45 08 DB 45 08 32 C0"),
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 89 06 32 C0"),
HookEach_Rand(rands, InterceptCall);
// Invert a CPed::IsAlive check in CTaskComplexEnterCar::CreateNextSubTask to avoid assigning
// CTaskComplexLeaveCarAndDie to alive drivers
// Fixes a bug where stealing the car from the passenger side while holding throttle and/or brake would kill the driver,
// or briefly resurrect them if they were already dead
auto isAlive = get_pattern("74 38 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B F8");
Patch<uint8_t>(isAlive, 0x75);
// Improved resolution selection dialog
using namespace NewResolutionSelectionDialog;
// RGL changed one of the parameters
auto dialogBoxParam = [] {
try {
// Steam
return get_pattern("51 FF 15 ? ? ? ? 85 C0 0F 84", 1 + 2);
} catch (const hook::txn_exception&) {
// RGL
return get_pattern("53 FF 15 ? ? ? ? 85 C0", 1 + 2);
auto setFocus = get_pattern("53 FF 15 ? ? ? ? 5F", 1 + 2);
auto rRwEngineGetSubSystemInfo = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 46 83 C4 08 83 C7 50");
auto rwEngineGetCurrentSubSystem = get_pattern("7C EA E8 ? ? ? ? A3", 2);
MenuManagerAdapterOffset = 0xD8;
ppRWD3D9 = *get_pattern<IDirect3D9**>("33 ED A3 ? ? ? ? 3B C5", 2 + 1);
FrontEndMenuManager = *get_pattern<void**>("50 50 68 ? ? ? ? B9 ? ? ? ? E8", 7 + 1); // This has 2 identical matches, we just need one
orgGetDocumentsPath = reinterpret_cast<char*(*)()>(get_pattern( "8D 45 FC 50 68 19 00 02 00", -6 ));
Patch(dialogBoxParam, &pDialogBoxParamA_New);
Patch(setFocus, &pSetFocus_NOP);
InterceptCall(rRwEngineGetSubSystemInfo, orgRwEngineGetSubSystemInfo, RwEngineGetSubSystemInfo_GetFriendlyNames);
InterceptCall(rwEngineGetCurrentSubSystem, orgRwEngineGetCurrentSubSystem, RwEngineGetCurrentSubSystem_FromSettings);
// Fix some big messages staying on screen longer at high resolutions due to a cut sliding text feature
// Also since we're touching it, optionally allow to re-enable this feature.
using namespace SlidingTextsScalingFixes;
// "Unscale" text sliding thresholds, so texts don't stay on screen longer at high resolutions
auto bigMessage0Threshold = pattern("83 C4 04 89 4D F4 DB 45 F4").get_one();
auto bigMessage1Threshold = get_pattern("A1 ? ? ? ? D9 05 ? ? ? ? 83 C0 EC", 1);
Patch(bigMessage1Threshold, &FIXED_RES_WIDTH_SCALE);
// Replace dword ptr [ebp+X], eax \ dword ptr [ebp+X]
// with a constant fld [620.0]
static const float f620 = FIXED_RES_WIDTH_SCALE - 20.0f;
Patch(bigMessage0Threshold.get<void>(3), { 0xD9, 0x05 });
Patch(bigMessage0Threshold.get<void>(3 + 2), &f620);
// Fix post effects not scaling correctly
// Heat haze not rescaling after changing resolution
// Water ripple effect having too high wave frequency at higher resolutions
using namespace PostEffectsScalingFixes;
std::array<void*, 4> setCurrentVideoMode = {
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 08 88 9E"),
get_pattern("89 86 D0 00 00 00 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 8B CE", 6),
get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 08 8B CE E8 ? ? ? ? 8A 45 FF"),
get_pattern("8B 96 D0 00 00 00 52 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 08", 7),
auto setupBackBufferVertex = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? A1 ? ? ? ? 8B 48 60");
auto underWaterRipple = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 18 80 3D ? ? ? ? ? 74 05");
pHeatHazeFXTypeLast = *get_pattern<int32_t*>("89 1D ? ? ? ? A1 ? ? ? ? 8B 48 0C", 2);
