import re

def extract_regex_from_js(js_code):
    pattern1 = r'(?<!//)(?<!/\*)BypassedByBloggerPemula\((.*?),'
    matches1 = re.findall(pattern1, js_code)
    matches1 = [match.strip('/') for match in matches1]

    pattern2 = r"(?<!//)BloggerPemula\('([^']+)',"
    matches2 = re.findall(pattern2, js_code)

    pattern3 = r"(?<!//)RemoveBp\('([^']+)',"
    matches3 = re.findall(pattern3, js_code)

    pattern4 = r'(?<!//)case \'(.*?)\':'
    matches4 = re.findall(pattern4, js_code)

    pattern5 = r"h\.href\.includes\('(.*?)'\)"
    matches5 = re.findall(pattern5, js_code)

    return matches1+matches2+matches3+matches4+matches5

def write_list_of_strings_to_file(filename, lines):
    with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        for line in lines:
            file.write(line + '\n')
    print(f"OK: Generated {filename}")

def generate_include_lines(regex_list):
    include_rules = []
    match_rules = []
    include_and_match_lines = []

    for regex in regex_list:

        #Use @include for more complex regex
        if any(char in regex for char in ['|', '(', ')', '*']):
            regex = '(' + regex + ')'
            include_rule = "/^(https?:\/\/)(.+)?" + regex + "(\/.*)/"
            include_rule = include_rule.replace( "\.*)(\/.*)/", "\.*)/" ) #clean excess in the regex
            include_line = "// @include " + include_rule

        #Use @match for simpler regex
            match_rule = '*://*.' + regex + '/*'
            match_line =  '// @match ' + match_rule

    #Output results to txt files
    write_list_of_strings_to_file('supported_sites.txt', regex_list)
    write_list_of_strings_to_file('match_rules.txt', match_rules)
    write_list_of_strings_to_file('include_rules.txt', include_rules)
    write_list_of_strings_to_file('includes.txt', include_and_match_lines)

def main():
    file_path = 'untouched_Bypass_All_Shortlinks.user.js'

        with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            js_code =

            regex_strings = extract_regex_from_js(js_code)

            # remove short domains (errors)
            regex_strings = [s for s in regex_strings if "." in s and len(s) >= 5]

            # remove domains with blocked words (to avoid people worrying)
            blocked_words_for_includes = [
                "google", #drive/docs autoDL, bypass redirects, captchas
                "youtube", #redirecting shorts
                "", #bypass redirects
                "", #bypass redirects
                "", #bypass redirects
                "" #bypass redirects
            regex_strings = [s for s in regex_strings if not any(word in s for word in blocked_words_for_includes)]

    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"Error: File '{file_path}' not found.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":