- Converted the program from using CreamAPI to SmokeAPI (it's recommended to uninstall CreamAPI with v3.4 of this program before updating, but not required)
- Removed RimWorld from excluded games (it should work fine with SmokeAPI)
- Minor refactoring
- Querying cooldown is now written to and read from ProgramData so it can be persistent and hopefully steam's API limit is reached a little less often
- Increased steam game info querying cooldown to 600 seconds (10 minutes) and steam DLC info querying cooldown to 1200 seconds (20 minutes)
- Introduced a 600 second (10 minute) cooldown for Epic game queries using the same system above
- Large code refactoring and optimizations
- The more essential SteamCMD directories (config and userdata) will no longer be cleaned up by the program, hopefully to speed up the first call
- Games can now also use SteamCMD as a fallback similar to DLC (previously both steam store AND steamCMD output was required for games, now it's either OR)