2025-02-11 00:15:53 +05:00
// ==UserScript==
// @name Bypass All Shortlinks
// @name:id Bypass Semua Shortlink
// @name:ug Bypass بارلىق قىسقا ئۇلىنىشلار
// @name:ar تجاوز الجميع الروابط المختصرة
// @name:ja バイパス 全て ショートリンク
// @name:he לַעֲקוֹף את כל קישורים קצרים
// @name:hi सभी शॉर्टलिंक को बायपास करें
// @name:ko 모든 짧은 링크 우회
// @name:th บายพาส ทั้งหมด ลิงค์สั้น
// @name:nb Omgå Alle Kortlenker
// @name:sv Förbigå alla kortlänkar
// @name:sr Zaobići Sve Kratke veze
// @name:sk Obísť Všetky Krátke odkazy
// @name:hu Bypass Összes Rövid linkek
// @name:ro Bypass Toate Linkuri scurte
// @name:fi Ohittaa Kaikki Lyhyet linkit
// @name:el Παράκαμψη Ολα Σύντομοι σύνδεσμοι
// @name:eo Pretervojo Ĉiuj Mallongaj ligiloj
// @name:it Bypassare Tutto Collegamenti brevi
// @name:bg Заобикаляне на всички кратки връзки
// @name:es Saltarse Todos los Enlaces Acortados
// @name:cs Obcházeč všech zkracovačů odkazů
// @name:vi Bỏ qua Tất cả Các liên kết ngắn
// @name:pl Bypass Wszystkie Krótkie linki
// @name:uk Обхід всі Короткі посилання
// @name:ru Обход В с е Короткие ссылки
// @name:tr Bypass Tüm Kı sa Linkler
// @name:fr Bypass Tout Lien courts
// @name:nl Bypass Alle Korte links
// @name:da Bypass Alle Shortlinks
// @name:de Bypass Alle Kurzlinks
// @name:zh-CN 旁路 全部 短链接
// @name:zh-TW 旁路 全部 短鏈接
// @name:pt-BR Bypass Todos Links curtos
// @name:fr-CA Bypass Tout Lien courts
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @run-at document-start
// @author Bloggerpemula
2025-02-14 06:59:14 +05:00
// @version 93.7.14
2025-02-11 00:15:53 +05:00
// @match *://*/*
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @connect nocaptchaai.com
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant window.onurlchange
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @icon https://i.ibb.co/qgr0H1n/BASS-Blogger-Pemula.png
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/439099/1203718/MonkeyConfig%20Modern%20Reloaded.js
// @description Bypass All Shortlinks Sites Automatically Skips Annoying Link Shorteners , Skip AdFly and No Annoying Ads, Directly to Your Destination, and now Support Auto Downloading Your Files
// @description:id Bypass Semua Situs Shortlink Secara Otomatis Langsung ke Tujuan Tanpa Iklan yang Mengganggu , Support Auto Download File
// @description:ug بارلىق قىسقا ئۇلىنىش تور بېكەتلىرىنى ئايلىنىپ ئۆتۈپ ، كىشىنى بىزار قىلىدىغان ئۇلىنىش قىسقارتقۇچنى ئاپتوماتىك ھالدا مەنزىلىڭىزگە ئاتلاڭ.
// @description:ar تجاوز جميع مواقع الروابط المختصرة يتخطى تلقائيًا أدوات تقصير الروابط المزعجة ، مباشرة إلى وجهتك
// @description:he עוקף את כל אתרי הקישורים הקצרים מדלג אוטומטית על מקצרי קישורים מעצבנים, ישירות ליעד שלך
// @description:hi सभी शॉर्टलिंक साइटों को बायपास करें, सीधे आपके गंतव्य पर कष्टप्रद लिंक शॉर्टनर को छोड़ दें
// @description:ja すべてのショートリンクサイトをバイパスすると、迷惑なリンクショートナーが自動的にスキップされ、宛先に直接送信されます
// @description:fr Contourner tous les sites de liens courts saute automatiquement les raccourcisseurs de liens gênants, directement vers votre destination
// @description:ko 모든 짧은 링크 사이트 우회는 성가신 링크 단축기를 자동으로 건너뛰고 목적지로 직접 이동합니다.
// @description:th ข้ามไซต์ลิงค์สั้นทั้งหมดข้ามลิงค์ย่อที่น่ารำคาญโดยอัตโนมัติไปยังปลายทางของคุณ
// @description:zh-cn 绕过所有短链接网站自动跳过烦人的链接缩短器,直接到您的目的地
// @description:zh-tw 繞過所有短鏈接網站自動跳過煩人的鏈接縮短器,直接到您的目的地
// @description:eo Preterpasi Ĉiuj Mallongaj Ligiloj-Ejoj Aŭtomate Saltas ĝenajn Ligilojn, Rekte al Via Celo
// @description:de Alle Short-Links-Sites umgehen Überspringt automatisch lästige Link-Shortener direkt zu Ihrem Ziel
// @description:tr Tüm Kı sa Linkleri Atla Siteler Can sı kı cı Link Kı saltı cı ları Otomatik Olarak Atlar, Doğrudan Hedefinize
// @description:da Omgå alle korte links-websteder springer automatisk irriterende linkforkortere over, direkte til din destination
// @description:bg Заобикаляне на всички сайтове с кратки връзки Автоматично пропуска досадните средства за съкращаване на връзки, директно до вашата дестинация
// @description:ro Omite toate site-urile cu linkuri scurte Omite automat elementele de scurtare a linkurilor enervante, direct către destinația ta
// @description:fi Ohita kaikki lyhytlinkkisivustot ohittaa automaattisesti ärsyttävät linkinlyhennykset suoraan määränpäähäsi
// @description:it Ignora tutti i siti di collegamenti brevi Salta automaticamente i fastidiosi accorciatori di collegamenti, direttamente alla tua destinazione
// @description:el Παράκαμψη όλων των τοποθεσιών σύντομων συνδέσμων Παρακάμπτει αυτόματα τα ενοχλητικά προγράμματα συντόμευσης συνδέσμων, απευθείας στον προορισμό σας
// @description:es Saltarse Automáticamente todos los enlaces acortados, AdFly y omitir anuncios, ir directamente al destino, ahora se agregó descarga automática de archivos
// @description:hu Az összes rövid hivatkozási webhely megkerülése automatikusan átugorja a bosszantó linkrövidítőket, közvetlenül az úticélra
// @description:nb Omgå alle korte lenker Nettsteder hopper automatisk over irriterende lenkeforkortere, direkte til destinasjonen din
// @description:sk Obíďte všetky stránky s krátkymi odkazmi, ktoré automaticky preskočia otravné skracovače odkazov priamo do vášho cieľa
// @description:sv Förbi alla korta länkar webbplatser hoppar automatiskt över irriterande länkförkortare, direkt till din destination
// @description:sr Zaobići sve stranice s kratkim vezama automatski preskače dosadne skraćivače veza, izravno na vaše odredište
// @description:pl Pomijaj wszystkie strony z krótkimi linkami automatycznie pomija irytujące skracacze linków, bezpośrednio do miejsca docelowego
// @description:nl Omzeil alle sites met korte links en slaat automatisch vervelende linkverkorters over, rechtstreeks naar uw bestemming
// @description:cs Automaticky přeskočí všechny otravné zkracovače odkazů, včetně AdFly bez otravných reklam přímo do vašeho cíle
// @description:uk Обійти всі сайти з короткими посиланнями. Автоматично пропускає дратівливі скорочення посилань безпосередньо до вашого пункту призначення
// @description:ru Обход всех сайтов с короткими ссылками автоматически пропускает надоедливые сокращатели ссылок, прямо к месту назначения
// @description:vi Bỏ qua tất cả các trang web liên kết ngắn tự động bỏ qua các trang web liên kết gây phiền nhiễu, trực tiếp đến đích của bạn
// @description:pt-br Ignora automaticamente encurtadores de links irritantes, diretamente para o link final
// @description:fr-ca Contourner tous les sites de liens courts saute automatiquement les raccourcisseurs de liens gênants, directement vers votre destination
// @exclude /^(https?:\/\/)([^\/]+\.)?((github|aliyun|reddit|bing|yahoo|microsoft|whatsapp|amazon|ebay|payoneer|paypal|skrill|stripe|tipalti|wise|discord|tokopedia|taobao|taboola|aliexpress|netflix|citigroup|spotify|bankofamerica|hsbc|blogger|accounts.youtube|(cloud|mail|translate|analytics|accounts|myaccount|contacts|clients6|developers|payments|pay|ogs|safety|wallet).google|atlassian|pinterest|twitter|x|live|facebook|tiktok|instagram|linkedin|fastbull|tradingview|deepseek|chatgpt|openai|playghub|bilibili).com|proton.me|(greasyfork|openuserjs|telegram|wikipedia|lichess).org|doubleclick.net|adoptimum.top|codepen.io|(shopee|lazada|rakuten|maybank|binance).*|(dana|ovo|bca.co|bri.co|bni.co|bankmandiri.co|desa|(.*).go).id|(.*).(edu|gov))(\/.*)/
// @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/431691/Bypass%20All%20Shortlinks.user.js
// @updateURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/431691/Bypass%20All%20Shortlinks.meta.js
// ==/UserScript==
// ================================================================================================================================================================
// My Blog is Very Important to give some Delay for safe away ,Track New Shortlinks , Broken Bypass etc...
// Thanks so much to @JustOlaf , @Konf , @hacker09 , @juansi , @NotYou , @cunaqr And @Rust1667 for Helping me , make my script even better
// Thanks so much to @varram for providing a Great Bypass Site bypass.city and adbypass.org
// And also Thank you to everyone who has Contributed with Good Feedback.
