fix: locked accounts was not implemented lol
228 lines
6.5 KiB
228 lines
6.5 KiB
const express = require("express"),
router = express.Router(),
fs = require("fs"),
courseCardComponent = fs.readFileSync("components/course_card.html", "utf-8");
const { sanitize, isCourseFileValid } = require("../utils/functions");
router.get("/", async (req, res) => {
const courses = await req.app.locals.db.getData("/courses");
const codes = Object.keys(courses);
let sortType = "none";
if (req.query.sort) sortType = req.query.sort.toString();
let page = 1;
if (req.query.page) page = req.query.page.toString();
let search = "";
if (req.query.search) search = req.query.search.toString();
/* Pages Count */
const coursesCount = Object.keys(courses).length;
const pagesCount = Math.max(Math.ceil(coursesCount / 20), 0);
if (page === "Page") page = 1;
if (page * 20 - coursesCount >= 20) page = 1;
/* Pages Dropdown */
let pagesDropdown = "";
for (let i = 1; i <= pagesCount; i++) {
if (page === i.toString()) pagesDropdown += `<option selected value="${i}">${i}</option>`;
else pagesDropdown += `<option value="${i}">${i}</option>`;
/* Sort Dropdown */
const sortOptions = {
time: "Date",
name: "Course Name",
map: "Map Name",
elements: "Element count",
scoresmart: "Rating",
plays: "Plays",
let sortDropdown = "";
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(sortOptions)) {
if (sortType === key) sortDropdown += `<option selected value="${key}">${value}</option>`;
else sortDropdown += `<option value="${key}">${value}</option>`;
/* Courses Cards */
const usernames = await req.app.locals.db.getData("/usernames");
const ratings = await req.app.locals.db.getData("/rating");
const codesData = [];
const cards = [];
codes.forEach(async code => {
const codeData = courses[code];
let codeFile = "";
try {
codeFile = fs.readFileSync(`public/${codeData.path}`, "utf-8");
} catch {
return console.log(`[WARNING] Not found file for: ${code}`);
const parsedCodeFile = JSON.parse(codeFile);
if (!isCourseFileValid(parsedCodeFile)) console.log(`[WARNING] Course is not valid: ${code}`);
let codeMapImage = "img/unknown.jpg";
const codeMap = codeData.map;
if (codeMap === "gm_flatgrass" || codeMap === "gm_construct") if (fs.existsSync(`public/img/${codeMap}.jpg`)) codeMapImage = `img/${codeMap}.jpg`;
if (codeData.mapimg) codeMapImage = codeData.mapimg;
const codeMapId = codeData.mapid !== "0" && codeData.mapid !== "" ? codeData.mapid : "2818480138"; // le troll
const codeUserId = codeData.uploader.userid;
const codeUsername = usernames[codeUserId] ? usernames[codeUserId] : codeUserId;
if (!ratings[code]) ratings[code] = {};
const rating = getCourseRating(ratings[code]);
name: parsedCodeFile[4],
code: code,
map: codeData.map,
username: codeUsername,
userid: codeUserId,
elements: parsedCodeFile[5].length + parsedCodeFile[0].length,
download: codeData.path,
likes: rating.likes,
dislikes: rating.dislikes,
rates: rating.ratings,
scoresmart: rating.rateSmart,
mapimg: codeMapImage,
mapwid: codeMapId,
time: codeData.time,
plays: codeData.plays || 0,
let sortedCodesData = [];
const sortKeys = {
time: "DESC",
name: "STRING",
map: "STRING",
elements: "DESC",
scoresmart: "DESC",
plays: "DESC",
if (sortType === "none" || sortType === "Sort by")
sortedCodesData = codesData.sort((a, b) => {
return b.time - a.time;
else {
const sortKey = sortKeys[sortType];
if (sortKey === "STRING")
sortedCodesData = codesData.sort((a, b) => {
return a[sortType].localeCompare(b[sortType]);
else if (sortKey === "ASC")
sortedCodesData = codesData.sort((a, b) => {
return a[sortType] - b[sortType];
else if (sortKey === "DESC")
sortedCodesData = codesData.sort((a, b) => {
return b[sortType] - a[sortType];
if (search)
sortedCodesData = codesData.filter(c => {
const query = sanitize(search, true, false);
let searchString = "";
searchString += c.name;
searchString += c.code;
searchString += c.userid;
searchString += c.username;
searchString += c.map;
searchString += c.mapwid;
return searchString.toLowerCase().includes(query);
sortedCodesData.forEach(data => cards.push(generateCourseCard(data)));
const sortedCards = cards.slice(Math.max((page - 1) * 20 - 1, 0), Math.max((page - 1) * 20 - 1, 0) + 20).join("\n");
res.render("index", {
user: req.user,
locals: req.app.locals,
pagesDropdown: pagesDropdown,
sortDropdown: sortDropdown,
coursesList: sortedCards,
searchText: search,
await req.app.locals.db.push("/rating", ratings);
* Calculates rating statistics for a course based on rating data.
* @param {Object} data - Object containing rating data where keys are user IDs
* and values are true for like or false for dislike
* @returns {Object} Object containing calculated rating stats:
* - likes: Number of likes
* - dislikes: Number of dislikes
* - ratings: Total number of ratings
* - rateSmart: Likes minus dislikes
function getCourseRating(data) {
const ratings = Object.keys(data).length;
if (ratings <= 0) return { likes: 0, dislikes: 0, ratings: 0, rateSmart: 0 };
let likes = 0,
dislikes = 0,
rateSmart = 0;
for (const r in data) if (data[r]) likes += 1;
dislikes = ratings - likes;
rateSmart = ratings + likes - dislikes;
return { likes: likes, dislikes: dislikes, ratings: ratings, rateSmart: rateSmart };
* Generates an HTML string for a course card component.
* @param {Object} course The course data object
* @returns {String} The generated HTML string for the course card
function generateCourseCard(course) {
const templates = {
"{courseName}": course.name,
"{courseCode}": course.code,
"{uploaderID}": course.userid,
"{uploaderName}": course.username,
"{courseMap}": course.map,
"{downloadLink}": course.download,
"{likesCount}": course.likes,
"{dislikesCount}": course.dislikes,
"{ratesmart}": course.scoresmart,
"{mapImage}": course.mapimg,
"{mapID}": course.mapwid,
"{elementsCount}": course.elements === 1 ? "1 element" : `${course.elements} elements`,
"{uploadDate}": new Date(course.time).toLocaleString("ru-RU", { day: "2-digit", month: "2-digit", year: "2-digit" }),
"{plays}": course.plays === 1 ? "1 play" : `${course.plays || 0} plays`,
let output = courseCardComponent;
for (const t in templates) output = output.replace(new RegExp(t, "g"), templates[t]);
return output;
module.exports = router;