HookEach_SetCurrentVideoMode(setCurrentVideoMode, InterceptCall);
InterceptCall(setupBackBufferVertex, orgSetupBackBufferVertex, SetupBackBufferVertex_Nop);
InterceptCall(underWaterRipple, orgUnderWaterRipple, UnderWaterRipple_ScaleFrequency);
// Fix heat seeking and gamepad crosshairs not scaling to resolution
using namespace CrosshairScalingFixes;
auto heatSeekingCrosshair1 = pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? 47 83 C4 30 83 FF 02").count(2);
auto heatSeekingCrosshair2 = pattern("D9 1C 24 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 30 A1").count(2);
std::array<void*, 6> renderRotateAspect = {
// Heat seeking missile crosshair
get_pattern("D9 1C 24 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 15 ? ? ? ? 8B 02", 3),
// Co-op in-car crosshair
get_pattern("D9 1C 24 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D ? ? ? ? 8B 81", 3),
auto calcScreenCoors = get_pattern("E8 ? ? ? ? DB 05 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 38");
// Triangular gamepad crosshairs - their size needs to scale to screen *height*
auto regularCrosshair = pattern("D8 0D ? ? ? ? D9 5D F4 D9 46 08 DC 0D ? ? ? ? D8 45 F4").get_one();
auto defaultCrosshairSize = pattern("DD 05 ? ? ? ? D8 C9 D9 5D F4 DC 0D ? ? ? ? D9 5D E8").get_one();
std::array<float**, 3> triangleSizes = {
// Co-op offscreen crosshair
get_pattern<float*>("D9 5D CC D9 05 ? ? ? ? D9 C0 D9 45 FC", 3 + 2),
get_pattern<float*>("D9 05 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 34 DD 05", 2),
// Regular crosshair (float)
std::array<double**, 3> triangleSizesDouble = {
regularCrosshair.get<double*>(0xC + 2),
defaultCrosshairSize.get<double*>(0xB + 2),
HookEach_RenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect(renderRotateAspect, InterceptCall);
InterceptCall(calcScreenCoors, orgCalcScreenCoors, CalcScreenCoors_Recalculate<triangleSizes.size(), triangleSizesDouble.size()>);
HookEach_GamepadCrosshair(triangleSizes, PatchFloat);
HookEach_GamepadCrosshair_Double(triangleSizesDouble, PatchDouble);
// Fix nitrous recharging faster when reversing the car
// By Wesser
using namespace NitrousReverseRechargeFix;
auto getGasPedal = pattern("D9 86 9C 04 00 00 D9 E8 D9 C0").get_one();
Nop(getGasPedal.get<void>(), 1);
InjectHook(getGasPedal.get<void>(1), &NitrousControl_DontRechargeWhenReversing_NewBinaries, HookType::Call);
// Fix Hydra's jet thrusters not displaying due to an uninitialized variable in RwMatrix
// By B1ack_Wh1te
using namespace JetThrustersFix;
auto thrust = pattern("D9 5D DC E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 0C").count(4);
std::array<void*, 4> matrixMult = {
HookEach_MatrixMultiply(matrixMult, InterceptCall);
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
if ( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
const HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle( nullptr );
std::unique_ptr<ScopedUnprotect::Unprotect> Protect = ScopedUnprotect::UnprotectSectionOrFullModule( hInstance, ".text" );
ScopedUnprotect::Section Protect2( hInstance, ".rdata" );
const int8_t version = Memory::GetVersion().version;
if ( version == 0 ) Patch_SA_10(hInstance);
else if ( version == 1 ) Patch_SA_11(); // Not supported anymore
else if ( version == 2 ) Patch_SA_Steam(); // Not supported anymore
// TODO:
// Add r1 low violence check to MemoryMgr.GTA via
// if ( *(DWORD*)DynBaseAddress(0x49F810) == 0x64EC8B55 ) { normal } else { low violence }
return TRUE;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
uint32_t GetBuildNumber()