// =================================================================================================================================================================
// Try to Enable Fast Timer if My Script not Working on besargaji.com
// Popup should be Allowed for render-state.to and coincroco.com sites
// Change Your Delay in the settings options from 5 to 10 or 20 if you have issues like Your action marked Suspicious,Don't try to bypass ,Don't use Speedster, etc
// Debloated Script from Amm0ni4 Just Make Broken My Script and Made Me Lazy to Update, His Debloated Not Working Correctly and He Don't Know how to Fix it
const window = unsafeWindow ; // Some of My Codes Not Running Well Without this , Please Let Me Know if You Find any Bugs
const cfg = new MonkeyConfig ( { title : 'Bypass Version 93.7 Settings :' , menuCommand : true ,
params : { Announcements : { type : 'text' , default : 'Add Your ApiKey from nocaptchaai to use Auto Solve Hcaptcha' , long : 3 } ,
ApiKey : { label : "noCaptcha Ai KEY" , type : "text" , default : "" , } ,
SetDelay : { label : "Redirect Delay " , type : "number" , default : 5 , } ,
BlogDelay : { label : "Use My Blogs For Delays" , type : "checkbox" , default : false , } ,
reCAPTCHA : { label : "Auto Open/Solve Recaptcha" , type : "checkbox" , default : false , } , // Auto Solve Recaptcha Not Yet Ready
hCaptcha : { label : "Auto Open/Solve Hcaptcha" , type : "checkbox" , default : false , } ,
YTShort : { label : "Disable Youtube Short" , type : "checkbox" , default : false , } ,
RightFC : { label : "Enable Context Menu " , type : "checkbox" , default : false , } ,
BlockFC : { label : "Enable Always Ready" , type : "checkbox" , default : false , } ,
TimerFC : { label : "Enable Fast Timer " , type : "checkbox" , default : false , } ,
AutoDL : { label : "Auto Download For Supported Sites" , type : "checkbox" , default : false , } , } , } ) ;
( function ( ) { function BoostTimers ( ) { const FsT = window . setTimeout ; const FsI = window . setInterval ;
Object . defineProperty ( window , 'setTimeout' , { value : function ( func , delay ) { if ( delay === 1000 ) { delay = 50 ; } return FsT . apply ( this , arguments ) ; } } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( window , 'setInterval' , { value : function ( func , delay ) { if ( delay === 1000 ) { delay = 50 ; } return FsI . apply ( this , arguments ) ; } } ) ; }
if ( cfg . get ( 'TimerFC' ) == true ) { BoostTimers ( ) ; } else { } } ) ( ) ;
( function ( ) { // Please Remember , My Scripts Works Better Using Firefox Browser and Violentmonkey Extension
'use strict' ;
const APIKEY = cfg . get ( 'ApiKey' ) ; const bp = query => document . querySelector ( query ) ; const BpAll = query => document . querySelectorAll ( query ) ;
const BpParams = new URLSearchParams ( location . search ) ; const BpParamd = new URLSearchParams ( document . location . search ) ; const RexBp = new RegExp ( /^\?([^&]+)/ ) ;
const BpT = query => document . getElementsByTagName ( query ) ; const elementExists = query => bp ( query ) !== null ; const domainCheck = domains => new RegExp ( domains ) . test ( location . host ) ;
function BpBlock ( ) { return 1 ; }
function sleep ( ms ) { return new Promise ( ( resolve ) => setTimeout ( resolve , ms ) ) ; }
function ClickIfExists ( query , timeInSec = 1 , funcName = 'setTimeout' ) {
if ( elementExists ( query ) ) { window [ funcName ] ( function ( ) { bp ( query ) . click ( ) ; } , timeInSec * 1000 ) ; } }
function SubmitIfExists ( query , timeInSec = 1 , funcName = 'setTimeout' ) {
if ( elementExists ( query ) ) { window [ funcName ] ( function ( ) { bp ( query ) . submit ( ) ; } , timeInSec * 1000 ) ; } }
function Checkvisibility ( elem ) { if ( ! elem . offsetHeight && ! elem . offsetWidth ) { return false ; }
if ( getComputedStyle ( elem ) . visibility === 'hidden' ) { return false ; } return true ; }
function XPathBp ( b , p ) { p = document ; return p . evaluate ( b , p , null , 9 , null ) . singleNodeValue ; }
function RemoveRef ( value ) { delete document . referrer ; document . _ _defineGetter _ _ ( 'referrer' , ( ) => value ) ; }
function meta ( href ) { document . head . appendChild ( Object . assign ( document . createElement ( 'meta' ) , { name : 'referrer' , content : 'origin' } ) ) ;
Object . assign ( document . createElement ( 'a' ) , { href } ) . click ( ) ; }
function RemoveBp ( domain , selector ) { const re _domain = new RegExp ( domain ) ; if ( ! re _domain . test ( location . host ) ) return ;
const elements = BpAll ( selector ) ; for ( const element of elements ) { element . remove ( ) ; } }
function redirect ( url , blog = true ) { location = blog && cfg . get ( 'BlogDelay' ) ? 'https://sl1bas.blogspot.com/?BypassResults=' + url : url ; }
function BpCalc ( sbp ) { return ( sbp . replace ( /\s/g , '' ) . match ( /[+\-]?([0-9\.]+)/g ) || [ ] ) . reduce ( function ( sum , value ) { return parseFloat ( sum ) + parseFloat ( value ) ; } ) ; }
function BlockRead ( SearchString , nameFunc ) { var target = window [ nameFunc ] ; window [ nameFunc ] = function ( ... args ) { const stringFunc = String ( args ) ;
if ( ( new RegExp ( SearchString ) ) . test ( stringFunc ) ) args [ 0 ] = function ( ) { } ; return target . call ( this , ... args ) ; } ; }
function DecodeBase64 ( string , times ) { let StringDecoded = string ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < times ; i ++ ) { StringDecoded = atob ( StringDecoded ) ; } return StringDecoded ; }
function SubmitBp ( selector , time = 1 ) { let elem = ( typeof selector === 'string' ) ? bp ( selector ) . closest ( 'form' ) : selector ; console . log ( elem ) ; setTimeout ( ( ) => { elem . submit ( ) ; } , time * 1000 ) ; }
function ReadCV ( cname ) { let name = cname + "=" ; let decodCV = decodeURIComponent ( document . cookie ) ;
let cv = decodCV . split ( ';' ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < cv . length ; i ++ ) { let c = cv [ i ] ; while ( c . charAt ( 0 ) == ' ' ) { c = c . substring ( 1 ) ; }
if ( c . indexOf ( name ) == 0 ) { return c . substring ( name . length , c . length ) ; } } return "" ; }
function elementReady ( selector ) { return new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) { let element = bp ( selector ) ;
if ( element ) { resolve ( element ) ; return ; } new MutationObserver ( function ( _ , observer ) { element = bp ( selector ) ;
if ( element ) { resolve ( element ) ; observer . disconnect ( ) ; } } ) . observe ( document . documentElement , { childList : true , subtree : true } ) ; } ) ; }
function SetCookie ( name , value , days ) { if ( days ) { var date = new Date ( ) ; date . setTime ( date . getTime ( ) + ( days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) ) ;
let expires = "; expires=" + date . toGMTString ( ) ; } else { var expires = "" ; document . cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/" ; } }
function DelCookie ( name ) { SetCookie ( name , "" , - 1 ) ; }
function ReadytoClick ( selector , sleepTime = 0 ) { const events = [ "mouseover" , "mousedown" , "mouseup" , "click" ] ; const selectors = selector . split ( ', ' ) ;
if ( selectors . length > 1 ) { return selectors . forEach ( ReadytoClick ) ; } if ( sleepTime > 0 ) { return sleep ( sleepTime * 1000 ) . then ( function ( ) { ReadytoClick ( selector , 0 ) ; } ) ; }
elementReady ( selector ) . then ( function ( element ) { element . removeAttribute ( 'disabled' ) ; element . removeAttribute ( 'target' ) ;
events . forEach ( eventName => { const eventObject = new MouseEvent ( eventName , { bubbles : true } ) ; element . dispatchEvent ( eventObject ) ; } ) ; } ) ; }
function Decrypter ( string ) { const shift = 13 ; let decipheredString = '' ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < string . length ; i ++ ) { let charCode = string . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
if ( charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122 ) { decipheredString += String . fromCharCode ( ( ( charCode - 97 - shift + 26 ) % 26 ) + 97 ) ; }
else if ( charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90 ) { decipheredString += String . fromCharCode ( ( ( charCode - 65 - shift + 26 ) % 26 ) + 65 ) ; } else { decipheredString += string [ i ] ; } } return decipheredString ; }
function Decrypter2 ( string , Length = 5 ) { var decrypteds = '' , base64 = atob ( string ) , subs = base64 . substring ( 0 , Length ) , encrypted = base64 . substring ( Length ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < encrypted . length ; i ++ ) { let charCode = encrypted . charCodeAt ( i ) , charCodeKey = subs . charCodeAt ( i % subs . length ) , decrypted = charCode ^ charCodeKey ; decrypteds += String . fromCharCode ( decrypted ) ; } return decrypteds ; }
function NoFocus ( ) { window . mouseleave = true ; window . onmouseover = true ; document . hasFocus = function ( ) { return true ; } ; Object . defineProperty ( document , 'webkitVisibilityState' , { get ( ) { return 'visible' ; } } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( document , 'visibilityState' , { get ( ) { return 'visible' ; } } ) ; window . addEventListener ( 'visibilitychange' , function ( e ) { e . stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ; } , true , true ) ;
window . addEventListener ( 'focus' , onfocus , true ) ; document . addEventListener ( 'visibilitychange' , function ( e ) { e . stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ; } , true , true ) ; Object . defineProperty ( document , 'hidden' , { get ( ) { return false ; } } ) ; }
function strBetween ( s , front , back , trim = false ) { if ( trim ) { s = s . replaceAll ( ' ' , '' ) ; s = s . trim ( ) ; s = s . replaceAll ( '\n' , ' ' ) ; }
return s . slice ( s . indexOf ( front ) + front . length , s . indexOf ( back , s . indexOf ( front ) + front . length ) ) ; }
function waitForElm ( query , callback , maxWaitTime = 15 , initialDelay = 5 ) { const startTime = Date . now ( ) ; const maxWaitTimeMs = maxWaitTime * 1000 ; const initialDelayMs = initialDelay * 1000 ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => { const observer = new MutationObserver ( ( ) => { if ( elementExists ( query ) ) { observer . disconnect ( ) ; callback ( bp ( query ) ) ; } else if ( Date . now ( ) - startTime >= maxWaitTimeMs + initialDelayMs ) {
observer . disconnect ( ) ; console . warn ( ` Element ${ query } not found within ${ maxWaitTime + initialDelay } seconds ` ) ; } } ) ; observer . observe ( document . body , { childList : true , subtree : true } ) ;
if ( elementExists ( query ) ) { observer . disconnect ( ) ; callback ( bp ( query ) ) ; } } , initialDelayMs ) ; }
function BypassedByBloggerPemula ( domains , data , url = '' , blog = false , all = false ) { if ( ! new RegExp ( domains ) . test ( location . host ) ) return ; if ( typeof data === 'function' ) return data ( ) ;
if ( typeof data === 'string' ) { const params = data . split ( ',' ) ; if ( params . every ( p => BpParams . has ( p ) ) ) { const use = params [ 0 ] ;
const value = all ? BpParams . getAll ( use ) . find ( u => new RegExp ( domains ) . test ( u ) ) : BpParams . get ( use ) ; redirect ( url + value , blog ) ; } return ; }
if ( Array . isArray ( data ) ) data = { '/' : data } ; if ( ! ( location . pathname in data ) ) return ; const [ key , value ] = data [ location . pathname ] ;
if ( typeof key === 'object' && key . test ( location . search ) ) return redirect ( value + RegExp . $1 , blog ) ; if ( BpParams . has ( key ) ) redirect ( value + BpParams . get ( key ) , blog ) ; }
function BypassHD ( selector , time ) { if ( elementExists ( '.g-recaptcha' ) ) { let gc = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( window . grecaptcha . getResponse ( ) . length !== 0 ) {
clearInterval ( gc ) ; SubmitBp ( '.g-recaptcha' , 1 ) ; } } , 1000 ) ; } else if ( elementExists ( '.h-captcha' ) ) { let hc = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( window . hcaptcha . getResponse ( ) . length !== 0 ) {
clearInterval ( hc ) ; SubmitBp ( '.h-captcha' , 1 ) ; } } , 1000 ) ; } else if ( elementExists ( '.cf-turnstile' ) ) { let tc = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( window . turnstile . getResponse ( ) . length !== 0 ) {
clearInterval ( tc ) ; SubmitBp ( '.cf-turnstile' , 1 ) ; } } , 1000 ) ; } else if ( elementExists ( 'input[name=_iconcaptcha-token]' ) ) { Captchacheck ( selector ) ; } else { SubmitBp ( selector , time ) ; } }
