const https = require("https"); const http = require("http"); const { Server: SocketServer } = require(""); module.exports = (app, config, themeConfig, modules) => { if (config.noCreateServer) return { io: null, server: null }; let server; if (!config.SSL) config.SSL = {}; if (config.SSL.enabled) { if (!config.SSL.key || !config.SSL.cert) console.log(`${"discord-dashboard issue:".red} The SSL preference for Dashboard is selected (config.SSL.enabled), but config does not include key or cert (config.SSL.key, config.SSL.cert).`); const options = { key: config.SSL.key || "", cert: config.SSL.cert || "", }; try { server = https.createServer(options, app); } catch (e) { console.log(`${"discord-dashboard issue:".red} There's a problem while creating server, check if the port specified is already on use.\n${e}`); } } else { server = http.createServer(app); } let pport = ""; if (config.port != 80 && config.port != 443) pport = `:${config.port}`; console.log(`DBD Dashboard running on ${`${(config.domain || "") + pport}`.blue} !`); const io = new SocketServer(server, { cors: { origin: "*", }, }); modules.forEach((module) => { module.server({ io: io, server: server, config: config, themeConfig: themeConfig, }); }); server.listen(config.port); return { server, io }; };