2024-08-29 09:48:27 +05:00
const express = require ( "express" ) ,
path = require ( "path" ) ,
session = require ( "express-session" ) ,
logger = require ( "morgan" ) ,
fs = require ( "fs" ) ,
passport = require ( "passport" ) ,
SteamStrategy = require ( "passport-steam" ) . Strategy ;
2025-01-25 19:47:47 +05:00
const { JsonDB , Config } = require ( "node-json-db" ) ;
2024-08-29 09:48:27 +05:00
const config = require ( "./config" ) ;
const db = new JsonDB ( new Config ( ` data/ ${ config . production ? "main" : "test" } _db ` , true , true , "/" ) ) ;
2024-08-29 10:38:51 +05:00
if ( ! config . cookieSecret || ! config . steamKey || config . steamKey === "NO_KEY" || config . cookieSecret === "NO_COOKIE" ) return console . log ( "Please check that you have filled steamKey and cookieSecret in config file" ) ;
2024-08-29 09:48:27 +05:00
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( "public/courses/" ) ) fs . mkdirSync ( "public/courses/" ) ;
// Express App
const indexRouter = require ( "./routes/index" ) ,
keyRouter = require ( "./routes/key" ) ,
uploadRouter = require ( "./routes/upload" ) ,
adminRouter = require ( "./routes/admin" ) ,
apiRouter = require ( "./routes/api" ) ,
2024-12-06 18:29:09 +05:00
statsRouter = require ( "./routes/stats" ) ,
authRouter = require ( "./routes/auth" ) ;
2024-08-29 09:48:27 +05:00
const app = express ( ) ;
/ * *
* Callback to serialize user into session .
* It is called at end of request in authenticate method after successful authentication .
* This method will store necessary data from the authenticated user object ( ` user ` ) .
* @ param { Object } user - The authenticated user .
* @ param { Function } done - Callback to signal success or failure for saving session data .
* /
passport . serializeUser ( ( user , done ) => {
done ( null , user . _json ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Callback to deserialize user from session .
* It is called at the start of each request in authenticate method after receiving client ' s request .
* This method will reconstruct a User object ( ` user ` ) based on data stored during ` serializeUser ` call .
* @ param { Object } obj - The serialized user data from session .
* @ param { Function } done - Callback to signal success or failure for loading user .
* /
passport . deserializeUser ( ( obj , done ) => {
done ( null , obj ) ;
} ) ;
passport . use (
new SteamStrategy (
realm : config . domain ,
returnURL : ` ${ config . domain } /auth/return ` ,
apiKey : config . steamKey ,
} ,
( _ , profile , done ) => {
return done ( null , profile ) ;
} ,
) ,
) ;
app . set ( "views" , path . join ( _ _dirname , "views" ) ) ;
app . set ( "view engine" , "ejs" ) ;
app . use ( logger ( "dev" ) ) ;
app . use ( express . json ( ) ) ;
app . use ( express . urlencoded ( { extended : true } ) ) ;
app . use (
session ( {
secret : config . cookieSecret ,
name : "U_SESSION" ,
resave : true ,
saveUninitialized : true ,
cookie : {
maxAge : 3600000 ,
} ,
} ) ,
) ;
app . use ( passport . initialize ( ) ) ;
app . use ( passport . session ( ) ) ;
app . use ( express . static ( path . join ( _ _dirname , "public" ) ) ) ;
app . use ( "/" , indexRouter ) ;
app . use ( "/key" , keyRouter ) ;
app . use ( "/upload" , uploadRouter ) ;
app . use ( "/admin" , adminRouter ) ;
app . use ( "/api" , apiRouter ) ;
app . use ( "/stats" , statsRouter ) ;
2024-12-06 18:29:09 +05:00
app . use ( "/auth" , authRouter ) ;
2024-08-29 09:48:27 +05:00
/ * c a t c h 4 0 4 a n d f o r w a r d t o e r r o r h a n d l e r
app . use ( function ( req , res , next ) {
next ( createError ( 404 ) ) ;
} ) ;
// Error Handler
app . use ( function ( err , req , res ) {
res . status ( err . status || 500 ) ;
res . render ( "error" ) ;
} ) ;
* /
// Locals
db . getData ( "/admins" ) . then ( data => {
app . locals . admins = data ;
} ) ;
app . locals = {
config : config ,
db : db ,
} ;
// HTTP server
const http = require ( "http" ) ;
const port = config . port || 6547 ;
app . set ( "port" , port ) ;
const server = http . createServer ( app ) ;
server . listen ( port ) ;
server . on ( "error" , error => {
if ( error . syscall !== "listen" ) throw error ;
// handle specific listen errors with friendly messages
switch ( error . code ) {
case "EACCES" :
console . error ( ` Port ${ port } requires elevated privileges ` ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
break ;
console . error ( ` Port ${ port } is already in use ` ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
break ;
default :
throw error ;
} ) ;
server . on ( "listening" , ( ) => {
const addr = server . address ( ) ;
const bind = typeof addr === "string" ? "pipe: " + addr : "port: " + addr . port ;
console . log ( "Now listening on " + bind ) ;
} ) ;