function GetForm ( FormName ) { var forms = document . forms ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < forms . length ; i ++ ) { if ( FormName === 'mdn' ) { var form = forms [ i ] . innerHTML ;
if ( form . includes ( 'Step' ) ) { return forms [ i ] ; } } else if ( FormName === 'Allin1' ) { var bait = forms [ i ] . action ; if ( /bypass.html|adblock.html/ . test ( bait ) ) continue ; return forms [ i ] ; } else { return ; } } }
function Captchacheck ( selector ) { if ( elementExists ( "iframe[src^='https://newassets.hcaptcha.com']" ) ) { return window . hcaptcha . getResponse ( ) . length !== 0 ;
} else if ( elementExists ( "input[name='cf-turnstile-response']" ) && ! elementExists ( '.core-msg.spacer.spacer-top' ) ) { return window . turnstile . getResponse ( ) . length !== 0 ; } else if ( elementExists ( "iframe[title='reCAPTCHA']" ) ) { return window . grecaptcha . getResponse ( ) . length !== 0 ;
} else if ( elementExists ( '#iconcaptcha' ) ) { let b = setInterval ( ( ) => { let p = bp ( '.iconcaptcha-holder.iconcaptcha-theme-light.iconcaptcha-success' ) ; if ( p ) { clearInterval ( b ) ; SubmitBp ( selector , 1 ) ; } } , 1000 ) ; } else { return ; } }
function notify ( txt , duration = cfg . get ( 'SetDelay' ) ) { const m = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ; m . style . padding = '1px' ; m . style . zIndex = 99999999 ; m . style . position = 'fixed' ;
m . style . width = ` 970px ` ; m . style . top = '275px' ; m . style . left = ` ${ innerWidth / 2 - 485 } px ` ; m . style . font = 'normal bold 17px sans-serif' ; m . style . backgroundColor = 'gold' ; m . style . boxSizing = 'border-box' ;
m . innerText = txt . replace ( '@' , duration ) ; document . documentElement . appendChild ( m ) ; const timerId = setInterval ( ( ) => { duration -= 1 ; if ( duration <= 0 ) { clearInterval ( timerId ) ; } else { m . innerText = txt . replace ( '@' , duration ) ; } } , 1000 ) ; }
function Listener ( callback ) { const originalOpen = XMLHttpRequest . prototype . open ; XMLHttpRequest . prototype . open = function ( method , url ) { this . addEventListener ( "load" , function ( ) { this . method = method ; this . url = url ; callback ( this ) ; } ) ; originalOpen . apply ( this , arguments ) ; } ; }
function Request ( url , options = { } ) { return new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) { GM _xmlhttpRequest ( { method : options . method ? ? "GET" , url , responseType : options . responseType ? ? "json" , headers : options . headers , data : options . data , onload : function ( response ) { resolve ( response . response ) ; } } ) ; } ) ; }
function EnableRCF ( ) { [ ] . forEach . call ( [ 'contextmenu' , 'visibilitychange' , 'cut' , 'paste' , 'blur' , 'mouseleave' , 'keyup' , 'drag' , 'dragstart' , 'hasFocus' , 'focus' , 'select' , 'selectstart' , 'webkitvisibilitychange' , 'mozvisibilitychange' ] , function ( event ) { document . addEventListener ( event , function ( e ) { e . stopPropagation ( ) ; } , true ) ; } ) ; }
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'link.sharedp.com' , 'id' , 'https://last.techyuth.xyz/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'poco.devnote.in' , 'id' , 'https://link.devnote.in/?id=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( '(mewsr|techstudify).com' , 'link' , 'https://rplink.in/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'indirasari.com' , 'link' , 'https://link.paid4link.com/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'wikitraveltips.com' , 'link' , 'https://adrinolinks.in/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'encurtaclik.com' , 'link' , 'https://go.encurtaclik.com/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'appkamods.com' , 'link' , 'https://go.shorturllinks.com/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'keepzem.com' , 'link' , 'https://ahtio.com/safe.php?link=' ) ;
2025-02-14 06:59:14 +05:00
//BypassedByBloggerPemula('venzoars.com', 'link', 'https://indids.com/token.php?id=');
2025-02-11 00:15:53 +05:00
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'reminimod.co' , 'land' , 'https://insurance.techymedies.com/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'indiamaja.com' , 'link' , 'https://newshuta.in/safe.php?link=' ) ;
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'interestingfactsare.com' , 'link' , 'https://m.urlbharat.xyz/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'djnonstopmusic.in' , 'link' , 'https://gadgets.ishortify.com/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'travelagancy.com' , 'id' , 'https://diglies.com/token.php?id=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'newshuta.in|60fpspubg.one' , 'link' , 'https://inshorturl.com/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'tech.filohappy.in' , 'link' , 'https://happyfiles.dtglinks.in/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'kelasadsense.com' , 'adlinkfly' , 'https://link.paid4link.com/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'trust.bgmi32bitapk.in' , 'grey' , 'https://get.instantearn.in/' ) ;
2025-02-14 06:59:14 +05:00
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2025-02-11 00:15:53 +05:00
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'news.topsarkariyojana.in' , 'link' , 'https://go.just2earn.com/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( '(cyberlynews|quizrent).com' , 'id' , 'https://linkshortify.com/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'cafe.warrenrahul.in' , 'adlinkfly' , 'https://go.warrenrahul.in/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'techurlshort.in' , 'grey' , 'https://hrpunjab.in/savise.php?grey=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'ninjamodz.litonmods.com' , 'adlinkfly' , 'https://shortxlinks.in/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'onlinerecruiters.in' , 'link' , 'https://diglies.com/token.php?id=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'earnmoneyyt.com' , 'link' , 'https://fitnesswifi.com/token.php?id=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'kingyojana.com' , 'link' , 'https://newkhabar24.com/safe.php?link=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'rajdhanimaja.com' , 'grey' , 'https://techurlshort.in/inuser.php?grey=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'highkeyfinance.com' , 'landhere' , 'https://insurance.techymedies.com/' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'financeyogi.net' , 'link' , 'https://market.finclub.in/safe2.php?link=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'finance.marketrook.com' , 'woo' , 'https://marketrook.com/verify.php?see=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( '(gam3ah|m4cut|soft3arbi|elmokhbir|fatednews|itechmafiia).com' , 'link' , '' ) ;
2025-02-14 06:59:14 +05:00
//BypassedByBloggerPemula('(surfsees|travelagancy).com', 'link', 'https://cryptings.in/token.php?id=');
2025-02-11 00:15:53 +05:00
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'newkhabar24.com' , 'link' , 'https://news.topsarkariyojana.in/safe.php?link=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /mixrootmods.com/ , function ( ) { EnableRCF ( ) ; window . checkStatus = window . off ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /go.link4rev.site/ , function ( ) { location = location . href . replace ( 'go.' , '' ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( '(diglies|indids).com|cryptings.in' , 'id' , 'https://vbnmx.online/token.php?id=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /infinityskull.com/ , { '/safe.php' : [ 'link' , 'https://go.publicearn.com/' ] , } , false ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /sakarnewz.com/ , { '/multi/' : [ RexBp , 'http://multiquality.xyz/download/' ] , } , false ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /link.linksfire.co/ , function ( ) { location = location . href . replace ( 'link' , 'blog' ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'ninjamodz.mtcremix.com' , 'adlinkfly' , 'https://ninjamodz.litonmods.com/?adlinkfly=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'earn.thardekho.com|earn.dinoogaming.com' , 'id' , 'https://fitnesswifi.com/token.php?id=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( '(examnewstoday|kaomojihub).com' , 'see' , 'https://finance.marketrook.com/verify.php?woo=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( 'earnbox.sattakingcharts.in' , 'LinkShortUrlID' , 'https://trust.bgmi32bitapk.in/geio.php?grey=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /dutchycorp.space/ , function ( ) { if ( BpParams . has ( 'code' ) ) { location = BpParams . getAll ( 'code' ) + '?verif=0' ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( '(moderngyan|jbstudies|punjabworks).com|bgmiupdate.com.in' , 'grey' , 'https://earnbox.sattakingcharts.in/click.php?LinkShortUrlID=' ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /(teachsansar|technicalatg|foodxor).com/ , ( ) => waitForElm ( "#wpsafegenerate > #wpsafe-link > a[href]" , safe => redirect ( safe . href , false ) ) ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /vk.com/ , function ( ) { if ( BpParams . has ( 'to' ) && location . href . includes ( '/away.php' ) ) { location = decodeURIComponent ( BpParams . get ( 'to' ) ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /paster.gg/ , ( ) => { if ( BpParams . has ( 'link' ) && location . href . includes ( '/dynamic-user' ) ) { location = decodeURIComponent ( BpParams . get ( 'link' ) ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /ouo.io/ , function ( ) { if ( BpParams . has ( 's' ) && location . href . includes ( 'link.nevcoins.club' ) ) { location = 'https://' + BpParams . getAll ( 's' ) ; } else if ( BpParams . has ( 's' ) ) { location = BpParams . getAll ( 's' ) ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /linkbox.to/ , function ( ) { Listener ( function ( object ) { if ( object . url . includes ( 'api/file/detail?itemId' ) ) { console . log ( object . responseText ) ; const { data : { itemInfo } } = JSON . parse ( object . responseText ) ; console . log ( itemInfo ) ; redirect ( itemInfo . url , false ) ; } } ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /(desbloquea|drivelinks).me|(acortame-esto|recorta-enlace|enlace-protegido|super-enlace).com|short-info.link/ , function ( ) { if ( BpParams . has ( 'i' ) ) { let Decipher = DecodeBase64 ( BpParams . get ( 'i' ) , 5 ) ; let dbq = Decrypter ( Decipher ) . split ( '|' ) [ 0 ] ; redirect ( dbq , false ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /adbtc.top/ , function ( ) { let count = 0 ; setInterval ( function ( ) { if ( bp ( "div.col.s4> a" ) && ! bp ( "div.col.s4> a" ) . className . includes ( "hide" ) ) { count = 0 ;
bp ( "div.col.s4> a" ) . click ( ) ; } else { count = count + 1 ; } } , 5000 ) ; window . onbeforeunload = function ( ) { if ( unsafeWindow . myWindow ) { unsafeWindow . myWindow . close ( ) ; }
if ( unsafeWindow . coinwin ) { let popc = unsafeWindow . coinwin ; unsafeWindow . coinwin = { } ; popc . close ( ) ; } } ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /youtube.com/ , function ( ) { if ( location . href . includes ( '/shorts/' ) && cfg . get ( 'YTShort' ) ) { if ( cfg . get ( 'YTShort' ) == true ) { location = location . href . replace ( '/shorts/' , '/watch?v=' ) ; let Tubeshort = location . href ;
var observer = new MutationObserver ( ( ) => { if ( location . href !== Tubeshort ) { Tubeshort = location . href ; if ( location . href . includes ( '/shorts/' ) ) location = location . href . replace ( '/shorts/' , '/watch?v=' ) ; } } ) ;
var short = { subtree : true , childList : true } ; observer . observe ( document , short ) ; } } else { } } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( HTMLFormElement . prototype , 'submit' , { writable : false } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( document , 'querySelector' , { value : document . querySelector , configurable : false , writable : false } ) ;
const sl = ( h => {
switch ( h . host ) { case 'multiup.org' : if ( h . href . includes ( '/download/' ) ) return h . href . replace ( 'download/' , 'en/mirror/' ) ; break ;
case 'modsfire.com' : if ( /^\/([^\/]+)/ . test ( h . pathname ) ) { return 'https://modsfire.com/d/' + RegExp . $1 ; } break ;
case 'snipn.cc' : if ( /^\/([^\/]+)/ . test ( h . pathname ) ) { return 'https://digest.briceka.com/' + RegExp . $1 ; } break ;
//case 'pixeldrain.com': if (h.href.includes('/u/')) return h.href.replace('u/', '/api/file/') + '?download'; break;
