2023-06-19 14:21:58 +05:00
let currentPage = "Dashboard";
if (now) {
2023-06-22 19:36:52 +05:00
const pages = req?.locales?.partials?.navbar?.pages;
if (now === 'manage') currentPage = pages?.manage || "Manage Guilds";
if (now === 'settings') currentPage = pages?.settings || "Manage Guilds";
if (now === 'commands') currentPage = pages?.commands || "Commands";
if (now === 'pp') currentPage = pages?.pp || "Privacy Policy";
if (now === 'admin') currentPage = pages?.admin || "Admin Panel";
if (now === 'error') currentPage = pages?.error || "Error";
if (now === 'credits') currentPage = pages?.credits || "Credits";
if (now === 'debug') currentPage = pages?.debug || "Debug";
if (now === 'leaderboard') currentPage = pages?.leaderboard || "Leaderboard";
if (now === 'profile') currentPage = pages?.profile || "Profile";
if (now === 'maintenance') currentPage = pages?.maintenance || "Under Maintenance";
2023-06-19 14:21:58 +05:00
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2023-06-22 19:36:52 +05:00
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2023-06-19 14:21:58 +05:00
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2023-06-22 19:36:52 +05:00
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2023-06-19 14:21:58 +05:00
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2023-06-22 19:36:52 +05:00
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2023-06-19 14:21:58 +05:00
<% // By default system theme is loaded, unless a user has changed it. Probably could be optimised further but :shrug:
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2023-06-22 19:36:52 +05:00
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content:url("<%= themeConfig.icons.sidebar.darkUrl %>") !important;
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2023-06-19 14:21:58 +05:00
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<!-- End of Stylesheets -->
<!-- Scripts -->
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2023-06-22 19:36:52 +05:00
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2023-10-30 22:33:32 +05:00
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if (swal === "savedError") Notiflix.Notify.error('<%= req?.locales?.partials?.notify?.errors?.settingsSave || 'Failed to save setttings!' %>');
2023-06-22 19:36:52 +05:00
2023-10-30 22:33:32 +05:00
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2023-06-22 19:36:52 +05:00
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2023-10-30 22:33:32 +05:00
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2023-06-22 19:36:52 +05:00
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2023-06-19 14:21:58 +05:00
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2023-06-22 19:36:52 +05:00
<%- include('theme.ejs') %>
2023-06-19 14:21:58 +05:00
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