case 'www.google.com' : if ( h . pathname === '/url' && h . searchParams . has ( 'q' ) ) { return h . searchParams . get ( 'q' ) ; } break ;
case 'social-unlock.com' : if ( /^\/([^\/]+)/ . test ( h . pathname ) ) { return 'https://social-unlock.com/redirect/' + RegExp . $1 ; } break ;
//case 'work.ink': if (/^\/([^\/]+)/.test(h.pathname)) {return 'https://adbypass.org/bypass?bypass=' + location.href.split('?')[0];} break;
case 'uii.io' : case 'shortano.link' : case 'shortino.link' : case 'clk.st' : case 'clks.pro' : case 'chainfo.xyz' : case 'clicksfly.com' : case 'tryshort.in' :
case 'dailytime.store' : case 'ez4short.com' : case 'fc.lc' : case 'cutp.in' : case 'saly.io' : case 'earnow.online' : case 'exe.io' : case 'gplinks.in' :
case 'linkfly.me' : case 'linksfire.co' : case 'adlink.click' : case 'linkjust.com' : case 'linkbulks.com' : case 'traffic1s.com' : case 'link4rev.site' :
case 'linkrex.net' : case 'opli.xyz' : case 'linksly.co' : case 'ninjaurl.net' : case 'shortyearn.com' : case 'upshrink.com' : case 'tr.link' : case 'megaurl.in' :
case 'adshort.co' : case 'atglinks.com' : case 'shrinkforearn.in' : case 'shorti.io' : case 'try2link.com' : case 'terafly.me' : case 'www.wts.pw' :
case 'clk.sh' : case 'web1s.com' : case 'rocklinks.net' : case 'megafly.in' : case 'usalink.io' : case 'adrinolinks.in' : case '10short.com' : case 'urlpay.in' :
case 'mdiskshortner.link' : case 'cbshort.com' : case 'droplink.co' : case 'paid4link.com' : case 'cuty.io' : case 'doshrink.com' :
case 'revly.click' : case 'shrinkearn.com' : case 'shrinkme.io' : case 'shortox.com' : case 'linksfly.link' : case 'oii.io' :
case 'ay.live' : case 'urlstox.com' : var ApiandUrl = h . searchParams . has ( 'api' ) && h . searchParams . has ( 'url' ) ;
if ( ApiandUrl && h . href . includes ( 'hr.vikashmewada.com' ) ) { return 'https://' + h . searchParams . getAll ( 'url' ) ;
} else if ( ApiandUrl && h . href . includes ( 'freeltc.top' ) || h . href . includes ( 'freecrypto.top' ) || h . href . includes ( 'insfly.pw' ) || h . href . includes ( 'Insfly.pw' ) || h . href . includes ( 'mdiskshortner.link' ) || h . href . includes ( 'clockads.in' ) || h . href . includes ( 'exashorts.fun' ) || h . href . includes ( 'videolyrics.in' ) ) { } else if ( ApiandUrl && h . href . includes ( 'terafly.me' ) ) {
return 'https://' + h . searchParams . getAll ( 'url' ) ;
} else if ( ApiandUrl && h . href . includes ( 'adnews.me' ) ) { return h . searchParams . getAll ( 'url' ) . filter ( u => / http ( s | ) : \ / \ / adnews . me / . test ( u ) ) [ 0 ] ;
} else if ( ApiandUrl && h . href . includes ( 'kyshort.xyz' ) ) { return h . searchParams . getAll ( 'url' ) . filter ( u => / http ( s | ) : \ / \ / kyshort . xyz / . test ( u ) ) [ 0 ] ;
} else if ( ApiandUrl && h . href . includes ( 'eazyurl.xyz' ) ) { return h . searchParams . getAll ( 'url' ) . filter ( u => / http ( s | ) : \ / \ / eazyurl . xyz / . test ( u ) ) [ 0 ] ;
} else if ( ApiandUrl && h . href . includes ( 'linksfly.top' ) ) { return h . searchParams . getAll ( 'url' ) . filter ( u => / http ( s | ) : \ / \ / linksfly . top / . test ( u ) ) [ 0 ] ;
} else if ( ApiandUrl && h . href . includes ( 'playstore.pw' ) ) { return h . searchParams . getAll ( 'url' ) . filter ( u => / http ( s | ) : \ / \ / playstore . pw / . test ( u ) ) [ 0 ] ;
} else if ( ApiandUrl && h . href . includes ( '#' ) ) { return h . searchParams . getAll ( 'url' ) + window . location . hash ;
} else if ( h . searchParams . has ( 'api' ) && h . searchParams . has ( 'url' ) ) { return h . searchParams . getAll ( 'url' ) ; } break ; default : break ; } } ) ( new URL ( location . href ) ) ; if ( sl ) { location . href = sl ; }
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function onHtmlLoaded ( ) {
RemoveBp ( 'nguyenvanbao.com|nghiencar.com' , '.content-area,.site-content' ) ;
RemoveBp ( 'mohtawaa.com' , 'div.form-group > div,.col-sm-12.col-lg-3.col,li,h3,h4,p,.col-sm-12.col-lg-8.col,h2' ) ;
RemoveBp ( 'mdn.lol|kenzo-flowertag.com|homeculina.com|ineedskin.com|lawyex.co|chefslink.org' , "form input[value^='Continue'],form[id] div[style^='margin:']" ) ;
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let Numcode = bp ( 'input.captcha_code' ) ; let DigitNum ; function getLeft ( d ) { return parseInt ( d . style . paddingLeft ) ; } if ( Numcode ) { DigitNum = Numcode . parentElement . previousElementSibling . children [ 0 ] . children ; Numcode . value = [ ] . slice . call ( DigitNum ) . sort ( function ( d1 , d2 ) { return getLeft ( d1 ) - getLeft ( d2 ) ; } ) . map ( function ( d ) { return d . textContent ; } ) . join ( '' ) ; }
let List = [ 'lopteapi.com' , '3link.co' , 'web1s.com' , 'vuotlink.vip' ] ; let List1 = [ 'ay.live' , 'aylink.co' , 'gitlink.pro' ] ; let $ = window . jQuery ; let respect = 'https://sl1bas.blogspot.com/?BypassResults=' ; // Don't use My Scripts if You Change/Remove My Blogs, Except You Make Donations!!!.
if ( List . includes ( location . host ) ) { ClickIfExists ( 'a.btn.btn-success.btn-lg.get-link' , 3 , 'setInterval' ) ;
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success : function ( data ) { redirect ( data . url ) ; } } ) ; } else if ( elementExists ( 'form[id=go-link]' ) ) { $ ( 'form[id=go-link]' ) . unbind ( ) . submit ( function ( e ) { e . preventDefault ( ) ;
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$ . ajax ( { type : "POST" , url : url , data : form . serialize ( ) , beforeSend : function ( xhr ) { pesan . attr ( "disabled" , "disabled" ) ; $ ( 'a.get-link' ) . text ( 'Bypassed by Bloggerpemula' ) ;
notforsale . replaceWith ( '<button class="btn btn-default , col-md-12 text-center" onclick="javascript: return false;"><b>Thanks for using Bypass All Shortlinks Scripts and for Donations , Regards : Bloggerpemula</b></button>' ) ;
blogger . replaceWith ( '<button class="btn btn-default , col-md-12 text-center" onclick="javascript: return false;"><b>Thanks for using Bypass All Shortlinks Scripts and for Donations , Regards : Bloggerpemula</b></button>' ) ;
pemula . replaceWith ( '<button class="btn btn-default , col-md-12 text-center" onclick="javascript: return false;"><b>Thanks for using Bypass All Shortlinks Scripts and for Donations , Regards : Bloggerpemula</b></button>' ) ; } ,
success : function ( result , status , xhr ) { if ( xhr . responseText . match ( '(insfly|Insfly).pw|(freecrypto|freeltc|a-s-cracks).top|mdiskshortner.link|(oscut|exashorts).fun|bigbtc.win|slink.bid|clockads.in|(promo-visits|rexlink).site' ) ) { location . href = result . url ; } else { redirect ( result . url ) ; } } } ) ; } ) ; }
const bas = ( h => { const b = h . pathname === '/verify/' && /^\?([^&]+)/ . test ( h . search ) ; const result = { isNotifyNeeded : false , redirectDelay : 0 , link : undefined } ;
switch ( h . host ) {
case 'gamerfang.in' : if ( b ) { meta ( 'https://faux.gamerfang.in/tech/' + RegExp . $1 ) ; } break ;
case 'blog.mphealth.online' : if ( b ) { meta ( 'https://techyuth.xyz/blog/' + RegExp . $1 ) ; } break ;
case 'mphealth.online' : if ( b ) { meta ( 'https://blog.mphealth.online/verify/?' + RegExp . $1 ) ; } break ;
case 'shrs.link' : case 'shareus.io' :
if ( /^\/old\/([^\/]+)/ . test ( h . pathname ) ) { return 'https://jobform.in/?link=' + RegExp . $1 ; } break ;
case 'www.gifans.com' :
if ( /^\/link\/([^\/]+)/ . test ( h . pathname ) ) { return 'https://shortlink.prz.pw/' + RegExp . $1 ; } break ;
case 'www.pythondunyasi.com' :
if ( h . pathname === '/p/blog-page_22.html' && h . searchParams . has ( 'url' ) ) { return h . searchParams . get ( 'url' ) . substring ( 1 ) ; } break ;
case 'jrlinks.in' :
if ( h . pathname === '/safe2.php' && h . searchParams . has ( 'link' ) ) { meta ( 'https://internet.webhostingtips.club/' + h . searchParams . get ( 'link' ) ) ; } break ;
default : break ; } } ) ( new URL ( location . href ) ) ; if ( bas ) { const { isNotifyNeeded , redirectDelay , link } = bas ;
if ( isNotifyNeeded ) { notify ( ` Please Wait in @ Seconds , Tell Amm0ni4 to Delete His Debloated if You Want My Script to be Updated Regularly , Thanks ` ) ; }
setTimeout ( ( ) => { location . href = link ; } , redirectDelay * 1000 ) ; }
// My Script will automatically download from the site below , Enable it from the Settings
if ( cfg . get ( 'AutoDL' ) == true ) {
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /upload.ee/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#d_l' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /appdrive\.*/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#drc' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /uppit.com/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.btn-primary.btn-xl.btn' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /krakenfiles.com/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.download-now-text' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /karanpc.com/ , function ( ) { SubmitIfExists ( '#downloadButton > form' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /file-upload.net/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#downbild.g-recaptcha' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /userscloud.com|dosya.co/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#btn_download' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /hexupload.net/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.btn-success.btn-lg.btn' , 1 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /rapidgator.net/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.btn-free.act-link.link' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /dbree.me/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.center-block.btn-default.btn' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /megaupto.com/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#direct_link > a:nth-child(1)' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /dataupload.net/ , async function ( ) { await sleep ( 5000 ) ; ReadytoClick ( '.downloadbtn' ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /douploads.net/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.btn-primary.btn-lg.btn-block.btn' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /buzzheavier.com/ , function ( ) { waitForElm ( '#download-link' , bhvBtn => bhvBtn . click ( ) ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /filemoon.sx/ , ( ) => waitForElm ( 'div.download2 a.button' , fm => redirect ( fm . href , false ) ) ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /bestfonts.pro/ , ( ) => waitForElm ( '.download-font-button > a:nth-child(1)' , pro => redirect ( pro . href ) ) ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /files.fm/ , ( ) => waitForElm ( '#head_download__all-files > div > div > a:nth-child(1)' , flBtn => flBtn . click ( ) ) ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /megaup.net/ , function ( ) { waitForElm ( 'a.btn.btn-default' , muBtn => muBtn . click ( ) ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#btndownload' , 7 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /4fnet.org/ , function ( ) { if ( location . href . includes ( '/goto' ) ) { let fnet = location . href . split ( '/' ) . slice ( - 1 ) ; redirect ( atob ( fnet ) , false ) ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /oxy\.*/ , function ( ) { if ( elementExists ( '#divdownload' ) ) { let oxy = bp ( '.ocdsf233' ) . getAttribute ( 'data-source_url' ) ; redirect ( oxy , false ) ; } } ) ;
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /gdtot\.*/ , function ( ) { let gdt = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( gdt ) ; SubmitIfExists ( "form[action='/ondl']" ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ;
if ( location . href . includes ( '/ondl' ) ) { waitForElm ( '#dirdown' , gdt2 => redirect ( strBetween ( gdt2 . onclick . toString ( ) , ` myDl(' ` , ` ') ` ) , false ) ) ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /mp4upload.com/ , function ( ) {
ClickIfExists ( '#todl' , 2 ) ; SubmitIfExists ( "form[name='F1']" , 1 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /drop.download/ , function ( ) {
ClickIfExists ( '#method_free' , 2 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.btn-download' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /workupload.com/ , function ( ) {
if ( elementExists ( '#download' ) ) { ClickIfExists ( '.btn-prio.btn' , 2 ) ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /hxfile.co|ex-load.com|megadb.net/ , function ( ) {
ClickIfExists ( '.btn-dow.btn' , 2 ) ; SubmitIfExists ( "form[name='F1']" , 1 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '#fileinfo' ) ) { ClickIfExists ( '#downloadbtn' , 1 ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /mega4up.org/ , function ( ) {
ClickIfExists ( 'input.btn.btn-info.btn-sm' , 2 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.btn-dark.btn' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /docs.google.com/ , function ( ) {
if ( elementExists ( '#uc-dl-icon' ) ) { SubmitIfExists ( '#downloadForm' , 1 ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /uploadhaven.com/ , function ( ) {
ClickIfExists ( '.alert > a:nth-child(1)' , 2 ) ; SubmitIfExists ( '#form-download' , 1 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /k2s.cc/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.button-download-slow' , 2 ) ;
waitForElm ( 'a.link-to-file' , k2s => redirect ( k2s . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /ac.totsugeki.com/ , function ( ) {
$ ( "a[target='_blank']" ) . removeAttr ( "target" ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.btn-lg.btn-success.btn' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /mega4upload.com/ , function ( ) {
let mu = setInterval ( function ( ) { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { ClickIfExists ( '#downloadbtn' ) ; } } , 500 ) ;
ClickIfExists ( '.btn-sm.btn-info.btn' , 1 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.btn-dark.btn-sm.btn' , 1 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /uploady.io/ , function ( ) {
let udy = setInterval ( function ( ) { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { ClickIfExists ( '#downloadbtn' ) ; } } , 500 ) ;
ClickIfExists ( '.fa-turtle.fas' , 2 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.mb-4.btn-block.btn-primary.btn' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /up-load.io|downloadani.me/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( "input[name='method_free']" , 2 ) ;
ClickIfExists ( '.btn-dow.btn' , 1 ) ; let upi = setInterval ( ( ) => {
if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( upi ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#downloadbtn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /anonym.ninja/ , function ( ) {
if ( location . href . includes ( 'download/' ) ) { var fd = window . location . href . split ( '/' ) . slice ( - 1 ) [ 0 ] ;
redirect ( ` https://anonym.ninja/download/file/request/ ${ fd } ` ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '.elementor-size-lg' , 2 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.wpdm-download-link' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( 'div.wp-block-buttons > div' ) ) { location = location . href + '/download/mod' ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /mdfx9dc8n.net/ , ( ) => { ClickIfExists ( '.download-btn' , 2 ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => { let md = bp ( '.download-btn.btn3.btn' ) ; redirect ( md . href , false ) ; } , 6 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '#F1' ) ) { SubmitIfExists ( 'div.no-gutter:nth-child(2) > form:nth-child(1)' , 1 ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /chedrives.com/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.downloadbtn' , 3 , 'setInterval' ) ;
ClickIfExists ( '.mngez-free-download' , 2 ) ; waitForElm ( 'span#direct_link a' , cd => redirect ( cd . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '#box-0' ) ) { waitForElm ( "input[name='slink']" , abl => redirect ( abl . href , false ) ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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if ( location . href . includes ( 'download/' ) ) { waitForElm ( 'div.item.item-apk a' , mc => redirect ( mc . href , false ) ) ;
ClickIfExists ( 'a.btn.btn-submit' , 6 ) ; } else { ClickIfExists ( 'a.btn.btn-red.btn-icon.btn-download.br-50' , 2 ) ; } } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '#pass' ) ) { } else { ClickIfExists ( '.btn-orange.btn-general.ok' , 1 ) ; SubmitIfExists ( '.alc' , 1 ) ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /upload-4ever.com|up-4ever.net/ , function ( ) {
ClickIfExists ( "input[name='method_free']" , 2 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#downLoadLinkButton' , 5 ) ;
let up4 = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( up4 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#downloadbtn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /fileresources.net/ , function ( ) {
if ( elementExists ( '.download-timer' ) ) { waitForElm ( 'a.btn.btn-default' , fpr => redirect ( fpr . href , false ) ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /freepreset.net/ , function ( ) {
if ( elementExists ( '#button_download' ) ) { waitForElm ( 'a#button_download' , fpr => redirect ( fpr . href , false ) ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /doodrive.com/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.tm-button-download.uk-button-primary.uk-button' , 3 ) ;
waitForElm ( '.uk-container > div > .uk-button-primary.uk-button' , ddr => redirect ( ddr . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '.view-app' ) ) { bp ( '#no-link' ) . removeAttribute ( 'target' ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.download-line-title' , 2 ) ; } } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '#direct_link > a:nth-child(1)' , 2 ) ; $ ( '#downloadbtn' ) . click ( ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /dailyuploads.net/ , function ( ) { let du = setInterval ( ( ) => {
if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( du ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#downloadBtnClickOrignal' ) ; } } , 500 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.inner > a' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /mediafire.com/ , function ( ) { var bass ; var md = function closeWindows ( ) { window . close ( ) ; clearInterval ( bass ) ; } ;
var mf = bp ( '.download_link .input' ) . getAttribute ( 'href' ) ; console . log ( mf ) ; location . replace ( mf ) ; bass = setInterval ( md , 1000 * 5 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /qiwi.gg/ , function ( ) { if ( elementExists ( "div [class^='page_DownloadPage']" ) ) {
ClickIfExists ( "button[class^='DownloadButton_ButtonSoScraperCanTakeThisName']" , 2 ) ;
let qiwi = bp ( "a[class^='DownloadButton_DownloadButton']" ) ; setTimeout ( ( ) => { redirect ( qiwi . href , false ) ; } , 3 * 1000 ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /usersdrive.com|ddownload.com/ , function ( ) {
let ud = setInterval ( function ( ) { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { ClickIfExists ( '#downloadbtn' ) ; } } , 500 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.btn-download.btn' , 1 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /sharemods.com/ , function ( ) { SubmitIfExists ( '#dForm' , 2 ) ;
if ( elementExists ( '.download-file-holder' ) ) { waitForElm ( 'a#downloadbtn.btn.btn-primary' , smd => redirect ( smd . href , false ) ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /mexa.sh/ , function ( ) { parent . open = BpBlock ( ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#Downloadfre' , 2 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#direct_link' , 2 ) ;
let mx = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( mx ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.downloadbtn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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waitForElm ( '.bg-gb.dwto.sdw' , kmBtn => kmBtn . click ( ) ) ; waitForElm ( 'a.sdw.dwto.bg-gb' , kmk => redirect ( kmk . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /pdfcoffee.com/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.btn-block.btn-success.btn' , 2 ) ;
let pdf = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( pdf ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.my-2.btn-block.btn-primary.btn-lg.btn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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let adp = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( adp ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.mt-15.btn-block.btn-success.btn-lg.btn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /clickndownload.org|clicknupload\.*/ , function ( ) { if ( elementExists ( '.download' ) ) { ClickIfExists ( 'span.downloadbtn' , 10 ) ;
ClickIfExists ( '#method_free' , 2 ) ; waitForElm ( 'a.downloadbtn' , cnu => redirect ( cnu . href , false ) ) ; } } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '.text-center.py-6' ) ) { waitForElm ( 'a.btn.btn-lg.btn-success.mb-1.px-6.lh-10' , lpub => redirect ( lpub . href , false ) ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '#dspeed > input:nth-child(3)' , 1 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.directl' , 1 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '#captcha_form' ) ) { ClickIfExists ( '.go-to-captcha-form' , 2 ) ; } else { waitForElm ( '.color-btn' , rlz => redirect ( rlz . href , false ) ) ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /modsbase.com/ , function ( ) {
if ( elementExists ( '.file-panel' ) ) { ClickIfExists ( '.download-file-btn' , 2 ) ; waitForElm ( '#downloadbtn > a' , mba => redirect ( mba . href , false ) ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( "button[name='fs_download_file']" , 3 , 'setInterval' ) ; waitForElm ( 'a.btn.btn-block.btn-lg.btn-primary' , dg => redirect ( dg . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /file-upload.com|file-upload.org/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.m-2.submit-btn.btn-outline-primary.btn' , 2 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.download-btn' , 2 ) ;
let fu = setInterval ( function ( ) { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( fu ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#downloadbtn' ) ; } } , 500 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /downloader.tips/ , ( ) => { let downloader = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( downloader ) ;
ClickIfExists ( '.mb-1 > .btn-primary.btn' ) ; } else if ( bp ( '#count' ) . innerText == '0' ) { clearInterval ( downloader ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.btn-primary.btn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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waitForElm ( 'a.btn-grey.nopay-btn' , hfl => redirect ( hfl . href , false ) ) ; waitForElm ( '#popunder2' , hfl2 => redirect ( hfl2 . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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ReadytoClick ( 'a#dlbtn.btn.btn-secondary.btn-block.mb-4' , 2 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#downloadbtnf' , 3 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#downloadbtn' , 4 , 'setInterval' ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '#dlbutton' ) ) { waitForElm ( '#dlbutton' , fdm => redirect ( 'http://cdn.directfiledl.com/getfile?id=' + fdm . href . split ( '_' ) [ 1 ] , false ) ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /gogodl.com/ , ( ) => { waitForElm ( 'a.crumina-button.button--green.button--bordered.button--m.w-100' , godl => redirect ( godl . href , false ) ) ;
ClickIfExists ( '.w-100.button--m.button--bordered.button--green.crumina-button' , 5 , 'setInterval' ) ;
let gogo = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( gogo ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.w50.button--m.button--bordered.button--green.crumina-button' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /turbobit.net/ , ( ) => { if ( elementExists ( '#turbo-table' ) ) { let tb = bp ( '#nopay-btn' ) . href ; redirect ( tb , false ) ; }
let tbb = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( tbb ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#submit' ) ; } } , 500 ) ; waitForElm ( '#free-download-file-link' , tur => redirect ( tur . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /drive.google.com/ , function ( ) { var dg = window . location . href . split ( '/' ) . slice ( - 2 ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( window . location . href . includes ( 'drive.google.com/file/d/' ) ) { redirect ( ` https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id= ${ dg } &export=download ` , false ) . replace ( '<br />' , '' ) ;
} else if ( window . location . href . includes ( 'drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id' ) ) { SubmitIfExists ( '#download-form' , 1 ) ; } else { } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /4shared.com/ , function ( ) { if ( elementExists ( '.d3topTitle' ) ) {
$ ( '.premium' ) . text ( 'IMPORTANT TRICKS By BloggerPemula : Updated Feb 2023, Look like now not working ,so Sorry at This Time i Dont have Idea to fix it . Regards...' ) ; }
ClickIfExists ( '.jsDownloadButton' , 2 ) ; if ( elementExists ( '.freeDownloadButton' ) ) { SubmitIfExists ( "form[name^='redirectToD3Form']" , 3 ) ; } } ) ;
} else { } // Does Nothing if You Not Tick Auto Download From Menu Settings
// End of Auto Download , Leave Good Feedback if Your Favorite Sites Not yet Supported or Error on Downloading Process
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /megaurl.win/ , ( ) => { ClickIfExists ( '#generate_link' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /keeplinks.org/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#btnchange' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /1short.io/ , function ( ) { SubmitIfExists ( '#countDownForm' , 7 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /earnlink.io/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.btn-secondary' , 3 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /mkomsel.com/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#downloadfile' , 12 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /onimports.com.br/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#finalLink' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /1shortlink.com/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#redirect-link' , 3 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /1ink.cc|cuturl.cc/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#countingbtn' , 1 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /jameeltips.us/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#continue_button_1' , 1 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /post.copydev.com/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.btn-success.btn' , 6 ) ; } ) ;
2025-02-13 20:18:54 +05:00
//BypassedByBloggerPemula(/linegee.net/, function() {ClickIfExists('.btn-xs.btn-primary.btn', 2);});
2025-02-11 00:15:53 +05:00
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /bedrat.xyz|uhtrdr47.online/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#link1112' , 5 ) ; } ) ;
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /proappapk.com|meclipstudy.in/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#gotolink' , 5 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /1bitspace.com/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.button-element-verification' , 3 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /cshort.org/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '.timer.redirect' , 3 , 'setInterval' ) ; } ) ;
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /linkpay.cc/ , function ( ) { parent . open = BpBlock ( ) ; SubmitIfExists ( '#link-view' , 1 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /cooklike.info|model-tas-terbaru.com/ , { '/' : [ 'link' , 'https://yousm.link/' ] , } , false ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /kisalt.digital/ , function ( ) { if ( BpParams . has ( 'u' ) ) { meta ( atob ( BpParams . get ( 'u' ) ) ) ; } } ) ;
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /enlacito.com/ , function ( ) { setTimeout ( ( ) => { redirect ( window . DYykkzwP , false ) ; } , 2 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /webhostingtips.club/ , { '/safe.php' : [ 'link' , 'https://jrlinks.in/safe2.php?link=' ] , } , false ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /michaelemad.com|7misr4day.com/ , ( ) => waitForElm ( 'a.s-btn-f' , mld => redirect ( mld . href , false ) ) ) ;
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /adtival.network/ , function ( ) { if ( BpParams . has ( 'shortid' ) ) { meta ( atob ( BpParams . get ( 'shortid' ) ) ) ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /cutnet.net|(exego|cety).app|(jixo|gamco).online/ , function ( ) { ClickIfExists ( '#submit-button' , 5 , 'setInterval' ) ; } ) ;
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BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /gameblog.in/ , function ( ) { EnableRCF ( ) ; SubmitBp ( 'input[type=hidden]' , 3 ) ; ClickIfExists ( "div[id^=wpsafe-link] > a" , 4 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /sharetext.me/ , function ( ) { if ( location . href . includes ( '/redirect' ) && BpParams . has ( 'url' ) ) { meta ( atob ( BpParams . get ( 'url' ) ) ) ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /sfl.gl|moneyblink.com/ , function ( ) { if ( location . href . includes ( '/ready' ) && BpParams . has ( 'u' ) ) { meta ( atob ( BpParams . get ( 'u' ) ) ) ; } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /(fourlinez|newsonnline|phonesparrow|creditcarred).com|(alljntuworld|updatewallah).in/ , ( ) => { ReadytoClick ( '#continue-show' , 12 ) ; } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /comohoy.com/ , function ( ) { if ( location . href . includes ( '/grab/out.html' ) && BpParams . has ( 'url' ) ) { meta ( atob ( BpParams . get ( 'url' ) ) ) ; } } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( 'button#btn.bg-blue-100.text-blue-600' , 3 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '#link-view' ) ) { window . scrollTo ( 0 , 9999 ) ; } } ) ;
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SubmitIfExists ( '#yuidea' , 2 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#btn6' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( 'button.g-recaptcha.btn.btn-primary' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '.xbtt.btn-primary.btn-lg.btn' , 3 , 'setInterval' ) ; } ) ;
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parent . open = BpBlock ( ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.g-recaptcha' , 2 ) ; } ) ;
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$ ( "a[target='_blank']" ) . removeAttr ( "target" ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#download' , 1 ) ; } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '.js-scroll-trigger.btn-xl.btn-outline.btn' , 3 , 'setInterval' ) ; } ) ;
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if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( lksfy ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.get-link.btn-primary.btn' ) ; } } , 2 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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waitForElm ( 'a.get-link.disabled a' , cho => redirect ( cho . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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if ( Checkvisibility ( bp ( '.tick.wgicon' ) ) ) { clearInterval ( kkt ) ; ReadytoClick ( '.bottom_btn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( BpParams . has ( 'shortid' ) && BpParams . has ( 'link' ) ) { meta ( atob ( BpParams . get ( 'link' ) ) ) ; } } ) ;
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let pps = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( pps ) ; ClickIfExists ( 'button.btn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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setInterval ( function ( ) { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { ClickIfExists ( '#slu-btn' ) ; } } , 500 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '#button_timer' ) ) { waitForElm ( 'input.form-control' , leit => redirect ( leit . placeholder , false ) ) ; } } ) ;
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if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( ofr ) ; ClickIfExists ( '.mt-2.btn-success.btn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( 'button.h-captcha' , 3 ) ; } else { SubmitIfExists ( '#megaurl-banner-page' , 2 ) ; } } ) ;
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if ( ! APIKEY && cfg . get ( 'hCaptcha' ) == true ) { ReadytoClick ( '#checkbox' ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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waitForElm ( 'a#go_d2.submitBtn.btn.btn-primary' , ez2 => redirect ( ez2 . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( btc ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#free_play_form_button' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( freebtc ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#free_play_form_button' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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if ( bp ( '.filler' ) . innerText == 'Wait 0 s' ) { clearInterval ( maze ) ; ReadytoClick ( '#btn6' ) ; ReadytoClick ( '.btn-success.btn' , 1 ) ; } } , 2 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( bp ( '.progress-done' ) . innerText == '100%' ) { clearInterval ( arbi ) ; ReadytoClick ( '#continue-button' ) ; ReadytoClick ( '.btn-success.btn' , 1 ) ; } } , 2 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( bitad ) ; SubmitIfExists ( '.mt-4' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '#appBtn' , 1 ) ; ClickIfExists ( 'button.btn.btn-primary.btn-block.btn-lg' , 3 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#extensionBtn' , 5 , 'setInterval' ) ; } ) ;
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redirect ( JSON . parse ( atob ( bw . value ) ) . linkr , false ) ; } else { window . incrementRedirectCount ( ) ; await sleep ( 2000 ) ; window . handleButtonClick ( ) ; } } ) ;
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let mgn = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( captcha _solved && bp ( 'button.button' ) . innerText . includes ( 'Get Link' ) ) { ReadytoClick ( 'button.button' ) ; clearInterval ( mgn ) ; } } , 2000 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( bb ) ; ReadytoClick ( '#claimbutn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { ClickIfExists ( '#clickhere' , 2 ) ; } } ) ;
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if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { ClickIfExists ( 'button[type=submit]' ) ; } } , 2 * 1000 ) ; } else { ClickIfExists ( '#get_reward_button' , 1 ) ; } } ) ;
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let exeo = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( bp ( '.timer' ) . innerText == '0' ) { clearInterval ( exeo ) ; ReadytoClick ( '#submit-button' ) ; } } , 2 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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if ( bp ( '#countdown' ) . innerText == '0' ) { clearInterval ( adlink ) ; ReadytoClick ( '#append > :nth-child(1)' ) ; } } , 2 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '.oto > a:nth-child(1)' , 1 ) ; waitForElm ( '.oto > a' , linkjust => redirect ( linkjust . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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if ( bp ( '#timer' ) . innerText == '0' ) { ReadytoClick ( '#method_free.free-download-btn.download-btn' ) ;
clearInterval ( lav ) ; if ( ! elementExists ( '.h-captcha' ) ) window . openLink ( ) ; } } , 2000 ) ; } ) ;
/ * B y p a s s e d B y B l o g g e r P e m u l a ( / i t s c y b e r t e c h . c o m / , ( ) = > { l e t i t s c y b e r = s e t I n t e r v a l ( ( ) = > { i f ( C a p t c h a c h e c k ( ) ) { c l e a r I n t e r v a l ( i t s c y b e r ) ;
ClickIfExists ( '.visit.medium.button' ) ; } else if ( Checkvisibility ( bp ( '#gtbtn2' ) ) ) { clearInterval ( itscyber ) ; window . fngo ( ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ; * /
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let sbf = setInterval ( function ( ) { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( sbf ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#continue' ) ; } } , 500 ) ; } } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '#getlink' , 3 , 'setInterval' ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#gotolink' , 30 ) ; } ) ;
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waitForElm ( 'a.btn.btn-default.btn-sm' , opo2 => redirect ( opo2 . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '#pro-btn' , 5 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#pro-continue' , 3 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#my-btn2' , 5 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#my-btn' , 7 ) ; } ) ;
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SubmitIfExists ( '#lview > form' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { waitForElm ( '.get-link > a' , tig => redirect ( tig . href , false ) ) ; } } ) ;
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if ( BpParams . has ( 'safe' ) ) { meta ( atob ( BpParams . get ( 'safe' ) ) ) ; } } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '#shortPostLink' , 3 ) ; waitForElm ( "#shortGoToLink" , dro => redirect ( dro . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '#redirectButton' ) ) { setTimeout ( ( ) => { redirect ( atob ( linka ) , false ) ; } , 2 * 1000 ) ; } } ) ;
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//redirect(new URLSearchParams(adc).get('url'));} else {}});
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if ( elementExists ( '.g-recaptcha' ) ) { let ofc = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( ofc ) ;
ClickIfExists ( '#submitBtn' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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if ( ! location . href . includes ( 'get/' ) && location . pathname != '/' ) { location = location . href . replace ( 'yz/' , 'yz/get/' ) ; } } ) ;
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waitForElm ( 'a#pagelinkhref.btn.btn-lg.btn-success.my-4.px-3.text-center' , gtr => redirect ( gtr . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '.g-recaptcha' ) ) { let cpf = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( cpf ) ;
ClickIfExists ( 'form center button' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { setTimeout ( ( ) => { ClickIfExists ( 'form center button' ) ; } , 11 * 1000 ) ; } } ) ;
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if ( bp ( '#myTimer' ) . innerText == '3' ) { clearInterval ( gplinks ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#VerifyBtn' ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#NextBtn' , 2 ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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} else if ( Checkvisibility ( bp ( '#tp-generate' ) ) && ! elementExists ( '.g-recaptcha' ) ) { clearInterval ( nanolinks ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#tp-snp2.tp-blue.tp-btn-2' , 1 ) ; } } , 2 * 1000 ) ; } ) ;
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var tform = bp ( '#landing' ) ; redirect ( JSON . parse ( atob ( tform . newwpsafelink . value ) ) . linkr , false ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '#link-view' ) ) { let srl = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { ClickIfExists ( '#invisibleCaptchaShortlink' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } } ) ;
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waitForElm ( 'a.btn.btn-primary.btn-block.mb-4' , rex => redirect ( rex . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '.btn-captcha.btn-primary.btn' , 8 , 'setInterval' ) ; } ) ;
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$ ( '.blog-details' ) . text ( 'Please Answer the Maths Questions First ,Wait until Progress bar end, then Click the Red X Manually' ) ;
elementReady ( '[name="answer"]' ) . then ( function ( element ) { element . addEventListener ( 'change' , window . check3 ) ; } ) ; } } ) ;
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parent . open = BpBlock ( ) ; SubmitIfExists ( '#link1s-form' , 1 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#next-step-button' , 3 ) ; } ) ;
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var form = document . getElementById ( 'wpsafelink-landing' ) ; redirect ( JSON . parse ( atob ( form . newwpsafelink . value ) ) . linkr ) ; } ) ;
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xhr . onload = ( ) => redirect ( JSON . parse ( xhr . responseText ) . url ) ;
xhr . open ( "GET" , "https://api.rekonise.com/social-unlocks" + location . pathname , true ) ; xhr . send ( ) ; } ) ;
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if ( script ) { let text = script . text . trim ( ) ; let lines = text . split ( '\n' ) ; let i = lines . findIndex ( x => x . includes ( 'acortalink.me' ) ) ;
let link = lines [ i + 2 ] . trim ( ) . split ( ',' ) [ 6 ] . trim ( ) ; if ( window [ link ] ) { clearInterval ( acorta ) ; redirect ( window [ link ] ) ; } } } , 100 ) ; } ) ;
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waitForElm ( 'div#wpsafe-snp center a' , hunt => redirect ( hunt . href , false ) ) ; } ) ;
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while ( ! El ) { await sleep ( 100 ) ; console . log ( 1 ) ; El = window ? . livewire ? . components ? . components ( ) [ 0 ] ; }
const payload = { fingerprint : El . fingerprint , serverMemo : El . serverMemo , updates : [ { payload : { event : 'getData' , id : 'whathappen' , params : [ ] , } , type : 'fireEvent' , } , ] , } ;
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method : 'POST' , body : JSON . stringify ( payload ) , } ) ; const json = await response . json ( ) ; const url = new URL ( json . effects . emits [ 0 ] . params [ 0 ] ) ; redirect ( url . href ) ; } ;
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ClickIfExists ( '#wpsafelinkhuman > input' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { ClickIfExists ( '#wpsafe-generate > a > img' , 3 ) ; ClickIfExists ( 'input#image3' , 13 ) ; } } ) ;
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xhr . open ( "GET" , "https://us-central1-social-infra-prod.cloudfunctions.net/linksService/link/guid/" + location . pathname . substr ( 7 ) , true ) ; xhr . send ( ) ; } ) ;
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let bitco = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( bp ( '.mb-2' ) . innerText == 'Verified!' ) { clearInterval ( bitco ) ; window . continueClicked ( ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { } } ) ;
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ClickIfExists ( '#btn-capcha > .b-b' , 1 ) ; } } , 500 ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#btn > button' , 3 , 'setInterval' ) ; } ) ;
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let stepname = stepDat . innerHTML ; let lbDat = JSON . parse ( stepname . match ( /stepDat = '(.*)';/ ) [ 1 ] ) ; let lbo = lbDat [ lbDat . length - 1 ] . url ; redirect ( lbo , false ) ; } ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '.g-recaptcha' ) ) { let mdn = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( mdn ) ; BypassHD ( 'form[action]' , 1 ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { setTimeout ( ( ) => { BypassHD ( GetForm ( 'mdn' ) ) ; } , 17 * 1000 ) ; } } ) ;
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$ ( '.text-center.text-muted' ) . text ( 'IMPORTANT Note By BloggerPemula : Please Solve the Hcaptcha for Automatically , Dont Solve the Solvemedia . Regards...' ) ; }
ClickIfExists ( '.pulse.btn-primary.btn' , 3 ) ; let sorti = setInterval ( function ( ) { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( sorti ) ; ClickIfExists ( '#btn2' ) ; } } , 500 ) ; } ) ;
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var bypasslink = atob ( ` aH ${ bp ( "#landing [name='go']" ) . value . split ( "aH" ) . slice ( 1 ) . join ( "aH" ) } ` ) ; redirect ( bypasslink , false ) ; } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( 'input.form-control' ) ) { window . onscroll = BpBlock ( ) ; window . check2 ( ) ; $ ( '#clickMessage' ) . text ( 'Please Answer the Maths Questions First ,Wait until Progress bar end, then Click the Red X Manually' ) ; elementReady ( '[name="answer"]' ) . then ( function ( element ) { element . addEventListener ( 'change' , window . check3 ) ; } ) ; } } ) ;
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if ( elementExists ( '.g-recaptcha' ) || elementExists ( '#captchaShortlink' ) ) { let frm = setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { clearInterval ( frm ) ; SubmitIfExists ( '#link-view' ) ; } } , 1 * 1000 ) ; } else { let FMode = [ '#link-view' , '#form-continue' , '.col-md- > form' , '#nextstepform' , '#submit-form' , '.text-center.row > form' , 'div.col-md-6 form' , 'div.col-md-12 form' , 'div.text-center form' , '#before-captcha' , '#yuidea' , '#exfoary-form' , '#submit_first_page' , '#hidden form' , '#test' , 'form.text-center' ] ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < FMode . length ; i ++ ) { SubmitIfExists ( FMode [ i ] , 2 ) ; } } } ) ;
BypassedByBloggerPemula ( /autofaucet.dutchycorp.space/ , function ( ) { let autoRoll = false ; if ( window . location . href . includes ( '/roll_game.php' ) ) { window . scrollTo ( 0 , 9999 ) ;
if ( ! bp ( '#timer' ) ) { setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { if ( bp ( '.boost-btn.unlockbutton' ) && autoRoll === false ) { bp ( '.boost-btn.unlockbutton' ) . click ( ) ; autoRoll = true ; } if ( Checkvisibility ( bp ( '#claim_boosted' ) ) ) { bp ( '#claim_boosted' ) . click ( ) ; } } } , 3 * 1000 ) ; } else { setTimeout ( ( ) => { window . location . replace ( 'https://autofaucet.dutchycorp.space/coin_roll.php' ) ; } , 3 * 1000 ) ; } }
if ( window . location . href . includes ( '/coin_roll.php' ) ) { window . scrollTo ( 0 , 9999 ) ; if ( ! bp ( "#timer" ) ) { setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) ) { if ( bp ( '.boost-btn.unlockbutton' ) && autoRoll === false ) { bp ( '.boost-btn.unlockbutton' ) . click ( ) ; autoRoll = true ; }
if ( Checkvisibility ( bp ( '#claim_boosted' ) ) ) { bp ( '#claim_boosted' ) . click ( ) ; } } } , 3 * 1000 ) ; } else { setTimeout ( ( ) => { window . location . replace ( 'https://autofaucet.dutchycorp.space/ptc/wall.php' ) ; } , 3 * 1000 ) ; } } if ( window . location . href . includes ( '/ptc/wall.php' ) ) { var ptcwall = BpAll ( ".col.s10.m6.l4 a[name='claim']" ) ;
if ( ptcwall . length >= 1 ) { ptcwall [ 0 ] . style . backgroundColor = 'red' ; let match = ptcwall [ 0 ] . onmousedown . toString ( ) . match ( /'href', '(.+)'/ ) ; let hrefValue = match [ 1 ] ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => { window . location . replace ( 'https://autofaucet.dutchycorp.space' + hrefValue ) ; } , 3 * 1000 ) ; } else { if ( Checkvisibility !== null ) { setTimeout ( ( ) => { window . location . replace ( 'https://autofaucet.dutchycorp.space/ptc/' ) ; } , 3 * 1000 ) ; } } }
if ( location . href . includes ( 'autofaucet.dutchycorp.space/ptc/' ) ) { console . log ( 'Viewing Available Ads' ) ; if ( elementExists ( '.fa-check-double' ) ) { console . log ( 'All Available Ads Watched' ) ; setTimeout ( ( ) => { window . location . replace ( 'https://autofaucet.dutchycorp.space/dashboard.php' ) ; } , 3 * 1000 ) ; }
setInterval ( ( ) => { if ( Captchacheck ( ) && Checkvisibility ( bp ( '#submit_captcha' ) ) ) { bp ( "button[type='submit']" ) . click ( ) ; } } , 5 * 1000 ) ; } } ) ; const headers = { "Content-Type" : "application/json" , "apikey" : APIKEY } ;
elementReady ( 'iframe[data-hcaptcha-response]' ) . then ( async function ( element ) { if ( ! APIKEY || ! Checkvisibility ( element ) || ! cfg . get ( 'hCaptcha' ) ) return ;
const settings = Object . fromEntries ( new URLSearchParams ( element . src ) ) ; let data = await Request ( "https://token.nocaptchaai.com/token" , { method : "POST" , headers ,
data : JSON . stringify ( { url : settings . host , type : "hcaptcha" , sitekey : settings . sitekey , softid : "bloggerPemula-diego" } ) } ) ; const url = data . url ;
while ( data . status != "processed" ) { await sleep ( 1 ) ; data = await Request ( url , { headers , responseType : 'json' } ) ; console . log ( data ) ; }
window . postMessage ( JSON . stringify ( { "source" : "hcaptcha" , "label" : "challenge-closed" , "id" : settings . id , "contents" : { "event" : "challenge-passed" , "response" : data . token , "expiration" : 120 } } ) ) ; } ) ;
elementReady ( '[name=adcopy_response]' ) . then ( function ( element ) {
const PHRASES = [ '1.21 gigawatts' , '4 8 15 16 23 42' , '5 dollar shake' , '6 feet of snow' , '8th chevron' , 'a wild captcha appears' , 'abelian grape' , 'abide with me' , 'abracadabra' , 'absent without leave' , 'absolute zero' , 'accidentally on purpose' , 'ace of spades' , 'across the board' , 'adapt improve' , 'adapt improve succeed' , 'against the grain' , 'agree to disagree' , 'al capone' , 'all dancing' , 'all grown up' , 'all of the above' , 'all singing' , 'all your base' , 'allergic reaction' , 'almost got it' , 'always there' , 'am i happy' , 'anchors away' , "and that's the way it is" , 'angel food' , 'another castle' , 'anti dentite' , 'apple juice' , 'apple pie' , 'apple sauce' , 'april may' , 'april showers' , 'are we there yet' , 'are you ready' , 'are you the keymaster' , 'army training' , 'army training sir' , 'around here' , 'as i see it' , 'as you wish' , 'ask questions' , 'attila the hun' , 'auto driving' , 'awesome dude' , 'awesome sauce' , 'azgoths of kria' , 'babel fish' , 'baby blues' , 'baby boomer' , 'baby steps' , 'back to basics' , 'back track' , 'background noise' , 'bacon and eggs' , 'bad books' , 'bad egg' , 'bait the line' , 'baked in a pie' , 'bald eagle' , 'ball of confusion' , 'banana bread' , 'banana split' , 'banana stand' , 'bangers and mash' , 'barber chair' , 'barking mad' , 'basket case' , 'bated breath' , 'bath towel' , 'bath water' , 'battle royale' , 'bazinga' , 'be careful' , 'be mine' , 'be my friend' , 'be nice' , 'be nimble be quick' , 'be serious now' , 'beach ball' , 'bean town' , 'beans and rice' , 'beautiful friendship' , 'bee line' , 'been there' , 'beer in a bottle' , 'beer in the bottle' , 'bees knees' , 'beg the question' , 'believe me' , 'belt up' , 'berlin wall' , 'best fit line' , 'best seller' , 'better call saul' , 'better half' , 'better next time' , 'beyond me' , 'big brother' , 'big kahuna burger' , 'big nose' , 'big screen' , 'bigger in texas' , 'bike rider' , 'bird cage' , 'birthday boy' , 'birthday girl' , 'bizarro jerry' , 'black and white' , 'black coffee' , 'black gold' , 'black jack' , 'black monday' , 'blahblahblah' , 'blaze a trail' , 'bless you' , 'blinded by science' , 'blog this' , 'blood type' , 'blue cheese' , 'blue ribbon' , 'blue sky' , 'bob loblaw' , 'body surfing' , 'boiled cabbage' , 'bon voyage' , 'bond james bond' , 'bone dry' , 'bonus points' , 'bonus round' , 'book reading' , 'book worm' , 'boomerang' , 'born to run' , "bots are bad m'kay" , 'bottled water' , 'bowties are cool' , 'box jelly fish' , 'box kitty' , 'box of chocolates' , 'braaains' , 'brand spanking new' , 'bread of life' , 'break the ice' , 'brick house' , 'broken heart' , 'broken record' , 'bruce lee' , 'brush your teeth' , 'buckle your shoe' , 'buffalo wing' , 'bunny rabbit' , 'burger with fries' , 'burning oil' , 'burnt sienna' , 'butler did it' , 'butter side down' , 'button fly' , 'buy some time' , 'by and large' , 'by the board' , 'by the book' , 'by the seashore' , 'cabbage borsht' , 'cabbage stew' , 'caesar salad' , 'call me' , 'call me maybe' , 'can i love' , 'can you see' , 'candy apple' , 'candy cane' , 'capital gain' , 'captcha in the rye' , 'car trouble' , 'carbon copy' , 'carbon footprint' , 'card sharp' , 'card-sharp' , 'carpe diem' , 'carry a towel' , 'carry on' , 'cary grant' , 'case closed' , 'cat got your tongue' , 'catch the man' , 'cats and dogs' , 'cats pajamas' , 'chaise lounge' , 'challenge accepted' , 'change the world' , 'change yourself' , 'channel surfing' , 'charley horse' , 'charlie bit me' , 'charm offensive' , 'charmed life' , 'check your coat' , 'check your work' , 'cheese burger' , 'cheese fries' , 'cheese steak' , 'cherry on top' , 'chicken feed' , 'chicken noodle' , 'chicken salad' , 'chicken soup' , 'chin boy' , 'chit chat' , 'choco lazer boom' , 'chocolate cookie' , 'chocolate milk' , 'chow down' , 'chuck norris' , 'circle of life' , 'civil war' , 'clean and shiny' , 'clean hands' , 'clear blue water' , 'clear sailing' , 'click, click, click' , 'cliff hanger' , 'clod hopper' , 'close quarters' , 'cloud nine' , 'clown around' , 'coffee can' , 'cold comfort' , 'cold feet' , 'cold hat' , 'cold shoulder' , 'cold turkey' , 'coleslaw' , 'collaborate and listen' , 'colored paper' , 'come along' , 'come along pond' , 'come back' , 'come clean' , 'come on down' , ' come what ma
'heart break' , 'heart strings' , "heart's content" , 'heartache' , 'heat up' , 'heated debate' , 'heavens to betsy' , 'heavy metal' , 'heebie jeebies' , 'hello newman' , 'hello sweetie' , 'hello watson' , 'hello world' , 'here or there' , "here's johnny" , 'hey brother' , 'higgledy piggledy' , 'higgs boson' , 'high def' , 'high five' , 'high flyer' , 'high horse' , 'high sleeper' , 'high time' , 'him with her' , 'hissy fit' , 'history repeats itself' , 'hit the hay' , 'hit the sack' , 'hoagie roll' , 'hobby horse' , "hobson's choice" , 'hocus pocus' , 'hoi polloi' , 'hoity-toity' , 'hold your horses' , 'hold your tongue' , 'home james' , 'honey mustard' , 'hooray henry' , 'hops a daisy' , 'horse and cart' , "horse's mouth" , 'hot blooded' , 'hot diggity dog' , 'hot dog roll' , 'hot pola' , 'hot sauce' , 'hover hand' , 'how about lunch' , 'how about that' , 'how are you' , 'how interesting' , 'how now, brown cow' , 'how quaint' , 'how sweet' , "how's it going" , 'howdy partner' , 'hug me' , 'huggle muggle' , 'hulk smash' , 'hunky-dory' , 'hush puppies' , 'i am captcha' , 'i am fine' , 'i am here' , 'i can do this' , 'i can fix it' , 'i have fallen' , 'i know nothing' , 'i like humans' , 'i like people' , 'i like turtles' , 'i like you' , 'i love deadlines' , 'i love lamp' , 'i love you' , 'i made tea' , 'i moustache you why' , 'i saw that' , 'i see' , 'i think i am' , 'i think i can' , 'i think so' , 'i want control' , "i'll make tea" , "i'm batman" , "i'm blessed" , "i'm blushing" , "i'm cold brr" , "i'm only human" , "i'm so cold" , "i'm sorry" , "i'm sorry dave" , "i'm yours" , 'ice to meet you' , 'idk my bff jill' , 'if it fits' , 'im cold. brr' , 'imagine inspire create' , 'in a box' , 'in limbo' , 'in over my head' , 'in spades' , 'in stitches' , 'in the air' , 'in the box' , 'in the cart' , 'in the club' , 'in the doldrums' , 'in the limelight' , 'industrial revolution' , 'infra dig' , 'inside out' , 'is it enough' , 'is it hot' , 'is it hot?' , 'is it hot in here' , 'is it plugged in' , 'is low' , "it doesn't count" , 'it happens' , 'it hurts' , 'it is certain' , 'it is enough' , 'it will pass' , "it's over" , "it's super effective" , 'ivory tower' , 'jabber wocky' , 'jack be nimble' , 'jam tomorrow' , 'jay gatsby' , 'jerk store' , 'jerry built' , 'jimmy cricket' , 'jimmy horner' , 'john lennon' , 'john steinbeck' , 'jump higher' , 'jump over' , 'jump the candlestick' , 'jump the gun' , 'jumping jack' , 'june july' , 'just dance' , 'just deserts' , 'just drive' , 'just friends' , 'just in time' , 'kangaroo count' , 'karma points' , 'keep calm' , 'keyboard' , 'keyboard cat' , 'khyber pass' , 'kick the can' , 'kick your heels' , 'kindness of strangers' , 'king arthur' , 'kiss me' , 'kitten mittens' , 'kitty kat' , 'klatu berada nikto' , 'knick knack' , 'knock at the door' , 'knock back' , 'knock knock knock penny' , 'knock off' , 'knock on wood' , 'know the ropes' , 'know thy self' , 'know your paradoxes' , 'know your rights' , 'knuckle down' , 'kosher dill' , 'kundalini express' , 'labour of love' , 'ladies first' , 'lager frenzy' , 'lame duck' , 'lardy-dardy' , 'lark about' , 'laser beams' , 'last straw' , 'later gator' , 'laugh at me' , 'law of sines' , 'lawn giland' , 'lazy sunday' , 'leap higher' , 'leaps and bounds' , 'learn challenge improve' , 'learn from mistakes' , 'learn succeed' , 'learn the ropes' , 'learn, advance' , 'leave britney alone' , 'leave me alone' , 'left or right' , 'left right' , 'lefty loosey' , 'less is more' , 'let go' , 'let it be' , 'let me know' , 'let me out' , 'lets eat' , 'level playing field' , 'liberty bell' , 'library book' , 'lickety split' , 'lie low' , 'light sleeper' , 'like a boss' , 'like the dickens' , 'linear algebra' , 'little bird told me' , 'little bobby tables' , 'little did he know' , 'little sister' , 'live free' , 'live in the moment' , 'live in the now' , 'live life' , 'live long + prosper' , 'live love internet' , 'live love type' , 'live transmission' , 'live with purpose' , 'live your dream' , 'living daylights' , 'living things' , 'lizard poisons spock' , 'lo and behold' , 'loaf of bread' , 'local derby' , 'lol cat' , 'lollerskates' , 'lolly pop' , 'london calling' , 'long division' , 'long in the tooth' , 'look away' , 'look before crossing' , 'look both ways' , ' looking glass
'rolling stone' , 'rooftop' , 'room for activities' , 'roommate agreement' , 'root beer float' , 'rope burn' , 'rosebud' , 'rosie lea' , 'rough diamond' , 'round one' , 'round robin' , 'round tab1e' , 'route one' , 'row boat' , 'roy g biv' , 'royal flush' , 'rubicon crossed' , 'rule of chomio' , 'rule of thumb' , 'rum do' , 'run amok' , 'run away' , 'run farther' , 'run the gauntlet' , 'run through' , 'runny nose' , 'saber tooth' , 'sacred cow' , 'safe streets' , 'safer streets' , 'safety first' , 'salad days' , 'salt and pepper' , 'salty cheese' , 'same same' , 'sandy beach' , 'saturday detention' , 'saucy' , 'sauer kraut' , 'sausages' , 'save face' , 'save it' , 'save our bluths' , 'savoir faire' , 'sax and violins' , 'say cheese' , 'school is cool' , 'science class' , 'science fair' , 'science it works' , 'science project' , 'scot free' , 'screw driver' , 'sea change' , 'sea shell' , 'sea shore' , 'seattle' , 'see red' , 'see ya' , 'see-saw' , 'seek beauty' , 'seems legit' , 'seize the day' , 'select from table' , 'send packing' , 'senior citizen' , 'seven ate nine' , 'seven signs' , 'seze the day' , 'shake a leg' , 'shaken not stirred' , 'shakers and movers' , 'shane come back' , 'sharp pencil' , 'sharp stick' , 'she loves him' , 'she sells' , 'she sells seashells' , "she's a witch" , 'sheldon alpha five' , 'shilly-shally' , 'ship shape' , 'shoe shine' , 'shoes shine' , 'shoot through' , 'shoulder of orion' , 'show down' , 'shuffle the deck' , 'sick puppy' , 'signal your turns' , 'signs point to yes' , 'silence is golden' , 'silver bells' , 'silver bullet' , 'silver hoing' , 'silver lining' , 'silver spoon' , 'sin cos tan' , 'since when' , 'sing a song' , 'sixes and sevens' , 'sixteen point turn' , 'skidrow' , 'skip a turn' , "sky's the limit" , 'skynet is watching' , 'skynet knows' , 'skynet watches' , 'sleep tight' , 'sleepy hollow' , 'slimy goop' , 'slippery slope' , 'sloane ranger' , 'slow down' , 'slow milenky lizards' , 'slush fund' , 'slythy toves' , 'small fries' , 'small fry' , 'smart casual' , 'smart phone' , 'smashed potato' , 'smell that' , 'smelling salt' , 'smoked salmon' , 'snake eyes' , 'snapshot' , 'snare drum' , 'sneezing baby panda' , 'snoop lion' , 'snow drift' , 'snow flurry' , 'snow shovel' , 'so far away' , 'so life like' , 'so so' , "sod's law" , 'soft kitty warm kitty' , 'soft kitty, warm kitty' , 'somebody that i used to know' , 'sonic screw driver' , 'sorry dave' , 'sorry sight' , 'souffle girl' , 'sound bite' , 'sound of sirens' , 'sound out' , 'sour grapes' , 'space is big' , 'space plumber' , 'spangled banner' , 'speeding bullet' , 'spelling bee' , 'spend time' , 'spick and span' , 'spicy' , 'spicy hot' , 'spin doctor' , 'spitting feathers' , 'spitting image' , 'spoilers' , 'spread the net' , 'spring water' , 'spruce up' , 'square meal' , 'square one' , 'squeaky clean' , 'squirrel friend' , 'st johns bay' , 'stalla stella' , 'stand and deliver' , 'stand by me' , 'stand up guy' , 'star spangled' , 'star wars kid' , 'start from scratch' , 'stay safe' , 'steak and eggs' , 'steam punk' , 'steering wheel' , 'step back' , 'step over' , 'steve holt' , 'steve jobs' , 'sticky wicket' , 'sting like a bee' , 'stinking rich' , 'stinky feet' , 'stone soup' , "stone's throw" , 'stony hearted' , 'stool pigeon' , 'stop waisting time' , 'stranger danger' , 'streams of oceanus' , 'strike a match' , 'strike three' , 'string along' , 'string cheese' , 'stuck in mud' , 'stump up' , 'sudo make sandwich' , 'sulphur smell' , 'summon inglip' , 'sun tzu says' , 'sunday' , 'sunshine' , 'super star' , 'surf and turf' , 'surface integral' , 'swan song' , 'sweet dreams' , 'sweety pie' , 'swirling vortex of entropy' , 'taco tuesday' , 'take a look' , 'take an umbrella' , 'take care' , 'take it all' , 'take out food' , 'take potluck' , 'take the cake' , 'take umbrage' , 'take wrong turns' , 'taken aback' , 'talk the talk' , 'talk to strangers' , 'talk turkey' , 'tall building' , 'tall story' , 'tastes good' , 'tastes like chicken' , 'tea earl gray hot' , 'tea leaf' , 'tea with jam' , 'tea with milk' , 'tear us apart' , 'technicolor yawn' , 'teflon president' , 'teh inter webs' , 'ten four' , 'tesla coil' , 'thank you' , 'thank you, come again' , 'that escalated quickly' , 'that hurts' , 'that will not work' , "that's a fact jack" , " that ' s
const datalist = document . createElement ( 'datalist' ) ; datalist . setAttribute ( 'id' , 'adcopy_phrases' ) ; for ( const phrase of PHRASES ) { datalist . appendChild ( document . createElement ( 'option' ) ) . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( phrase ) ) ; } element . parentNode . insertBefore ( datalist , element . nextSibling ) ; element . setAttribute ( 'list' , datalist . id ) ; } ) ; } } ) ( ) ;
2025-02-11 00:47:32 +05:00